• 3 hours ago
00:00We were talking about it on Monday like
00:02Are we sure at this rate Gerard Mayo is back next year and Florio says there and he wrote this yesterday
00:09He does his power rankings every Tuesday
00:11He said at this rate Gerard Mayo could talk his way right out of a job and he said it there on PFT live
00:17This has been echoed as well by Greg Bedard who doesn't think Mayo is quote-unquote assured of a second season
00:25So could he talk his way out of a job is he gonna give Robert Kraft no choice
00:30This is one thing you now see in the NFL
00:34Coaches don't always come back for your number two. It used to be you sign a new coach. They're good for two or three years
00:40Carolina they never keep a coach for two years. Thank you. Like you don't Steve Wilkes didn't get a second year
00:46Frank Reich didn't get a second year Urban Meyer didn't survive year one
00:50Like you see that a lot what it's what a group you could join
00:54I mean Urban Meyer Steve Wilkes is right Mayo closer to that or closer to the good coach
00:58He is closer to that for sure now
01:01I don't think those coaches that we named had half the relationship with the owner that Gerard Mayo has
01:08That's why I still think Gerard Mayo is safe for a second season now
01:14You could also argue through seven weeks
01:16Could it be any worse like short of being oh and seven that'd be the one obvious like I'd be worse
01:21Could it really be much worse?
01:22You've gotten blown out of most of these games the owner loves the international game for better or worse
01:28You lost to a very bad team or the worst teams in the league in front of everybody out in England
01:34You've lost like at six straight games. The one silver lining is your rookie quarterback
01:40Finally started and looks decent for two games. That's like the one thing you can kind of hold up
01:44How much credit does Mayo get for that? I don't think much. No, but you do have that
01:49So I think there's enough standing in the way
01:52Shields, if you will, that'll keep Gerard Mayo back
01:56the biggest thing is
01:58I don't think Robert Kraft wants to admit he was wrong. His gut was wrong five years ago
02:03He picked this guy loves this guy blah blah blah blah Thunder buddy
02:06I don't think he's gonna let go of the Thunder buddy after one year
02:09He's also in a spot where Robert Kraft is the years up there one win two win three win team
02:17Fire van Pelt see you guys. We we we made a move
02:20We got a new office coordinator and if you really want to get nuts you could fire Elliot Wolfe
02:24I don't think you would do that after one year on the job, but I think you're more likely to get rid of him and
02:31AVP how maybe even Covington than you would Mayo
02:34That's my
02:36Blow all those guys out before Gerard
02:39Possibly because Belichick lost the job last year part because they were 4 and 13
02:44but even more so because
02:46He drafted all these clowns in the first and second round guys that aren't even on the team like it
02:50I think he was more blamed
02:52Certainly publicly for the drafts and the state of the roster whereas Mayo has nothing to do with that
02:57So you've said this before and I agree with it. You guys can jump in 6 1 7 7 7 9 7 93 7
03:02A lot of Celtics talk early in the show. We'll get back to the Celtics raising the banner last night
03:07They look unbeatable Tatum was awesome. They did shoot a lot of threes
03:11They were a bit shaky on defense, but overall not a lot of nitpicks for the C's last night
03:16We'll talk to Robert Ori about it at 1245
03:18We'll get into would you rather is coming up about 15 minutes from now on would you rather Wednesday on Jones and Keith?
03:24But you said this before Keith and I do agree with it
03:27A lot of people may have felt they'd be 1 and 6 at this point in time
03:31So the record in and of itself isn't the indictment on Mayo
03:35It's what's going on off the field like players getting in trouble with the law
03:40Players getting mixed up with the the police in Providence players up to God knows what in London
03:47Which people are really not happy with your questions
03:50From the challenge Oh Vinny for the challenge you coward
03:55Responded I wrote back something called Keegan stifle over at Nessun really took you to task
03:59No, I was unaware of his work not one, but two rivals, but my goodness
04:04We've we've developed some rivals over asking something that one of Christian Gonzalez his teammates brought up Kendrick Bourne brought it up
04:10Nessun calm angry at you Wow Vinny from the challenge angry at you
04:14I almost didn't come to work today for asking the tough questions around there
04:17I'd like to hear something called Keegan stifle his next question in a press conference. Trust me if I ever hear it
04:23We'll make sure we dissect everything else. Yeah. I hope it's not cringe inducing
04:27And dumb like your questions were but so it's all the off-field stuff with Mayo as well and and
04:35Now you have Mayo correcting himself left and right having to walk things back every single time
04:41He opens his mouth calling the team soft bill undermining him on a national stage
04:48That to me is the real problem Keith. It's not just the record. It's not being one in six
04:51It's not the team getting worse seemingly week over week out over week. They can't stop the run on defense
04:56They're getting shredded on his side of the football. It's not just that
05:01It's also everything else that comes along. You feel like more wins next season
05:06I do feel that way. That's not gonna help him. So we got you got my record. Yeah, we're gonna win more than four games
05:12Yeah, I'm all record
05:20The five wins you got to get going a little bit
05:22I also think it's one of those things where knowing a team's gonna be bad right and build a Robert Kraft over the last
05:28Four years has really changed his goals and like expectations. Remember it was like winning a Super Bowl
05:35Winning a playoff game making the playoffs. Yeah, just having fun like it's
05:40And so he even this year I think I forgot who was talking with him
05:44Maybe an NFL Network thing where it was like he didn't want to put even like a win total on it
05:49Nope, like so that's how far it is
05:53Fallen and it's so it's one thing to before the year begins say, yeah, they might be one and six
05:59They might be two and five. You're like, yeah, that'd be tough. But then when you're living it
06:03It's a week in between each game and you just lost you got blown out by the Niners. You got blown out
06:09By the Jets you have the ugliest game
06:12Maybe football fans have ever seen against the Dolphins you blow a ten-point lead to the Jag like that's so much different than me
06:18Just telling you what the record is like other bad teams are on the league that we're not watching
06:22You have to live it in real time. Yes, it's way different, right?
06:25Like you're like all the Titans suck, but I'm not watching the Titans every week
06:27No, like I don't really know just how bad it is. But when you're in it every single week
06:31And really no end in sight much different. They're a joke. Yeah, they're inept and no one
06:37Expected this level of ineptitude. No, no, no one expected them to look this bad, right?
06:42And have this many distractions off the field Mayo to look so
06:47Over his head like no one expected that no one and so it's worse
06:51And so here's the calculus for me Keith again, and I've said this a bunch
06:55when the bullseye turns to craft and
06:58He has to play the game now where yeah, he looks like a clown for hand-picking Gerard Mayo five years ago. Yeah
07:05You know shoving bill out the door, which I was okay with putting Mayo in his place
07:10Not inner not even bothering to interview anyone else
07:13So that's insane to me and comparing it to picking a wife, right?
07:17Like does he look like a clown for that? Sure, but but but is
07:21It a popular PR move to fire Gerard Mayo and does he look at it and say?
07:26All right. This is where I can get some people back on my side
07:28Like so you think he has an item to go full I was wrong and now we're gonna do the process
07:33Completely different than how I did it before. I mean you would have to do some interviews. You can't just like no
07:38Like I'd like the joke is like you sneaky had another guy in waiting like you've been really been grooming like somebody else to be
07:43The coach he see McCurdy. Yeah, wait a minute. What? Yeah, I just think that that is gonna be
07:48You know at some point Robert Kraft is probably gonna have to have a press conference where he either sticks by Mayo
07:54and you're like
07:54What is that or?
07:56He says he got it wrong and now has to hire somebody else and then everybody's gonna start questioning every gut decision
08:01He's ever made right, which is but I think that's the lesser of two evils in all honesty
08:05It's the quicker way to move on probably yeah, I just don't see it happen. Okay. Let me give you an example though
08:10Mike variables out there and available now look that would probably be another sham hiring process and maybe they do interviews for show
08:17But we'd all look at it like Vrabel was the guy
08:19Supposedly they wanted Vrabel last year when he was in the owners box and he was sitting there sidling up to Robert Kraft
08:25Let me ask you this. Yeah, would Vrabel take it? Okay. Let's say he would okay. Let's say I don't know if he would either
08:31So I just think real quick started to interrupt
08:33But if you are looking at the Patriots and they fire Mayo, so they fired Bill Belichick
08:38Yep, they gave one year to Gerard Mayo and now they're like we want you to have the job
08:42We want you to have it forever
08:43I'd be like you just fired those two guys like the best coach ever and then like you're one of your best friends
08:48You fired both of those guys like what chance do I have? Yeah, I mean again
08:51Does Vrabel have a lot of options?
08:52We thought Vrabel was gonna have options last year and he didn't I thought he was gonna be a red-hot coaching candidate
08:57He didn't have any options. It's like an assistant on the Browns. Maybe part of him is like you didn't even
09:02Give me a sniff
09:03Remember, there was that joke that they were like, maybe they would and maybe they were talking about it
09:07Probably he brought him back for the Hall of Fame. I guess so. Look. Yeah, right. We were just talking about that
09:11so I if Vrabel doesn't
09:13Want the job then that's another story, but just from a PR standpoint you fire Mayo and replace him with Mike Vrabel
09:20I think that'd be a win. That's a PR win
09:21That's a win
09:22And so I think Kraft might look at it at some point and go I need wins and if I take an L
09:28I take an L on my gut and I take I look like a clown for putting Mayo in place and Bill and all his
09:33Cronies, you know Matt Patricia with the potato chips all over his chest like they're they're gonna mock them and have a field day
09:39With it, but but it'll be popular with your fan base
09:43Kraft may reach a point where he goes I need I need wins and people do this is a win
09:47People do move on quick. Yeah, there's one thing
09:50There's always something else around the league around sports just in the news where you could be like, yeah
09:55I made a mistake, but I corrected that mistake right like I would rather you
09:59Change course right like like like John Henry all of a sudden if he had a complete change of heart on how he wanted to
10:06Go about it. I'd be like, you don't know what the hell these last five years were about
10:09But if you're signing Juan Soto now, they're like, okay, I'll take it
10:12Well, let me give you a Celtics analogy. You made this earlier in the show. It's a good one like
10:16Brad Stevens got on the job for two seconds and he's like Kemba you're done and it's like, okay like we met we made a
10:21Mistake we're moving on. Let's do this. He didn't even set up his office yet
10:24He traded Kemba Walker
10:26Nothing to do with him. He made a mistake. We're bringing back Al Horford, which at the time
10:30I thought you're just taking on a contract turns out he had a ton left in the tank
10:33Yep, and so you admit a mistake and I guess maybe that was easier for me. I wasn't signing
10:37No, this is like really personal. That's why I that's why if I had a bet right now is Mayo back next year
10:43I would still bet yes. Okay, but put up what was your percentage? He would survive the year in the offseason
10:49What is it now?
10:5275 so it's dropped. It's low. It's lower. It's dropped
10:54Yeah, so and I think like Floreo's point one thing you also couldn't expect is all right, they're one in six
11:00Okay, maybe you did expect that but him coming on there and be like we got a soft team. Yeah, like no
11:05No, they're playing soft. It's like wow on the one hand
11:08It's refreshing that you have a person talking but like does he even believe it or does he have to be told?
11:14So he gives you his initial thoughts then he has a meeting and he realizes like oh, that's not
11:19Now change it. I don't really feel that way. It's like dude. What a mess. Yeah, everybody's head is spinning
11:24We're gonna burn cash. She's gonna walk that back
11:29Have a lot of cap space love it and cash
11:33I was from the same interview with the Greg Hill show where he said the four wins and burn some cash
11:38He had to walk back right away that they were basically gave away. They were drafting a quarterback. He had to walk that back
11:42Yeah, walk back burn some cash. He's gonna have to walk back winning more than four games
11:46Yeah to walk back how soft they are he bungled the whole quarterback announcement early remember all that where he's like
11:52Well, we're gonna talk to the team first and then what they're gonna find out they all found out on social media
11:57Like everything is a mess everything
12:00For all our pets heads are falling off seriously for all the talk of OptumKeef
12:05Do they teach PR there? Like I imagine they teach PR there for all the time. You know, take the course
12:11I'm maybe not take the online
12:1330-minute course for watch those videos dry
12:16were you there that day cuz for all the talk about Optum and living in the corporate world debate did they teach PR there cuz
12:21It doesn't feel that way a guy who worked at the corporate world and he also did a media job
12:26How could he be so bad at both?
12:27Yeah, maybe we got to go back and dissect how well he did in the media
12:30It doesn't seem like he's doing a lot coaching. Well, no, so you know, thank you would be like, they're a little kind of
12:35Shockingly little yeah, nobody wouldn't if all like the run like all the things it's low on the list of responsibilities
12:42Bill Belichick snorted into the mic for 20 years
12:45There was the best coach there was so I'm not saying you have to be good at that
12:48But that's one thing that you thought he would be good at. Uh-huh, and he's the worst at it
12:52He's so bad at it because he's not could say he keeps changing his tune
12:55Oh, this is this is one that I feel a little bit more when people are like
12:58Oh you shoved bill out the door and now you want to shove his replacement out the door
13:01It's like I never wanted to replace nobody want a man both things can be true
13:04You didn't want Belichick gone and you can not want Mayo now
13:07Here's what I feel a little bit more and I think is more fair
13:10Bill said nothing for years. You guys were mad about it. Now Mayo says too much and you're mad about that like no
13:16So I do think there should be a happy medium in between Bill saying nothing and Mayo
13:20Saying too much and then having to correct it. But yeah, yeah, I think that's a more fair criticis
13:24I understand that criticism, but I'm honestly I'm not telling Mayo to shut up
13:29I'm just saying like what is it?
13:30How do you feel right don't feel one way on Sunday and then differently on months you say it stick with it
13:35Yeah, like I'm happy like I think it's better
13:37I prefer I think because I look at it's also an entertainment product like things don't have to be so secretive
13:43It's not that big of a deal
13:44and so if you say that a guy is injured versus like my we'll have to look at the tape like
13:50What's the huge difference right here, right? Give us a little Intel
13:53We're very invested in this team
13:55But if you're gonna have these pretty bold statements that the team is soft
13:58Then the next time you speak you're like no, no, no applying applying soft
14:02That's why you're like, all right
14:03Maybe I get why Bill did it cuz he never had to correct himself because he never said anything to begin with
14:08Mayo now like he's making it more difficult on himself. What was your analogy with arguing with your wife again?
14:13Oh, it's like you said I was a psycho. I didn't say you're a psycho. So you're acting like a psycho
14:19Or you can choose some other words
14:22You could fill in there
14:24So Mike Florio thinks Gerard Mayo could talk his way right out of a job
14:28Well, the other crazy part like we are Greg Medard thinks he's not a short of a second year
14:32That's that's what we're not even midway through. We're not even midway through the year. I was gonna be my point
14:35There's seven more games seven games. This is what it looks like
14:38And I think the Jacksonville game kind of magnified magnified things a little bit. Yep, not just because it was in London
14:45That's not important to me. I think it's important to craft but
14:48Because that team stunk that team was about to fire their coach that team was thinking about benching their quarterback
14:54Yep, he has his best game against them. It gives Doug Peterson life at least for a couple more weeks
14:59I mean he might still not survive the year
15:00But they beat the Patriots they beat him pretty soundly, especially after the Patriots got out to that good start
15:06So now you're looking at a team that has already fired their coach
15:10With the Jets coming up on Sunday and then Tennessee who stinks they're trading away wide receivers
15:16If you lose though, like that's a one in eight and it's two other teams that aren't great
15:21Yeah, two teams are losing records that you're playing and I would wager on in the meantime beyond just what's happening on the field
15:26I would wager on in the meantime
15:27Mayo says something else where he has to put his foot in his mouth talks today
15:31It might have it might happen in like two minutes Keith. He's about to hit the podium
15:34I'm sure he's gonna be asked about Bill Belichick and all these things all over and we'll be reacting to it
15:38So like he might have to correct himself today and they'll probably have another off-field incident
15:43I'd wager on them having another off-field
15:45Having to correct himself at least a couple of times based on the way this year is going. Yeah, I gots an easy bet
15:50Well, hopefully nobody asked them about the food in London
15:52Because then people get really upset that's cringe-inducing Keith. That's dumb is what that is
16:00The aggregator at Nesson and the guy and the guy who got kicked off the challenge guys on the high horse
16:05Yeah, the challenge guy from the clouds. I look at the guy someone covers this. I love I love the challenge
16:10Don't make me try to get the challenge Vinny. No, but I will I will but that's the thing come after Keith
16:14I'll turn against the challenge. There are villains on the challenge. They can't root for everybody. Good point, you know for every
16:20Every CT every CT you have bananas or a Wes correct, right?
16:23You got Vinny ripping girls shirts off six one seven seven seven nine seven ninety three seven coaches in New Hampshire. Hello coach
16:30Yeah, a little different perspective on the Mayo hiring if I'm a college coach or an NFL assistant
16:36Don't we live in a world where if you put in the work, you should be given an opportunity to advance yourself
16:42Like we we worry the NFL worries about the Rooney rule and making sure everyone adheres to it
16:47But how about a rule for Robert Kraft where hey, I'll tell you what you may own the team
16:52But you got to at least interview two three four five candidates. I think it was a sham and I'm really upset about it
16:58Yeah, so I don't the league should mandate it like I'm okay with them mandating having to interview minority candidates
17:04Like I'm okay with that as a rule because I traditionally they weren't getting jobs
17:08I think for the sake of your franchise though
17:10You should even if it's sort of like hey, we want Mayo like so I agree with this
17:14Yeah, I don't they don't you don't need a rule for it in this case, but
17:19Crash should have said look Gerard. We think you're the guy we're gonna make you interview and we're gonna interview some other camp
17:24What was the harm in that?
17:25What was the harm in interviewing some other candidates along with Mayo especially in this scenario where you had one coach for 20 years?
17:34You decided it was time to move on from which I agreed with but then your replacement is a guy who only played here
17:41And only coached here like you're not you're not your horizons, correct?
17:46Like nothing else no other outside philosophies at all
17:50We're just like we know Bill's the problem and we know Gerard who is only coached with or played for Bill Belichick
17:55It's not even like you played a season somewhere else or coached all year somewhere else
17:59Oh, they're like, oh you worked in the corporate world. I'm like, what was that any offensive coordinators?
18:03What do you learn there? Did he have any?
18:05Defensive coordinators like who do you who do you work with like I just business people like all right, great
18:09Yeah, so that part I feel like you're letting yourself down a little bit like you have an opportunity to hear some other voices and
18:15Some other ideas on how to how to do things or or you can just go to Israel and just listen to whoever's on that
18:19Trip and pick your next coach. That's a good plan. Put it in a contract to that. You have to hire him, correct?
18:25So I don't this is not a second guess. I actually feel like most Patriots fans. I want to say all I think most Patriots fans
18:32Felt that that was a silly foolish process and we all saw it in real time
18:36Yeah, just open it up an interview
18:39Outside you can still hire a mayo if you think he's the best guy at the end of the day. No, I agree
18:43I think 50% of the fans wanted Belichick to stay 50% wanted him gone. Give or take a percentage or two and then
18:50Nobody was thrilled with Mayo. It was either you and I had the thought many others as well
18:54Somebody outside of the tree find an offensive guy
18:58Offensive guy offensive guy and then others said Mike Rable. Oh my god. That's fine, too
19:03Yeah, nobody was really clamoring for Gerard Mayo to be the head coach and now here we are seven weeks into the season and you're
19:09Like I wonder how they feel about it now again
19:11But Dard says he's not assured a second season who Florio says he could talk his way out of a job in a related story
19:18He'll be talking soon
19:19We'll see what he has to say here on Jones and Key
