• last year
I didn't know the video would look that dark while making this but it's still worth your time to watch if you're a fan of mine or just want to spice up your guitar playing. If you're a guitarist and you're not trying to get better your kind of a twat. Allot of these tricks I just learned from random other people over the years some of them like that person was the only person I ever seen who did that. Like the bar your finder method and go crazy with your other fingers, the guy who explained that one to me called that shredding, so that's the name of the trick. Shredding is a actual guitar trick and pantara doesn't know how to do it and don't do that one once in there song the art of shredding from cowboys from hell album so there kind of hacks in my book always strumming down to try to make there guitars sound more pissid or maybe there just hacks who aren't good enough to be able to strum up and down bacause they lack the hand eye cordinations all guitarist are supposed to devolepe. You know Pantara is kind of a bitch move band to because they stole there band name from Thor's wife Pantara who tried to have a band back in the day before Jocko homo chest beater pantara stole her band and stage name before switching from makeup wearing but rock to Jocko Homo asshole sounding shit that sounds like the kind of skinhead music I'd try not to pay money for and just throw on when my tailor park skin head friend shows up.
