• 16 hours ago
00:00:20Hi, hi
00:00:22I like who you are. What do you mean? You're just so American
00:00:52You're all too young to get married. Stop with this stupid idea
00:00:57One day I'll have the courage to tell you how much it made me feel
00:01:02Is Jose Spanish for Joseph? Yes, it is
00:01:11Joseph is a nice name
00:01:32Don't need her all we need is each other. I now pronounce you husband and wife
00:01:38It's like a dream. I'm kidding Menendez
00:01:43It is a dream
00:01:45It's the American dream
00:01:49I'm gonna give you everything
00:01:51More than you thought was possible
00:02:07I hate my kids
00:02:10May as well come out and say it and you're gonna get it out of me at some point
00:02:15They're parasites actually
00:02:19Not just my kids kids in general
00:02:23They strip the calcium from your bones as they grow inside you
00:02:28They wreck your body as they eat you alive
00:02:32My kids, I don't know Lyle you can't just quit you only work there for
00:02:40More fucking money than that and my goddamn laundry hamper you realize that
00:02:49Lyle scares me Eric's just
00:03:07Eric's pathetic
00:03:13Still I I do care about them in my own way so much when they're fast asleep I
00:03:22Can still feel connected to them the umbilical cord still holding us together
00:03:27In the deep of the night I can remember them as little boys
00:03:32And then I can feel love for them again
00:03:37But most days I hardly recognize them
00:03:46It's like I'm looking through my life through fogged up glass
00:03:52There's distance between us
00:03:58And my husband
00:04:02Excluded I
00:04:04Never get enough from Jose is all I had Lyle and Eric and they took Jose away from me
00:04:11Those boys are always trying to steal the love of my life
00:04:16Those boys and that one woman he's been fucking
00:04:20Louise I think her name is they've been on and off again for years and I get it. I really do
00:04:26He's just trying to escape the chaos at home
00:04:31The chaos that is Lyle and Eric
00:04:34And the only thing I have going for me is renovating the house. It's gonna be beautiful
00:04:39Jose is letting me do whatever I want
00:04:42And I have a facelift scheduled for next week, which I'm oddly optimistic about I
00:04:48Hope it settles before the holidays. I
00:04:52Think Jose will like it
00:04:55Little tune up before Christmas
00:05:07Santa baby just slip a sable under the tree
00:05:13What about this one? It's nice
00:05:16No, the green is just too traditional
00:05:24Got a fucking facelift for you, and you don't even say anything I
00:05:28Said it wouldn't I pay for the plastic surgery and you you look great. You look refreshed. You look beautiful, but
00:05:35You have to take care of your body, please. I wanted to lose nine pounds
00:05:45Told him I told him I said don't be late
00:05:47What we still have time to switch up the trees then. Okay, we need one in every room
00:05:51Sorry, I'm gonna need your help. The green one is nice. Let's just stick with that one. Come on
00:05:55It's Christmas Eve. It has to be perfect. Not just nice, but perfect
00:06:03Shit here
00:06:07Don't let them in yet
00:06:10Where have you been I told you what are you talking about? They're at a Christmas party
00:06:15I told you we're gonna do presents tonight because Lyle's got a tournament tomorrow. It's Christmas Eve
00:06:19Come on
00:06:21It's Christmas Eve. I know but you've got tennis in the morning
00:06:24It's the holiday tournament, which is why which is why we're doing presents tonight and why I told you to be on time
00:06:40Looking so handsome Santa
00:06:44Merry Christmas, this is for you, my darling. Oh
00:06:47Darling. Hey Eric, isn't Santa married? Yeah. Mom. How could you do that to mrs. Claus? That's for you
00:06:54That's for you
00:06:56Wow a book
00:07:03Do you get something for your mom
00:07:06No, no one told us that we were doing presents this year. Yes, I did. I told you it's fucking Christmas to give gifts on Christmas
00:07:22Oh, it's so beautiful, honey, but it's not all that's in there
00:07:26What I'm asking if it's not all that's in there. Oh
00:07:34My god a car
00:07:57Be right back. Okay, that's love right there. That's love. Okay open yours
00:08:02It's really nice that mom gets a Mercedes and that we get books that's very thoughtful of you dad, yep, it's a book
00:08:12When your mother and I first moved to New York the only job I could get was a dishwasher
00:08:17New York royalty in Cuba and a fucking servant in America, right?
00:08:22Plaining the saliva and the filth of other people's plates
00:08:25But that was the only place that would hire me and the manager had a copy of that book
00:08:30And I would read it on breaks non-stop and this became my Bible and how to become someone in this country
00:08:38Why are there so many passages that are blacked out?
00:08:41Well, I blacked out all the bullshit because there's a lot of bullshit in there. But when I left those words
00:08:47All you have to do is into me
00:08:49All you have to do is learn them commit them to heart
00:08:54Today, I'll be master of my emotion today. I will be master of my emotion
00:08:59Today I will be master of my emotions from this moment. I am prepared to control whatever
00:09:04Personality awakes in me. I will control my moods
00:09:09Through positive action and when I control my moods, I control my destiny
00:09:15Okay, boys
00:09:30Hi, hello, sir, how can I help you? Well, sir, your boys are here
00:09:35My boys, what do you mean my boys my my sons? Yes, sir. We arrested him this morning
00:09:42We have reason to believe they're involved in a series of burglaries here in the area
00:10:12We didn't rob those houses, okay
00:10:29Dad eric and I just you know, you had to leave work and we're sorry. I want to tell you how much we appreciate
00:10:59Died the fucking car
00:11:18We know
00:11:22See how the pond is here
00:11:25I want it here
00:11:27You want to move the koi pond two feet?
00:11:30Well, uh, and well just this in a new shower room. We're doubling our budget. What shower room? We're not doing a shower room
00:11:38One your husband wants big shower room with all the shower heads like a like a roman bath. He said
00:11:56We're moving we're moving I found the house in beverly hills we got out of here in one week
00:12:01What because of the mold jose that's insane
00:12:04It was just a little bit of mold because of the mall because our sons kitty because they're felons. They're criminals
00:12:09They are running a felonious gang here in calabasas. I mean the menendez name is ruined ruined
00:12:15ruined in this town
00:12:17We need a fresh start where no one knows us and I can supervise this
00:12:24But fast as a family i'm fucking mortified. Yes
00:12:27It's my dream home
00:12:29Keep it you keep doing the renovations
00:12:31We go to beverly hills until eric goes off to college and then we come back here in a couple of years. I mean
00:12:37by that time, I hope the shame those boys have brought on my name would be a
00:12:41Distant memory and I can walk down my own fucking street without worrying these guys. Hi michael. Nice to see you. How you doing?
00:12:48I know I know honey
00:12:50Let's start packing start
00:13:16Hold this wait not there not there in the den, please
00:13:37Hello hello, it's jose menendez
00:13:40Well, my sons tell you they are not to be trusted. They are liars
00:13:43They are fabulous
00:13:45They are sociopaths and I need you to know that. Okay
00:13:48I'm bringing them to you because the court says I have to and I hope you can fix them
00:13:53I'm, not sure anyone can at this moment, but uh, good luck. See you tomorrow
00:14:07Those burglaries were I think in many ways a cry for help
00:14:16We've just been through a lot. Yeah, and uh
00:14:22I mean home isn't always the easiest so and what about home isn't easy. Yes. What about home isn't easy what?
00:14:29the clothes
00:14:30What is it?
00:14:32Is it hard to buy thousands of dollars in?
00:14:36In in clothes and shoes. No, mr. Menendez. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up
00:14:40I'm paying you, you know that doctor. Is it hard that your mother and I have
00:14:46Giving you every fucking opportunity
00:14:48You know, is it is it harder?
00:14:51For you guys to have everything you want everything you need. I don't get the fucking thing
00:15:02Oh god
00:15:04You both are
00:15:05a joke
00:15:07They're a joke they're a fucking joke, come on stand up you stand up we're going to mr. Chow's
00:15:18Okay, have fun with them doctor they are bright and jolly those kids
00:15:27You want to go over it again? Yeah. Yeah, why not?
00:15:33The members of menudo are kids what happens when they grow up or worse ask for more money
00:15:39When a member of menudo's voice changes, he gets replaced by a younger performer
00:15:46When a member of menudo asks for more money, he gets replaced by another performer
00:15:53Did I do this to them
00:15:57My kids
00:15:59Did I make them this way you think
00:16:02What way?
00:16:03just to complete
00:16:05useless lazy fuckers
00:16:07Is that my fault? How is it your fault? Come on, you know what i'm talking about
00:16:12When I came to this country, I was 16 years old 16 years old. I mean
00:16:18My family put me on a plane. I had nothing
00:16:21I I knew
00:16:22one person here
00:16:24I mean
00:16:25and and and
00:16:29You've heard this story a million times, right?
00:16:31Actually, I haven't
00:16:34When you love your wife when you love your children when you are working from the bottom
00:16:37Like I couldn't speak english and I bust tables. I clean floors, whatever
00:16:41and you meet the woman you love and she's gonna give you two beautiful children two
00:16:49And then you feel so grateful
00:16:51To her to this country and you want to give them everything you are everything you have you own
00:16:57but then
00:16:59From them all I get all I see is this entitlement
00:17:04And you fought and you fought you you fucking fought for all of it
00:17:09But they just wanted simply handed to them on a silver platter with silver spoons to put in their fucking greedy mouths
00:17:15With no struggle. No effort. No sacrifice. I mean I am ashamed of them. I'm ashamed of myself of the way I raised them
00:17:24They're gonna reach that sorry, sorry
00:17:28But what they got is a life completely fucking backwards. That's what they got. You're not a bad dad. Jose
00:17:36If you don't mind me saying you're tough with them sometimes sure but but what what other choice do I have?
00:17:41At this point in this moment. Tell me you think I like
00:17:46Being like that you think I like screaming at them you think I mean, oh, I I don't I don't but if I don't shout
00:17:52If I don't threaten them those motherfuckers don't listen and they break into people's houses and they sell people's
00:17:58Family heirlooms. I mean, what the fuck is that?
00:18:02You didn't do that. Didn't I do that?
00:18:06I don't know. I think I did
00:18:10I think I did. Oh, yeah
00:18:32Where do I go from here Marcin
00:18:36With everything
00:18:40With all of it just isn't working it's not working
00:18:47Not working what the fuck do we do with it?
00:18:59What are you doing
00:19:01I'm, just having some coffee here
00:19:03My sweetheart. It was 5 30 in the morning
00:19:06I don't love you kitty
00:19:09I don't love our sons
00:19:12I don't love this family
00:19:15I think this family is a fucking failure
00:19:18I am a failure but darling
00:19:22My god you you're a failure you're a drunk you're a pill popper
00:19:26Stop it, you know, I was never in love with you, but
00:19:31I just wanted to have a family. That's all that was my dream
00:19:35You know what the dream has failed fuck
00:19:41Why are you doing this i'm about to get on a plane to go to new york
00:19:47But I make more money for this family because that's what this
00:19:50Family needs more money money money and you know what? I can't lie anymore
00:19:53I can't lie and tell you that I love you when I don't I can't lie and tell you that I love this family
00:19:57When I don't I I can't you must be drunk if you're saying all this i'm not drunk. I'm not drunk
00:20:03I'm sorry, I mean every word of it kitty
00:20:08I mean
00:20:10Well, thanks a lot. Jose
00:20:13Say hi to that girlfriend of yours you said you're tired of lying. Well, why keep that lie up?
00:20:17Huh? Are you standing there with a straight face telling me you never loved me shame on you. That is a lie
00:20:24You loved me the moment you laid eyes on me jose menendez
00:20:28You loved me with every fiber of your being you adored me
00:20:33Everything about me you loved
00:20:36Don't stand there and say you didn't because you did
00:20:42I do not look good. I am a wreck
00:20:47I can't handle our boys
00:20:50Lyle scares the shit out of me
00:20:54And I tried to kill myself, you know
00:20:58It didn't work right I failed
00:21:01That I failed at
00:21:03Took all those pills and then I just woke right up feeling great, by the way, like I had some fantastic fucking nap
00:21:12And now
00:21:13Every day, I just try and make it through
00:21:15Without thinking about killing myself. I can't remember the last time it was a couple years ago, maybe on christmas
00:21:20I don't even fucking know because every day since you dragged me to goddamn beverly hills
00:21:26Away from any friends I ever had in the world
00:21:30You handed me a credit card. Well to make it all better
00:21:34Every day I have wanted to be dead
00:21:45Come on go back to sleep
00:22:50I'm gonna say
00:23:07Absolutely, yes, I closed the fucking deal. I know yo, you're welcome. Sure. Bye
00:23:25Do you use soap
00:23:28What do you mean? Did I use soap?
00:23:30You told me to take a shower and do you use soap?
00:23:44So you're a businessman
00:23:46Yeah, sounds like you just closed a big deal stop it stop it stop it stop talking
00:23:52I'm different from most of your clients. I don't do this much
00:24:00You'd be surprised
00:24:03Okay, what do you know about ancient rome the greeks the spartans they created this
00:24:11Man in different ways than we do now by fucking each other. Oh my god
00:24:16How cheap is that someone like you?
00:24:20Don't get it. I mean you're labeling something. That's not what the romans did. Okay, what did they do? They bonded with each other
00:24:28Learned what pain was
00:24:31What it took to put up with real fucking pain. They spent the whole time together. They did everything together
00:24:36They loved each other
00:24:38They couldn't stand to lose a fellow soldier in battle because losing a fellow soldier was like losing themselves
00:24:43And out of this they built this amazing fucking fighting force that the world has
00:24:49Ever seen again, you know and all of this happened
00:24:54very naturally with soldiers
00:24:56Teaching each other how to be a real man
00:25:01Okay, that's what you want to call it no, no, no, no sit down sit down come on none of that faggot shit
00:25:09I don't like those words. I don't like those words
00:25:13I don't like those words
00:25:16I don't like those words
00:25:19I don't like those words
00:25:23I don't like those words
00:25:28Do those words
00:25:31Make you want
00:25:34To hit me
00:25:37Yeah, they do
00:25:43Over here
00:25:51Take my tunic off with your mouth
00:25:59Okay, let's go
00:26:05Come on
00:26:20Good evening mother good evening father. His voice is of attempted compassion
00:26:25But the hatred completely overwhelms it all light is extinguished and the camera glides down the stairs as scrams are heard
00:26:31Wait, wait scrams. It's supposed to be screams. Oh, yeah
00:26:39You wrote scrams and not screams. What the fuck now? We have to retype this whole fucking page. Calm down
00:26:46And what do you mean we have to retype it? I'm the one doing the transcribing and typing
00:26:50Look, you wrote scrams. I just I just type what you wrote. Damn, bro. Mom just burned your ass
00:26:56Mom, you have to be proofing this before we read it because now we have to type it again. That's true mom
00:27:02I mean you're constantly fucking things up. I mean jesus christ you boys can't talk to me like this
00:27:07You always gang up on me when your father's out of town on business. I can't take it anymore
00:27:11You two are burglars both of you are psychopaths
00:27:14I should poison us all and put myself out of my misery mom. Chill shut up
00:27:20You are an asshole and a ruiner of lives
00:27:23You can type your own script from now on and craig. You can't stay for supper. Sorry. I am not a restaurant
00:27:41What the fuck is in this
00:27:42Oh, what do you mean? It's ragu. No, it's got like
00:27:45Eric, don't eat that. It's like cinnamon mom. Did you put some fucking shit in this? What are you talking about?
00:27:54Did you poison us
00:27:56I just made everyone dinner. You said that you were gonna fucking poison us and you fucking did it. I was joking
00:28:03We're going to hamburger hamlet
00:28:06Maybe I should poison you
00:28:11Finally you're looking at me with some fear and respect maybe I should poison you
00:29:05Oh, it's a hammer. Yep
00:29:27Hello. Hello. Hey
00:29:39It is over with her it's over it's done
00:29:42I'm going back to my wife your wife the stalker the psycho. You can't bear to fuck anymore. Well, you know what happened?
00:29:52I signed my new book
00:29:56Thank you
00:29:59Congratulations sounds like a very productive trip. Thank you
00:30:04How are you doing what happened with the boys eric called me
00:30:08Had paged me in the united airlines lounge before the flight
00:30:12He was very upset
00:30:14What happened between you and the boys?
00:30:18I am making positive changes for this family
00:30:22Okay, and I need you to do the same stop taking so many fucking pills. They're gonna turn you into an epileptic
00:30:28It's my anger. It overwhelms me
00:30:38Okay, I will help you
00:30:42You will yes
00:30:44Okay, how uh, what was the thing you said last year about uh, the couples counselor
00:30:53You still want to okay, let's do it. Let's go you find a good one and we go
00:30:58I'm going to fix this family
00:31:03Now i'm gonna take care of those two kids upstairs, yes
00:31:08Wake up
00:31:10Wake the fuck up. Wake up get your clothes on. Come on. Wake up
00:31:28Hi, um, I know who you are
00:31:37I I don't you don't even know how to say. Sorry
00:31:40What would you say roughly was the dollar amount of the items that were stolen from you?
00:31:43That we stole from you that we stole from you
00:31:52I I robbed your house
00:31:55I'm, sorry
00:31:56I shouldn't have done that. I'm, really sorry
00:32:00So the only way to do this eric you're taking the fall for all of it. Okay
00:32:05Wait, what i'm gonna tell that therapist you're saying that these crimes were all your idea
00:32:10And then you're gonna tell the police you're a minor eric. I'm 21. That's gonna fuck up my entire life. That's not fair
00:32:15You're gonna do some
00:32:16Community service trash on the highway for a few weeks. I mean who fucking cares?
00:32:20It's easy stop bitching and moaning about it. I mean lyle hasn't completely destroyed his life yet
00:32:25Yet he still has a chance
00:32:28But we need a clean record for that and a degree from brimstone, by the way
00:32:32Okay, and then there will be business and politics and it was your idea. Anyway, eric. I mean it really was dammit
00:32:48So obviously I haven't been the father you needed that it's obvious but uh
00:32:55That changes
00:32:56Right now i'm going to get you out of this, but this is the last time
00:33:01Both of you do you hear me no more handouts
00:33:07You're on your own
00:33:15Do you have a minute sure just wondering if you're planning on calling jack back he's uh
00:33:20I think it's the minuto numbers this quarter. He needs you to walk him through it again
00:33:24You like miami, yeah sure, but you like it enough to move there
00:33:33Sit down
00:33:35One more 20 million dollar deal. That's all I need and then boom i'm going to florida
00:33:42I buy a compound
00:33:45I run for senate. I take down fucking fidel castro like fuck
00:33:50And you use your help
00:33:52Would you like to come with me?
00:33:54I mean, you don't have to tell me right now, but just think about it like you have music in the air everywhere you go
00:34:08I thought I was going to be like joe kennedy
00:34:12paving the way for my kids to go into politics
00:34:17No, no, no these kids no
00:34:23Well, anyway, so
00:34:25If I want the american dream i'm gonna do it myself
00:34:29For myself, so think about it and keep it between us. Take this away from me, please
00:34:37And give me jack i'll call him right now because marcy you want to know a secret sure
00:34:44I don't know the first thing about the music industry
00:34:57Here what are we watching tonight la law, okay
00:35:06Look at us
00:35:09A couple of fatties quitting smoking mainlining sugar
00:35:15It's nice we're doing something fun together
00:35:19And I can't be seen smoking in public if i'm running as a elected official I can't
00:35:26It's a dirty habit. Yeah, I heard even nancy bregan smokes in private
00:35:45Hello, mr. Menendez, i'm charles dear dean of students at princeton. Yeah. Do you do you have a minute? Yeah
00:35:59Marcy put me a flight to newark i'm taking the limo to the airport
00:36:09We have a strict code when it comes to cheating
00:36:14I just don't have a lot of flexibility here
00:36:17Lyle here is going to have to be suspended from princeton pending a board review
00:36:26Dad I didn't fucking cheat. Okay. I swear I swear I did not fucking to me. Do not speak to me. Please
00:36:41You know what this is
00:36:43This is the burial plot I bought for our family here near princeton robert cleveland aaron burr
00:36:51You know who they were yeah, they were presidents
00:36:58Do you think
00:37:00You deserve to be buried here in this kind of company
00:37:04Where american men brought feelings of pride to their families?
00:37:09Do you feel you're worthy of the name menendez, I don't know what you want me to say
00:37:16No, dad. I do not
00:37:20How is that
00:37:25What are you lyle are you a bad seed or a bad egg or something? What are you?
00:37:32I just wanted things for you. That was a problem
00:37:34Because you were always going to do the opposite obviously so
00:37:39I should have not won that shit for you. And then you would have had to prove me wrong
00:37:43Are you actually asking me that? Yes, why I am the way that I am eric and I both are you genuinely curious about that?
00:37:53What about all the times that you hit us or called us worthless in front of other people
00:37:57Yeah, what about it? You want me to say it?
00:38:01That's abuse
00:38:05That's abuse
00:38:07Oh, okay. And what about it? What about it? Yeah, what about it? I hate you. Whatever the fuck else. What about it?
00:38:14That's why you're a loser
00:38:20You remember the first dog we had con it was a fucking terrible dog I fucking hated that dog
00:38:27Anyway, I went to the pet shop to buy one of those colors that have spikes on them or pins
00:38:32But they were not poking out they were poking in so when it tightens, uh, it immediately
00:38:39Pinches the dog's neck right and you tuck on the leash
00:38:43And the dog feels it
00:38:45Right, the slightest dog dog feels it and knows what you want, which is to stop
00:38:51And when you walk the dog and the dog wants to run or pull or whatever you turn on the leash and it hurts
00:38:57But it only hurts when it disobeys
00:38:59If the dog behaves and that's what the owner wants the color doesn't hurt
00:39:04So after a while he goes back to a regular color and that's it
00:39:09My son a lot of people out there
00:39:12Think that those colors are cruel
00:39:15I think it's the other colors that are cruel
00:39:19Because they create dogs that misbehave
00:39:24And are completely fucking lost
00:39:26In who they are
00:39:28And what they are supposed to do
00:39:30So, you know what I think when you complain that I hit you?
00:39:37I think I didn't hit you hard enough Lyle the way my father hit me
00:39:47Hit me so hard my head would drop for days and days I mean
00:39:52It was fucking painful, but I knew exactly what was expected of me
00:40:01So as a father that loves you Lyle
00:40:07I'm really sorry. I didn't hit you hard enough
00:40:10That is my fault
00:40:13And i'm sorry
00:40:32Eric get in here. Come come sit down
00:40:46Okay, so here
00:40:49What's up for your athlete's foot I called several doctors and told them about your problem
00:40:54They said over the counter wasn't strong enough. So I got you this
00:40:58Prescription. It's a very powerful prescription, but I don't know
00:41:01Put it on
00:41:05Put it on now you rub it between your toes
00:41:08And you rub it deep so it kills the fungus
00:41:11Is there a spray I spray it on boy? It's a medicinal cream
00:41:16my god
00:41:20Take off your shoes and socks
00:41:25This is basic stuff eric, how do you not know this? Okay, i'll show you here
00:41:38Well, I remember when you were a baby
00:41:42The only thing the only thing that would make you sleep was rubbing your feet actually
00:41:48They were so tiny tiny tiny and now look at this
00:41:52It stings a little it's supposed to stay that means it's working, right?
00:41:58Okay, so
00:42:00Just letting you know what we're gonna do here because I don't trust your judgment
00:42:05Did you think you were going to play tennis in college because you're not good enough lyle was good enough
00:42:11You're not good enough. And so
00:42:15I'm going to get you into business school at ucla, but you're not living in the dorms
00:42:19You're living here at home where I can keep tabs on you. Wait, wait, wait, hold on. I what?
00:42:25You hold on you hold on
00:42:28Because if I let you talk then you're gonna tell me
00:42:32About how you want to be
00:42:35What a male model?
00:42:38What the fuck are this Eric, I mean, what the fuck is what the fuck is what the fuck is that?
00:42:44The fuck are those they're my model modeling photos eric
00:42:50Are you god
00:42:54Genuine question
00:42:58Are you
00:42:59Homosexual. Oh
00:43:01I'm, generally asking because I don't see you with a single piece of pussy ever. What are you? I this is unbelievable
00:43:07I don't have to listen to this sit down
00:43:11Look at me
00:43:13Look at me
00:43:16Wipe the look of your face
00:43:18I'm giving you a future with me
00:43:22When I'm a senator you're going to work with me in politics and for the future you need a girlfriend jenny's shemansky
00:43:29No, dad. No already talked to her parents. She's beautiful. She looks like miss america
00:43:34Come on, and she likes you and you're gonna take her to the prom. No, i'm not doing that
00:43:38Yes, you are going to the prom with her because all I care about is the fucking prom photo and then you and your friend
00:43:42Craig will suck each other's dicks
00:43:49i'm not doing that
00:43:50i'm doing modeling and acting and i'm gonna
00:43:54Major in theater because I did shakespeare dad and i'm a good actor. I'm not living here. I'm going to stay in the dorm
00:44:00That's what I want to do
00:44:03Go here, let's go upstairs. Let's go upstairs
00:44:08Let's go to your room
00:44:27What the fuck
00:45:03Let's see. Yes. Yes dad. Yes
00:45:18Eric is not using any condoms. How do you know because I counted them 10
00:45:27Well, he's not gonna get any girls pregnant I know he doesn't have a girlfriend no i'm saying he's not using any condoms
00:45:35How do you think he's
00:45:39He doesn't have a girlfriend
00:45:41Okay, like he's not wearing any fucking condoms
00:45:45Why are you worried?
00:45:46Because I don't want eric to have aids
00:45:53So you do think that he is I don't fucking know but
00:45:57I know what I think he's doing
00:46:00And he can bring dates to this house
00:46:06We cannot bring it into this house
00:46:22Eric come here
00:46:26I have to check your penis. What?
00:46:29For blisters
00:46:33Let me look please and herpes sores mom. Why?
00:46:36What are you what? Well, you're a teenager now and you've proven you can't be trusted just
00:46:41Let me look please mom. I told you last time I can look and there's not any I have to
00:47:10Okay, see that's just about you know hygiene
00:47:15You know
00:47:27What are you working on hey, um, you know and just the exploratory committee
00:47:34I mean still early days, but they want a slogan
00:47:37And um, I can't think of one. I can't
00:47:42I mean I
00:47:43might get something but
00:47:48What happened
00:47:54What I love you
00:48:01I love you. Okay
00:48:11And there's um
00:48:19Just what
00:48:25I need to know what's going on with you and the boys
00:48:30What do you mean
00:48:33Do you have
00:48:39I'm interestedly to think because of all the affairs that you've had it's just
00:48:43We don't have sex anymore no, no, no we are asking no no
00:48:49Why would you say that
00:48:51Just you seem very concerned
00:48:54about aids
00:48:55specifically in regards
00:48:58To eric ask the question ask it kitty. Ask me the question what it is that you're asking me
00:49:08Is something sexual going on between you and the boys
00:49:14Won't tell anyone
00:49:16I just I need to know I don't want there to be any more lies between us
00:49:30No, there's not
00:49:33Oh my god, are you drunk?
00:49:35You must be drunk in order to ask this kind of questions. Are you tonight? No, i'm not
00:49:43No, no, I I never do that no, I mean what what
00:49:58I don't know. Maybe it's time. I tell you why
00:50:04What do you mean time you're scaring me
00:50:11There is something that I haven't told you but I haven't told you because of the way you will react what you would think
00:50:18How it would sound
00:50:22I know what it is to be abused the pain and the confusion of it because when I was little, um,
00:50:28I don't remember
00:50:30How old but I was
00:50:32Still in diapers. I was little
00:50:34My mother would fondle me and my penis until I got an erection and then she would start laughing
00:50:41Because she thought he was funny
00:50:44And I don't know what to think about that because it tickled me and I loved making my mother laugh
00:50:50But um, then later on when I was older was six seven years old
00:50:55Marta my sister
00:50:58Was arguing with her?
00:51:00Saying mom you don't do that anymore. You shouldn't it's not right and
00:51:07My mother said
00:51:09Marta stop being silly
00:51:13It is nothing and you know what when I heard that I thought
00:51:18He's right. He's nothing. I mean
00:51:21I know now that that was wrong, but at the time
00:51:26To her
00:51:28Maybe not maybe not because to those people people of a certain age
00:51:35For them it was just something something silly something funny something
00:51:42Stupid maybe right it was something that would happen in real life that would happen in a real family
00:51:49It's not
00:51:50That big of a deal
00:52:02Right, I know why you're confused
00:52:05Because of yeah, I understand that
00:52:08Because I take showers with them sometimes after tennis
00:52:11I wrestle with them. I grab them. I touch them. But come on, that's completely normal. That's
00:52:17Something that my father did with me as well
00:52:22And I I
00:52:25Have tried my whole life to make men out of those two boys
00:52:33Soldiers soldiers soldiers soldiers. I mean haven't I take it too far sometimes? I know
00:52:42I've shouted a lot. I know that kitty. I see them sometimes what the fuck and
00:52:47I mean, I have regrets in my life and I'm ashamed of a lot of things in my life, but not that
00:52:54My love I love you, but you know why I'm not regretted because I love you and because
00:53:01We are a family
00:53:03It's a matter
00:53:07We have a family
00:53:13Wow, that's a good slogan actually fuck florida is family
00:53:19There you go
00:53:22Let's go upstairs and get some sleep
00:53:36I hate my kids
00:53:39And it's awful, but it's true
00:53:43They've turned us into people we don't want to be pushed us apart
00:53:47I don't want to speak for you, honey. No, no, go ahead
00:53:54That's why i'm so grateful to have a man like this man
00:53:57He's so strong jose. You are so strong and I love you so much
00:54:02I love you
00:54:05There was a lot of abuse in my home growing up
00:54:09My dad hit my mom
00:54:11Every night at the kitchen table
00:54:14We had to watch
00:54:17And then he hit us and then he left
00:54:24I think I was drawn to that
00:54:28What do you mean by that
00:54:30Well that women marry
00:54:32Men like their fathers. I mean not that jose is that at all
00:54:37It's just the way he carries himself his presence is very masculine. Yes. Yes
00:54:41But does jose hit you oh, no, no, no, I don't I hid the voice once or twice did I
00:54:50Support that by the way
00:54:54Was there ever sexual abuse in your home growing up no
00:55:01Jose what
00:55:11Why are we talking about this was there oh, come on kitty
00:57:41Last will and testament for one. Mr. Menendez. Let's do it rich. You're funny. Come on in
00:57:45Always funny. So what are you looking at doing? We crack her up. No, no, no, let's go over here
00:57:51I just want to talk to some hypotheticals because i've been doing some reflecting lately and there are some changes that need to be made
00:57:58Regarding my life and concerning my legacy. Okay. Okay. Okay, great. Let's get to it
00:58:14Yes, I flew to europe to see jamie and I love her and yes
00:58:17I think that mom and dad should have to pay for that. Oh, jesus. You are ridiculous children
00:58:24I have to say this is it for me. I'm not coming to any more of these sessions kidding. Nope. No way
00:58:31And I regret having you mom you can't say that your father crossed an ocean
00:58:36And I left behind the life of a beauty queen or I could have been a movie star like kim novak
00:58:42And you're what I got
00:58:45Eric i'd like to go back to your shame about your vehicle
00:58:51Can you talk about that? Well, I mean it's a ford escort. So it's fucking embarrassing
00:58:56No, please shut up for christ's sake
00:59:04Why are you looking at us like that I can't smile at you come on
00:59:11I mean
00:59:13We've had a great session with
00:59:15Dr. Rasil here
00:59:17Thank you very much
00:59:18And i'm sitting with my beautiful wife
00:59:23And what else can I say
00:59:26Well, yes that i'm practicing my smile because we're going to end this session in five minutes
00:59:33And head down to sears the four of us
00:59:43Beautiful kitty, can I scoot you in just a bit towards lyle?
00:59:49Okay, give me another big smile boy. Look at those pearly whites what a family
00:59:59That's the one I think
01:00:51Only shadows
01:01:04Don't dream
