• 2 months ago
Brighton Fashion week
Founded in 2010, Europe’s first fashion week dedicate to sustainability.
00:00I'm Jenny Davidson and I'm here at Brighton Fashion Week. Now this is only the second
00:20time that Brighton has had it's own Fashion Week. It's all very exciting.
00:27The Brighton Fashion Week launch party was just the first in a whole week of events showcasing
00:41the best of fashion from Brighton. The second night was a benefit gig in aid of the charity
01:04War Child featuring a whole variety of musicians including Brighton bass band The Agitator.
02:04There was a real buzz in the changing room as the models got ready for a show that featured
02:20everything from Marie Antoinette decadence to hip hop street style.
04:21I'm with Peter Jarrett, columnist, author, illustrator, man about town, gad about.
04:29Brighton Fashion Week has really become big this year, probably for the first time. What do you think this is doing for the city?
04:36I think it's doing a lot for fashion in the UK as well as Brighton. I think it's got legs and I think it's national.
04:45It's going to walk.
04:46I think so, it's going to walk.
04:50It's going to walk.
04:51It's going to walk.
04:52It's going to walk.
04:53It's going to walk.
04:54It's going to walk.
04:55It's going to walk.
04:56It's going to walk.
04:57It's going to walk.
04:58It's going to walk.
04:59It's going to walk.
05:00It's going to walk.
05:01It's going to walk.
05:02It's going to walk.
05:03It's going to walk.
05:04It's going to walk.
05:05It's going to walk.
05:06It's going to walk.
05:07It's going to walk.
05:08It's going to walk.
05:09It's going to walk.
05:10It's going to walk.
05:11It's going to walk.
05:12It's going to walk.
05:13It's going to walk.
05:14It's going to walk.
05:15It's going to walk.
05:16It's going to walk.
05:17I'm with Jocasta, who's just one of the many beautiful models who's been performing here
05:29Now, Jocasta, this isn't your first time modelling, is it?
05:31No, it's not.
05:32I've been doing Brighton Fashion Week since it was Brighton Frocks about four years ago.
05:38Do you enjoy modelling?
05:39Yeah, a lot.
05:40What's the atmosphere like backstage at Brighton Fashion Week?
05:44Absolutely crazy.
05:45Today was just incredibly stressful, but the outcome is just absolutely fantastic, so it's
05:51all worth it at the end.
06:00I'm with Vanessa Austin-Locke, who runs the publicity, the blog, the social media for
06:06Brighton Fashion Week.
06:07Tell me, Vanessa, what do you do?
06:10I'm a very lucky girl.
06:12I run a team of about ten amazing writers and photographers and some film-makes as well.
06:19We try and support the designers that come through Brighton Fashion Week by giving them
06:22lots of editorial, lots of promotion, lots of social media, fashion stories in Brighton
06:27and elsewhere in London and internationally as well, and we blog about them year-round.
06:49Finally, it was a night we'd all been waiting for, the couture catwalk show.
09:08Jessie, you've come straight from your roadkill couture show, how are you feeling?
09:11Good. Good. I need a cold beer now. Super though.
09:16Was the reception what you were expecting?
09:18When you go out on the stage, you don't notice if people are standing up or not. You're so
09:23terrified with all the lights and everything that I didn't really notice, but I'm delighted
09:28that people liked it.
09:29You obviously got a lot of press coverage beforehand about how controversial this was
09:33going to be. Were you afraid of putting on? Were you afraid that there was going to be
09:36a negative response, protest?
09:38I don't really care what people think. This is a piece of work that I had to do, so I'm
09:43just delighted that people like it.
09:45It was all exceptionally stunning. Do you think it translates into a wearable look for
09:49every day? Is there a kind of ready-to-wear collection related to this?
09:55Do you know, absolutely. There is definitely a market for this stuff. I know people who
10:01would wear this. I'm not talking about people, you know, everyday people on the streets,
10:05but there are definitely, definitely people. I get approached all the time about jewellery
10:10out of bones and stuff. Absolutely, I'm sure. I'm opening up a shop, and I will constantly
10:17have stock in the shop out of things that I make, that I find or eat or whatever. Yeah,
10:25Jess Eaton, thanks for talking to me. Absolutely stunning.
10:28You're welcome.
10:29Wonderful, my darling. Thank you.
10:30I asked the audience what they thought of the show.
10:33I didn't expect it to be so elegant, but I thought it was.
10:37Yeah, when I heard Roadkill, I was kind of thinking like Lady Gaga's meat dress for some
10:42reason, but then when it came out, it was really great, and it was a nice surprise actually.
10:46It was lovely.
10:47What were your favourite bits?
10:48Roadkill. I thought he was amazing.
10:51Sounds awful, but it's a great idea.
10:54Jess Eaton's headpieces were, oh my god.
10:56Would you wear a real fur?
10:58Well, I've got two.
11:00I didn't kill them.
11:02The people that have those sort of thoughts and that sort of creativity to create something
11:08like that is such a vision. I think it's amazing. I love it.
11:10And do you think there's a difference in Roadkill couture from wearing fur that's been bred
11:17Yes, definitely. I mean, I prefer to wear the Roadkill, so the animals died by accident
11:25and used for fashion. It's a lot nicer when you think about it, you know?
11:36This is Lizzie Bishop, who runs Brighton Fashion Week. Now, Lizzie, this is only the second
11:41year that it's actually been a whole week. Did you expect it to become as big as it has
11:47Oh, goodness. No, no. Well, it just started off as a little catwalk show, and last year
11:52I said, let's just do a fashion week, and this year it's just so big. Brighton is the
11:57perfect place to host this because it's so creative. It's not something you'd see a normal
12:01catwalk started like that as Brighton frocks. It was a bit quirky. The out-of-the-norm designers
12:07who wouldn't normally have a chance at a catwalk show get the opportunity, but then we're going
12:12to have the couture show. Slick catwalk. Boom.
12:15And Brighton Fashion Week's obviously very different from, say, London Fashion Week.
12:19What's unique about Brighton? What does Brighton especially bring to fashion?
12:22We bring a lot of designers together in one show. They all pay a little bit of money.
12:27We half-sponsor them, and we put on one big catwalk show, so we have 12 designers showing
12:31at once, which shares the cost, and we promote them in front of a big audience. I don't think
12:36there's anywhere really doing that in the world, really. So we differ in the way we
12:41have different models. We have really crazy designers. We're really commercial as well.
12:46We want to offer everything for all, but I want to be the international platform for
12:51creativity and innovation and up-and-coming designers in the world. That's what I want.
12:55That's my aim.
12:56Small ambition.
12:57No, I'm going to do it in the next five years. You watch.
13:00That was absolutely stunning. We really are the most creative, the most cutting-edge city
13:05in the UK. Brighton Fashion Week. This has been Jenny Davidson reporting for Latest.tv.
14:07Are we good to roll?
14:10I've forgotten your names already, sorry.
14:13Alison Rosie.
