• 12 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo un accesso diffuso e capillare in tutto il Paese di metodologie e approcci innovativi alle terapie, grazie alla presenza dei reparti e delle divisioni di oncologia che si occupano specificamente del trattamento del tumore della mammella”. Sono le parole di  Paolo Marchetti, direttore Scientifico Idi-Irccs alla presentazione della docuserie ‘Distances’ che racconta le storie vere di donne con il tumore al seno, promossa da Novartis Italia, in collaborazione con Salute Donna Onlus, nell’ambito del Festa del Cinema di Roma.


00:00We have widespread and capillary access throughout the country thanks to the presence of departments
00:10and oncology divisions that deal specifically with the treatment of the mammary tumor.
00:16We have the opportunity to discuss in multidisciplinary groups not only the opportunities that the
00:23new drugs guarantee to our patients, but above all the innovation in the paths that are guaranteed
00:30to our patients through the innovation of what are the aspects of recognition of specific
00:37risk characteristics, the possibility of identifying new molecular targets, all in an extremely
00:44harmonious and aggregated set that allows us, gives us a very important operational advantage.
00:52The timing of the therapies, therefore the ability of a real takeover of patients to make
00:59available innovative treatments, is based on equally innovative paths.
01:04Paths that are discussed in our country in an extremely widespread and capillary way,
01:10thanks to the presence of the units that treat and manage patients with the mammary tumor.
01:16And that's why there is an extraordinary opportunity for innovation.
01:21It is a capacity that concerns not only the identification of new molecular targets or the
01:28research of new pharmacological therapies, but above all the ability to better listen to patients,
01:34what are those side effects that to the doctor seem apparently low-level, low-profile,
01:42low-impact, but that instead lived by patients no longer for a few months, but for years,
01:48can represent a really serious link.
01:51That is why innovation must pass not only through the availability of new drugs,
01:57but above all through a renewal of the diagnostic-therapeutic paths capable of guaranteeing
02:04that timing that is fundamental in this phase of the disease.
