• last year
I made this new guitar video with tones of new guitar tricks never seen before clearly shown and named. I came up with allot of new tricks never seen before this video and clearly show how to do them and I give them names. It might appear that I only named a few new tricks never seen but I name many throughout the whole video also, like thumb slides, and sleeve harmonics to name a few. I also show a bunch of tricks I played and named in other videos so didn't bother with the names here. The order I played the rifts I aleady covered is in a different order than any other version as the other versions are to played in there own order. That way I can compare the different orders later before decideing which one I like the best eventually. So that gives all the different versions replay value not just for me but to the listener to because there all like completely different versions when the rifts are shuffled around like that and changed or played different in that moment. This was my practice sesh before this gig I played at Barrel House and as far as I know I'm kicked out for who knows why so F that place. But I have at least the footage of that gig I'll post next.
