• 7 hours ago
Anime: The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
Episode: 05
Language: English


00:00Taking into account everything nature provides, a surprising amount is poisonous.
00:11One thing might make you sick to your stomach, while another may be slightly numbing.
00:16But combining them together and refining the result will make a poison that can kill even
00:20a red grizzly.
00:21Alchemy's scary, especially in your hands.
00:22I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
00:23But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
00:53I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:00But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
01:07I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:13But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
01:20I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:27But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
01:34I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:39But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
01:44I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:49But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
01:54I know I said I'd help with your experiments, Lorraine.
01:59But at least promise none of these are going to kill me again.
02:09Well, are you going to need an antidote?
02:12No, I'll survive.
02:14It just tastes terrible.
02:16Of all the people in history who drank that poison, you lived.
02:20And all you can tell me is it's awful?
02:24As I thought, it doesn't have any effect on you.
02:27And yet, for some peculiar reason, healing herbs and potions work exactly as intended.
02:34Your body's quite remarkable.
02:37Tell me this. Do you still get tired since becoming a ghast?
02:43I don't. I barely ever feel the need to sleep.
02:46Stop making me jealous.
02:48Moving on, what about your appetite?
02:51It's barely noticeable, but my desire for human flesh and blood, it's still there.
03:00Let me guess, more poison?
03:02Try it and see.
03:15Mine, since you like it so much. I've also cast preservation magic on the vial.
03:20While I understand if you have reservations about ingesting it,
03:24you should drink it at regular intervals to keep yourself from losing control.
03:29I understand.
03:40You're only having one drop?
03:42That'll be enough. My thirst has vanished.
03:45I want to make sure this lasts.
03:51You get some rest, Lorraine.
03:53I have some business to take care of.
03:56At the Labyrinth?
03:57Eventually, yes, but only after stopping at the Guild first.
04:01What for?
04:02I'm taking a job.
04:04Well, good luck with that, because to get one, you'll have to show them Rent Faina's Adventurer's ID.
04:09The whole Guild will be in an uproar when they see you like that.
04:12You think so? Don't get me wrong.
04:15Obviously I realize how different I look, but I'm just a Bronze-class Adventurer.
04:20It's not as if anyone's going to care.
04:23Rent, you really are dense.
04:27Yes, you're one of many Bronze-ranked Adventurers,
04:30but you were awfully well-liked around the Guild.
04:33You helped new Adventurers and took on the jobs nobody else wanted.
04:37I'd say you left an impression.
04:39By doing random tasks?
04:41You really shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
04:43You know they were even talking about recruiting you to work for the Guild.
04:47You're joking? I didn't hear anything about that.
04:51If I'd been a talented Adventurer, then I'd get it, but that wasn't the case.
04:56They probably found it difficult to bring the subject up with you, since you showed no signs of retiring.
05:02And how is it you know all this?
05:04You're not the only one with friends in the Guild.
05:08While I'm grateful they thought of me, the fact is, I'm not going to give up. Or work for them.
05:15That's what we assumed.
05:17In that case, let's think this through.
05:19You need to pass a test if you're going to rank up.
05:22In order to do that, you need to prove yourself.
05:25Long story short, somehow you're going to need to be the one taking on quests yourself.
05:31Of course, we don't want the Guild knowing that Rentfina is back. This is tough.
05:37I've got it!
05:38It's simple. Be somebody else instead.
05:54It feels like it's been forever.
05:57Oh, Sheila's working. She seems well.
06:02Good morning, sir. Is this your first time here?
06:08I'd like to register as an Adventurer.
06:10Oh, sure. If that's what you're after, there's some paperwork we'll need to fill out.
06:15If you can write down your name for me, I'll be glad to take it from there.
06:19I know how to read and write.
06:21I know how to read and write.
06:23My apologies, sir. If there's any parts you're not sure of, I can help you.
06:27Also, the more you include under skills, like whether you can use magic or not, the more jobs you can get.
06:33It's been ten years since I filled one of these out.
06:36Back then, I didn't even know what counted as a skill.
06:40I only wrote down my name and age.
06:43This time's different.
06:46And yet, my goal hasn't changed since that day.
06:51Listen, why don't you re-register as an Adventurer under another name?
06:56Because I can't. Using different names is against Guild rules.
07:00It's not as if they're ever going to find out.
07:02Besides, even if they do, what's the worst that can happen?
07:06Everyone knows Rintvina. If anything, they'll want to hear about what happened to you.
07:11I mean, it probably won't come to that, since no one will ask questions about a wandering Adventurer, no matter how strange their appearance is.
07:19That much is true.
07:20Well, you'll lose whatever accomplishments Rintvina had, and also you'll have to start over from Iron Ring.
07:26But on the plus side, at least you'll be registered.
07:29I don't mind. My goal remains the same.
07:33To become a Mithril-class Adventurer. That's all.
07:38Thank you very much.
07:42Your name is Rintvivi?
07:46What's wrong?
07:47Nothing, just... I knew this Adventurer named Rent who's been missing for a while now, and your name made me think of him.
07:54She was worried about someone like me? Well, we aren't strangers.
08:00Please forgive me. Seeing that name, it took me by surprise.
08:04I understand. If I may ask, was it Rentvina?
08:09Yes, that's right. But how could you have known that?
08:12Lorraine informed me.
08:15Huh? You know Lorraine? Would you perhaps be a relative of hers?
08:19That's right. She's letting me stay with her.
08:22I heard rumors there was a rather unusual-looking man seen coming and going from her house. I suppose that was you.
08:29Rumors... about me?
08:33Actually, I thought it was Rentvina. Or at least I hoped. The two of them seemed so close.
08:41Hmph. All right, your paperwork looks okay. Give me one minute to finish and I'll be right back.
08:50It's a good thing I said I was Lorraine's relative.
08:53It would hardly be fair for her reputation to be ruined by idle gossip on my account.
08:59As for my name, Rent's fairly common in every country.
09:03And it's not out of the ordinary for Adventurers to look a little bit odd.
09:08Finally, I can start over.
09:11Rent, Vivi!
09:13Huh? Yes?
09:14Congrats! You're now an Iron Class Adventurer. Go and do your best.
09:20Count on it.
09:21One more thing. Make sure you don't get yourself killed out there.
09:42Those were goblins.
09:44Rice! Behind you!
09:46Their voices... they sound like children.
09:59A swordsman accompanied by a healer. Given their age, they must be new.
10:14The two of them make a pretty good team. They should be all right.
10:19In the old days, I used to always chat with the new kids and show them the ropes.
10:23But now, I fear I'd only end up frightening them.
10:31Stay focused. Got to move before anyone else finds my wing.
10:35No time to waste.
10:37Let's go.
10:46Information about the Labyrinth is valuable, especially newly discovered areas.
10:51I'd be paid well.
10:54Imagine if I mapped this new area and reported it to the Guild.
10:57It'd be a huge accomplishment.
11:00Especially for a mere Iron Class Adventurer.
11:03Now then, let's take a look and see what's waiting.
11:34That's not an undead.
11:37Wait a sec. Someone's living here? Inside the Labyrinth?
11:43You there. Just what do you think you're doing?
11:53I see I caught you off guard. So I'll ask again. What exactly are you doing here?
12:00Great. This woman's bad news.
12:04I'm an Adventurer. I discovered this room by accident, and I was searching it.
12:11Yes, I see how it is. So you're here, searching for something to steal.
12:18In that case, may I take it you're prepared to never leave?
12:23After all, there are some things that even I can't forgive.
12:27Trespassers being foremost among them.
12:29If you would, kindly disappear.
13:00Your body. What's the matter with it?
13:04Does it offend you? You think I ended up this way because I wanted to?
13:15No, I assume not. Fine then. At least it explains how you managed to come across this hidden room.
13:23It would appear I have misinterpreted the situation. You have my apologies.
13:29You're upset, aren't you? That I burnt your precious clothes to ash?
13:33No! I'm mad you almost killed me!
13:36You won't be leaving empty-handed.
13:45I can offer you this. It's well-made and quite valuable. An improvement over your old garb.
13:51She said she made a mistake. So what? Does that mean she's not going to kill me?
14:00I'm sure you've already realized how special this place is.
14:04If I agreed to let you go, would you be willing to keep its existence a secret?
14:09This isn't just any old room. It holds a place in my heart.
14:14You mean, don't tell the Guild?
14:16Yes, I knew we'd have an understanding.
14:19On the other hand, no one can enter this place unless you're with them.
14:24Ah, yes. No adventurer would be content to return home without a treasure.
14:29Very well. I'll allow you to keep the Acacia Map. I'm sure it will be of some use to you.
14:35It's blank.
14:37This is a magic item with the power to automatically record the spaces through which its owner has already traveled.
14:44That should settle things, yes? We have no further business.
14:49Now, I shall return you to the entrance of the Labyrinth.
14:55Stay in good health.
14:59Now, I shall return you to the entrance of the Labyrinth.
15:05Stay in good health. Though, perhaps that's not the best thing to say to you.
15:18Hmm. I'm starting to think more than that mask is cursed.
15:22The strangest things keep happening to you.
15:24For what it's worth, they're entirely unwelcome.
15:28Yeah, that's how a curse usually works.
15:31Well, adventurers are supposed to encounter the strange and unusual, so hey, good job on that.
15:36Anyway, while this item is magical, it doesn't seem to be cursed, and should be safe to use.
15:42You have any idea how to use it?
15:45I haven't had any luck yet getting it to react to my spells.
15:48Go ahead. You give it a shot, Rent.
15:55Oh. I recognize this Labyrinth. It's the moon's reflection.
16:02Then it really does work.
16:05What are these marks here?
16:08I'm not sure.
16:12Two names. Rise and Laura.
16:15Okay, that's something at least. But who are they?
16:19A pair of rookie adventurers. I ran into them earlier.
16:22So not only does it show you the names of the people in the Labyrinth, it also gives you their positions?
16:28That's useful.
16:30Useful? This is a potential national treasure! Simply incredible is what it is!
16:35I can't believe this. Can it show maps for the other Labyrinths?
16:39Um, I'm not sure. How about we try the Labyrinth of the New Moon, maybe?
16:49It changed just now.
16:50Yes, but it's still not complete.
16:53Are you certain?
16:55Yeah. Actually, she said it would only record the spaces in the Labyrinth the user has traveled.
17:01I see. Which would mean it won't reveal any path you haven't explored, considering you're its new owner.
17:08Hey, you mind examining this robe too? I don't want another cursed object.
17:14It should be fine. You already have it equipped.
17:17If it was cursed, you'd know by now.
17:23I will say, the quality is good.
17:26You think so?
17:28Indeed. Not only does it have extremely strong magic resistance, no blade could pierce it.
17:33Take all of that into account, and that cloaks far better than your typical armor.
17:38Maybe I got a better deal out of this than I thought.
17:41Not to be blunt, but I think we're focused on the wrong thing.
17:44Going back to this woman who almost killed you, any idea who she was?
17:50I have no clue. I only know she was incredibly powerful.
17:55And given how strong I am right now, I would say her strength's higher than a gold-class adventurer.
18:03I'm very curious about the room you found as well.
18:06This is new. Somebody creating a home in the Labyrinth.
18:10I'm going back there tomorrow.
18:12Even though you were almost killed? You do have a death wish.
18:16She didn't say anything about not coming back. She simply asked me not to inform the Guild.
18:21That's hardly an invitation. Based on everything you've shared with me,
18:26I think it's pretty obvious whoever this girl is, she wants to be left alone.
18:30Well, I'll ask just to be sure.
18:41Am I really... cursed?
18:47Lorraine. Everything she said was right.
18:51On that day, I found that new area in the Labyrinth of the Moon's reflection.
18:56Met the dragon. Became an undead.
19:00And I still can't get this mask off.
19:03Most people would find my situation pitiable.
19:06But I don't see it as unlucky.
19:11I fought powerful enemies, encountered mysteries, and continued growing stronger.
19:18In fact, achieving Mithril Class feels within reach.
19:33It's not here. The entrance. It's sealed off.
19:39So, is it true she doesn't want me coming back?
19:44No. It just isn't the right time yet.
19:51It's good to see you again. By the way, the client said they were extremely happy.
19:56I'm glad to hear it.
19:58Since I'm here, have you heard anything about Rent?
20:03I'm glad to hear it.
20:05Since I'm here, have you heard anything about Rent?
20:09No, nothing yet.
20:11Oh, yeah. Well, maybe he went off to escort some traveler or something.
20:16Let me know if you hear any news.
20:20Rent, do you have any idea how much everyone is worried about you?
20:25There are so many people here who are adventurers because you took the time to show them how to do it.
20:31As a matter of fact, thanks to you.
20:33I learned to become a real guild employee.
20:37You think I'm nice?
20:39I do.
20:41I've never viewed myself that way. But, if it helps me become Mithril, then I'm okay with it.
20:50Excuse me.
20:53I didn't mean to sound so alarmed. I was off in my own world thinking about something and you startled me.
20:58You're fine. I wanted to see you. About taking this job.
21:04A request for three bodies worth of orc flesh. It looks like the deadline's still a good ways off.
21:10Even so, they aren't exactly the easiest to defeat.
21:14And on top of that, you'll be fighting three of them. This is far beyond the rank of Iron Class.
21:19I know what I'm up against. To face them, you'd need to be an average Bronze Class.
21:24No, a fairly strong one would be more like it.
21:27Then you...
21:28No need to worry. I've defeated their kind many times.
21:33Really? You don't say. If you've already encountered them without much difficulty, then you have our approval.
21:40The guild will trust you with this, Rentvivi.
21:43I accept.
21:45Don't go and try anything too risky. If it gets dangerous, run away. Understood?
21:51Got it. After all, we only have one life. Everyone knows that. But...
21:59I think I may understand it better than anyone.
22:20To be continued...
22:50Thank you for watching!
23:20See you next time!
