I made this to document this awesome guitar rift. I made this a while a ago and haven't even had time to post this. It will help me when I have time to start playing again or to figure out lyrics. These videos are kind of out of order cause I cant see their names when loading them through my phone. So I'll have to figure something clever in the future. Maybe them being out of order like this will help me come up with lyrics for the different sections or just see how maybe they all should be their separate parts or songs because originally was making all parts to be part of a bigger song then when I first come up with the riff and make like a little sub song with it it's not really the same as it turns out when it's in the bigger song and I'm playing it a million times faster. Maybe some possible lyrics be can't think you can't stand he can't hear he can't see he can't be he can't see he can't think you can't eat it's a lie he can't he can't drink he can't see when you think try to see what you see when you see now you can't see what it means to me all the people to me any kind of meat can you think can you stand can you hear can you drink we see and stare what the fucking dick when you see and you stare what the fuck do you think Elvis is here he's alive in my guitar so suck my dick. I know this is the lyrics I just came up with off the top of my head snapping my fingers imagining the Riff I just listened to in my video. It's just as good as any other lyrics I've come up with the countless punk bands that they have to make a massive list of that I don't get paid accredited for being the actual singer I guess my payment is out after make my own payment and learn how to play all their songs so I could sing my verses I came up with better than any of the shit ass things they have who can't even sound like me for the most part.