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Married at First Sight UK Season 9 Episode 23
00:03Previously these three things you love about your husband or wife breathing love hate week brought brutal honesty for Emma and Casper
00:10How do you feel about feeling more vulnerable?
00:12I don't think I like you enough to do that, but for others you make me feel safe. It helped them grow closer
00:22Me and Christina there is something there and we do have a very good connection. Oh
00:26My days, how do I shine?
00:29Is it the most romantic thing someone's ever done for you? Yeah, I am feeling quite giddy. It's just
00:36Sasha and Ross. I love you a lot put their disagreements behind them. I love you. Thank you
00:42But an argument between Holly and Alex, I said I'm really missing my children Alex
00:47I need us where this can't be asked for this and walked off
00:49I cannot relate to what she's feeling right now forced Holly to take drastic actions
00:55Just got really bad now that he's like, I'm really unhappy me and Alex. I just not getting on get me out of there
01:06The couple's head off on separate days out
01:10But bad blood within the group
01:12Alex is already ruining my spa day game on I'm ready free is unleashed in a revealing question
01:18Who amongst all the couples is lying about their feelings?
01:22I'm gonna say you at the end of the day. You're the one who said that you would switch husband
01:26So you it's a pipe down. It's a pipe down. How bad would it have got if Ross wasn't there?
01:31I don't want to hear nothing from your mouth
01:34You and a photograph. Let's make him jealous. Oh my god. Let me see
01:40Put Sasha's trust to the test
02:01Kind of way to get me belly you can show you is what is I'm meant to look like
02:05The husbands and wives have arrived at their respective days out
02:15We're here to teach you some salsa today you ready
02:18After spending an intensive period together
02:21It's important for the couples to take time apart to bring their relationships into sharper focus
02:34While separation could challenge the couples
02:37Socializing with others will allow each partner to gain a clearer perspective on their own relationship
02:42This can help clarify whether they possess the crucial elements needed for a lasting marriage
02:50Love this parts a bit of me in it. So yeah, but they suit on but I already miss Amy
02:56She's at the back of my mind constantly and I hope she's having fun. I was a weak bean
03:00So we went to put to the class. We did a few bits and bobs and
03:06What did you do it's just like me your penis and
03:10Making this like mound. I think she got the good side, but maybe she's had a few more inches
03:16It's cute though, like it was it was nice house things with you and Christina to be honest, it's hard at the minute
03:24The beginning main Christina it was fireworks we were happy but since really trying to get to know Christina
03:29I think slowly I'm just realizing that there's things there what I'm struggling with
03:36Do you want to try and make it work with Christina, I think there'll be a waste to throw away what we're what we've made
03:43I've got to look at how I feel and how I felt at the wedding as well
03:47Maybe I just need to try and find the spark again
03:50When I say she is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met. I mean it she is
03:54I know you do I can see it in your eyes
03:57We'll see she's definitely worth a shot definitely definitely worth a shot
04:03So you feeling back today, it's good to be away from the apartment. Yeah. Yeah have a nice bit of chill time. Yeah
04:11Where are you and Holly out this week?
04:15I don't even know don't stay together. Yeah, not staying together
04:20She's told a few people that she misses the kids whatnot. So I get it. You shouldn't miss your kids at this point
04:26Don't you thought I'm having is if you miss your kids
04:29Me and Holly haven't spoken for a few days. She hasn't messaged me to let me know what's going on
04:34And if she cared enough she'd communicate to me
04:37So the fact that she still isn't doing that after multiple times I was going through the same thing
04:42Yeah, I do feel let down by Holly. We've even had a really rocky week by sounds fair
04:48I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing
04:51I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing
04:54I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing. I think it's a good thing
04:57Really rocky week by sounds fair. Well, I've been blindsided so many times. What by Holly? Yeah
05:04You're still in there
05:09We wait you have about
05:11I'm open
05:12I'd have to see where her is that
05:15When I see her again, because I've sent her a text. She hasn't replied. So I don't know what that means. So
05:21Thanks. What happens?
05:23So I'm gonna say
05:32How was your week how well me and Ross had a big fallout over
05:36Alex, but the whole situation at the commitment ceremony
05:42caused a bit of friction between us and
05:45He ended up just escalating and getting a hand. So, um, he had to do some waking up book
05:50But we're in a good place now good. Good. I'm glad that you are Alex been here. He's already ruining my spa day
05:56I'm thinking God it could have been so relaxing
06:00But now I'm expecting to like pull me aside for a chat. He's told Ross. He wants to talk to me
06:05So, let's see what's in store, but I feel a bit like game on
06:10I'm ready free
06:12Who's that?
06:14Just hides Holly just wanted to let you know that I won't make it today as I'm taking time out of the experiment to think
06:19About my marriage. I'll explain properly soon. Lots of love Holly
06:27Now I'm intrigued to see what Alex has got to say about their relationship considering that we've just got the text that we've just got
06:33But I'm more concerned about what the other group would do him. I know I heard the salsary
06:39Sounds just a little bit too sexy for me
06:41I'm just a bit it is quite intimate, isn't it? Like it can be more husband's not salsary with anyone except Adam
06:50It's gonna be like a stiff board
07:03The hips are going their heads flicking. Yeah, I'm living my best life
07:11I'm enjoying dancing with Adam. I hope Polly don't mind. It's bit stiff though
07:32Salsa is getting a little bit sexy. It's getting a bit sweaty. Everyone's doing a little freestyle don't know where to look
07:48The thing is though and it could be like, oh sash, you know, I'm sorry about the well when I look at the ceremony
07:53But I know all that's fine. Yeah, but not literally
07:56I'll tell him to show the man go up his arse today because I'll just call me. I'll see you shit anymore
08:06handsome man
08:08Are you my love?
08:10Where have you been? How have you been? We all right, you know?
08:14Yeah, how you been yeah good yeah, I don't really good week. Yeah, that's we've had a text from Hall
08:20We've had a text from Holly saying what that she's not coming
08:23She said just wanted to let you know that I won't make it today as I'm taking some time out of the experiment to
08:28Think about my marriage. I'll explain properly soon. Lots of love Holly
08:33Is that news to you oh, yeah, that's the first you've heard of that. Yeah
08:38Okay, so you've not had any contact with her either no since they left the commitment ceremony I
08:44I'm annoyed that Holly has messaged the girls before she's messaged me. This doesn't make me question Holly's integrity
08:50Are you on good terms bad terms when she left look after the commitment ceremony?
08:54We made up and then she said she was missing the kids and then we stayed a few nights apart. So
09:00Blindsided again. Do you care about her enough for this to have bothered you?
09:04Has it bothered you after knowing somebody such a short period of time if they're gonna just fuck off then
09:10That that says how much they care about communicating with me, but I think it's deeper than the communication
09:16It's about actually genuinely caring about someone if somebody doesn't care enough to communicate
09:21Then that you've given us both ways Alex like what are you talking about? So do you care about Holly? It goes both ways
09:28It's not about what she's done to you and what you've done to her. Do you care about her?
09:31I thought you're asking me a sideways question right now
09:34We're speaking Swahili, you know, I'm speaking another language to not make sense
09:43You've asked me the same question like five times
09:46I've already told you my auntie and you're asking me the same
09:49Yeah, I said if somebody doesn't care enough to communicate then it is what it is. That's my answer
09:55It's not yes or no
09:56That's my answer the fact that he can't give me a yes or no answer about one of my traceless friends in here
10:02Says everything I need to know about how he feels about her
10:05But then do you not think you know because you're not talking all that's doing is swearing it more left
10:08She's the one not talking to me
10:10But do you not think you should reach out?
10:13She ain't text me back. She's texted you like you're asking me for answers that I don't have right now
10:18I haven't spoken to her for days
10:19So I feel like the bog-standard ones about you knowing how you should feel about her and what you should do and what you should
10:24Want to do I'm not talking about this shit. No much pissing me off
10:28You know people keep asking me about the same things. I'm tired of talking about it, man
10:34The only person who can help solve this situation is honey, so I really don't need to be talking to anybody else
10:41I'm sick of having to defend my marriage
10:43Cheers to salsa. Cheers to salsa. What a lovely day. Lovely. That was... Not everyone was great. I'm so sorry Adam. Oh dear.
11:13I'm gutted Ryan and Shannon wasn't here. What do you think? Do you think they're all right? I don't know.
11:21I really hope they're all right. Yeah, I really hope they're okay
11:26But how are you feeling anyway? I heard a little Queen Charlene came to see you
11:33So we did a few activities
11:35Casper got advice to explore that intimate connection and I felt like I got nothing
11:41But then he turns around and says I would like to explore intimacy for my future relationships because I want to get better at it
11:47So I would like to try with you
11:49Who said that? How did you take that?
11:51I am not here to be your guinea pig on being more intimate mate
11:58Fuck me Casper. I've never I've never been with a man like him. I know
12:05It's been a tough old week for relationships, hasn't it? Yeah, really really tough
12:16What's in here
12:18Lovely, this is nice
12:21Good in that's for straight for it. Yep. I know the brief. Oh, I know
12:28So, how was everyone's day been have we all had a lovely relaxing day
12:33It's been lush. It has I feel like we needed a kind of day apart from
12:39Partners you needed it just yeah, I feel like I was spend so much time with him
13:02This afternoon both groups have been provided with a game to help them open up about each other's relationship
13:09It's a game. We've called
13:11secrets and lies
13:15Sounds scary. What's the missing secret ingredient in your marriage? Oh fucking hell
13:27I'll start off
13:29This week with Charlene. We were talking about emotional vulnerability and opening herself up emotionally for me
13:37I'm gonna look around really candidly and when the problem is is I don't like you enough to be emotionally vulnerable with you
13:43In my head, I just went
13:45That's a shame because that's you know, I'm struggling see a future. You're struggling see a present
13:51We're sort of up in the air
13:53It's fair enough
13:57Who amongst all the couples is lying about their feelings
14:01Personally as much as I love them both. I think it would probably have to be Alex or Holly
14:10Just for the fact that they argue so much and it looks like they're clashing so much, but they both want it to work
14:16Maybe one of them's lying. Maybe they're not. I think it's Alex and Holly. I do think that 100%
14:23I think it all up
14:25Who do you think's being fake Holly or Alex?
14:28I think it's Alex
14:30I agree with that. You think Alex as well?
14:32Yeah, because if Alex had any respect for Holly and cared about her
14:36He would never have spoke to her like that and spoke to her best friend like that me
14:40And spoke to any of the girls like that. So yeah, Alex and Holly
14:44Has she got anyone?
14:50I'm gonna say you
14:52Because I feel like there's a lot more
14:55Underlying for you that you're not letting on to anybody
14:58Because you maybe don't want to be as vulnerable and as open as you want to be
15:03Because you feel like you have to be a certain way
15:07Do you do you want do you understand what I'm saying? No, I
15:12Feel like you are lying about how you genuinely feel about a lot of things. I'm not talking about this shit no more
15:20Feel like we need to go back. Come on. What more is it?
15:23Come on, know what possibly more is there to squeeze out is because we don't know what's going on since off
15:27You know exactly what's going on. I don't know what's going on. She's just gone home to see her kids
15:33And she sent Polly a text saying she needs to think about her marriage
15:36Sorry, hear that man. Me and Holly have been through ups and downs ups and downs
15:40So this is not new to me
15:42But do you think it's good to be so up down up down compared to how other people have been?
15:46What do you mean compared to other people have been no because for me personally
15:49If somebody told me there wasn't physically attracted to me, I'm out if you don't like me go and be with somebody else
15:56So you're comparing that comment to what Adam said about me?
15:59Yeah, and also if somebody said they would twist to another husband, I'd be gone
16:02So you can't let me finish let me finish just because you and Adam in a decent place now doesn't give you the right to
16:10Know do you think you should still be here or any of that kind of stuff?
16:12No, but differences with me and you with my husband is the fact that we've spoke about our issues and they've been resolved and they've
16:17Never been brought up again. Mm-hmm. It's not been the case with you and Holly
16:20So I don't think you have any right to sit there and bring up comments that have been worked on different people handle things differently
16:27So I think you should just focus on your thing and me and Holly will focus on our thing. Just mind your business Alex
16:33I've done nothing more than want to my mind business said what I need to say
16:37So do not come for me in my marriage when I've actually worked at my marriage and we've got further along
16:43Compared to where you are in five weeks guys guys guys
16:47I mean to have to beg a man to be physically affectionate towards him to be physically
16:53You've said a commitment ceremony and begs for the bare minimum for the bare minimum that he's now giving
16:58You shouldn't have to beg a man for the bare minimum. So mind your business and we will mind our business
17:04Don't fucking come for me when you've got nothing to back yourself up on I've got everything to put myself. No, you don't
17:09No, you fucking don't okay me and I don't actually communicate your way
17:13We talk we sort stuff out and it's resolved which is why we are where we are and which is why you're here on your
17:22Listen your husband is not physically attracted here
17:29Everybody can see it, but he is physically attracted to me you think yeah, what's he said to you then?
17:36Nothing exactly
17:41Guys I really don't think this conversation tells me you're going anywhere attracted to me. That's bollocks
17:46He's told you he's not physically attracted to you. He told me he wasn't physically attracted to me three weeks ago
17:51That's changed there's been lots of stuff that Holly said about you that hasn't changed, okay
17:58So, please don't come to how my husband thinks and feels about me because believe it or not Alex
18:02The Sun doesn't shine out of your ass and you don't know everyone as well as you think you do
18:06You're seeing things about my relationship when yours isn't perfect, but mine's better than yours. It's better
18:18Don't sit there and call me childish when you're in my relationship to yours at the end of the day
18:23You're the one who said that you would switch husband. So you need to pipe down
18:34Come on I fucking said what I said, and I'd say it again listen at the end of the day
18:38You said just what to another man
18:44Come on stop it. No, okay. Okay. Fuck him. He's an absolute asshole. Let me ask you a question
18:49Are we here to compare relationships? No, we're not. Yeah
18:58I think that's a bit childish to say that
19:00People the comment up about my husband not finding me attractive. It's a fuck him
19:05I will defend my husband and I will defend my marriage
19:08He said it
19:10Three three weeks you're boring
19:32Have you lied about your feelings at any point during this experiment
19:37Absolutely, not
19:38The first time on the sofa. I said that Polly's in my type. I don't find her attractive
19:44I've been completely honest through the whole thing to the point where
19:47We're halfway through now and I said that the feelings are growing so I think everyone can agree that I haven't been trying
19:56No, I feel like I've been honest throughout
20:00From day one how I feel towards Karen
20:05Times are obviously tough. It's obvious that I obviously want him more at the moment
20:10But yeah
20:11I've been honest with Karen for my feelings and I feel like I hope you guys feel that I have been honest
20:18No, I agree
20:23Easy peasy. I've never lied. I'm a very straight girl honest
20:27I could take it on the chin if Nathan didn't fancy me if you didn't fancy me. I think what's wrong with you
20:35I need some of that
20:39And Emma
20:41I've been fairly honest and open that I
20:46Have struggled with Casper
20:49I've never said I fancy the pants off of him. Yeah, I've wanted to give it a go though. Yeah
20:56I'm sorry, but you're a proper photo. You know, I'm a stuff. I don't see my cat the cat see that
21:03You're beautiful you're so fucking funny. Yeah. Thank you. No, don't you make me cry?
21:10If he doesn't see your worth then we fucking do thank you guys. Thank you. I
21:17Would love to have your confidence and
21:20Thank you
21:23It's been a real shame for me because I came into this with an open heart and an open mind and I really wanted
21:31someone to sort of adore me I
21:35Would like to see if we can find a path forward, but I don't know whether he wants that whether he's just throwing in the towel
21:49It's not nice to see Alex leave like that Luke he leaves because he's constantly defensive. Yeah, that's his problem
21:55He doesn't have to get up and leave. Yeah, and I am still waiting on him speaking to me
21:59He sent Ross a text and I'm gonna speak to Sasha but then sent it's only because of you
22:03I didn't sign nothing to her at the commitment ceremony yesterday and then I was a bit
22:07Oh, what the fuck's all that about but he still said I'm gonna speak to Sasha later. I've had nothing from him
22:13There's no conversation me in the jacuzzi. Oh, here he is. Okay, maybe now is it a good time?
22:21Yeah, I'm good bro, right yeah, yeah
22:37Think it's okay with you and Sash
22:40You guys okay, I
22:44Mean might as well address the elephant in the room
22:48You had some words for me at the commitment ceremony, so
22:52This is what got my back up about the text sent to Ross. I
22:58Only didn't say anything to Sasha yesterday because you was there and then that made me think well
23:04What the fuck else did Alex want to say to me? I'm not gonna get into it with you
23:08Out of respect for Ross. What did you want to say?
23:11No, just the way you were saying I would have had a reply for you at the commitment ceremony
23:15If Ross wasn't there, would you have gone for her then?
23:17I wouldn't have gone for her but I would have said what I needed to say and what did you need to say?
23:21Tell me now. I'm not gonna stop popping up and having a full-blown argument
23:31The same you do the women
23:33Get off this get off your session. You don't know I get along with all the guys. They've never come for me
23:38So what are you talking about shut it down?
23:40What do you mean you go to the boys you dip your foot in the water is shut down
23:43You don't get away with what you're gonna say. What do you mean?
23:45Then you come at the girls when you can mean Sasha agree, which are you talking about?
23:48What are you talking whenever I ever come for a guy?
23:53You can't say that you've got no receipts, where's the
23:59You saying things with no legs Alex, let us speak. Let us speak. She's talking shit last week
24:06If my man was there and I think that speaks volumes I do know about a man
24:12This is not your business. Can you just be quiet for a minute?
24:15Can you be quiet for something me and Sasha talk about what we're talking about?
24:18You just need to be quiet
24:20And let me and Sasha talk. Yeah
24:23How bad would it have got if Ross wasn't there, you know what my relationship with Ross whatever it is
24:29Something nice. I don't want to hear nothing from your mouth
24:32Well, you're gonna fucking hear it you're gonna fucking hear it over and over and
24:45Oh my god, fuck you Alex
25:02Fake-ass Julia fake-ass jewelry
25:12Did you want to tell Ross away fake-ass jewelry because he bought me that diamond bracelet the other day
25:17Okay, so you may you may you making it about money because you've got nothing else cuz you're my fucking weasel
25:21So you picking anything you can so now we'll wear fake jewelry. You fucking tracksuit look shit. We're gonna get that painting
25:26What about the things you?
25:46See you in Birmingham, I will speak
25:51Chill with the stupid comments pack it in enough now enough
26:00Am NOT intimidated by Alex at all is a very condescending
26:06Individual I don't think Alex realizes what he's getting himself in for Ross better. Take this very badly
26:26Here we go, which couple do you secretly think has the best secret set
26:39Secret freak in the sheets
26:46After seeing how feisty Sasha was at the last commitment ceremony, I feel like Sasha might throw Ross around the bedroom a little bit
27:01Think Amy and Luke I just feel like they look a bit raunchy and I might want to join in
27:16I think Ross and Sasha
27:24Feel like rabbits
27:29My lips are still
27:32Sorry, it just seems that you you know, you would give her one. Yeah, I think Sasha would give Ross one. I
27:43Personally it's gonna be Amy and Luke because I can imagine Luke to be just throwing you in the air
27:52Slapping you bomb I can imagine him to be an absolute freak to the point where I'm getting a little bit turned on
28:01What me and Lee get up to in the bedroom is our own business and I will not be confirming nor denying any
28:08Antics that happen behind closed doors
28:11However, Luke doesn't throw me around I throw him around
28:17Just saying
28:21Come on guys lean in. Why are you ready? Yeah leaning guys
28:27Make him jealous
28:32Okay, oh
28:34Guys, I've got something vibrating from Amy. This is for me me actually
28:41She says she misses me
28:45Just sent a picture look and there's everyone no, she hasn't yeah, there's everyone. Oh my god. Let me see
29:00This photo of Ross has made me really uncomfortable
29:04And it looks like them a couple
29:06Feel quite disrespected
29:08Why is my husband not thought about the fact that his wife might be seeing this?
29:12I just can't believe it is even like put his arms. They're like, I just feel like you fucking stupid
29:19Yes more photos. Yeah. Oh
29:22My god. No. Oh my god
29:26No, cuz it's gonna make you shut up
29:35There's one more after that
29:42He's having a great time oh
29:45my god
29:47You look way too happy. That looks like more than dancing like I've never seen that kind of dance
29:52What's it called? Oh salsa. That's a bit more than salsa by the extra chili. Oh
29:59I'm just fighting back tears, and I'm not sure what to do it myself
30:03If you're looking like someone's you're bloody misses on a photo. That's a no
30:11See me person I wouldn't be happy with that me person. Yeah, I wouldn't know someone's bollocks is close to someone's prison pocket
30:17I'm like, yo fuck that
30:21I'd rather it be lacy than anyone else. I wouldn't never want to be like, oh no, you can't have fun
30:26Yeah people you can't do this if that was Amy that would knock me for six I respect that
30:32Nathan and Polly are cool with it, but I personally wouldn't be cool with it. Are you okay?
30:41Respect and trust the two most important things
30:57What's happening I
30:59Think it's probably about that photo still
31:02Smiling in the background. I'm just like I'd be devastated. I'm just like what's going on there
31:14There's a phone on between respect and trust I trust Ross, but I don't feel like that was
31:26Because I feel your tears that was Amy I would be in the same position and you'd be consoling me Sasha
31:30So I feel you. Oh, this could have easily been reversed. I mean
31:40Maybe he's not thinking like that. I mean I
31:44Just can never ever ever be comfortable with a photo of my husband's arms around another woman this leaves me
31:52Obviously having to have a chat with Ross
32:18After their separate days out
32:22The couples have returned to the apartments, right? Yeah you
32:27How was your day, yeah good actually looked it
32:31It looked it. Yeah. Oh you got pictures said yeah
32:35What you think to that?
32:37Well, I looked at it first and I was like who the fuck is that woman and then I realized it was lazy
32:43And I was all right. Okay, that's fine. If it was a random woman, would you have been fuming? Yeah
32:49Well, no, it was actually really good good. Did you have a golden envelope?
32:53We did did my name get mentioned in any Alex came for me and basically said like
32:59You don't have a place to speak when your husband doesn't even find you attractive
33:05Yeah, I think that's quite bad to be fair
33:11It just made me feel like shit to be honest and I'm Asia
33:16Yes, I just feel like
33:21Everyone will back me up with
33:24How we cover me today, but why?
33:28Even Sasha was like again, you're talking to women like this, but you don't talk to any of the boys like it. Mm-hmm
33:35He was very fucking personal towards me. I just didn't like it. I was out babies
33:43It's just shit
33:46Because I feel like he knows that that was such a big thing for me and I feel like he knows that he said it
33:50Because it was gonna bother me as much as it has but I don't get it
33:52Cuz it's like he's falling out of all the girls is falling out with the lads now. He's pissed me off now
33:58When I see him, we'll have a chat and we'll see what he's got saying why he said it
34:04Can't believe what Paul is telling me that Alex has said today the fact that he's gone in on a
34:09Me and him are meant to be really good mates
34:11All right. Well don't get stressed
34:14That's the one
34:17Thanks for from salsa
34:20That's the gym next salsa
34:27How do you think they got on with a salsa dancing to do I think they had a good time
34:31But I looks fit on there on the pictures. No
34:34Right, my man. Hello boys. Okay
34:41Are you mate
34:47Yeah, how are you I've been better I'm here
34:54What's going on dude, I'm leaving boys you are
35:01We've had a proper argument
35:04And I was trying to do my laces trying to resume my laces
35:07And it was getting on my nerves. So Shannon was trying to help me. So I said I'll just leave him just leave him not
35:14And she said oh, I don't speak to me like I'm just through the trainers on floor
35:18So I said what do you mean speak to you like I've just said leave him
35:21She said to me she doesn't feel comfortable in the relationship and she doesn't know if I'm here for a genuine reason
35:28It's hard man. I'm a very shocked by this. I'm hurt as well. Massively like
35:39You okay, it's been a lot I gotta start Oh
35:49Fuck off why
35:55We had like a little fall out yesterday and it was like honestly over shoelaces
36:00He just spoke to me really really poorly and I said Ryan don't speak to me like that
36:05You're not gonna speak to me like shit and it just flipped
36:08He decided to tell me that none of his feelings had ever been real. He'd been faking at all
36:14What it was all a holiday romance for him. Well, it's a holiday romance
36:19It's disgusting absolute disgusting behind closed doors. He's like a totally different person
36:25And it was just like major major red flag now Shannon
36:30And it was just like remind me of situations that I've been in before. Oh, I'm so sorry. I
36:37Developed real feelings for Ryan and when he told me all his feelings were fake and he didn't mean anything that he said
36:43I feel like I've been hit in the chest with something
36:46It was a horrible feeling and I think now I've seen the real side to him
36:49I don't even think I've known the real Ryan ever
36:53She's just very very sensitive
36:57Too sensitive like
36:59I did I said about a holiday romance. It was a joke
37:02Hunter yeah
37:04I've never meant anything malicious left
37:07But she'll take the mick out of me. I'll take the mick out of her just in a jokey way. I
37:12Just can't get my head round
37:16You know, I mean like two days ago. You're saying that you felt safe. I make you laugh. You're honest
37:21How can you change within the matter of a day and I know that a day and I like
37:26Anything that I've done has never been malicious or anything like that and obviously I think Shannon's come from
37:32Previous exes that stuff has happened
37:34But I'm not that person like I know and I've said this to her
37:38If she has had things in a previous relationship, that doesn't mean that's me
37:45You're okay, you're okay, you're okay
37:50I'm shocked that Shannon and didn't want to sort things out and we couldn't speak about it
37:55But if that's the way Shannon feels, I think the best option is for us both to leave
38:00Because I wouldn't want to be around someone that didn't feel comfortable in a relationship
38:08I had genuine feelings. Yeah, I felt like I needed to protect him
38:12I know I hadn't been honest but like so much like the argument we had on the retreat
38:18totally played that down and
38:21Regretting that massively. No, like I wish I'd just been honest from the beginning. I don't know why I was protecting
38:27I think it was because I did genuinely have feelings for him
38:30There's like two different people, isn't it?
38:32Literally in front of the experts and then when he's just you totally different person because he does say all the right things
38:37Yeah, and I think he's just pulled the wheel over everyone's eyes
38:45Well, babes we're gonna miss you
38:57Think I'm most upset just now
38:59That I've not got the experience that I wanted like I really came in here with a lot of hope
39:04And I feel like it's just been dashed in a couple of days. I
39:09Was not expecting this at all
39:11I thought I was gonna get this like whirlwind romance and it was gonna be amazing and all
39:16Fairy-tales and happiness and I'm walking away a little bit heartbroken
39:28Wish you die. Yeah, God, it's fun. Hmm pick up quick. You picked up quick. Where's your dancing dancing?
39:35Yeah, I was you're not good
39:38No, really bad. Yeah, what's wrong? I mean we were sending Luke photos, wasn't she?
39:44And you had your arms around Lacey
39:49Well, I was just upset
39:52Because I just didn't think that's a photo
40:00She's your friend. I know that I don't understand that but I had to squat him for the folks or nothing more than that
40:06I just didn't like how you was holding up like you would your wife
40:13We came as a family we're all in one family
40:15Yeah, so it's nothing deeper but I get your point is really good
40:19But it was just a photo pushing that was it nothing major. I'm just not comfortable
40:26Okay with photos
40:28With you with all the girls like that
40:32Yeah, okay
40:36Sorry about that
40:39Ross is a big friendly giant
40:41He loves to get all cuddly and lovely with everyone, but he's married now. So things have got to change
40:48So I'm just setting my boundaries on what I find acceptable and what I don't
40:53Obviously Alex said to you that he was gonna talk to me
40:58He didn't talk to me and we just got into a really really
41:04heated argument
41:07Really bad Alex started to say that I wear fake jewelry
41:14And was basically saying that this was fake and
41:17He's gonna drive past me in Birmingham with his Range Rover
41:21Because I don't have a car and say that I had no money and I wear fake stuff
41:29Just just stupid
41:35Sorry, but I'm actually a female honestly, so it's like it fuck ways being like this. I understand that
41:45But the way I never really been honest, I'm actually Roger you know see
41:51I'm really angry
41:53Alex what you've been going to is that's your I love all the fucking disrespectful
41:59I literally because you could go like that at all, especially my wife. Oh, I'm gonna have a shower about it tomorrow
42:11Next time
42:14The Sasha Alex feud you're a little pussy sometimes just need to know when to be quiet
42:20Triggers Ross at the mixer. I want you to go to statue and apologize for what you said. I ain't apologizing get the fuck out
42:26Then stop bitch little prick and dinner party disagreements. I'm not gonna Sunday for the bullshit
42:32I'm not I'm trying to defend the marriage that I don't even know what the fuck's going on in it spark conflict for some couples
42:42We see intimacy very differently well you wanted to test out having sex with me
42:46Jesus Christ, but it's a surprise arrival that shocks the group