• 9 hours ago
Only Murders in the Building S4 Episode 9


00:01Saz was my friend.
00:02We're trying to solve her murder.
00:04Right, for your podcast.
00:06Seal, come here! Come here!
00:08Ben, Glenroy.
00:10Ben's dead.
00:11I'm Glen Stubbins, Ben's stunt double.
00:14Can you help me get a job on your film?
00:16You lost your stunt double.
00:17I lost my acting double.
00:18We could make each other whole again.
00:20Oh God, they've been shot!
00:21It's Glen, he's still alive!
00:23Stubbins is stable, but unconscious.
00:25The bullet struck the plate in his head and deflected to Galifianakis.
00:28I sign on to your crazy for a lifetime.
00:31You're giving me a doll's bracelet?
00:33I'm posing to you.
00:36Oliver, I want to marry you.
00:38We're getting married this weekend!
00:40Saz figured this all out.
00:42Maybe that's what she wanted to tell me.
00:44I wanted to tell you something about your friend, Saz.
00:47She was on the ham radio asking about all these huge plot holes you had in your podcast.
00:51You're how Saz knew about all the West Tower stuff in her notes.
00:55She talked about a stuntman on a movie called Project Ronkonkoma.
00:59She said he's gonna be the death of me.
01:01What's Project Ronkonkoma?
01:03Here we go, Project Ronkonkoma.
01:05Who's the stunt person? Is it someone we can talk to?
01:07Not exactly.
01:16For those of us in film and TV, the people you work with are everything.
01:21Until it's time to move on to the next show.
01:24And then it's easy to lose touch.
01:27Talk to Pataki.
01:29Hey, Spank, how's it going, man?
01:31No, no, you're good. I'm just leaving set.
01:34Project Ronkonkoma. Of course I can wrestle up a team.
01:38But sometimes you meet a person you don't want to let go of.
01:42And sometimes they can change your life in ways you never saw coming.
01:47Ha ha!
01:54That was some flip.
01:56I teach that in my advanced somersault intensive, which is in the winter.
02:02You ever stunted before?
02:07There he is.
02:09Excuse me, you can't go in there.
02:11Oh, we have to. We're his family.
02:13That's right, we're the Stobans, you know.
02:15I'm Oliver. This is Colleen. This is Mabel.
02:17And, of course, you've met Cousin John.
02:19And it sure is good to know you.
02:21Well, the accent's new.
02:22Well, let's head on out.
02:24Okay, fine. We're here investigating a murder and we need to see Glenn.
02:28Glenn is in a fragile state.
02:30He can't be subjected to an interrogation right now.
02:33No need to worry, darling. These are mild questions.
02:36Look, we heard Sars was beefing with her protege.
02:40Might that be you, Glenn Stobans?
02:42And, sure, whatever happened on Project Ronconcoba under Aaron's green eye.
02:48Um, and, you know, did you murder our friend?
02:53You're not going in. That's final.
02:55Also, what's with the beer?
02:57Oh, uh, we were going to...
02:59No, please.
03:00...lure him out of his coma.
03:02You thought the smell of beer would rouse him?
03:05Well, why?
03:07Because he's Irish.
03:08Did you bring some corned beef too?
03:12We also brought smell insults.
03:14Good luck accusing that of being in bad taste.
03:17I don't even know if they work.
03:21They work. They work.
03:23We also brought a witchy boy on the off chance he can control it with his mind.
03:31Well, the nurse said that she'd call if Glenn wakes up.
03:35Oh. So what do we do now?
03:37What do I do with all this beer?
03:39Saz gave them to me the night she died, but I'm never going to drink them.
03:42Because, as you know, beer is a peasant's drink.
03:45Oliver, I'll take your peasant's beer because I'm such a good friend.
03:49You know, I've been thinking.
03:51You're getting married in a few days.
03:53And what if I took you out and bought you a non-beer drink to celebrate?
03:58Charles, are you offering to throw me a bachelor party?
04:01I don't care what people say. You're not an ice prince.
04:07Good people.
04:08Guys, it's the bartender from Concussions.
04:11Ah, the three jackasses who promised to solve Saz's murder.
04:16We're still doing that.
04:18Hmm, racked up a coma along the way.
04:20Hey, uh, you're in the stub world.
04:22We heard Saz's protege on Project Ronkonkoma was giving her a hard time.
04:27And Glenn Stubbins ended up with credit on the movie.
04:30No. Glenn was brought in to replace Saz's protege.
04:34The guy fucked up so bad, Saz had to blackball him.
04:37So Saz ended her protege's career and then Glenn replaced him.
04:43That's motive to kill both of them.
04:46So Glenn was never our shooter. He was another victim.
04:50Who was this protege?
04:52And what happened on Project Ronkonkoma?
04:54I didn't know the guy.
04:56The only ones who know what went down are Saz, Glenn, and the director.
05:00So all we have to do is track down the director of that movie.
05:04Who was?
05:05Ron Howard.
05:09Finally a celebrity this season.
06:06Your first professional fire stunt.
06:09All right, now I know we've been over this a million times.
06:13We're going to make it a million and one.
06:16Step one, grab your fireproof jock from the deep freeze and strap it on.
06:21Step two, slather up your tender bits with this stuff.
06:25Wrists, neck, ankles, anything not covered by this.
06:31Flame retardant vest, aka step three.
06:34Yeah, it's a bit tattered, it's a bit old school, but it's a gift from my old man and it's kept me safe all these years.
06:40Here, for you.
06:42Try it on.
06:43Lather yourself up, and we're going to torch you.
06:46Oh, I'm so psyched for you.
06:48Frank! You good?
06:53Well, it took us long enough, but we finally are on the right track.
06:57Only question is, how the hell do we get to Ron Howard?
07:01Well, I've been waiting to tell you this for maximum impact, but Ron Ron and I are close personal friends.
07:10And you know it's true, because he called him Ron Ron.
07:13I'll have you know our head shots are hung right next to each other at my favorite Chinese restaurant.
07:18Well, next to each other in a cross and down sort of way.
07:21My face is covered by a plant, but my pompadour is pompin'.
07:26Great, your pictures know each other. That's incredibly helpful.
07:29Devastating that you know me so well, and yet you could think that was the end of my story.
07:35The year? 1988.
07:39I was ten dumplings deep, but who should enter?
07:43Hollywood's own Ron Howard.
07:46Next thing you know, we're sharing an off-menu soup that is so spicy, we sweat through our shirts.
07:54We talked into the wee hours, topless, and I don't know, maybe we danced on top of the table.
08:00I'm not sure. The end of the evening is a bit fuzzy.
08:03Not unlike Ron Ron's chest, which I do remember.
08:06You saw Ron Howard's nipples?
08:08Like two little cardinals in the bush.
08:11Okay, let's just say that story is true. Why don't you give your good friend a call and get us some info?
08:17Well, this would be for cell phones, Mabel. I only have the number to his car fax machine.
08:22But, if we stake out the restaurant, we'll find him.
08:25You know what? I'm just going to call Tommy Hanks and just get his number.
08:30And he's one of my close personal friends, you know, because one time I watched the Polar Express.
08:37That is funny. Although, speaking of Tom Hanks, we should invite him.
08:41Invite him to what?
08:42My bachelor party.
08:44I've literally spent the entire time with you since the hospital. When would I ever have done it?
08:48Yes, okay. But the invites should go out soon, Charles.
08:51Yeah, Charles. I mean, you have like 50 hours, which means you're looking at e-vites.
08:56E-vites. Yeah, that's not the classiest.
08:59But that is the hand we have been dealt.
09:02All right, I'll keep it simple. I just want three little things for my bachelor party.
09:06Whiskey, A-list celebrities, and someone who does something naughty.
09:12And we all have to keep it a secret for the rest of our lives.
09:15I'll give you an acronym to help you remember.
09:17W-A-N-S. Wands.
09:20Whiskey, A-list celebrities, naughty secret.
09:24Got it.
09:28This seems like a really good time for me to exit.
09:31So, I'm going to go visit someone who can actually help us find Ron Howard.
09:42Come in.
09:44Mabel! You look so pretty.
09:47Wait, did we have something on the books for today?
09:53Did we have something on the books with Mabel today?
09:55It's fine if you forgot.
09:59You're in a safe space. Don't worry.
10:02No, please don't take another mental health day. Please, no.
10:06Okay, good. Bye.
10:09Can't take it anymore.
10:12Uh, sorry, there was nothing on the books today.
10:15I, um, I just, I wanted to ask you about...
10:19About the movie?
10:22Ugh, let me tell you. The movie is addicted to being a piece of shit.
10:26I hate the costumes. They're awful.
10:29Eva Longoria is constantly unavailable because of some TED talk or billionaire's birthday.
10:36The Brothers Sisters are draining every last drop of me.
10:42Ugh! But they do keep asking for more Mabel scenes, which is interesting.
10:45Something about your erotic non-sexuality.
10:49Yeah, it's the sweaters.
10:51And every draft that Marshall turns in is worse than the last.
10:54It's like I can't even remember the script that I fell in love with.
10:57And I don't know if it's the two coffee enemas that I took this morning,
11:00but I'm starting to think that the Brothers Sisters aren't actually identical.
11:21Well, uh, I just, I came by because I'm trying to track down Ron Howard.
11:26Uh, do you by chance know where he is?
11:29Of course I know where that fucker is.
11:30Wait, you do?
11:31Oh, yes, Mabel. You're nobody in this town if you ain't keeping track of Ron Howard.
11:37He's actually in New York right now shooting a movie.
11:41No one knows what it's about or who's in it, but I did hear that it's very autobiographical
11:45and very personal and very small.
11:48And the budget is 200 million dollars.
11:54Can I ask you a question?
11:57When you talk, do you say bro?
12:00Bro? No, I hang out with 70-year-olds.
12:03Right, that's what I thought.
12:06These pages are a big fat suck fest.
12:10You know what? I have an idea.
12:12What if I give you Ron Howard's address and you do something for me
12:17and that would be taking a pass on these scenes,
12:20but you have to make sure it sounds like the real Mabel.
12:22What do you think?
12:25If this lead pans out, maybe I can help you when I come back.
12:31Here you go.
12:37Everyone, we need all escape from Planet Congo NDA signed before entering.
12:42Oh, okay, okay. Let me take the lead.
12:45If I drop my name, Ron Howard will swing that velvet rope wide open.
12:49I think I should. Security guards love brazos. I'm kind of their Princess Diana.
12:54I think I should, mostly because I'm neither of you.
12:57Hold up. You got badges?
12:59Oh, yeah, I got a badge.
13:03From Brazos TV show? Dad probably watched?
13:06Emmy nomination for sound?
13:08Um, sorry, we just, we need to talk to Mr. Howard about an investigation.
13:13We're professional podcasters, only murders in the building.
13:16We're the most listed two-murder podcast on the Upper West Side
13:19that's sponsored by a deli chain.
13:21Yeah, you're not getting in here.
13:23If you could just tell Ron Ron that Olli Putnam is here?
13:26No, no, tell him off-menu soup.
13:29Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot.
13:38He'll know what that means.
13:40Look, I'm gonna be real with you.
13:43I don't really watch TV and, congrats on the podcast, I mean, that's huge,
13:47and it's so amazing that you have an inside joke with Ron Howard.
13:50But if I let you win, then I'll lose my job,
13:53and then I won't have enough money
13:54to go to Disneyland with my cousins.
13:55And we've been planning this trip for years.
13:58So just in case my boss is listening,
14:00get out of here!
14:04That was a very charming rejection.
14:07Background actors!
14:11You were supposed to arrive 10 minutes ago.
14:12Move it.
14:16Background actors.
14:17Have fun with your cousins.
14:19Get your badge.
14:26I'm not gonna have to do any acting, right?
14:29Are you nervous?
14:30You know your hobby is chasing murderers.
14:32Yeah, that's somehow less scary.
14:34Well, good news.
14:35As soon as we step on set,
14:37Ron Ron will recognize me and we'll get pulled away.
14:40And don't worry.
14:41Background actors don't really have to do much.
14:42You just be natural.
14:44You know, I hadn't thought of it before,
14:46but I guess it's time for me to change
14:47my emergency contact to Loretta.
14:50Whole new life.
14:52Gives me chills.
14:53Okay, listen up!
14:54I need everyone to line up
14:55and deliver your best terrified reaction.
14:58Best 10 stay, the rest go home.
15:00You said background actors don't have to do much.
15:02Well, honey, they do now, so buckle up.
15:05Okay, let's go, guys.
15:06All right, line up over here.
15:09I don't know whether to go big, do I go small,
15:11or communicate the unspeakable horror using only my teeth.
15:15Not that.
15:16You first.
15:20You're in.
15:23What do I do?
15:24I think big, I think we go big.
15:26I was hoping for big.
15:30You're out.
15:32Final answer, small.
15:33We're going small.
15:34Small is sophisticated,
15:35small is for the silver screen.
15:36We're really keeping us on our toes here.
15:45I thought we said small.
15:47That was my small.
15:48You're in.
15:49Oh, thank you.
15:53Oh, my God, Brazos?
15:55So nice to meet a fan.
15:57I'm sure Ron will want to say hello.
15:58You're doing background now?
16:00That's so sad.
16:02You can be in the movie.
16:03You're still in the game.
16:04You're in.
16:05This way.
16:06No, no, I don't think I can do this.
16:10Well, great.
16:11You're in.
16:12Head on over to wardrobe and makeup.
16:32Are you any angel?
16:36You're in the movie.
16:39You're in the hospital.
16:41You've been shot in the head.
16:44The heart.
16:47You had some friends come here earlier.
16:49A couple of married old men and their caretaker.
16:52They wanted to ask you about the stunt guy on Project Runcuncoma.
16:59No, I need to talk to him right away.
17:01I'll let them know you're up.
17:02Right away.
17:03Oh, also, um...
17:05Would you do me the honour of being Mrs. Glenn Stubbins?
17:12Also, I'm Glenn Stubbins.
17:17I'll get your doctor.
17:23Can I get a room without the rats?
17:34Don't forget to take a deep breath before they light you up.
17:37Last thing you want to do is inhale flames into your lungs.
17:40And when the director yells cut, you stop, drop, and let him hose you down.
17:44And then you take a good 30 seconds before you do anything else in case you re-spark.
17:49You ready?
17:50Yeah, of course you are.
17:52Now go make my papa proud.
17:57Doing this for Sazh.
17:58Doing this for Sazh.
18:03How is Ron-Ron going to recognize me now?
18:06That night in the Chinese restaurant, my aesthetic was distinctively not life-size Sour Patch Kid.
18:11And why do we have to wear spandex and Mabel only gets makeup?
18:14Oh, because you guys are a bunch of clongos and I'm just a girl.
18:19Right, clongos.
18:20I mean, I'm sorry, but what is this movie?
18:22Are we witnessing the end of Ron Howard's career?
18:24No, no, no.
18:25What I learned about Ron Oversoup is you've got to just trust him.
18:29I told him, I said, Ron-Ron, you're the beautiful mind.
18:32And he loved that and he just plunked down the credit card and paid for the whole soup.
18:36Oh my God, guys, I have to get out of here and get to the hospital.
18:40Glenn Stubbins is awake.
18:41Also, I'm going to see if they can remove the part of my brain that stores the image of you in spandex.
18:51Oh, yeah.
18:52Oh, by the way, I've been thinking about your bachelor party and I think I got a winner.
18:56Finally, yes.
18:57Let's hear it.
18:58I hope the spandex and the balls inspired you.
19:02Remember that hot dog restaurant we went to?
19:04And there was a phone booth outside, but it wasn't really a phone booth.
19:07It was a door to a speakeasy.
19:09I was thinking we could do something like that.
19:11Get some dogs with my dog.
19:15I feel like I've taken crazy pills.
19:17Do we remember W-A-N-S, whiskey, A-listers, naughty secrets?
19:22Oh, you do remember.
19:24I thought your plan lacked my simple parameters due to forgetfulness.
19:28But instead, the culprit is willful negligence.
19:32All right.
19:33Just forget it.
19:34And you're not wearing this either.
19:36Background, you're up on set.
19:43Oh, you're back, sweetheart.
19:49It's you.
19:54No, no.
19:55No, don't!
20:04All right, everybody in.
20:05Let's go.
20:13Are you there?
20:14It's me.
20:18Hey, you're not talking to Ron.
20:20Listen up, everybody.
20:21On my cue, you're going to look up at the monster.
20:24You're going to look scared, and you're going to run off that way.
20:30I know our bold acting choice.
20:32Follow my lead.
20:35And action.
20:40No, you son of a Klangos!
20:42I shall buy you time!
20:45Don't let my death be in vain!
20:48What the hell's with him?
20:49No, Charles!
20:50A little effort, please?
20:52Or is this going to be my bachelor party all over again?
20:57Your bachelor party?
20:58Oh, you're right.
21:00I should pitch in.
21:01How about a sunset cigar cruise up the Gowanus Canal?
21:05Or maybe a dining and spa experience,
21:08where we get fish pedicures,
21:10and afterwards, we eat the fish omakase style.
21:13Oh, wait!
21:14Ice luges.
21:15Poured by professional ice lugers.
21:18Is this getting good enough for you?
21:20Oh, wait.
21:21Oh, maybe a members-only aerialist strip club!
21:24And an elephant!
21:25But not just any elephant.
21:27An A-list elephant.
21:29Babar, Dumbo, or maybe the viral one
21:31who sat on the zookeeper's head.
21:33Because it really doesn't matter.
21:35Because no one is going to show up
21:38because you
21:41are insufferable.
21:44And cut.
21:45Who hired the idiots?
21:47Get him out and get a picture for my ban list.
21:49The director has asked that you go home.
21:54Sorry, Brazos.
21:59Now, if you'd line up.
22:00Ron Howard would like to say hi
22:02and thank each of you for your work today
22:04before we start rolling.
22:12Where is he?
22:15I'm so sorry.
22:17He's dead.
22:19My Glen.
22:20What happened?
22:21I don't know.
22:22He seemed fine.
22:23He was making me laugh.
22:25I called his people to let them know he was awake.
22:27Did my rounds and when I returned he...
22:41Who else did you call and tell that Glen was awake?
22:44Just you and his emergency contact.
22:47Saz Pataki.
22:49You called Saz?
22:50Did a man answer?
22:54Did I do something wrong?
23:04And action.
23:15Get out of here, you rat.
23:27This is for Don Antonio.
23:42Okay, cut.
23:43Fire out.
23:45Yes! Yes!
23:47I told you.
23:48Yes, yes, yes.
23:49I told you.
23:50I told you we'd do it.
23:51Now what?
23:55Jeez whiz!
24:00Oh, no!
24:11You need a hand?
24:12No, no.
24:13I don't need your help.
24:14Because I can if...
24:15Oh, no, no.
24:16I've already asked too much.
24:18I don't want to be insufferable.
24:33You're my emergency contact.
24:38Well, when I fill out forms, I put your name.
24:41And I know you used to put mine.
24:43But now it's Loretta's.
24:45You know, I always knew Mabel would one day spread her wings and leave, but...
24:51You and me, I thought we'd, you know, grow old-er.
24:55And die together.
24:59And don't get me wrong.
25:00I like Loretta.
25:01I really like Loretta.
25:03But now I'm kind of the awkward guy.
25:06Third-wheeling it on your dates.
25:09You know, saying, hey, let's split a dessert three ways.
25:13You know...
25:15I never wanted, really, to throw you a bachelor party.
25:20I just wanted to celebrate our friendship.
25:22You know, I'm hungry if you wanted to grab a bite to eat.
25:26We could go to that Chinese place.
25:30Can you give me a hand?
25:31Yeah, I could do that.
25:53You know we're going to be friends till the end.
25:57Oh, God.
25:58I'm fine.
25:59You don't have to say anything nice to me.
26:02Especially not while making eye contact.
26:04What if we went behind our menus?
26:07That could work, yeah.
26:10I didn't have a bachelor party the first time I got married.
26:14And I didn't have a best man.
26:17And it's okay if I don't have a bachelor party this time, too.
26:20But I do want you to be my best man.
26:25Noodles look good.
26:26And if it would make you feel better,
26:28you can be my life alert contact in case I fall.
26:32And we can get colonoscopies together.
26:37Maybe the dumplings?
26:39Can I get you something to drink?
26:40Oh, two Johnny Walkers?
26:42Of course.
26:51Where are you going?
26:56Here you are.
26:59Ah, the whiskey.
27:02And our naughty secret.
27:06Very good.
27:09I know this is not the bachelor party you dreamed of,
27:13but still.
27:16Charles, it's perfect.
27:17I'm so happy.
27:19I'm so happy.
27:22I love you.
27:23I love you.
27:24I love you.
27:27I love you.
27:28I love you.
27:30I love you.
27:32I love you.
27:33I love you.
27:34Charles, it's perfect.
27:38Although we are missing the A-lister, just saying.
27:47Okay, Charles.
27:49Let me hide behind my menu
27:51until the awkwardness of this moment clears.
27:57Hi, I don't have a reservation,
27:59but a table for one?
28:01You gotta be kidding me.
28:05The A-lister.
28:07You did it.
28:09Oh, my God.
28:11It's you.
28:13It's Ron-Ron.
28:19I loved it in Mayberry
28:21when you'd go down by the fishin' hole.
28:24Don't ever mention the fishin' hole.
28:28Okay, let it go.
28:29Come on.
28:30Shake it off.
28:38Oh, Mabel, thank God.
28:40Bev said you agreed to help with the new pages.
28:43Look, Marshall, I'm not in the mood for this right now.
28:45Please, it'll be quick.
28:46Do you think Mabel would say,
28:48the name's Mora, Mabel Mora,
28:51or I'm Mabel fucking Mora?
28:54I'm thinking number two.
28:55I wouldn't say either one of those.
28:57Oh, God.
28:58It's awful.
28:59I'm awful.
29:01Bev is threatening to fire me if I don't get these right.
29:03I'll do anything.
29:04I'm stuck.
29:05I just, I can't capture your voice.
29:07Yeah, well, I don't think my voice needs to be captured.
29:10Another person is dead.
29:12And had I solved the case
29:14or figured out the stuntman angle sooner,
29:17he'd still be alive.
29:18But he's not.
29:22That is some Mabel dialogue.
29:26Do you mind if I just, I'm gonna...
29:33So then, Hanks leans over to me,
29:35and he says,
29:36I don't actually like ranch dressing.
29:40Hey, Ron, speaking of funny stories,
29:43we heard there was quite the snafu
29:45on Project Ronkonkoma.
29:47Gonna need another whiskey for that one.
29:50We never even finished it.
29:52I remember everything about it, though.
29:58You know,
29:59it's always tense on sets,
30:01days when there's gonna be a big stunt,
30:03and doubly so when fire is involved.
30:06Set, and action!
30:08But everything went smooth.
30:10The van screeched to a halt.
30:12The stuntman was thrown out onto the ground,
30:16doused with gasoline, lit on fire.
30:18It was exactly right.
30:20So I yelled, cut.
30:22Okay, cut!
30:23Fire out!
30:25They put the guy out.
30:26Okay, let's go to the Steadicam.
30:29Except the guy didn't wait to make sure
30:31he was completely out.
30:33Next thing I know, he's walking toward me.
30:35Hey, great job.
30:36Saying he had something he wanted to show me.
30:39And suddenly, he reignites!
30:45Jeez whiz!
30:47Burned my eyebrows off.
30:53Okay, I know that I say fuck a lot,
30:55but not that fucking much.
31:02Yeah, maybe you're right.
31:04I should have more faith in myself.
31:06I mean, it worked for you.
31:08You want a beer?
31:09Hit me.
31:10You finally got one of your scripts made.
31:12That's right, I did.
31:16What is it?
31:20Ron, Ron.
31:22Ron, Ron.
31:23Hold on.
31:25We need to find that stuntman.
31:27If you do, get my shoes back for me, will you?
31:29He stole them right out of my trailer.
31:31I had to buy another pair.
31:33I can't work without these.
31:35They got extra cushioning in the heels.
31:39Same as on the radiator.
31:41That's our guy.
31:43Do you remember his name?
31:45I'll never forget him.
31:46Rex Bailey.
31:48I have a photo of him, if that helps.
31:50I always keep pictures of people
31:52I ban from my sets.
31:56Oh, okay.
31:58Here he is.
32:03That kind of looks like...
32:05Yeah, but imagine with a beard.
32:07And add some glasses.
32:09And a dark bowl cut.
32:16Oh, my God.
32:23That was some flip.
32:25You ever stunted before?
32:27I'm trying to be a writer.
32:29But I wouldn't say no to getting on set.
32:32Your first professional fire stunt.
32:36Fire off!
32:37Okay, let's go to the steadicam.
32:39And I know I said...
32:40Mr. Howard?
32:41Mr. Howard.
32:42Hey, great job.
32:43Would you read my screenplay?
32:45Ah, when did you grow the beard, Lassie?
32:50It's you.
32:54No, no, no.
33:19Why does this script say it was written by Sas Pataki?
