• 2 hours ago
Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 20
00:00:00What were the cats dragged in?
00:00:05Jesus Christ, that was f***ing exhausting.
00:00:07After Hannah faced the wrath of the group...
00:00:09F*** her. You've rubbed me the f***ing wrong way now.
00:00:14One groom offered a welcome distraction.
00:00:17I've got 24 hours to enjoy myself.
00:00:20But it was an indiscreet proposition from Stephen...
00:00:22So you find Shannon unattractive?
00:00:23Oh, she's my type. Do something to help me.
00:00:27That prompted outrage.
00:00:29Stephen said, if Ryan doesn't turn up tonight, I'm going to shoot myself.
00:00:34Stephen's definitely broke ball code.
00:00:37And Polly's attempts at damage control...
00:00:39I'm sorry, I'm f***ing sorry, Adam. There you go.
00:00:42Fell short of Adam's expectations.
00:00:45It's a fake sorry. I don't cut it.
00:00:47The stuff that he said about me is f***ing hurtful.
00:00:55I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:00:57She's finally seeing who I actually am.
00:01:00The impact of the retreat hits home.
00:01:03I felt betrayed. My head's been scrambled.
00:01:06It almost felt like sex was a sales pitch.
00:01:08Pushing some marriages...
00:01:09This is going to be hard to hear.
00:01:10This is why I prepare myself for the worst.
00:01:13To breaking points.
00:01:15At that moment, I knew I could not stand him.
00:01:18Just like squeezing blood from a stone.
00:01:21Were you trying to make Stephen jealous?
00:01:23You can't make a guy jealous of you that doesn't give a f*** about you.
00:01:25Why do I want him to speak to this girl?
00:01:27But it's a shocking revelation.
00:01:29Have they not been sneakily kissing?
00:01:31They've what?
00:01:33You consider what you did an act of infidelity.
00:01:36That delivers the biggest blow of the evening.
00:01:38He deserves to know.
00:01:40I think it's bullshit.
00:01:42Hannah, zip it.
00:01:44Don't tell me to shut up.
00:01:45You're a sly guy.
00:01:46You're talking f***ing shit.
00:01:48It is very clear that this relationship is done.
00:02:01Is that I love you or is it just love?
00:02:03It's not either and I'm up to you.
00:02:07Don't you point it.
00:02:08Wouldn't you just say I love you?
00:02:10Oh, yeah.
00:02:12As the couple settle back into apartment life...
00:02:16Do you mind coming to help me?
00:02:18I've never done this before.
00:02:20Yes, I do, all the time.
00:02:23..they're reflecting on their time away.
00:02:29The retreat done us good because, obviously,
00:02:31a lot of the other couples weren't getting on.
00:02:33It just makes you realise what you do have.
00:02:36We've come back and I feel cured.
00:02:41And now that we're understanding each other better,
00:02:43I don't see us clashing as much.
00:02:45I'd say we're in a good place now, the best place we've ever been in.
00:02:49The retreat was really nice, wasn't it?
00:02:53Me and Kieran, we had a lovely time at the retreat.
00:02:56It's really difficult being around me when I have PMDD,
00:03:02but we are in a good place and he's been really supportive.
00:03:07The bumps that we have, like, we can sort it out.
00:03:12I'm just pleased, like, we're actually speaking.
00:03:15There's people in there not even speaking.
00:03:17Oh, no. Oh, I'm pulled over.
00:03:30I do feel like me and Adam still have some things to resolve.
00:03:33I shouldn't have said, I twist with Stephen on the retreat.
00:03:37I hold my hands up, I **** up,
00:03:39but he isn't understanding my point
00:03:43and why I said the comment that I made.
00:03:46Unfortunately, I feel like the Stephen comment,
00:03:49it was a step back, wasn't it?
00:03:51It felt like a bit of a kick in the teeth, you know what I mean?
00:03:54Yeah, but there's been stuff that you've said
00:03:56that's been a huge kick in the teeth for me.
00:03:58I was fuming, not going to lie.
00:04:01He disrespected me, made me look muggy in front of all the other girls.
00:04:05I have done one thing, one,
00:04:08whereas you've done multiple little things.
00:04:11I know, and that's what was annoying me at the dinner party,
00:04:13because the things I've done, we've kind of got past and got over.
00:04:17So at the dinner table, for you to be saying to me,
00:04:20but you did this, you did that, it felt like it was...
00:04:22I wouldn't say that's fair to say.
00:04:23I wouldn't say that they have been gotten over.
00:04:25We're just going to argue if we keep talking about it.
00:04:27I think we just need to forget it.
00:04:31I don't really know where me and Polly stand at the moment.
00:04:34Going into the commitment ceremony,
00:04:36I've got a really hard decision to make.
00:04:39We're kind of just waiting for me to either get over this comment
00:04:43or move on.
00:04:49We've had a pretty good week.
00:04:51We've had a really good week, best week we've had in ages.
00:04:54We've had a snog, we've, you know, tested the waters there.
00:04:59It was almost like you went, I'm leaning in,
00:05:01it's got to be everything all at once.
00:05:03For me, it moved really quickly in a week.
00:05:10I think the retreat's been really good for Emma and I,
00:05:13but you look at other couples in that process
00:05:16and they're falling in love and they've got these really strong relationships.
00:05:19So we know we've made progress, but have we made enough progress?
00:05:23I'm not sure is the answer.
00:05:29I felt like the retreat would be for us to go and listen to the birds chirping,
00:05:33go for walks. We did none of that.
00:05:35All we did, I felt, I felt, was we sat,
00:05:38consoled Hannah with her tantrums and, you know, her issues,
00:05:42and, oh, this and, oh, Stephen, that, Stephen, just get on with it.
00:05:45Like, she drained me. I'm sorry, but Hannah drained me.
00:05:48She sucked the fun out of me from the morning till the evening,
00:05:52till the good night.
00:05:53I can feel that you're stressed. Yeah.
00:06:06So we moved back into the apartment. Obviously, Stephen isn't here.
00:06:09He doesn't even have any of his stuff here.
00:06:11He hasn't spent a night in the apartment.
00:06:13In my heart, I'm like, come on, let's just try. We've got this.
00:06:17I don't feel like I've had the opportunity to be a wife.
00:06:21I still care about the boy.
00:06:23I don't just wake up and not give a crap about someone.
00:06:26There is still some care there.
00:06:28I loved the guy I married.
00:06:30And I am gutted.
00:06:32I have tried and tried and tried from day one.
00:06:34I've kept my ring on. I've told everyone I've still got a husband.
00:06:38I'm proud of how I've held my own.
00:06:40I'm proud... Oh!
00:06:45I can't wear my make-up. I'm going to the thing.
00:06:48I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of how I've held myself.
00:06:51And I've tried my best, and sometimes you take a risk
00:06:55and it doesn't pay off.
00:06:59..I tried, and that's all you can do.
00:07:13That's Stephen. He's here for the wrong reason.
00:07:16I just wish you could have seen my reaction when Holly told me.
00:07:19The minute we have a tiff, he's trying to jump in.
00:07:22Embarrassing, isn't it? Embarrassing.
00:07:24Like, he's shown himself up massively.
00:07:26He blatantly lied.
00:07:28Do you know what? I've kept my cool with him.
00:07:31This man thinks he's better than what he is.
00:07:34I do not understand where he thought he was going to ever
00:07:38shoot a shot at me.
00:07:40Like, I'd have shot him right back down, and you know that.
00:07:48I have a few things to get off my chest today
00:07:50at the commitment ceremony.
00:07:52I do know that something went down at the retreat
00:07:54between Orson and Hannah.
00:07:57He literally wants to stay in the process by any means necessary.
00:08:01I thought he had a little bit more shame than this.
00:08:05But clearly he doesn't, so he's shown himself.
00:08:10I've lost so many brain cells since being married to Orson.
00:08:13I'm actually a little bit embarrassed that I married him.
00:08:16I actually pity him a little bit.
00:08:19Pity the fool.
00:08:22I have no idea if Rochelle's going to turn up today.
00:08:25She didn't turn up for the dinner party.
00:08:27She didn't turn up for the mixer.
00:08:29She didn't turn up for this relationship.
00:08:32But there's rumours knocking about,
00:08:35and I would want Rochelle to come and sit and say her peace.
00:08:40It's not going to happen.
00:08:42I don't know what's going to happen.
00:08:44I don't know what's going to happen.
00:08:46I don't know what's going to happen.
00:08:48I'm going to sit and say her peace
00:08:51because I'm ready for her.
00:09:19Welcome, everyone, to your fourth commitment ceremony.
00:09:23Look at the person next to you.
00:09:28And think about what they're giving you and you're giving them.
00:09:34Today, we want you to lay it all out on the table.
00:09:40No secrets, no shame.
00:09:44Now, with that in mind, let's begin.
00:09:50First up on the couch today is...
00:09:54..Holly and Alex.
00:10:05And quite the different couple sitting on the couch.
00:10:08We did a free sex day.
00:10:10Wow, you did?
00:10:12Holly, one of the things we talked about with you
00:10:16was addressing those issues as they come up in the moment
00:10:19rather than allowing them to percolate.
00:10:21How's that been going for you this week?
00:10:23A lot better. Right.
00:10:25I felt the only way we could progress is if I let him in.
00:10:29The things I struggle with and my triggers and my traumas.
00:10:32And he was like, I get it.
00:10:34And he just tells me and was like, I got you, it's OK, let it out.
00:10:38And thank God I bloody did.
00:10:40He just, he understood.
00:10:42And the next day I woke up and I thought, I could go and run a marathon.
00:10:45That feels so light.
00:10:48It's just an amazing feeling just to know that, like,
00:10:51she's finally seeing who I actually am.
00:10:54You can talk to me and you tried it and it worked.
00:10:58Good, good work.
00:11:00Wow, so how has this conversation changed your relationship?
00:11:05We're just so much more calmer around each other.
00:11:08It's more relaxed.
00:11:09I feel like everyone else is more relaxed around us.
00:11:11They're not sat there like, they're going to blow.
00:11:14Like, everyone just seems so much more chill around us.
00:11:17I'm glad that we've had the tiffs and the arguments that we've had
00:11:20because when we come back,
00:11:22we come back 20 times more stronger than before.
00:11:25Where to next?
00:11:26What do you need in order to deepen this relationship even further?
00:11:30Just continue doing what we're doing.
00:11:32Because everything else...
00:11:34..is fine.
00:11:38Are you telling Charlene not to ask?
00:11:42I feel like we've put the puzzle together.
00:11:44It's just making sure it stays in place.
00:11:48Well, why don't we go to a decision?
00:11:51Holly, you first.
00:11:53I feel like a weight's lifted off my shoulders.
00:11:56I feel like we make a good team as well.
00:11:58You're daft.
00:12:00You make me feel stunning.
00:12:03And you make the best cups of tea ever.
00:12:06So, for that reason, my darling, I'm going to stay.
00:12:15Over to you, big man.
00:12:17Yeah, I'm just enjoying getting to know Holly more
00:12:20and spending time with each other.
00:12:22We just have the best time.
00:12:24And there's no reason why she shouldn't be a million percent
00:12:27And there's no reason why she shouldn't be a million percent
00:12:30confident in who she is, because everybody loves her, you know?
00:12:34And she's a great girl, so...
00:12:36Oh, Alex.
00:12:44Well, you two are an amazing example
00:12:47of what happens when a couple does the work.
00:12:50You're doing it.
00:12:51Don't give up, guys.
00:12:53Don't give up.
00:12:54It's a great message to everyone else.
00:12:56We're really proud of you.
00:12:57Thank you so much.
00:12:58Keep it up.
00:12:59Well done.
00:13:00Well done, guys.
00:13:08All right, next up, if we could have Ryan and Shannon.
00:13:12Come on up.
00:13:16Hi, guys.
00:13:18Good to see both of you.
00:13:20Second commitment ceremony.
00:13:23We're here.
00:13:25You were here together.
00:13:26How's the week been for you both?
00:13:28It was an interesting week.
00:13:30We had our first little argument.
00:13:33OK, first argument.
00:13:35OK, unpack it for us.
00:13:36It was, like, a big misunderstanding, honestly.
00:13:39Ryan said something that kind of threw me back to one of my exes.
00:13:44You'd kind of said you were done.
00:13:46I took that as done completely.
00:13:48But he meant done with the conversation.
00:13:50I said, I'm done with it.
00:13:51I've gone back to sleep, waking up.
00:13:54Shannon's not there.
00:13:55And afterwards, we've just said, like, wow.
00:13:57That was just a mountain was made out of a molehill.
00:14:00This one misunderstanding, Shannon,
00:14:02you take and react extremely to it.
00:14:06I just panicked.
00:14:08We all, all react to fight or flight.
00:14:12Any time we feel under threat, what do we want to do?
00:14:15Fight or we want to flee?
00:14:17You chose flight.
00:14:19Instead of taking a pause, sleeping on it,
00:14:22waking up the next morning, resolving it.
00:14:25I'm terrible at that.
00:14:26OK, but now you know.
00:14:28Now I know.
00:14:29Right, now you know.
00:14:30OK, so now, as the dinner party progressed,
00:14:33Ryan, you looked agitated and you looked worked up.
00:14:40Can you elaborate as to why?
00:14:44Holly came over to me and said, Stephen had said,
00:14:48if Ryan doesn't come to the dinner party,
00:14:50he's going to shoot his shot.
00:14:53So now I couldn't trust you with my wife.
00:14:56So, Holly, when did you hear Stephen say this?
00:14:59So, before Ryan had come into the mixer,
00:15:02Stephen had shouted me over to him and he said,
00:15:06so obviously you know Shannon's my type.
00:15:12If Ryan doesn't come to the mixer tonight,
00:15:14then I'm going to stick it on Shannon.
00:15:17I would never use the word stick it on,
00:15:19cos it's not what I use anyway.
00:15:21You was going to try it on her, though, yeah?
00:15:26Come on, was you going to try it?
00:15:28You've got to let me answer.
00:15:30I would not have done that without speaking to you,
00:15:33and I've said that.
00:15:34A blatant lie.
00:15:38You're a sly guy.
00:15:40You're a sly guy.
00:15:58So if Shannon was interested,
00:16:02you would have attempted something.
00:16:05Had I spoken to you as much, I think I would have done...
00:16:08You're the slyest guy I've met.
00:16:10And I'm saying it.
00:16:11Slyest guy I've ever met.
00:16:12I would have spoken to you.
00:16:14Of course you would.
00:16:19You're laughable, lad.
00:16:21I feel for that girl because you've been grilling off
00:16:24all this experiment and you have done exactly the same.
00:16:28Do you have anything to say to Ryan or Shannon?
00:16:30I don't, Paul, Paul. Let's leave it.
00:16:33I'm good. You keep it to yourself, mate.
00:16:35You keep your distance from me, I'll keep my distance
00:16:37and we'll respect that.
00:16:47All right.
00:16:48So now, back to you two, all right?
00:16:51You had your misunderstanding this week, OK?
00:16:54You had all this happening in the group.
00:16:56But do you feel like there's been progress this week?
00:16:59It's made me stronger, this.
00:17:00It's been great, hasn't it?
00:17:02I've been speaking about moving to Manchester.
00:17:04Have you? Yeah.
00:17:05All right, this is good.
00:17:06As long as I get a puppy.
00:17:10This is big.
00:17:11So you've already resolved the distance challenge?
00:17:14Yes, that's done.
00:17:15Wow. It's done.
00:17:17This is good.
00:17:21OK, so now, let's go to a decision, then.
00:17:24Do you want me to go first, Paul?
00:17:25You want to go first?
00:17:28You've already started, go.
00:17:30So this decision is very easy.
00:17:32Listen, I didn't expect this when I came here.
00:17:34I'm not the one to hit it off straight away.
00:17:37And I said to her one day, I said,
00:17:38where have you been all my life?
00:17:40And this decision is absolutely very, very easy,
00:17:44and it's stay.
00:17:49OK. OK.
00:17:51Shannon, hit us.
00:17:53Ryan has made me feel so comfortable,
00:17:55probably more comfortable than any man has ever made me feel.
00:17:59Which is big.
00:18:00And you've made me this soppy mess
00:18:02that I don't know what the fuck's happened to me.
00:18:05So, obviously, I'm going to stay.
00:18:07All right.
00:18:11All right.
00:18:14Have a great week.
00:18:15Thank you, Mel. Thank you, Paul.
00:18:28Next up on the couch...
00:18:30..Amy and Luke.
00:18:38Hey, guys.
00:18:41How are you both?
00:18:42Yeah, OK.
00:18:43Yeah, you both doing well?
00:18:46We've been very busy at the retreat, haven't we?
00:18:50Sort of involved with all the drama.
00:18:54We felt like it was bringing us together
00:18:56because we were both, like, helping the situation together.
00:18:59But since coming back to the apartments,
00:19:01we just feel like we're, like...
00:19:05I felt like, yeah,
00:19:06the retreat was supposed to be a kind of relaxing time.
00:19:09But, you know, Amy, bless her, she was, like, 24-7 babysitting.
00:19:14Which was good, cos I saw really good signs in Amy,
00:19:17like, she's such an angel.
00:19:18But I felt like I was the nurse and the patient
00:19:20and I felt like the janitor, you know, clearing up after.
00:19:24We were supporting her.
00:19:25I know we were supporting, but look what it's done to us.
00:19:29It wasn't very relaxing and, you know,
00:19:31a few bits happened at the retreat that have affected us,
00:19:34I would say affected me definitely.
00:19:36What happened was, I came back from a lads' day
00:19:39and I found out that Amy picked Nathan as the sexiest husband.
00:19:43She sat here last week saying I was a 12 out of 10
00:19:46and now she's saying she finds Nathan as the sexiest
00:19:49when she could have said me.
00:19:51That's crazy.
00:19:53You can appreciate that other people are attractive.
00:19:56Does that mean I can't have any friends with penises?
00:19:59No, it's not that.
00:20:00I'm just saying that's, you know, that's how it affected me.
00:20:03Cos then I'm thinking,
00:20:04is it because he's got that fancy jacket and fashion?
00:20:06Right, so it kind of brings out an insecurity.
00:20:09Would you say that it made you experience this situation
00:20:13in a jealous way?
00:20:17Would you say that it made you experience this situation
00:20:20in a jealous way?
00:20:22Potentially, yeah. I do.
00:20:24And I feel a bit guilty for it.
00:20:26In my opinion, you are the most beautiful girl in this group,
00:20:29which is hence why I chose you.
00:20:31It was doubly painful for me.
00:20:33It was just a game.
00:20:35Fair enough.
00:20:37I can see that it really hurt you.
00:20:39I think it might be worth you just reflecting away from this space
00:20:46and maybe need some reassurance that actually you're her number one.
00:20:50I think that's how the two of you can really move forward here.
00:20:54But let's look at the dinner party,
00:20:57because one thing that I noticed was that
00:20:59there was quite a lot of affection between the two of you.
00:21:02Intimacy, would you say, is quite good?
00:21:04Yeah, great. Yeah.
00:21:05Is that to say that the intimacy is at another level?
00:21:14It was well-earned.
00:21:16I made love to my woman, not...
00:21:20..not just had sex, but I made love.
00:21:23OK, OK, OK.
00:21:26We're being honest, I'm not saying anything.
00:21:28It was worth the wait.
00:21:30I appreciate your honesty.
00:21:35On that note, let's go to positions.
00:21:38Amy, would you like to go first?
00:21:40Erm, so...
00:21:42We're still very early in our journey
00:21:45and I do believe we can both work on things.
00:21:49So I've decided to stay.
00:21:57And Luke, what's your decision?
00:21:59This whole process about learning, isn't it?
00:22:02And things come in life to test us, I think,
00:22:05and, you know, with Amy by my side,
00:22:07I feel ready to take that test.
00:22:09And I want to continue, I want to work hard for it,
00:22:11you know, despite all those insecurities that I have.
00:22:14And I think you will bring the best out of me, Amy,
00:22:16so despite all that, I'm staying.
00:22:24I think my advice for you guys this week is,
00:22:27press the reset button, have some fun together
00:22:31and enjoy the rest of your week.
00:22:33Thank you. Thank you.
00:22:44Next up to the couch, can we have Polly and Adam.
00:22:48Come on up.
00:22:53Hello. Hey, guys.
00:22:55How are you both?
00:22:57Yeah, we're all right, thank you.
00:22:59Good to see you both.
00:23:01So now we're looking forward to hearing about the retreat.
00:23:04So let's get into it. What happened?
00:23:06Bit of an argument.
00:23:09So it was on the girls' day.
00:23:13Polly said that she would twist to another husband
00:23:16because he's more emotionally available
00:23:18and talks about his feelings.
00:23:20So I was shocked, upset, disrespected
00:23:24and just...it just wasn't a nice feeling.
00:23:28Because I thought I was making so much effort
00:23:31and coming out of my comfort zone.
00:23:33And I felt like we was going in the right direction
00:23:36and getting better.
00:23:37To then hear that, it was kind of like a kick in the teeth.
00:23:41All right, now, who did Polly say that she would twist with?
00:23:45Steven, my good friend.
00:23:48I think one of the comments when she told me was,
00:23:51he's gave me more emotional conversations than you have.
00:23:56And I was like, I've been here three weeks, not three days.
00:24:00So it's just another shock for me to hear.
00:24:02So, Polly, I have to go to you.
00:24:04Why did you say you would twist with Steven?
00:24:08Because of the qualities that Steven has
00:24:10that I wish Adam had.
00:24:15And what are those qualities?
00:24:17Emotional availability.
00:24:20Voicing how he thinks and how he feels to other people
00:24:23without feeling ashamed.
00:24:25Being secure in himself.
00:24:26To be able to just say it.
00:24:29So I don't feel like he shows me that he cares about me enough.
00:24:33I felt like I'd come out of my comfort zone complete
00:24:37and I was trying to get us to the best place we could be
00:24:40and then that was, like, hurtful, you know what I mean?
00:24:43I think that's obviously made Polly realise
00:24:45that obviously I do care because it's hurt me, so...
00:24:48But it shouldn't have had to have taken... I know it shouldn't.
00:24:51..me saying, I want qualities in someone else
00:24:53for you to show and tell me how you feel about me.
00:24:55I mean, he's never said that I'm sexy or I'm beautiful
00:24:57or I look gorgeous.
00:24:58I know, but I've been giving a bit more affection,
00:25:00like the little kiss and stuff. I know sometimes I forget...
00:25:02On the cheek.
00:25:04Yeah, but I'm not a PDA person, you know what I mean?
00:25:06But it's even when we're at home.
00:25:08Even when you leave to go...
00:25:09I know, but that's because I've just had our first massive argument
00:25:12to the point where I felt betrayed.
00:25:15And I've said to you, the last thing I'm going to do now
00:25:17is want to give you a kiss when my head's been scrambled.
00:25:19But that's not fair when it's taken us so long
00:25:21to get to where we are on that front.
00:25:23Of course, I know it's not fair, but...
00:25:25Now I feel like I'm being punished for one comment I've made
00:25:27after the fucking ten that you've made.
00:25:29To me, it was a big comment. It wasn't just a jokey comment.
00:25:32It was a massive comment to where everyone else couldn't believe it.
00:25:38You have to understand what I've had to sit and listen to
00:25:41and deal with that I've taken on board and understood.
00:25:44I have not thrown anything in your face...
00:25:46No, I get that, but it's more...
00:25:48..that you've said, so for you to react how you did was unfair.
00:25:52You still haven't given a lot.
00:25:55I know that you feel like you have, but you haven't.
00:26:00I do obviously see a future with me and Adam,
00:26:02and I do genuinely believe that it can get there.
00:26:05But at the moment, I'm just seeing the potential.
00:26:09And it's like, is this just another fucking relationship
00:26:11at nearly 30 years old?
00:26:13So here's the thing, the worst thing in the world
00:26:15is to fall in love with potential.
00:26:18So if your objective is what you think Adam will be in the future,
00:26:22you might as well leave today.
00:26:30You should go to the decision.
00:26:46The worst thing in the world is to fall in love with potential.
00:26:50So if your objective is what you think Adam will be in the future,
00:26:54to be in the future, you might as well leave today.
00:27:04You can go to the decision.
00:27:10The conflict that we had
00:27:12maybe shouldn't have happened how it did,
00:27:14and I apologize for that,
00:27:15but I feel like I am more affirmed in certain ways
00:27:19by Adam and his reaction.
00:27:22So, I put 10.
00:27:35I did have a feeling that did she say that to make me think,
00:27:39oh, I'm jealous, I'm going to try harder.
00:27:42For me personally, a comment like that more would hurt me
00:27:44and make me retract.
00:27:47I'm sorry if I can't give you what you want right now,
00:27:50but there is two of us here and there's two people's feelings.
00:27:56And I know you want something, but then I need things as well.
00:28:05There's definitely feelings there.
00:28:06Otherwise, that comment wouldn't have bothered me.
00:28:08I'd just been like, whatever.
00:28:11So, I put stay.
00:28:19All right, we'll see you back in the suite, all right?
00:28:22Thank you so much.
00:28:24Good job.
00:28:37Next up on the couch...
00:28:41Hannah and Steven.
00:28:49Where I'd like to begin is where we last saw you, and that was right here on this couch.
00:28:58Hannah, you wrote stay.
00:29:00Stephen, you wrote leave, but you agreed to continue to work on your marriage.
00:29:07Do you believe you did?
00:29:11Because after, I'm off to meet Orson with a few other boys.
00:29:15She just goes, Orson, why don't you hold my hand?
00:29:17To make him jealous.
00:29:19So the respect thing then just disappeared straight away.
00:29:22So I, pfft, walls went straight up.
00:29:25So let's just figure this out right now.
00:29:27Hannah, were you trying to make Stephen jealous?
00:29:30You can't make a guy jealous of you that
00:29:32doesn't give a fuck about you.
00:29:33So that's not what that was.
00:29:34It was just a bit of banter for someone
00:29:36trying to make me smile and trying to make
00:29:37me have a bit of a giggle.
00:29:41He didn't say one word to me after the commitment ceremony.
00:29:43He avoided me like the plague.
00:29:44He couldn't look at me.
00:29:46I don't feel like you can sit here and say,
00:29:48that's the reason why you weren't trying
00:29:50is because me and Orson had some banter, because you
00:29:52checked out way before that.
00:29:57All right.
00:29:58So now, you're at the retreat.
00:30:00Did you stay together at the retreat?
00:30:03We had an argument as soon as we moved into the lodge.
00:30:05You both had an argument.
00:30:06I wouldn't call it an argument.
00:30:07I'd call it an ambush, and then I'd leave the room.
00:30:11Because that's what he does.
00:30:12This whole me and Orson having banter situation,
00:30:16you held onto it, held onto it, didn't speak to me,
00:30:19stewed on it, then waiting until we were in a room together,
00:30:22dropped a bomb on me, waited for me to react, because I do.
00:30:27And then you're like, see, that's
00:30:28why I don't really like you.
00:30:29And then you darted out the room.
00:30:31That's so toxic.
00:30:33What was the bomb that was dropped?
00:30:34That me and Orson were pissing around and having banter
00:30:36and pretending to hold hands.
00:30:40I said I'll try at the retreat.
00:30:42And I was trying to get into that headspace,
00:30:43but there was all this kind of stuff going on with Hannah
00:30:46and the girls or whatever.
00:30:49I was kind of just listening to it all.
00:30:51And all I'm hearing is she's trying
00:30:52it with everyone's husband.
00:30:54It's just making me completely check out even more.
00:30:57I'm like, why do I want to even speak to this girl?
00:31:00So let me ask the group this.
00:31:02This kind of notion of Hannah trying it
00:31:05with different guys, that seems to keep coming up.
00:31:08And clearly, that had a lot of impact on you,
00:31:10especially the girls' day.
00:31:12So were you feeling that?
00:31:16Me and Hannah discussed it.
00:31:18But it felt like she was, like, very flirty with Ryan.
00:31:23I was just very vocal in saying to Hannah
00:31:25that I don't like how she's got about things.
00:31:28I don't like what she said to certain people when we've
00:31:30all made her feel so welcome.
00:31:33And I called a spade a spade.
00:31:36She deserved to know.
00:31:37So I told her.
00:31:38And then she started getting lippy to someone else.
00:31:41Just didn't sit well with me.
00:31:44I mean, this is interesting for us to know because that
00:31:46was happening, Hannah.
00:31:47But at the same time, Stephen, the whole, you know,
00:31:51you shooting your shot with Shannon, that's playing out too.
00:31:57It's ironic, don't you think?
00:31:58Yeah, of course.
00:32:00Ironic, yeah.
00:32:02Do you think that these rumors about Hannah and the guys,
00:32:06did that influence your behavior whatsoever with Hannah?
00:32:13It probably did influence it, yeah.
00:32:16I don't see boys and girls differently.
00:32:18So if I have, like, banter with one of the boys,
00:32:20I don't see that as, like, oh, that's a boy.
00:32:23So I should be careful how I speak to them over a girl.
00:32:31So, Hannah, what are you thinking at this point?
00:32:33Are you thinking, I want to try to make this work still?
00:32:36I don't want to make this work.
00:32:37What's your thought?
00:32:42It's still, in the back of my brain,
00:32:44was like, I'm here for a marriage.
00:32:46Like, there is probably things we can work on.
00:32:49Yes, I was like, every single time we have an argument,
00:32:51I check out, like, more and more and more and more.
00:32:53But I still wasn't finished.
00:32:54Like, I still wasn't done.
00:32:55You were still in it?
00:32:58The best case scenario for me was, can we squash it?
00:33:04We've had this experience.
00:33:06Let's remember that we actually had a really good start.
00:33:08And I wanted to say thank you for how
00:33:10it made me feel on the wedding day, because I felt incredible.
00:33:15Hearing that, what are you thinking?
00:33:19Does it change anything?
00:33:22I will never deny the fact our wedding day was special.
00:33:28But no.
00:33:34A lot has been said about two from both of you tonight.
00:33:41So let's go to a decision.
00:33:44Stephen, would you like to go first?
00:33:46Last week, before I put leave, I was still in the mindset of,
00:33:50I don't think I can be the man you need.
00:33:56But my mindset is very much now, I don't want to be your man.
00:34:03I don't think you're in it for me.
00:34:05I think you're in it for a pro.
00:34:06I don't know what the reasons are and why you're here.
00:34:09So for those reasons, I'm going to say no.
00:34:13For those reasons, I'm going to leave.
00:34:34I think this is probably my opportunity
00:34:37to try and leave this process as amicably
00:34:41as I can with everybody.
00:34:44As much as whatever's happened's happened,
00:34:48I do think deep down you are a good guy
00:34:49and I do think you'll make someone happy.
00:34:54It's meant to be about marriage.
00:34:57And ours hasn't worked.
00:34:58So I am going to leave.
00:35:07All right.
00:35:10Thank you for your vulnerability here on the show.
00:35:13We want to thank you for your time here on the couch.
00:35:16We want to thank you for your participation.
00:35:18And we truly wish you the best in your future relationships.
00:35:21Thanks guys.
00:35:22Thanks, guys.
00:35:38It was kind of hot.
00:35:43Next up on the couch, can we have Kieran and Christina.
00:35:52Oh, you guys.
00:35:54Hello, hello, hello.
00:36:01So, how was the retreat, you two?
00:36:03Full of drama, but it was good.
00:36:07We had one day where...
00:36:10..was a little bit questionable on my behalf.
00:36:13What happened there for you?
00:36:15It just got in my head.
00:36:18PMDD hit and it was just a little bit tough.
00:36:23I'm going to get a mouse.
00:36:25You're OK.
00:36:26You're OK.
00:36:29It's just, like, the worst feeling ever,
00:36:31and you just, no matter how much you try and fight it,
00:36:34like, when you are in that moment,
00:36:36like, it just feels...
00:36:38It just feels really just dark and horrible, and...
00:36:44I think what makes it worse almost for me
00:36:47is because I know, like, how it affects Kieran.
00:36:53But I just don't want it to, like, just push you away.
00:36:58That's what I'm scared of.
00:37:01I'm more careful about what I see and what I do
00:37:04when PMDD's here.
00:37:06Because you don't know what it's going to be,
00:37:08that's going to be the set-off.
00:37:10But it's horrible seeing Christina like that,
00:37:12and I think I can really... I really empathise with you, don't I?
00:37:15And I've cried with Christina quite a lot
00:37:17when I can see how emotional she's getting.
00:37:20You know, we haven't got that intimate connection at the moment,
00:37:24even though, obviously, we are like this,
00:37:26because that's all we, like, can do, and I am just feeling rejected.
00:37:32And just so I'm clear, you're talking about the cold sore?
00:37:35Yeah. Is that right? Which is nearly, nearly gone.
00:37:37OK, good.
00:37:39I just want to feel wanted by you.
00:37:42It's not just about sex, but it's been since the honeymoon, man.
00:37:47I've done it once since the honeymoon. All right.
00:37:52I think I've distanced myself intimacy-wise,
00:37:56because I don't want to get excited and I don't want to wind her up.
00:37:59You know, it's just like we're friends living together again.
00:38:02Like, I know you've taken a step back.
00:38:05I wouldn't say I've taken a step back.
00:38:07You just said you had. You've distanced.
00:38:10I've distanced, but I wouldn't say I've took a step back.
00:38:14I just would love to ask you, Kieran,
00:38:17and really ask you to be really honest with yourself here.
00:38:21Would you say you've been holding back on the physical affection
00:38:25just because of the cold sore?
00:38:27Or has it also been because of Christina's reaction during the PMDD?
00:38:36Yeah, it's a mix of both. It's not...
00:38:38I can't blame it all on the cold sore. I can't.
00:38:40And I'm not going to do that.
00:38:42So, if you're being real,
00:38:44what is it that you'd like to say to Christina at the moment?
00:38:50Don't hold back now. No, I'm not. Let us get me words, though.
00:38:54Yeah, take your time.
00:38:57And this is going to be hard to hear.
00:38:59I think it's something you've probably heard before,
00:39:01and I really don't want to be the guy that says it.
00:39:07I'm really questioning at the minute...
00:39:16..if I'm able to sustain a relationship...
00:39:21..with someone that suffers with PMDD.
00:39:45I'm really questioning at the minute...
00:39:55..if I'm able to sustain a relationship...
00:40:00..with someone that suffers with PMDD.
00:40:10I know, Kieran, which is why I've, like, said to you from day one,
00:40:15like, whatever you say to me,
00:40:17is, like, nothing I haven't heard before.
00:40:28It's fine. Like, it's fine.
00:40:33Christina, it's not fine.
00:40:36This is not fine for you.
00:40:38No, but, like, I understand.
00:40:40Like, I understand and, like, respect Kieran's feelings in this.
00:40:46But what about your feelings?
00:40:48Well, it's fucking shit. Right. Yeah. It is.
00:40:59This is why I prepare myself for the worst in every situation
00:41:04and I live in the moment for every good bit that I have.
00:41:11I'm not saying that I don't want to be with you, cos I do.
00:41:14I want to give this as much as I can. You're just not...
00:41:16I've got questions.
00:41:17I think everyone in this room's got questions about their relationship,
00:41:20but I'm not saying I don't want to be with you.
00:41:22That's not what I'm saying here.
00:41:24Right, now all I've got in my head is if you can't,
00:41:27if you're going to struggle,
00:41:28it's going to be a struggle for life, cos I can't change.
00:41:32But that's something that I'm working out whether I can.
00:41:36I just don't want to get hurt.
00:41:42Everything takes work and I'm prepared to work at it, Christina.
00:41:48And I'll work at it until there's no bones left.
00:41:53Kieran, good on you for being so incredibly honest just now.
00:41:58Yeah, thank you.
00:41:59I know that was very helpful.
00:42:01I also know that this is not you signalling to Christina,
00:42:05I want out.
00:42:06No, it's not.
00:42:07I know that.
00:42:08It might have felt a little bit that way in the moment.
00:42:11Yeah, it does.
00:42:12But I think the fact that you're both sitting here right now,
00:42:15opening up the way that you are,
00:42:17showing such incredible care and empathy for each other
00:42:21is such a strong sign that you have incredible potential as a couple.
00:42:26How about we go to the decision?
00:42:28Oh, no, I'm scared now.
00:42:30Christina, why don't you go first?
00:42:34I know I'm the biggest pain in your bum.
00:42:36I know that I am hard work.
00:42:40But I'm looking forward to seeing what's more to come.
00:42:44There's still so much I want to explore with you.
00:42:47So for that reason, I'm going to go with you.
00:42:51There's still so much I want to explore with you.
00:42:53So for that reason, I'm staying.
00:43:01And Kieran.
00:43:03This week you've shown us that you are there for us,
00:43:06even when I think no-one can be there for us.
00:43:09And you've allowed us to open up in ways
00:43:11that I've never been able to open up in a relationship before,
00:43:14without being attacked.
00:43:16So I think that in itself speaks volumes about the person that you are.
00:43:20So thank you very much.
00:43:22And for that reason, I've wrote stay.
00:43:29Have a wonderful week.
00:43:31Thank you. Thank you so much.
00:43:45Next up to the couch, Nathan and Lacey.
00:43:51Hello. Hello.
00:43:53Hi. Hi, guys.
00:43:55Lovely to see the two of you.
00:43:57Lovely to see you all.
00:43:59So, tell me about the retreat.
00:44:02How was it for you?
00:44:04I had a great time, yeah. Did you have a good time?
00:44:07I was having a good time.
00:44:09Yeah, I just, um...
00:44:11I don't know.
00:44:13I think something's bothering me.
00:44:15P said the other day,
00:44:17I'm not going to say I love you.
00:44:19Like, I love you, not love you.
00:44:21I love you, until after the experiment
00:44:23to see if the distance worked.
00:44:26But that a little bit upset me,
00:44:28cos I was like, are you only giving me half, then?
00:44:32I don't want to, like, give her my heart fully.
00:44:35We finished the experiment and she's like,
00:44:37the distance ain't working, what's the point of that?
00:44:40What you're doing is you're trying to hedge yourself,
00:44:43you're trying to make it safe, but that's not how love works.
00:44:46Love works as you dive fully into the pool.
00:44:49You can't toe-dip into love.
00:44:52Would either one of you consider relocating?
00:44:56I would in the middle.
00:44:58I need my mama near me, not going to lie.
00:45:00I need my mama there.
00:45:02I think if I can find the work,
00:45:04depending on circumstances, I could relocate, yeah.
00:45:08For me, I can definitely feel in love.
00:45:11I just feel like the word is different,
00:45:13saying the word, you know?
00:45:16OK, so the word is of high importance to you.
00:45:21What I'm here to tell you is the action is of higher importance,
00:45:25and you're already exhibiting the action.
00:45:27You've just said you will move.
00:45:30Yeah, I'd like the word to be in, like, the right timing,
00:45:34you know what I mean? A special moment.
00:45:36So you're saying that you already love Lacey,
00:45:39but you're waiting for the moment to tell her
00:45:42that is important to you.
00:45:48So, Lacey, where would you say you are in terms of love?
00:45:54Yeah, no, I do feel it, like...
00:46:03I think it's very clear to see that you guys are in a really good place.
00:46:07So let's go to a decision.
00:46:10What I wrote was easy, of course.
00:46:14You know, I can see that we are growing closer.
00:46:17You know, I'm really still happy with you,
00:46:19and that's why I've put stay.
00:46:25Thank you, Lacey. And, Nathan, what's your decision?
00:46:27So, obviously, you're going to take on board what you've said,
00:46:30and I feel the same way as Lace, so I'm also going to stay.
00:46:33Excellent. Thank you. Well done.
00:46:36OK, guys, so a big well done for sharing how you feel today.
00:46:40OK? Have a good week.
00:46:42Well done. Thank you.
00:46:52Next up on the couch, Emma and Kasper.
00:47:01Hello. Hello.
00:47:04Hello, my lovelies. Hello.
00:47:07So let's look at your week.
00:47:09Definitely we're having a far better week,
00:47:12in terms of just being around each other, laughing, being more comfortable.
00:47:17The first half of the treat for me was really good,
00:47:20but there was a slight change for me in the second half
00:47:24with Emma's behaviour. Oh.
00:47:28Emma was getting advice from the girls and everyone else,
00:47:31going, well, you've just got to sleep with him.
00:47:33If we get intimate, we're going to accelerate our relationship,
00:47:37and that's not how I go about things.
00:47:39I need the emotional side first
00:47:41before I get to the intimate side from someone,
00:47:44and we're still working on that, in my opinion.
00:47:47And Michelle gave me some advice to get a kiss.
00:47:50I thought, right, I'm going, I'm going, we're going in.
00:47:53So you did have a kiss. Yeah.
00:47:56And how would you describe that experience, Kasper?
00:48:02I think she's a very good kisser, I can tell you that much for free.
00:48:06So you enjoyed it? Yeah, it was a good kiss. Yeah.
00:48:09But there were comments made afterwards,
00:48:12after we'd just kissed, that were way too far forward
00:48:15and crossed lots of lines.
00:48:17She basically went, why don't you just write stay
00:48:19and then we can shag for a week?
00:48:21It wasn't the most romantic pitch I've ever heard,
00:48:23if I'm being completely honest.
00:48:25She scared him off.
00:48:27I think that was just me exploring things.
00:48:30You know, I'd had a few wines, I got a bit excited.
00:48:33It almost felt like sex was a sales pitch. Yeah.
00:48:36And that wasn't attractive for me.
00:48:41Kasper writing leave in the last commitment ceremony,
00:48:44although I expected it,
00:48:46it built a fight in me
00:48:50to want to work on things.
00:48:54And I think, what I meant to say was,
00:48:58I think there are things for us to explore
00:49:00when it comes to intimacy.
00:49:02Now I'm scared that Kasper has ended this week
00:49:06the same headspace that he ended last weekend.
00:49:12I think it goes back to not putting pressure on yourself
00:49:15and doing things at a pace that feels right for you,
00:49:18but also remembering, a kiss and sex,
00:49:20there's so many other ways
00:49:22that you can form intimate connections with your partner.
00:49:26OK, let's get to the decisions.
00:49:29Emil first.
00:49:33I'm proud of myself for listening
00:49:36and showing you that I can take on feedback
00:49:38and I want to learn and I want to develop.
00:49:41And I think there are definitely things to explore with us.
00:49:45But I hear you.
00:49:47I would like to, yeah, spend some more time together.
00:49:50Aw. Yay!
00:49:52Well done, Emil.
00:49:55Kasper, what's your decision?
00:49:58I mean, honestly, I am denied.
00:50:05A few days ago, I was relieved to be away
00:50:09and gone out and thinking, that's where my head's at.
00:50:13And so that felt really good when I wrote it, I'm not going to lie.
00:50:17I let go of a lot of emotions.
00:50:19I'm reluctant to say stay
00:50:21and then almost being, again, feel dragged along
00:50:24into something that I don't feel comfortable with.
00:50:42A few days ago, I was relieved to be away
00:50:46and gone out and thinking, that's where my head's at.
00:50:50And so that felt really good when I wrote it, I'm not going to lie.
00:50:54I let go of a lot of emotions.
00:50:56I'm reluctant to say stay
00:50:58and then almost being, again, feel dragged along
00:51:01into something that I don't feel comfortable with.
00:51:09But we're still building on this.
00:51:13Emma and I, you know, I think we deserve to keep having
00:51:18another shot at this for a little bit longer and see where we get to.
00:51:21Cos we have made strides, so for me, I wrote stay.
00:51:30Oh, thank God!
00:51:32We wish you all the very best.
00:51:34Thank you very much. Well done.
00:51:43Next up on the couch, Sasha and Ross.
00:51:52Hey, guys. Hello. Hello.
00:51:54Hey, guys.
00:51:55How was your time at the retreat?
00:51:58Was it nice to get away?
00:51:59No, I hated it. Oh!
00:52:02Tell us about it.
00:52:03I just hate the countryside and being away from everything.
00:52:06I felt like it was a taste of hell,
00:52:08so I'm going to be a really good person from now on.
00:52:10Wow. OK.
00:52:11And so apart from the physical discomfort, shall I say,
00:52:16was there anything else that made it like hell for you?
00:52:20Obviously, all the drama has affected, like, the girls a little bit.
00:52:24Like, we're usually quite a happy family,
00:52:26but there has been some explosive arguments between the girls,
00:52:29which is really rare.
00:52:31But as a couple, it doesn't really affect us.
00:52:34Like, when we're at the dinner party,
00:52:35it's like we're sitting on the end and it all happens there.
00:52:38And we're in just, like, our little bubble.
00:52:40I'm a very argumentative person, so, yeah, we're good.
00:52:46When I was away from the girls, I was like,
00:52:48oh, I just can't wait to see my husband.
00:52:52Now, we know that the two of you are choosing not to open up
00:52:55and share too much of the physical journey with us,
00:52:57and we respect that.
00:52:58But what's important for us to understand is,
00:53:01are the two of you talking about it,
00:53:03and do you feel that things are progressing
00:53:05in the right direction for you?
00:53:13Very concise.
00:53:15That's fair.
00:53:16The two of you have created a really safe, trusting environment.
00:53:21You're going really well.
00:53:24Well, on that note, let's go to the decision.
00:53:27Ross, over to you first.
00:53:32I love being with you every minute,
00:53:34and let's see what next week brings.
00:53:37Diatude, stay.
00:53:42Thank you, Ross.
00:53:43Well, that's how I was going to start my speech.
00:53:47We've learnt a lot about each other,
00:53:49and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,
00:53:53and you already know that.
00:53:55So, I wrote, stay, always.
00:54:02And, yes, that comment was not lost on us.
00:54:04I know, right?
00:54:05No, not at all.
00:54:06Nice little mic drop there from Sasha.
00:54:09Thank you so much.
00:54:11Well done.
00:54:17Next up on the couch, can we have...
00:54:25..Orson and Rochelle.
00:54:38So, I understand it's been a tough week for the two of you.
00:54:42Yes, it has.
00:54:44It has been.
00:54:48Why don't we start with where we left off
00:54:51at the last commitment ceremony?
00:54:53So, can we just go back a little bit to the commitment ceremony?
00:54:59I made it quite clear to him that I was ready to leave
00:55:02and I wanted to go back to work,
00:55:04and that if I left, I could get home in time
00:55:07for my daughter's 21st birthday.
00:55:09But when I re-entered the process after I left the first time,
00:55:13I'd say, like, I'm not going to leave again
00:55:15until we're on the same page.
00:55:17Orson said that he wanted to stay another week,
00:55:21which to me was a bit surprising,
00:55:23because at this point I'd been very open and honest with him.
00:55:26I'd basically told him, I don't think I'm attracted to you.
00:55:30I don't overly fancy you.
00:55:33Wow, wow, what?
00:55:34Continue, continue.
00:55:35Wow, wow, what?
00:55:36No, just continue.
00:55:37The truth, I know that you don't have a great relationship
00:55:40with the truth, Orson, so it's OK.
00:55:42Yeah, just continue.
00:55:43So, you know, I said to him, I think you're quite selfish.
00:55:47You basically have locked me in for another week,
00:55:49you've dragged me along for your experience,
00:55:52when you know there's nothing there.
00:55:54Then on the day of the retreat,
00:55:56that was my daughter's actual birthday,
00:55:58I was, like, visibly, you know, upset.
00:56:01And, you know, Orson's making this big show of singing
00:56:04and enjoying himself, you know.
00:56:07At this point now, I'm getting worked up,
00:56:09and I haven't even been able to wish my girl a happy birthday,
00:56:12and he's singing in my face.
00:56:16And at that moment, I knew I could not stand him.
00:56:21You couldn't stand me from before that?
00:56:23I can't stand the sight of him. Can I say something real quick?
00:56:26I couldn't stand you before, why did you want to stay?
00:56:28You're the one that said you wanted to stay to work out
00:56:30what if we're matched?
00:56:32No, no, no, you are lying.
00:56:34That's exactly what you said.
00:56:36You are a stinking liar.
00:56:38You are a stinking liar, because I was the one who told you
00:56:40I wanted to leave, I was the one who told you
00:56:42that I wanted to get back for my daughter's birthday.
00:56:44So don't sit here and lie, all right?
00:56:46Your lies don't work with me, Orson.
00:56:52You finished? Can I speak now?
00:56:54Stop, if you can tell the truth, try and tell the truth.
00:56:57Okay, guys, it's very clear that things have
00:57:00completely broken down here.
00:57:05I'd like to hear from both of you
00:57:08where you believe the relationship is at right now.
00:57:12Orson, let's start with you.
00:57:14There is no relationship right now.
00:57:18At the retreat, Orson and Hannah have been bonding.
00:57:23And they have had talks about recoupling.
00:57:32Oh, wow.
00:57:33Yeah, wow, indeed. Orson's backed himself.
00:57:36He's finally found his queen.
00:57:41That reinforced that Orson isn't really here for the right reasons.
00:57:46He's even had a little bromance going on with Stephen
00:57:51while behind Stephen's back,
00:57:54Orson and Hannah were, you know, talking amongst themselves.
00:58:01Which continued once we returned from the retreat
00:58:04and I walked in last night and found Orson and Hannah.
00:58:09Holly and Alex almost like, you know,
00:58:11having a little double date set up.
00:58:14So all that did was reinforce...
00:58:17Can you talk on the phone?
00:58:19We weren't. We were all sat in separate chairs.
00:58:22Michelle, chill with that business.
00:58:24Chill with that business, Michelle.
00:58:26Alex, shut up.
00:58:28Michelle, don't do that.
00:58:30Michelle, don't do that.
00:58:32No, I think it's bullshit cos they're meant to have lips.
00:58:39They've what?
00:58:42Kissed. They've kissed, him and Hannah.
00:58:44Oh, you've kissed? Him and Hannah.
00:58:46The very last night of the retreat.
00:58:48You've been kissing him?
00:59:05No, I think it's bullshit cos they're meant to have lips.
00:59:08No, I think it's bullshit cos they're meant to have lips.
00:59:15They've what?
00:59:17Kissed. They've kissed, him and Hannah.
00:59:19Oh, you've kissed? Him and Hannah.
00:59:21The very last night of the retreat.
00:59:23You've been kissing him?
00:59:31So why the fuck are you trying to defend when they've been...
00:59:34What are you talking about?
00:59:36Fucking snake, man.
00:59:38Snake, you. Me?
00:59:40Yeah, you.
00:59:42When was the double date? I didn't say about the double date.
00:59:45How have they not been sneakily kissing?
00:59:47I know you didn't be. It's a fixing. I'll tell him.
00:59:49Don't talk about no double date business.
00:59:51There was no double date business.
00:59:53Four of them were in the apartment. Let me rephrase that, Alex.
00:59:56Talking shit, man. I'm not talking shit, man.
01:00:00I'm just getting fucking pissed off, man.
01:00:02You got something to say?
01:00:05Don't, don't, don't, don't...
01:00:07You got anything to say to me? Don't do that to me, Alex.
01:00:10I'm asking if you've got something to say. Alex, can you just stop?
01:00:13I don't think you need to turn to Rochelle and say you're talking fucking shit
01:00:16and then get a lie say, oh, you're my fucking snake.
01:00:18There's certain ways of addressing things calmly.
01:00:20Like, you know what, Rochelle, it weren't a double date, this happened.
01:00:23You don't need to attack, attack, attack, attack.
01:00:25And I've sat here and I've watched you attack the women either end
01:00:28and it's fucked me off because I didn't like it, Alex.
01:00:30Well, he is talking shit. I don't understand why you were so angry.
01:00:33There's certain ways to address things, Alex.
01:00:35Don't take it out on me, I'm just trying to calm the peace in the room.
01:00:38Who is taking anything out on you?
01:00:40Please respect the forum. Oh, my God, I'm about to...
01:00:45It's meant to be such a good night.
01:00:50Holly's annoyed, I've told Lacey that I think she's a snake
01:00:54and now you've got Sasha coming at me.
01:00:56Just be quiet, your voice is just going straight through me.
01:01:00If I was Rochelle, I'd be telling my wife,
01:01:02pipe down, not everything needs your two pence.
01:01:07Alex has definitely overreacted and it has embarrassed me.
01:01:11I can't be with a man who treats my friends like that.
01:01:14Cos if he's going to treat my friends like that,
01:01:17he can happily treat me like that.
01:01:23Now, amongst all of the talking,
01:01:25it sounded like someone said you and Hannah have kissed.
01:01:31On the last night of the retreat,
01:01:33me and Hannah sat and was speaking and we shared a kiss.
01:01:38There was a little connection there.
01:01:40I'm not going to lie, there was a little connection there.
01:01:43What I had was done, I know what she was in was done.
01:01:47Like, so, honestly, I didn't feel like I was walking on anybody's toes
01:01:51or, like, disrespecting anyone.
01:01:54The fact is that this is a process, isn't it? Yeah.
01:01:57And so if you don't want to be with someone,
01:01:59you both understand the rules. Yes.
01:02:01And the rules is that you make that decision here
01:02:04and you let us know.
01:02:05It's not that you then go and kiss another person's wife.
01:02:14I take that.
01:02:21That's done it, mate.
01:02:24Come on.
01:02:25Come on.
01:02:26Move it.
01:02:31Do you consider what you did an act of infidelity?
01:02:37In this process, yes.
01:02:40What impact did you expect that to have on Rochelle?
01:02:44If I'm being totally honest, man,
01:02:46this might come across as sound wrongly.
01:02:51I didn't really care about Rochelle in that moment.
01:02:56At the end of the day, Orson, from when I said I didn't like you
01:03:00and I didn't fancy you and I didn't see a future with us,
01:03:03I mean, at that point, I thought you would have gathered up
01:03:06your dignity and wanted to leave anyway.
01:03:09You know, why would you have wanted to stay?
01:03:12I mean, I know I was trying to honour my word,
01:03:15but where was your self-respect and your dignity?
01:03:18Like, were you that desperate to stay in the process?
01:03:25Because what I'm sensing from Orson is a desperation
01:03:29to stay in the process by any means necessary.
01:03:33He saw an opportunity with Hannah to recouple and stay in the process.
01:03:37He jumped at it.
01:03:41You're an embarrassment to yourself at this point,
01:03:43do you know what I mean?
01:03:45Because it's like Hannah, bless her, went round all the different guys
01:03:49trying to latch on to somebody... No, I didn't.
01:03:51..yes, to stay in the process.
01:03:53To anyone who's stuck.
01:03:56It just reeks of desperation and just, like, you know, no self-respect.
01:04:01It's just, I find it embarrassing. You know...
01:04:04OK, well, look, it is very clear that this relationship is done.
01:04:09We do need to go to the decision.
01:04:11Orson, to you first.
01:04:16I came here with the right intentions.
01:04:19I feel like I was trying and trying and trying and trying,
01:04:23just, like, squeezing blood from a stone.
01:04:26Stop the performance, Orson. Stop the performance, I beg you.
01:04:29Um, so... Stop the performance.
01:04:31If it was that bad, you would not have wanted to stay.
01:04:34On that note... You know?
01:04:36On that note, like, just get me out of here, please.
01:04:39And to you, Rochelle.
01:04:42Before I came into this process, I asked for a strong...
01:04:51..man who has a bit of integrity,
01:04:54and I haven't found that in Orson at all.
01:04:59I find him quite weak-willed.
01:05:01He's... You really aren't as sharp as you think you are.
01:05:05It's pretty obvious, I think, to most people that you're a bit simple.
01:05:12He definitely lacks any shred of integrity.
01:05:17So, one week too late, but it's obvious.
01:05:29There are certain expectations around respect.
01:05:33Some of those points of respect have been broken by both of you.
01:05:37By you, Rochelle, not turning up to dinner parties,
01:05:39showing disrespect not only to Orson,
01:05:41but to everyone else here, including us, and the experiment.
01:05:44Orson, kissing another person,
01:05:47the two of you are showing very low level of regard
01:05:51for this entire process.
01:05:54And that's something we don't take lightly.
01:05:57It's really disappointing.
01:06:01You can both take a seat. Thank you.
01:06:14Three rounds to one and Rochelle's to normal.
01:06:24Well, this has been both a challenging...
01:06:29..and enlightening commitment ceremony.
01:06:32Please say your goodbyes to those leaving the process.
01:06:39It's gone very ugly.
01:06:41You very quickly, all in a night.
01:06:48Hey, come on, man.
01:06:51You could have told me. You could have told me.
01:06:55I came on here for love. I came on here to find my person.
01:06:59Hannah was bouncing from husband to husband.
01:07:01She kissed Orson.
01:07:03I didn't give it my all, but she didn't deserve my all.
01:07:08I've walked up so many...
01:07:12I do feel a bit bad about what me and Orson have done.
01:07:15We tried to shut it down just out of respect for everyone else,
01:07:18but actually we keep gravitating back towards each other.
01:07:21And Stephen checked out ages ago.
01:07:24There was no trying, there was no support,
01:07:27so I don't feel like I got a fair shot at marriage.
01:07:34You OK? Mm-hm.
01:07:37I definitely do not...
01:07:39..regret kissing Hannah.
01:07:44Richelle picked up everything, really,
01:07:47and there's only so much a man can take.
01:07:51I've been waiting on that.
01:07:53Thanks a lot. I had your back.
01:07:56I think Orson's just shown his true colours,
01:07:59and my intuition about him was right all along.
01:08:02I genuinely don't think that Hannah likes Orson.
01:08:05I don't even think he really likes her.
01:08:07He's just trying to recoup some of his manhood
01:08:11that he probably feels has been stripped from him
01:08:14during this process.
01:08:15It just screams of desperation.
01:08:18Orson is a clown, and I just want it out of the circus show.
01:08:24Yo. Rush.
01:08:26Can I talk to you in a bit? I don't know.
01:08:29Can I talk to you in a bit?
01:08:31If he's beefs with me, why is he talking to my husband?
01:08:34Why does he want to talk to my husband and not to me?
01:08:36I think I've fucked her. Yeah, I've fucked her.
01:08:40Alex has just got an attitude problem.
01:08:43I can completely see where Holly's been coming from this whole time.
01:08:46I'm not going to tolerate it.
01:08:47Why is he going to talk to you and not me?
01:08:49I don't know, baby. I'm getting involved in drama.
01:08:51That's not my fucking problem.
01:08:53Not your problem? So your wife isn't your problem?
01:08:56I'm just trying, but I'm not getting involved in drama.
01:08:58Do you think I'm trying to get involved in drama?
01:09:00That's not what I'm doing, Ross.
01:09:03Right now, it doesn't feel like Ross has my back,
01:09:06but we're married, I'm his wife.
01:09:08I would have expected Ross to say,
01:09:10don't talk to my wife that way.
01:09:14I'll talk to you in a bit. I don't want to get involved in drama.
01:09:16But I don't want to be your problem, Ross.
01:09:18But I'm not getting involved in any of this shit.
01:09:20Yeah, but it's not their shit. It's more than Alex's shit.
01:09:23If it's against you, then, yeah, I get that.
01:09:25You should have your wife's back, always.
01:09:29I'm not having her back 100%. Always.
01:09:31My drama is your drama, your drama is my drama.
01:09:40Next time...
01:09:41I'm interested to see what you don't like about me.
01:09:43Honey, there's a lot more than what you think there is.
01:09:45..it's Love Hate Week.
01:09:47Good luck. Good luck.
01:09:48You're going to need it.
01:09:49Where honesty is crucial.
01:09:51Lack of intimacy.
01:09:53You lack depth.
01:09:54What's that mean?
01:09:55For some couples...
01:09:56Happy tears.
01:09:57..it draws them closer together.
01:09:59Is it the most romantic thing someone's ever done for you?
01:10:02I am feeling quite giddy. It's just...
01:10:04What are you doing?
01:10:06I'm going to give you a hand.
01:10:08But others can't even get the task off the ground.
01:10:12I'm really unhappy. I'm going home today.
01:10:17Get me out of here.
01:10:18I am not running after nobody.
01:10:21Well, Sasha and Ross...
01:10:23And he went, you see this? Throws it up the wall.
01:10:25..face their biggest challenge yet.
01:10:27I am not comfortable with you being in this apartment.
01:10:31I am going to struggle to recover from this.
01:10:34It's fucked up my head.
01:10:36Right, I'm going.
01:10:38HE GROWLS
01:10:51HE GROWLS
