• 4 hours ago


00:00How nice, Leonor.
00:02That's it, leave everything very clean.
00:07Don't think this is going to last forever.
00:10It's going to last as long as José Luis wants.
00:13Because he's the one in charge here.
00:18he's the one in charge.
00:21He's the one in charge.
00:24He's the one in charge.
00:27He's the one in charge.
00:30Until someone stops him.
00:33Because he's sick.
00:36If no one can get in or out of the house.
00:41Leave me alone, please. I don't want to hear it.
00:47Then I want you to wash all my clothes.
00:52Did you hear me?
01:07Very well.
01:09I'll leave you to continue with your work.
01:29I imagine you're wondering why I brought you here.
01:33It's the first activity we're going to have in the day.
01:36I want you to make a grave.
01:38Make it deep.
01:47Take cover.
01:57No, no.
01:59There's absolutely nothing left of your sister.
02:02Just ashes.
02:05I think you want to bury this anarchist.
02:08As far as I understand, you were friends.
02:10I'm going to kill you.
02:20Pass him the shovel.
02:23For the adventure, pass him the shovel, man.
02:28Dig, shit.
02:31Grab that shovel and dig, shit.
02:34Or else the bitch of your lover will die.
02:38No, no, no. Don't do anything to him.
02:41Don't do anything to him, Leonor.
02:45No, no.
02:47Dig then, Manuel.
02:53And make sure it's deep.
02:56In case any of your loved ones decide to accompany this anarchist to hell.
03:10Look at that.
03:58I want to know where Herminia is.
04:04Don't you know what happened?
04:09What happened?
04:13Tell me.
04:14Please tell me what they did to her.
04:19The boss burned her alive.
04:32He set fire to Manuel's house.
04:36With Herminia.
04:39It can't be.
04:41She can't be dead.
04:43Herminia can't be dead.
04:46I wish it were a lie, Miss Lucrecia.
04:49But yesterday, Buenaventura and Violeta came to tell me that the boss had left her locked up inside.
04:56And the house was on fire with her inside.
05:01No, no, no.
05:05No, no, no.
05:09No, no.
05:11No, no, no.
05:14No, no.
05:20Thank you, Miss Lucrecia.
05:23Shh, shh, shh, shh.
05:26I just want God to take care of my sister's soul.
05:36Shh, shh, shh.
05:37Enough, enough.
05:40I just passed by the house, Mr. Manuel.
05:42There was nothing but ashes. Everything was burned.
05:45Everything? What happened?
05:48Be careful.
05:51Listen to me, all of you.
05:53From now on, you will work for me again.
05:57These lands are no longer Manuel Pradena's.
06:01They belong to the Echeñiques.
06:03As it has always been and always will be.
06:07Now work, shit.
06:10But, José Luis.
06:12Mr. Manuel paid us a salary each.
06:14Are you going to do the same?
06:16Of course not, imbecile.
06:19It is enough that I have forgiven all of you for life.
06:23Traitors of shit.
06:26Luis Emilio will take care of you.
06:29And I can see that you disobey him.
06:31So that you are just like him.
06:36So as not to take risks.
06:38Have a good adventure.
06:42And chain him to everything.
06:44To the chain!
06:51Did you hear the past, shit?
06:54Poor you.
06:56If the rooster turned,
06:59I'll cut your tongue.
07:15I want you to understand.
07:16We, as a family, want to bring your mother ...
07:18Mother Bernarda is going to stay here in the care, shit.
07:21I insist that I want to take her to rest.
07:23You don't have to give her more explanations. Get out of here.
07:25Excuse me.
07:28Leontina told me she needed to talk to me.
07:44He is Manuel Pradena, the son of Mother Bernarda.
07:50Nice to meet you, sir.
07:52Nice to meet you.
07:55Are you okay?
07:58What are you doing here?
08:05It seems that the same as you, Nova.
08:09When I was a boy and ...
08:12I was sorry.
08:14I came to the river.
08:18The river has something, but ...
08:23It calmed me.
08:28Why are you sorry?
08:37I know your husband doesn't like to be approached or talked to.
08:40But I want to give you a gift.
08:44To me?
08:47Take it.
08:49For you.
08:50A book?
08:52I didn't imagine you were interested in books.
08:55Everything I know about life I learned from books.
09:04I have to go.
09:07No, hey, don't go.
09:10Don't go.
09:27From now on ...
09:30You are the only woman who exists for me.
09:40I love you.
10:11Think a little.
10:13It is obvious that the earth is flat.
10:16Mom, what are you doing? Leave that, please.
10:18I'm fine.
10:19Calm down.
10:21I can't stand seeing you doing this kind of work, Mom.
10:24Nobody is humiliating me, son.
10:26Let me do it, okay?
10:27I don't want to take it against your father.
10:29It seems to me that this job is humiliating for you.
10:33If I don't do it, he can do something to Manuel.
10:36Holy God.
10:37I'm sorry.
10:39He doesn't stop thinking about his lover for a second.
10:42At least he is faithful to someone in the world.
10:44Shut up, Teresita.
10:46Do you think it's okay to see our mother like this?
10:48Leave her.
10:50I will understand perfectly why she is upset.
10:52Yes, I will never forgive her.
10:54But I hope God will.
10:56He is infinite in His kindness.
10:58I am just a mortal.
11:00I'm sure God forgave her.
11:02My sister doesn't know what she says because she is stupid.
11:04I'm going to help you.
11:05Ignacio, please.
11:07You should do exactly the same.
11:09Get a hold of yourself.
11:11I'm not for these things.
11:13It's not necessary.
11:15After everything that has happened,
11:17this is the least I can do for you.
11:29My father.
11:34I did everything.
11:37Everything you asked me to do.
11:40I took revenge
11:42on that son of a bitch.
11:45I got the land back.
11:47Our land.
11:49The land that belongs to us.
11:51That's what I wanted, right?
11:53And most importantly,
11:57I got my wife back.
12:03That woman doesn't consider you her man.
12:07You weren't tough enough with her.
12:12You're a good-for-nothing.
12:14A liar.
12:15A useless.
12:17A useless.
12:18A faggot.
12:19She loves me.
12:21Son of a bitch!
12:23How dare you talk to your father like that?
12:26I'm sorry.
12:28Repent, damn it!
12:30Repent before our Lord!
12:32Repent, you piece of shit!
12:34I'm sorry.
12:37Repent, damn it!
12:47Oh my God.
12:52Forgive me, Your Eminence.
12:58Forgive me, God.
13:05Forgive me, God.
13:08Forgive me, Your Eminence.
13:10Forgive me, God.
13:18His back, José Luis.
13:21It's bleeding.
13:24The blood
13:28is the best offering I have
13:33to give to my Lord.
14:01I want him to rest in peace
14:04and be happy.
14:07God has entrusted me with a mission, Leontina.
14:16Until I accomplish it, I will not be at peace.
14:23Nor will I be happy.
14:35Excuse me, I brought the towels. Leave them there and leave.
14:43Leonor, stay.
14:51You know.
14:53Stay, Leonor. Don't listen to me.
15:03Get out of here, Leontina.
15:09Get out, I said.
15:22Come closer, Leonor.
15:37Don't be afraid.
15:41I cleaned my body.
15:52Don't be afraid.
16:23Get out.
16:31Get out.
16:37Get out.
16:41Get out.
16:56Who could it be?
16:57I hope it's not the boss.
17:05Don Luis Emilio.
17:06I wanted to know how Violeta was.
17:10Tell her to leave, Mom.
17:11Violeta, please, I need to talk to you.
17:13I don't want to.
17:14You heard my daughter, young man.
17:15You'd better get out of here.
17:17You can't kick me out of here, Maria. I'm the owner.
17:23I'm sorry.
17:24I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to.
17:27Violeta, please.
17:28Please understand. I couldn't do anything.
17:31I never imagined that my father would be able to do such a thing.
17:39Take it.
17:41I know it's little, but this is for you.
17:44I'm going to keep it.
17:47You're doing the same thing you tried to do to your father.
17:52Your father is with us.
17:54Buy it.
17:56As if we were animals at a fair.
17:57No, Maria.
17:58You're wrong.
17:59Luis Emilio, go away.
18:02I'm trying to forget everything that happened.
18:07And you only remind me of the pain of that moment.
18:11Go away.
18:23Go away.
18:26Go away.
18:28Go away.
18:32Go away.
18:33Go away.
18:51I warn you, Leonor.
18:54Stay away from Jose Luis.
18:56I don't want to see you near him again.
18:59Tell that to your boss.
19:02Don't make me laugh.
19:04He's the only one who feels disgusted by you.
19:08I wouldn't be so sure of that.
19:11I'm telling you for your own good.
19:14If you want to live, stay away from him.
19:20Are you threatening me?
19:22Of course I am.
19:23You're becoming more and more like your boss, Leontina.
19:27I'm willing to kill you.
19:30If you try to take Jose Luis from me.
19:36You were the one who told me to shoot, weren't you?
19:40Yes, of course.
19:42I did.
19:55What's wrong with this man?
19:59What do you think?
20:02He's tired.
20:05All the boys are tired. Five hours working. What do you want?
20:14Fifteen minutes.
20:16And we'll get back to work.
20:21Fifteen minutes.
20:23And we'll get back to work. There's a lot to do.
20:34How long are we going to continue with this nightmare, Mr. Manuel?
20:41He wants to reunite us.
20:43Listen to me.
20:47We have to be together and we're going to defeat this bastard.
20:51I don't want to die for my son.
20:53Hey, hey.
20:56Trust me, okay?
20:58Yes, Manuel.
21:00We're going to get this land back.
21:02Yes, trust me.
21:04Yes, Manuel.
21:08Get some rest.
21:35They have him, Manuel.
21:36They have him, Manuel.
21:41They have him, Manuel.
21:46He's alive.
21:48He's alive.
21:50Yes, I managed to escape just in time.
21:54I'm going to take care of Jose Luis.
21:56You have to be patient.
21:58No, no, no.
21:59You have to resist.
22:00No, no, listen to me.
22:01He's not going to rest until he sees death.
22:02Don't do anything.
22:03The one who's going to kill him is me.
22:04Trust me.
22:07Trust me.
22:08No, listen to me.
22:09Listen to me.
22:11Don't do it again.
22:13Take advantage of it.
22:14Take advantage of it.
22:18There's a lack of a new life.
22:20Listen to me.
22:22How could you, brother?
22:24How could you, knowing you're here?
22:26Leave him to God.
22:29I'm going to help you get your freedom back.
22:31You have to be patient.
22:32Listen to me.
22:33Remember me.
22:34Listen to me.
22:36Calm down.
22:39Don't do it.
22:41Where's Manuel?
22:47Manuel, where are you?
22:53What are you doing here, man?
22:57We're going to the agency.
22:58The men are already notified.
23:02We're going to the agency.
23:13So you know, Leonor.
23:16I'm willing to eliminate you
23:18if you try to take Jose Luis from me.
23:20But this time,
23:21I'm going to do it with my own hands.
23:26I'm not afraid of you.
23:28Jose Luis is mine.
23:30Open your eyes, Leontina.
23:33Your boss doesn't love you.
23:35He can't love anyone
23:37because he's sick.
23:39That's a lie.
23:41We're going to get married.
23:43And what are you going to achieve with that?
23:45Suffer for the rest of your life?
23:48Jose Luis and his children
23:50are going to be mine.
23:53And you're going to be the housekeeper
23:55for the rest of your life.
24:00You're crazy.
24:02I'm going to kill you.
24:16Holy Virgin!
24:18You're still alive!
24:20I managed to escape.
24:22Please, Aunt Carmen, let me stay here.
24:23I'm begging you.
24:24Are you crazy?
24:26If Jose Luis catches you here, he'll kill me.
24:27Please, let's be quiet.
24:28We don't want any favors.
24:29No, no, no, no, no.
24:30No favors.
24:31You know that by law of our profession, there are no favors.
24:33Look, if you let me stay, I'll give you these nuggets, okay?
24:36They're gold.
24:37Manuel gave them to me.
24:38They're worth a lot of money.
24:44Just a couple of days, okay?
24:48Be very careful because I'm putting my skin on you, okay?
24:51Yes, don't worry.
24:52And you're not going to be flirting.
24:53This is not a hotel, okay?
24:54Don't you see I've been hiding?
24:56Stop working, okay?
24:58Thank you very much, Mrs. Carmen.
25:01You went too far, Letia.
25:21Wake up, man.
25:24Take this man to the warehouse.
25:26My father is waiting for us there.
25:29Here we go.
25:30This man looks like a bastard.
25:32Why did they bring them here, Mr. Manuel?
25:34I thought we were going to live next to the river.
25:37I don't know.
25:43How are you, Manuel?
25:47The girl.
25:49She's alive.
25:52The girl.
25:54She's safe.
25:56Go get her, she's close.
25:58Go get her.
25:59Oh, thank God.
26:02I'm going too.
26:05Go home if you don't want to have a problem, man.
26:07Yes, yes.
26:08I'm going to leave these things.
26:10You go, walk.
26:13Walk, move!
26:14Okay, okay.
26:17As long as I live, I'm not going to let anyone do anything to her.
26:20Mom, you have to be calm, I promise.
26:26Have you seen Manuel?
26:28No, but he's fine.
26:29You don't have to worry.
26:31Do you want me to tell you something when you see him?
26:34Wouldn't it bother you?
26:36Of course not, Mom.
26:38You know I'd do anything for you.
26:43Tell him I'll think about it.
26:47I'll tell him.
26:48I'll tell him.
26:50I'm going to leave it so I don't bother you anymore.
26:52Thank you very much.
26:54I'm going to tell him, Mom.
26:55Trust me.
27:10What is that?
27:11What, Mom?
27:12What did you do to your back there?
27:14A scratch.
27:15That's not a scratch.
27:16More like...
27:17Let me see what you did.
27:20Who did that to you?
27:30You're wondering why you're here, right?
27:34Because you're not in the river.
27:37Tomorrow you have to work at dawn, right?
27:42It's a new activity.
27:45I want you to understand that you belong to me.
27:49And for that...
27:52I'm going to leave you a memory that you won't forget.
28:06Hey, hey.
28:07Let's see what I'm going to do with you.
28:11What are you doing?
28:12What are you doing?
28:15Calm down.
28:17With you, Manuel.
28:19Have a good adventure.
28:22Forgive me, Manuel.
28:24No, no, no.
28:26Let me go.
28:29You have to mark the cattle to take care of them.
28:31No, no, no.
28:33What are you doing?
28:34No, no, no.
28:42No, no, no.