• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La formazione professionale è uno degli asset su cui puntare per il prossimo futuro, sia per l’inserimento attivo dei giovani nel mercato del lavoro domestico e globale, sia per aumentare i contributi a favore dell’Inps e dunque dello Stato. Solo così riusciremo a raggiungere nel tempo un sistema pensionistico sostenibile”. Con queste parole il presidente dell'Inps Gabriele Fava è intervenuto in occasione del 36° Seminario di Formazione Europea ‘Formare al lavoro per trasformare la vita: il futuro è adesso’, la due giorni organizzata a Milano dal Centro italiano opere femminili salesiane Formazione professionale e dall’Associazione nazionale enti di formazione professionale in collaborazione con Regione Lombardia, con il ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali e con Fondimpresa.


00:00The strategic importance of the professional training of young people as a lever to stimulate
00:09employment is a competitive factor in a world of increasingly complex and dynamic work.
00:14This is the theme at the center of the intervention of the President of the IMS, Gabriele Fava,
00:19on the occasion of the 36th European Training Seminar, Formare al lavoro per trasformare
00:24la vita, il futuro è adesso, la due giorni organizzata a Milano dal centro italiano,
00:29opere femminili salesiane, formazione professionale, in collaborazione con Regione Lombardia, il
00:34Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali e Fondi Impresa.
00:38The professional training is one of the assets to focus on for the future, both for the active
00:45inclusion of young people in the domestic market and in the global market, and of course
00:51also as regards the providential and contributory position, therefore increasing the contributors
00:57and contributions in favor of the IMS and therefore in favor of the State.
01:00Only in this way will we be able to arrive in time to a pension system that is sustainable,
01:06but the professional training is also important for another reason, to contextualize our
01:11young people in an extremely dynamic market.
01:14I think of the new jobs, new jobs, here that these new jobs will be taught through
01:22continuous training in the regional competences, and this will allow a faster and more effective
01:29entry and insertion into the job market of all young people.
01:33President Fava therefore launched an appeal to young people who are approaching the job market,
01:37so that they stay away from the black labor and open, from the entrance into the world
01:42of work, their providential balance sheet.
01:45It is very important for me to emphasize and highlight and urge young people so that they can immediately
01:52think about building their providential balance sheet, as 30 years from now, from the reform
01:59of INI, they will find themselves young people with a full contributory system, this means
02:04that before they start to have contributions, a better balance sheet, then pensions, will be found.
02:11So, from this point of view, we will start with a providential education campaign, which
02:17will have as its main goal to convince them, to engage them, to make them mature the awareness
02:24to plan their future, starting immediately from the opening of their providential balance sheet.
