• 7 hours ago
Anime: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
Episode: 09
Language: English


00:00Hmm. One bronze piece as payment?
00:11That's basically doing a job for free, but a surprising amount of adventurers will take it.
00:16We don't always work for money. Sometimes, it's about helping other people.
00:21Well, there are certain job requests even the Guild wouldn't clear.
00:25Like, for instance, defeat the legendary Lord of the Lake.
00:29Are there any listings that caught your eye?
00:32Oh, Sheila. Don't worry. I'm not going into the Labyrinth for a while like I promised you.
00:38No, uh, I was just wondering if you were looking for a quick job because maybe I could help.
00:43Actually, is nobody interested in taking this one?
00:47Let's see. You mean the mission that pays only a single bronze piece?
00:51Posting them's a Guild tradition. We like to give all requests due consideration, though it's hard to justify.
00:58Gathering a dragonblood flower.
01:01Yeah. The story behind them is truly beautiful, despite the fact that they only bloom next to poisonous swamps.
01:08If I remember right, a dragon fell in love with a human woman, and his blood became a bright red flower.
01:14The dragonblood flower. It's a rather gruesome tale, honestly.
01:19Hm. When a young lady receives one as a gift, they say it means she'll be loved for all of time.
01:26Hm. Yes, I've heard that story too. But for this job, they want it as a medicine, right?
01:32You already know? The job was posted by children at an orphanage.
01:36They say they need the flower. It's the only way to save someone dear to them.
01:40Is that so?
01:42Huh? Rent, are you going to...
01:56I want to be myself
02:07I chase after it
02:11When I realize it, I've become an adult
02:17Everyone is as they wish
02:19If you work hard, your dreams will come true
02:21Such a sweet story
02:23Even if you aim for the top with all your might
02:25In the end, you know everything
02:27No, you don't
02:28Someday, I'm sure you'll see someone
02:30Believe in yourself and keep walking
02:32I'm about to give up, I'm about to break down
02:35But I can see the scenery
02:39Beyond despair and suffering
02:42Beyond the darkness
02:47What awaits you at the end of an endless road
02:50Even if it's far, I'll grab it with my hands
02:53The shape of a dream is different from an ideal
02:57Keep chasing it, keep moving forward
03:01Right now, right in this hand
03:03We change together, we're on your side
03:05We'll live freely in a world full of happiness
03:09We can change the world, show your way
03:12We can change the world, show your way
03:20So this is the place
03:22It's more run down than I expected
03:29Wait a sec
03:30Some slime might be able to fix this
03:38Well, that kind of worked
03:48You'll have to forgive us, sir
03:50But Headmistress Lillian isn't available right now
03:52Perhaps if you could try coming back another time
03:56I took your job at the guild
03:58I'm an adventurer
04:00Oh, at first I was certain you were another deck collector
04:04Far from it
04:05Then please, right this way
04:07It's a little cramped inside, but...
04:09Thank you
04:15Everyone, be on your best behavior
04:18This guy's a genuine adventurer
04:21Really? Is that true?
04:23A real sword?
04:24Just how strong are you?
04:26By the way, how come you're dressed so weird?
04:28What'd I tell you?
04:29Adventurers are known for being a bunch of dangerous barbarians, so...
04:32You need to keep your distance
04:34Never forget that
04:37Of course, I wasn't referring to you specifically
04:40Seeing how you're our guest and all
04:42No, honestly, it makes me feel better
04:46Adventurers have a reputation for being a rowdy crowd
04:49It's only natural to be cautious
04:54Listen up
04:55If you ever see a strange-looking adult
04:57You should keep your distance
04:59Yes, sir
05:02They seem like good kids
05:04Sorry you had to play along
05:06It can be dangerous being too trusting
05:08Then again, that just shows they've had a happy upbringing
05:11Yes! Headmistress Lilian has been so good to us here at the orphanage
05:15No, better than good
05:17She's a wonderful lady
05:19You can speak plainly around me
05:21I can?
05:23You should be polite around adults, yes
05:25But this can be an exception
05:28You promise you won't get mad?
05:30Of course not
05:31My name is Rent Vivi
05:33I'm a bronze class adventurer
05:35Hold on, bronze?
05:36How did we get so lucky?
05:38I was sure the best we could have gotten was an iron class
05:41You know a lot about us
05:43Did you make the request?
05:45By the way, you can call me Elise
05:47Nice to meet you, Elise
05:49Shall we talk about the job?
05:51Dragonblood flowers aren't the easiest to procure
05:55Yeah, I know
05:57You can barely find them at any stores
05:59And even if you do, they're super expensive
06:02You need one anyway
06:05Go on, tell me all of the details
06:08Okay, but you're gonna have to keep them a secret
06:12A secret from whom?
06:14I'm sorry I can't get out of bed and formally welcome you
06:18I'm Lilian June, the guardian to the children here
06:21I've been ordained as a priestess in the Eastern Sky Church
06:24I'm Rent Vivi, an adventurer
06:27Even though I can't pay much
06:29I appreciate you agreeing to clean the orphanage's basement
06:33You don't know how much this helps us
06:35Sure, it's a change of pace
06:38Now then, the basement's small, but monsters live there
06:41I certainly can't have the kids clear them out
06:44Don't push yourself, you need your rest
06:47I'll tell him everything else he needs to know
06:50Thank you, Elise
06:57We found out she has a disease
06:59They call it Malacumula
07:04Yes, you wouldn't know by looking
07:06But she's a divinity user
07:08When your divinity's not strong enough, something bad happens
07:11Evil energy is produced, which keeps building up inside the body
07:16It's not like it's going to kill her tomorrow, but, well...
07:20I wasn't aware the disease existed
07:22We had a healer come and take a look at her
07:24We're sure it's that
07:26There's two cures, one is the blood of a holy maiden
07:29The other option is a special medicine
07:32I understand
07:34So, in order to make this panacea and save her, you need the dragonblood flower
07:38That's right
07:40She doesn't know what kind of illness she has, does she?
07:43No, if she did find out...
07:46I'm almost positive she'd ask another priestess to take over her spot here at the orphanage
07:51And leave this place behind forever
07:54Accepting the disease is the will of heaven
08:01Right then, we'll get the dragonblood flower before that happens
08:06Honestly, I'm surprised anyone would take the job
08:09Are you really?
08:11If no one showed up, I was going to become an adventurer and go find a dragonblood flower myself
08:17Just so you know, I've got a little bit of mana myself
08:20Unfortunately, we don't have the time to teach you how to be an adventurer
08:25Okay, but you're still taking the job?
08:28Yeah, I promise I'll get it for you
08:32Thank you so much, Rent!
08:34But first things first
08:36That basement needs a good cleaning
08:42Let's go
08:53You can wait upstairs if you want
08:55And miss the chance to see you fight monsters?
08:58I don't think it's going to be that much fun to watch, but...
09:01Here, it's too cramped to use a sword
09:05Take it, just in case
09:07Yeah, sure
09:11Looks like I found the problem
09:13You did? Where?
09:18Pretty big for a poochy sooty
09:42Did it just change color?
09:44This feeling... don't tell me
09:47Spin around three times in a circle
09:57Something's different
09:59Just a guess, but is it that chubby little black rat on your shoulder?
10:03They joined my party in the orphanage basement
10:06There's a lot you're leaving out
10:08While vampires have the ability to make and control familiars
10:12I didn't realize a ghast could do the same thing
10:15Looks like it
10:16You know, I haven't experimented on what would happen if I gave your blood to another creature
10:22So, can I keep him?
10:24Sure, if you want to
10:26I mean, I've already got an undead living with me
10:29It's not as if a rat or two running around is going to make much of a difference
10:34He can pay with blood and hair samples
10:36I'll be needing them
10:40I've got plans, all in the name of science, of course
10:43For starters, what do you eat?
10:47Well, how about that? Like father, like son
10:50It's confirmed, my blood's quite popular around here
10:53But I'm not a vampire
10:55I'm not a vampire
10:57I'm not a vampire
10:59I'm not a vampire
11:01He's quite popular around here
11:03So, what are you going to call him?
11:06Shadow, on account of his fur
11:09You could have put a little more thought into it
11:11How typical
11:12I guess it's up to me
11:14What do you think of Edel?
11:17Excellent, no?
11:19Actually, it translates to noble one in the ancient tongue
11:22It's quite a fitting name for the leader of the other Puchisuri
11:26He seems to like it
11:28Wait, you're able to communicate with him?
11:30I can't speak his language, but I kinda know what he's thinking
11:33From now on, you'll be known as Edel
11:36And don't forget who named you
11:40Hey now, I'm your master, not her
11:49Ever since I became an undead, sleeping's become almost obsolete
11:53For a moment, I thought about never leaving the labyrinth
11:57But people would get suspicious if an adventurer never rested
12:01So, here I am
12:03These hours are so incredibly boring
12:09Come in
12:13You're leaving early this morning, right?
12:16Better fill up your belly for the journey
12:21I wonder if it's a sign it'll snow today
12:24Don't be ridiculous
12:26For your information, I'm an excellent cook
12:29I know
12:30Oh good, someone as informed as you should also know how dangerous Terrasque Swamp is
12:35How'd you even know I was going?
12:37Wait, never mind
12:39If anyone would, it'd be you
12:41It wasn't hard
12:42I dare you to name me another swamp here where you can find a dragonblood flower
12:47I suppose you'll go alone?
12:49That way, I don't have to worry about others getting poisoned
12:52As the name implies, there's a Terrasque there
12:55A bronze class needs a party to face it
12:57I'm not going to fight
13:01I got this cheap at a roadside stall
13:03Holy water?
13:05Though I've heard from different sources you can keep the beast away by using it, there's still no guarantee
13:10Are you willing to take that risk?
13:12Somehow it'll work out
13:16Now listen here
13:17I can't let the food get cold
13:19I should eat it while it's still hot
13:26You like it?
13:29Matter of fact, I haven't enjoyed normal human food this much in a long time
13:33That's because I added a drop of my blood to the recipe
13:37So that's why
13:40Told you it was good
13:43When you get back, I'll make you another batch
13:52Come on
13:57Hey mister, we made it
14:06Sorry, but this is as far as I can take you
14:08I'll come back and get you later this evening though
14:11Thank you
14:17The poison, it doesn't bother you?
14:20Well, if I need to, I can purify it with my divinity
14:24It'll be fine
14:27The Tarisk Swamp
14:29It has another name, but nobody ever actually uses it
14:33There are rare animals and plants that can only be found here
14:37So it's been made somewhat passable
14:39Still, nobody wants to stick their foot in poisonous sludge by accident
14:52Compared to the ones in labyrinths, monsters in the wild tend to be stronger
14:56That's because they use weapons
14:58Not to mention they know how to fight in groups
15:01They may be tough opponents, but I'm stronger
15:11Defeating a few goblins is no sweat
15:17Next time, you put in some work too
15:20Just checking, you don't think that you're the master in this relationship, do you?
15:26I thought so
15:30I'll say this about being undead
15:32It sure is handy
15:34If I could just change my appearance and still hold on to my poison resistance
15:38I wouldn't mind staying this way forever
15:40I'll probably never end up married though
15:45The little bastard abandoned ship
15:53My luck's worse than usual
16:02Man, I can't let my guard down for an instant
16:13I wonder, are all vampire familiars as unhelpful as you?
16:19Thanks for the meal
16:21It was delicious as usual
16:23You liked it?
16:24Rent certainly also enjoyed it
16:27But he doesn't eat normal food
16:29He loved it after I used my blood to add a bit more flavor
16:34Don't worry, it was just in his portion
16:39I'm kind of surprised
16:40It didn't take the guild long to figure out what happened in Tatsu Village
16:44We had to help transport the criminals
16:46The villagers weren't shy about how grateful they were to the adventurer who assisted them
16:51But, well, they wouldn't provide a name no matter how many times we asked for one
16:56So you came here to talk to him directly?
16:59I assumed he didn't want to discuss it at the guild
17:02My best guess?
17:03Even if he was responsible for Tatsu, any association with him and rumors of kidnapping would make people more suspicious
17:11Trust me, sometimes he'll do things you never expected
17:14But it's usually not thought through
17:17You're probably one of the few people who knows him well
17:20Sure, we've been acquaintances for a while
17:23Then, could you tell me why it's so important to him?
17:26Pardon me?
17:28Toiling away until he becomes a Mithril-class adventurer
17:39After all these years, he's never mentioned why
17:42What? Not even a word?
17:44But from what I understand, adventurers aren't in the habit of sharing much about their past
17:49And on top of that, I don't want to be too nosy
17:52After all, you know how he can be sometimes
17:56You're not the least bit worried
17:58You do realize he might end up having to fight a Tarisk for the job he's on today
18:02What a strange thing to bring up
18:04The guild puts a lot of work into making sure adventurers only take jobs appropriate for their strength
18:09Of course, without fail
18:11And we're all certain Rent is more than capable of succeeding
18:15I don't see the problem then
18:18Who am I to disagree with the opinion of our talented guild staff?
18:23Furthermore, even if something did happen out there
18:27Rent's a seasoned adventurer
18:29He'll always find a way
18:33Damn it! I should have known that holy one was too cheap to work
18:39End of the road
18:44Looks like I'll have to stand and fight
18:57I guess you didn't hear. Poison doesn't work on me
19:02To be fair though, I don't think I can defeat you using only mine
19:18No effect, huh?
19:22That's not good
19:30Divinity? He's using my power?
19:49Are you okay?
19:51Don't use my divinity without permission
19:54That said, you did give me a good hint though
20:35So that's a terrorist's weakness
20:37They can't handle divinity
20:40Yeah, you were a big help
20:44I can't field dress it here
20:46We'll have to store it away for another time
20:57There we go
21:04I'm only sure of one thing
21:06I've got bad luck
21:08I was convinced going in I'd have to fight a terrorist
21:11Thanks to him though
21:13I've learned how to win
21:16Bet I can find a lot of rare materials here too
21:19I'll come back soon
21:31Are all these dragon blood flowers?
21:35This whole area, it's being purified by their power
21:41Should be safe to take a few more than I came for
21:54Imagine my surprise at finding someone else here
23:13If I can light that fire
