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El presidente celebró el cierre de la AFIP en el Foro Económico Mundial.

️ @facupastor
Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00Let's see, the chainsaw was more on than ever, Cata.
00:03Yes, let's see, he celebrated the dissolution of the FIP in this speech by Milley,
00:07he talked about Operation Carancho, which does not know where to get the chainsaw,
00:13he also celebrated what Winocur was just explaining about the retirements.
00:17Then he had that bizarre moment, which we are going to see, where he began to bark like a dog,
00:22but basically he said, the opposition likes seps,
00:26we are not basically putting a sep on the state, we are adjusting,
00:30we are doing what the previous governments should have done and no one dared to do.
00:34He said that in this forum, which is like a mini Davos,
00:38which is the World Economic Forum in the Liberty Palace.
00:41Cata and Wino, that is, 10,000 less public employees?
00:45Yes, that's the idea, of which 7,000 are permanent employees,
00:49and the idea is to continue adjusting the state with some measures that are also taken,
00:53for example, Rodolfo here can tell you a little better,
00:56but for example, in the last few days it has been intimated that all public employees
01:01compulsively take the holidays, the pending holidays,
01:05that implies that the state stops working in practice,
01:08there are thousands of secretaries, sub-secretaries, general directions that are not working,
01:14and that implies that there are things that the state has to do, that it is not doing.
01:1910,000 less is...
01:202 times 5 plus 7 plus 8, 17,000% of inflation,
01:25the retirees triple in the dollar of the retirement, and the wages earn them inflation.
01:30And the wages earn them inflation.
01:32It is an absolute verse the numbers that this government publishes,
01:36but I tell you one thing, this announcement,
01:39like 99% of the announcements made by the government
01:44and the measures that it says that it implements, already exist.
01:47Which ones?
01:48There is practically no change in the intimation regime
01:52to retire to the workers, to the workers of the state that already existed,
01:56and therefore this has an almost null impact.
01:59What you are going to say is that it is pyrotechnics in the announcement
02:03and that in reality nothing changes?
02:04An announcement that intends to be effective,
02:07that each time generates less results to the government.
02:11The impact is almost null.
02:14There is there that we are...
02:15And what is my law doing to say this, if in reality the impact is almost null?
02:18What it is looking for.
02:19What it is looking for is to believe that it will be able to improve its performance in its image.
02:27Are you going to say that it is a construction of a narrative?
02:29Without a doubt.
02:30Of electoral narrative.
02:31Even one without a doubt.
02:32I say, those who would have to retire in my law, Caputo and Sturzenegger,
02:37and they do us all a favor.
02:38Can I ask you a question?
02:39Because yesterday, when the whole mess of the AFIP was going on,
02:42I heard the information that many of the employees with the highest salaries
02:45had been appointed by the government of my law.
02:47Is this true or not?
02:49Yes, that is being proven.
02:52How? By the government of my law?
02:53Of course, because the government, justifying the dissolution of the AFIP
02:57and reducing the state, which was the justification to make everything more efficient,
03:00which is a discussion to give in another way,
03:02but it is a discussion to give that Kirchnerism did not want to give,
03:05said that there were employees who charged 32 million pesos,
03:09which is ridiculous and immoral.
03:11And yesterday, a colleague of ours, Nancy Pasos, told on the radio
03:15that many of those employees had been appointed by the government of my law.
03:19That's why I ask you if it's true or not, because I couldn't check that.
03:22The employees with the highest salaries are those designated by this government.
03:27And that generated the spontaneous and immediate reaction
03:31of what I believe is a conflict that is going to grow in the AFIP.
03:34The question is, are we just facing a change of name, of the body,
03:39or are we really going to advance in a reform of the tax collection system in our country?
03:44But then why do they announce the dissolution and why do they announce it?
03:47Because they have a salary of 14 million and they themselves created those positions.
03:50As they have been announcing a lot of things.
03:53The positions are the higher positions, the hierarchical positions.
03:56Well, but 32 million.
03:57Logically, within the AFIP there are workers who perceive worthy income
04:02that has to do with the collective labor agreement
04:05and the wage rights that were consolidating for many years.
04:08Wait, can you let me listen to my law?
04:10And I'm also going to ask you technically, Fede, how is this?
04:13That suddenly the government can intimidate, this is within the law.
04:16Now we talk about it, more about my law.
04:20We are going to collapse in 2025.
04:22If you look today, we have an intention to vote around 45%,
04:26after having made the largest fiscal adjustment in the history of mankind,
04:30with 15 points of GDP, and with inflation going down,
04:34with activity recovering, with real wages going up,
04:37with real pensions going up, with stable employment and slight improvement.
04:43And also, look at poverty.
04:46When we arrived it was 57 and now it is 49.
04:50How long has that been? 57. How long has it been today? 49.
04:53Do you realize that in what goes from the government we lower poverty by 8 points?
04:59With what I just told you, with what happened in inflation,
05:02from 54 to 2, from 25.5 to 3.5.
05:06Do you know that Toto Caputo and Sandra Petovello have to be taken to Andes?
05:10Well, my law proposes that we take Minister Caputo and Petovello to Andes.
05:18Outside the country, I imagine, as the only possibility of salvation.
05:22Take them to Andes, outside Argentina, if we save ourselves.
05:27And we stop this delivery policy.
05:32The president says that we have to take to Andes the most nefarious officials
05:37that this country has had.
05:39But you don't recognize them at all?
05:41Because, for example, inflation is something that ruins life,
05:45above all, for all Argentines, but above all for the most unprotected.
05:49I say that at this point that inflation goes down, it is useless for anyone.
05:56I say, I would like...
05:59That is something that Kirchnerism and Melonism could not do, and my law could.
06:03Look, the balances of the major companies that are listed in the stock market
06:08in this country are irrefutable proof of who won and who lost
06:13in this first year of my law.
06:15But wait, we are mixing everything.
06:17There is an achievement that must be recognized, Rodolfo,
06:20which is that inflation went down.
06:22You can tell me if you like it, if that is enough.
06:24Clearly, people are going crazy, clearly, it is not enough.
06:27I say, he achieved something very important that he promised, which is to lower inflation.
06:31Look, I don't think lowering inflation at the cost...
06:33To be fair with everything.
06:35No, one could talk, if you want, of a process of some stabilization of the inflationary process
06:39that has already ceased to be a concern.
06:42You are not pointing out one of the main concerns.
06:45Yes, it was.
06:46It ceased to be so because income, wages, pensions, the middle class
06:51and the popular sectors were already destroyed.
06:54I was saying, they win and lose, the energy companies, the telecommunications companies...
07:00But they also have to win, the companies.
07:02How are they not going to be able to win the companies?
07:04What has to win is also the people and not lose the retirees or the poor,
07:07but it is not bad that they win the companies.
07:09I liked that question because, look,
07:12YPF 1069...
07:14But why does it have...
07:15No, no, but it seems that...
07:17What is the problem that YPF won nothing?
07:19It seems that he had anticipated the question.
07:21In the last year, YPF 1069%, Sexpetrol...
07:24But that is fine.
07:25It is fine that they win 1860.
07:27They are companies.
07:28They are immoral gains because those gains are based on the impoverishment
07:33and the generalized suffering of our people.
07:35What does it have to do with anything?
07:36It is a country where they have to win the companies and also the people have to impoverish the internet.
07:39Just as it is fine that they win the companies.
07:41But what is happening?
07:42No, no.
07:43Well, but that's not the fault of the companies.
07:45No, but this is a nonsense.
07:46But don't put me in a philosophical debate.
07:48No, it's a nonsense because...
07:50I ask you.
07:51Are the morgues saturated in Argentina?
07:54Wait, wait, Rodolfo.
07:55Wait, wait.
07:56Fede, can you intimidate 10,000 retirees or 10,000 workers to tell them,
08:01ring the bell and say, hey, that's it, it's time for them to go to passive life?
08:06Yes, they can do it, but they could also do it even before the official bulletin was published today.
08:13Let's see, let's see.
08:14There is a law...
08:15So what has changed? I don't understand.
08:16There is a law of regulation of public employment that in its article 20 establishes the intimidation to retire to the public employee
08:24when he meets the requirements to access the benefits of the provisional system.
08:28That is slightly different from what is the labor contract law.
08:33There are some public employees who have a collective agreement that is within the labor contract law.
08:38But in the vast majority, when they meet the minimum age requirements,
08:42that is, 60 years for women, 65 for men, with 30 years of contribution,
08:47that is a law, I think, from the 90-something, from the 99.
08:53What comes out today...
08:55Aguiar AT1, rest 0.
08:59But sorry, I don't understand, I don't understand.
09:00Let's see.
09:01If the law already existed, the possibility of intimidating any public employee.
09:06What are we announcing?
09:07I finish telling you.
09:08What comes out today, published in the official bulletin, with the date of 21,
09:12is a resolution of the Ministry of Modernization, which is in charge of Sturzenegger,
09:19Ministry of Regulation and Transformation of the State,
09:21where it instructs the heads of different state organizations,
09:27which makes a reference to the Law of Administration of State Teachers,
09:32to, in a period of 30 days, practice the intimidation that the law enables.
09:39Because the law says, you can intimidate.
09:41And here what it is, is an instruction from the minister to all the heads of the different organizations,
09:48where in a period of 30 days he has to practice this intimidation
09:52and establishes an exception for 6 months,
09:57justified by cases in which these workers fulfill a strategic function.
10:04And in the case of companies that have majority participation in the state,
10:10which are within the same regime, it is only a suggestion.
10:14On the one hand, it instructs, and on the other hand, it recommends.
10:16Wait a minute, wait a minute.
10:18It seems to me that there is something political that is important to clarify.
10:21More than my law, more than my law.
