• 19 hours ago


00:00Where are you, Ruby? You can't sort this out if you don't even speak to me. Call me back
00:18when you get this, please. All right? Here. It's all ready to sign.
00:29You don't hang about, do you? Well, can you afford to keep losing money?
00:40I'll need to read it first. That's everything we agreed.
00:43I still want to go over the small print. Well, not just get it over and done with.
00:46This is a good deal for both of us. I'm handing over all my shares.
00:51You're also clearing your debts and setting yourself up for the future.
00:54Look, your business is failing, Jimmy. I'm doing you a big favour here.
00:59You're also taking advantage of my misfortune. Still, I suppose that's the way my family
01:04built up the business back in the day. All's fair, as they say.
01:08Look, I'm late for a delivery. I'll be back at lunchtime, we'll sign everything
01:12over and you can transfer the funds. Right.
01:16I thought you'd be happier. You're getting everything you want.
01:20Quite everything. So you're still helping yourself to my food?
01:38You begrudge me a slice of toast? Anyone with an ounce of self-respect would
01:43have moved out by now. Yeah, well, I'm going nowhere until I get
01:46what is rightfully mine. Do what you like, but I haven't got time
01:49for your petty games today. Dawn and Billy have invited me for a family
01:55trip out in their new car. You know, giving them handouts doesn't make
02:00you family. You really do think that money can buy you
02:04love, don't you? You're living proof that's not true.
02:07That'll be them now. I'd invite you along, but they don't want
02:12to see you any more than I do. You're not eating that?
02:20Probably not, no. Oh, not like you to leave sausages on your
02:24plate. What's that supposed to mean?
02:26Just making an observation. What, are you trying to food shame me or something?
02:30Yeah, I was. Really? Sorry.
02:31No, no, I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm not myself today.
02:35Why not? Because I'm annoyed with people asking me
02:37stupid questions. I'd back off while you still can.
02:41Two coffees to go, please, Rodders. Vinnie, come and join us.
02:44Oh, no, I can't. Sam's waiting, Van. We're just fetching some parcels Debbie sent
02:48down from Scotland. You know, Zach stuff. Oh, he'll be sorely missed. I heard the, er,
02:54the burial was eventful. Somebody carted off by the police?
02:58Yeah, Tina. Born to herself. Oh, sounds like my kind of woman.
03:02You never have been choosy. Choosy's overrated.
03:07Has she always been such a car crash? I... I don't really know her.
03:11Well, you must if you've kept in touch all these years. So what's she like? You never
03:14spoke about her. Well, there's only to tell. She's in trouble.
03:16That's all you need to know. Right, I need to get to the salon.
03:19Oh, before you go, er, Gabby's invited round tomorrow to Home Farm for some, er, cocktails.
03:23Very fancy. I'm sorry, I don't have time for that.
03:26Well, I told her you'd come now. Untell her, then.
03:30What's up with her? Is it Gabby? Why would you say that?
03:34Well, she thinks Mum don't like her and I've said she's been stupid, but maybe she's right.
03:41Hey, alright? Not bad for seeing you.
03:44You've heard, then? How could you blackmail a dying woman?
03:47I'm not proud of what I did. Who would be?
03:49Look, Ruby didn't come home last night. I don't suppose you know where she is, do you?
03:52Not a clue. Then why have you poured two mugs of tea?
03:56Well, come on, Chas. I just want to talk to her and explain myself.
04:00Why should I ever believe another word you say to me?
04:02Look, erm, I didn't know that Helen was gonna die so soon.
04:06Aye, she was on her deathbed, mate.
04:08Will you just put out so I can talk to Ruby?
04:10Don't get strappy with me!
04:12Sorry. Well, just hear me out. Let me explain what happened,
04:16and then, if you still want nothing to do with me, that's fair enough.
04:19You've got five minutes.
04:27Didn't travel light, did he?
04:29These are all Dad's things Debbie sent him.
04:32Oh, she left some flowers and all. I found them up doorstep.
04:34Oh, that were nice of her.
04:36Not as nice as bothering to come to Dad's funeral.
04:38We all cope in our own way, love.
04:40Mate, you're perfect, Sam.
04:43What have I done?
04:44You didn't tell me that Dad knew about Tom.
04:46I don't get why you didn't just speak to me about it.
04:48Dad only kept quiet because Cain told him how well you were handling it.
04:52He was just trying to look out for you, love. Maybe.
04:55Well, it'll take a while to sort all this out.
04:58We don't have to do it today if you don't feel up to it.
05:00No, I want to.
05:02Right, I'll bung those in a vase.
05:04Strange, that.
05:06What? Well, there's no note.
05:08Debbie would have written one, surely.
05:10Who are they from, then?
05:11I don't know.
05:12They're from Tom, and I don't want them in the house.
05:14Let's not jump to any conclusions.
05:16Tom's been keeping his distance. Maybe he's got the message.
05:18He's been biding his time more like the roses.
05:21He would always buy me roses, and I kept telling him I didn't like them,
05:23but he'd buy me them anyway.
05:24This is him messing with my head yet again.
05:30Ruby, I promise you, the only reason I took Helen's money was for us.
05:36It was for our future.
05:39I mean, let's have it right.
05:40It's not like she ever supported you financially when she was alive.
05:44You still lied to me.
05:46You said she called me those names.
05:47How do you think that made me feel?
05:48I'm sorry.
05:50I should never, ever have done that.
05:51I went too far.
05:52But that money, that was the least that you deserved.
05:55And, yeah, yeah, maybe I could have worsed her, but
05:58when did she ever give you anything out of the goodness of her heart?
06:02It was true, innit?
06:04She really cared about you.
06:05She'd have shown it years ago.
06:10Me and you, we're a real family.
06:14I thought we were.
06:15Everything I ever do,
06:17the car I have franchised, the new depot, it's all to you.
06:21The new depot, it's all to give you the life you deserved.
06:26And now, thanks to your mum, I can actually do that.
06:28Got the money to buy out Jimmy.
06:31And I'm telling you, as soon as Jimmy signs it over,
06:34we'll be richer than we ever imagined.
06:38How do I know I can trust you?
06:42I let you down in the past.
06:45Recently more than ever, but that will never happen again, I promise.
06:51And I know that we fall out from time to time.
06:55But we always get back together, don't we?
06:58Because me and you belong to each other.
07:01You know, I don't think your mum and dad ever wanted you to be happy.
07:06So the way that I see it, this is payback.
07:10It's payback for when they tried to pay me off.
07:14Well, when did they do that?
07:17When we were younger, we first got together.
07:20Your dad, he gave me a big fat envelope full of money, told me to do one.
07:26I refused.
07:28And he doubled the offer.
07:29Why have you never told me this?
07:31Because it doesn't matter.
07:32As soon as he did that, my mind was made up,
07:35I wanted to get you as far away from that toxic pair as possible.
07:39Weren't you tempted to take the cash?
07:42I love you.
07:45You can't put a price on that.
07:49You should have taken it anyway, just to spite them.
07:52Yeah, I should have done.
07:55I suppose that's why I wasn't going to miss out this time.
07:59Especially at seeing us now, with Helen's payout.
08:04We're in a position to rebuild our own family.
08:09You always win me round.
08:10Because you mean the world to me.
08:12You always will.
08:14I'm hoping you feel the same.
08:16You know I do.
08:20But that doesn't mean I should just forgive you, just like that.
08:23I know, and I know it's going to take time.
08:27But I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get the trust back.
08:31If you'll let me.
08:38What do you reckon?
08:41All seems a bug board to me.
08:44It's okay, love.
08:46Might be trying to pull a fast one, but I guess he doesn't need to.
08:49He's got me over a barrel.
08:54Surprised you can afford to eat in here.
08:56It's Jimmy's treat.
08:58Typical Will.
09:00Always looking for a freebie.
09:03Oh, I'll take two of those scones and three cupcakes, please.
09:06Oh, you're hungry.
09:08They're for Dawn, Billy and the kids.
09:10Spent the morning hunting for conkers.
09:12Built up quite an appetite.
09:15Good trip out, was it?
09:16All the better for not having you in the car with us.
09:20How are Lucas and Clemmie?
09:24Tell them I miss them.
09:26Well, they definitely don't miss you.
09:38She really doesn't like you, does she?
09:43Is there absolutely no chance of you two making peace?
09:46Sometimes you just have to admit defeat.
09:51Talking of which...
09:53On the bright side, it solves all your money worries.
09:57Yeah, I just won't have a haulage company anymore.
10:01Maybe it's best for everyone.
10:05It saves me from bankruptcy, but it's a big price to pay.
10:16Are you for real?
10:27I'm so sorry to hear about your dad.
10:30I don't need anything from you, especially not these.
10:34You think I sent them?
10:35Who else sends me roses?
10:38Are you practically admitting it?
10:41Come on, Belle.
10:42Losing the plot over a bunch of flowers?
10:43Just admit you sent me them.
10:45Look, I'm sure Zach's death has knocked you for six,
10:48but that's no excuse to start accusing me of things that you have no proof of.
10:54You need to pull yourself back together.
10:57Do you want to end up back in the secure unit?
11:01You are a seriously troubled young woman, and honestly, I feel sorry for you.
11:08I'm not letting you do this.
11:09I'm not letting you wind me up.
11:10You just... you need to stay away from me.
11:12Hang on.
11:14Aren't you the one that just hunted me down?
11:18That's a direct infringement on your bail conditions.
11:22You want my advice?
11:24Scurry on home while you can.
12:09A little something to seal the deal.
12:15I like to look after my mates.
12:16Don't you just?
12:18So is it signed?
12:19I've got one better than that.
12:25What's this?
12:26It's your contract.
12:28Is this a wind-up?
12:30When you agreed to buy me out,
12:32you failed to mention a five-year deal you'd set up with a new depot.
12:37I don't know what you're on about.
12:38Don't try and deny it.
12:40I won't be taken for a mug.
12:42That deal saves me from bankruptcy and sets this company back on its feet again.
12:47So thanks, but no thanks.
12:49I can easily cancel it.
12:52No, you can't.
12:53It's signed, sealed and delivered.
12:55All right.
12:56Who have you been talking to?
12:59Somebody who's as sick of your self-serving plans as I am.
13:04Come on, mate.
13:05It's still a good deal.
13:06Forget it.
13:07Deal's off.
13:09Tom, thanks for this.
13:21Did you fancy lunch?
13:22I'm too busy.
13:23All right.
13:24Like you're too busy for Gabby's cocktail party tomorrow.
13:26You have never knowingly turned down a pina colada, ever.
13:28I can go to my family's pub for that.
13:30I don't need to go to Kim Tate's.
13:31You're gonna go and see Gabby, not Kim.
13:34Vinnie's really upset, you know.
13:35Thinks you don't like his girlfriend.
13:37Utter nonsense.
13:39I like Gabby.
13:41She's a millionaire.
13:42Who doesn't want a millionaire in the family?
13:43So why are you in such a strop today, then?
13:45Is it something I've done?
13:47Of course not.
13:52Something's bothering you?
13:54I just...
13:56I can't bear the thought of losing Vinnie.
13:59Why would you?
13:59Because I'm not his real mum, am I?
14:03Vinnie adores you.
14:05You're the only mum he's ever known.
14:07You've been amazing.
14:08And he'd be the first to say it.
14:09Well, maybe.
14:10If that Gabby is never gonna take your place in his heart,
14:14just be happy for him.
14:16I am.
14:20It's not right.
14:21What is it, then?
14:22It's nothing.
14:24I'm being silly.
14:26Well, don't.
14:28He loves you to bits.
14:30And he always will.
14:33Come here.
14:39Cheers for that, Ruby.
14:48Jimmy's backed out of the deal.
14:52You tell me.
14:54What, you think I had something to do with it?
14:56But who else knew what I was planning?
14:58You know what, Caleb?
14:59Think what you like.
14:59Oi, so you're denying it?
15:01I've been here making us lunch.
15:03I haven't spoken to Jimmy or anyone else come to that.
15:06Then who told him?
15:07How would I know?
15:09Well, it's Will, then.
15:11It's gotta be.
15:13I should never have trusted him.
15:15What do you know about trust?
15:17All right, look, come here.
15:20I wish I had told Jimmy now.
15:22So much for making things up to me.
15:23Don't be like this.
15:24You talk about wanting to rebuild trust.
15:27And now, before we've even had lunch,
15:29you're having a go at me for something I would never dream of doing.
15:32I'm sorry, all right?
15:32I don't want you to be sorry.
15:34I just want you to get out.
15:39Did your dad ever wash his clothes?
15:41Not him personally, no.
15:43Here, have a whiff of that.
15:46Smells all right to me.
15:51Hiya, love.
15:51You've been gone a while.
15:53Are you checking up on me?
15:55Lydia's just been caring.
15:58Why are you wearing that?
16:00What, does it suit me?
16:02It's just a bit too tight for me.
16:04It's just a bit too tight for you, isn't it?
16:06It's just a bit too tight for me.
16:09No, it's dad's.
16:10Take it off now!
16:14You seem troubled, love.
16:16Yeah, I am.
16:17Because Tom's just denied that he sent the flowers.
16:19You did go and see him.
16:20Weren't you supposed to be keeping your distance?
16:22Why are you having a go at me?
16:23It was him.
16:24I could see it in his eyes.
16:25No one's having a go at you, love.
16:27He's the one in the wrong.
16:28We know.
16:29And he's gonna get what's coming.
16:30Is he?
16:31Because right now, I feel like he's just laughing in my face.
16:34It'll be all right.
16:36No, it won't.
16:37I just wish dad was here.
16:40We all wish that.
16:42But we're all here for you, love.
16:44We're gonna look after you.
16:46Because I'm some weirdo that needs looking after.
16:48That's not what we meant.
16:49I don't need anyone.
16:51I only need my dad.
16:52And he's not here.
16:53Hey, come here.
16:54No, leave me alone.
16:59Leave her.
17:00I can't leave it like this.
17:01She's grieving.
17:03We all are.
17:04Just give her some space.
17:05She'll calm down.
17:06What if she don't, though?
17:09What if something else goes wrong for me?
17:11Well, let's pray it doesn't.
17:15Paddy says you want to see me.
17:18I owe you an apology.
17:21I might have been a bit...
17:22...this morning.
17:23Rude. I'd call it.
17:24I've just had a lot on my mind and-
17:25You don't have to like Gabby.
17:26It's not a problem.
17:27But I do like her.
17:29That's not what she reckons.
17:30I don't know where she's got that from.
17:31Yes, you do, Mum!
17:32Right, yes.
17:33She's a bit...
17:34...high and mighty, you know.
17:36She gets that from her mum, but come on!
17:37I mean...
17:38...I'm hardly perfect, am I?
17:40Can't argue with that.
17:41Look, I'm really chuffed...
17:43...that the pair of you are together.
17:44And if the offer still stands...
17:47...I'd like to come for cocktails tomorrow.
17:51I can't promise I won't embarrass you.
17:52Note new there, then.
17:53What's that supposed to mean?
17:54It's a joke.
17:55You know, mums are meant to embarrass us.
17:56That's why we love them.
17:59And I love you too, sweetheart.
18:01And what's brought all this on?
18:03No, I...
18:04I'm just so lucky...
18:06...to call you my son.
18:08And whatever happens, right...
18:10...nothing changes that.
18:11Why, what's gonna happen?
18:12Nothing, it's just a turn of phrase.
18:14Can be really weird sometimes, you know that?
18:17Right, well, I'll, er...
18:18...I'll let Gabby know the good news.
18:31Cracking the steak, girl.
18:32Make sure you give Marlon my compliments.
18:34His head's big enough.
18:39What's he so pleased about?
18:41How would I know?
18:43Well, I thought you went in with Polly.
18:44You saw it wrong.
18:48Go on, then.
18:49Spill the beans.
18:53Well, Chas has been proper sounding off about ya.
18:55What's she say again?
18:56Morally bankrupt.
19:01I'm paraphrasing, but you get the gist.
19:03So what have you done this time?
19:05Why is that any of your business?
19:07I'm a barmaid.
19:08Everything's my business.
19:11Same again?
19:13You've got some nerve, haven't ya?
19:15Showing your face.
19:16Has he?
19:17Just a pint, please, love.
19:20Make that two.
19:24Right, I've just gotta go and change a barrel.
19:26I'll be right back.
19:27Fine by me.
19:28No rush.
19:30How could you stitch me up like that after I gave you all that money for a decent divorce lawyer?
19:33He was no good.
19:35Came to sell Elbent on kicking me out of the house.
19:37I should've never come to you for help.
19:38Yeah, but you did.
19:39And now you've betrayed me.
19:41I couldn't do it to Jimmy.
19:43He's a mate.
19:43Oh, you reckon, do ya?
19:45You've got to know what your loyalty's like.
19:47What was loyalty to you, now?
19:50Your mistress has kicked you to the curb, and guess what?
19:52You've just kissed goodbye to your job.
19:54Well, at least my conscience is clear.
19:55Oh, nice one.
19:57You keep telling yourself that when you're dossing in the shop doorway.
20:06I've, uh, ordered you another, but...
20:09Gail's just changing barrel.
20:10I'm not stopping.
20:11Don't be like this, Jimmy.
20:14You were prepared to sell me down the river.
20:16I could've lost my hoardage company because of you.
20:18But when push came to shove, I didn't, did I?
20:22I suppose I should thank you for that.
20:24No sweat.
20:25That's what friends are for.
20:28You and me.
20:30That ship has sailed.
20:36Two pints, was it?
20:38Just one, please.
20:45What am I supposed to do, Dad?
20:48I can't take much more of this.
20:51Tom won't leave me alone.
20:54I never know what he's gonna do next.
21:01Can you put me through to DS Foy?
21:03This is Tom King.
21:04He knows me.
21:06I'd like to report a bail infringement.