• 4 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Noi vediamo le tasse sui consumi come un ostacolo perché ricadono sul carrello della spesa dei nostri consumatori, riducendo la loro capacità di acquisto”. A dirlo Francesco Mutti, presidente di Centromarca, in occasione dell’evento di presentazione delle evidenze della ricerca ‘La Marca crea valore per l’Italia’, promossa da Centromarca e condotta da Althesys sul valore condiviso dell’industria di marca sul sistema Paese.


00:00The taxation on consumption is something that we see as an obstacle, an obstacle because we have to live this line as a value generator, as a resource generator, but we have to be careful about the taxes on consumption.
00:18The taxes on consumption, in fact, fall back on the expense of our consumers by reducing their purchasing capacity, so it is evidently, in our opinion, a wrong taxation and towards which we try to strongly oppose.
00:33Again, it should not be through taxes that we are going to change the habits of consumption of our consumers.
00:40As time goes by, it becomes more and more evident how the average size of our companies is incompatible with a market that is gradually expanding.
00:51When, for example, we focus on the world of food, we realize that more than 50% of exports are made by 0.2% of Italian companies.
01:03This means that we have a pool of companies that, unfortunately, are too small to be able to compete in the domestic market and not only, especially when we systematically face international markets, but we also think of all the cycles of innovation that we will be exposed to.
01:24When we talk about artificial intelligence, it is a matter of applying it to a medium-sized or medium-sized company.
01:31We are always talking about relatively small companies in Italy.
01:36We are not talking about large multinationals, but when a company is too small, these innovations also risk weakening it.
01:44Today, we must reflect deeply so that this very important industrial fabric is not wasted, but there are systems to improve, facilitate aggregation, the ability to create champions at the national level who can, in fact, support the entire single supply chain.
