• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La marca per il consumatore italiano ha un ruolo fondamentale perché siamo un Paese abituato alla qualità e nulla come la marca rappresenta la qualità”. Sono le parole di Francesco Mutti, presidente di Centromarca, intervistato alla presentazione della rilevazione Swg per Centromarca che ha indagato le preferenze degli italiani per i regali e il pranzo di Natale.

L’indagine è stata presentata a Milano in un incontro dedicato alla stampa.


00:00The brand for the Italian consumer has a fundamental role, a fundamental role because we are a country used to a quality, a quality in food, a quality in life.
00:17And nothing like the brand represents that quality in the facts. A quality given by attention, a quality given by innovation, a quality also given by the experience we have linked to brands, to those traditions that represent one of the main axes of Italianness.
00:36Today, Italy faces numerous challenges. Without a doubt, there is a European theme of giving competitiveness again to the European system and launching the project.
00:46At the national level, without a doubt, great attention must be paid to energy costs, which risk feeding again an inflation that damages the consumer, the industry and the distribution.
00:58Being very careful not to impose new taxes on consumption, we are thinking about plastic tax, we are thinking about sugar tax. All this is contrary to what must be an economic development and to take more money from the pockets of the citizens.
