• 6 hours ago
Scariest House in America Episode 4 - From Scary to Beautiful


00:06Hello, Retta.
00:08Do you like scary houses?
00:10Oh, s***.
00:15We trekked across the country searching for the nine scariest,
00:19most horrifying houses we could find.
00:21The amount of scary I saw was enough to keep me up at night.
00:28I don't want to get in it!
00:30Every night.
00:31I don't like that.
00:34I mean, it's just like a...
00:37You son of a...
00:39Of those nine houses,
00:40we narrowed it down to three terrifying finalists.
00:44In the nightmarish Northeast,
00:46Hansel and Gretel's frightening fixer-upper
00:48was a crazy house built by a former owner
00:51who elevated the scares to new heights.
00:57You have got to be kidding me.
01:02In the mysterious Midwest,
01:03the house of the ghost Geiger
01:05was an old haunted home
01:07where the rooms were shocking
01:09and the ghosts came a-knocking.
01:11Kill it with fire.
01:14And in the spooky South,
01:16Chez Louise was a crumbling plaster disaster
01:19no amount of witchcraft could fix.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:23What in the...
01:24You guys did that?
01:27Of these three finalists,
01:28only one house had the total package
01:31of scary appearance,
01:32terrifying function,
01:34and the ability to scare the heck out of me.
01:37So which house will receive
01:38the title of scariest house in America,
01:41the $150,000 renovation,
01:43and officially relieve me
01:45of my scary house touring duties?
01:48Enough with the scary.
01:50It's got me, like, scared in my own house.
01:52And I...
02:11So where is the scariest house in America?
02:24Saunderstown, Rhode Island.
02:28Okay, that looks creepy.
02:33Hansel and Gretel's frightening fixer-upper
02:35is a house where things are askew.
02:39That whole bed is hanging over nothing.
02:42A floating room outside of the house.
02:45No thanks.
02:47And its precarious exterior
02:49is just the beginning of this nightmare
02:51because the inside is a handmade amalgamation
02:55courtesy of a free spirit.
02:57His name was John Cota.
02:59He's the one that locked me into the bathroom.
03:03All right, John.
03:06With a bathroom not for the faint of heart...
03:09That tub was a mouse graveyard.
03:11Just the skeletons of mice.
03:17The only way this house could get any scarier
03:20is if you could plummet to your own death.
03:23I'm a little nervous up here.
03:25And actually, you can.
03:27In multiple places.
03:32But now, this grim house
03:34is going to have the fairytale ending it deserves,
03:37and it shall be scary never more.
03:41All right, I'm gonna go hide on the other side.
03:52Oh, my God!
03:55Guess what that means!
03:59You have the scariest...
04:02The scariest house in America!
04:12Oh, my God!
04:16Oh, I'm speechless.
04:19Finally, it's gonna get the love and attention it needs.
04:22I want to get a real look at this beauty.
04:25What do you think?
04:26I mean, it's something.
04:28What made you buy it?
04:29I've never seen anything like it.
04:31Neither have I.
04:32And it's one of a kind.
04:33It just feels eerie.
04:35It just feels spooky.
04:36Like, this is a wonderful place to just hide things.
04:41Oh, God!
04:43It is terrifying.
04:44I love a good A-frame,
04:45but, like, I want to modernize it a bit.
04:48I'm gonna lose the creepy cabin-in-the-woods vibe
04:51by fixing up the siding,
04:53adding a gorgeous fresh coat of paint,
04:55and bringing in tons of greenery
04:57to brighten the scary darkness
04:59that currently envelops the house.
05:01That sounds beautiful.
05:03There's one thing we can't lose, though.
05:05What is this?
05:06This is the key to the house.
05:08This is, like, what they give you at the gas station.
05:11You gotta show me inside.
05:13Come on in.
05:14I can't wait to see.
05:15Do you want to come?
05:16No, I do not.
05:17I've been there, done that.
05:18Okay, bye, Retta.
05:20This is ridiculous.
05:22Did I do it?
05:23So, you go up here, and then like that.
05:24Oh, okay.
05:25And then you...
05:26Hold on.
05:29Oh, my gosh.
05:32God, this is a lot of woodwork.
05:34A lot.
05:35This feels like you're on a boat.
05:37Well, I'm a sailboat captain, so...
05:40So, this is why you like it,
05:41because you feel like you're in a ship.
05:42Yeah, exactly.
05:43What in the hell is going on here?
05:45Every corner is, like, something crazy.
05:49You have the table over here.
05:51It's cemented in place.
05:53I mean, the wall, like this,
05:55I don't know what this treatment's called,
05:57but it is different.
05:59The ceiling is so heavy and dark,
06:02but we need to, like, lighten up the space and the floors.
06:05I mean, it is trippy in here.
06:07I want to swap this horrifying textured wall
06:10with clean plastered walls
06:12and brighten the overall feel of this room
06:14so it's not so foreboding.
06:16Oh, this is the kitchen.
06:19What is this?
06:20So short in here.
06:23It's so small.
06:24It's so impractical.
06:26There's no rhyme or reason for anything.
06:30Did you ever know this guy?
06:31He died before I bought the place.
06:34His name was John Kota, but we just call him John.
06:36My mom sort of sensed him in this place.
06:40Like an energy thing.
06:42Well, I don't want to upset any spirits,
06:43but I do want to give you a kitchen
06:45that's actually functional,
06:46and that means dropping down those floors
06:48so we can open this space up.
06:50And with a more open floor plan,
06:52you'll finally be able to have a real kitchen island
06:55and brand-new appliances and cabinets.
06:57All right, I want to see upstairs.
06:59All right, let's go look upstairs.
07:01I call this the catwalk.
07:02Look at this!
07:04This is so scary.
07:06You can fall right through here.
07:08This has to change.
07:11And this just, like, this sucks.
07:13It's terrible.
07:14This area needs a refresh.
07:16We've got to get rid of that terrible textured wall,
07:19bring this whole catwalk up to code,
07:21and I want to install some new sliding doors
07:23for you to make use of that great outdoor space.
07:26I think that would be pretty cool.
07:27Is that cool?
07:30What is this?
07:31This is the main bedroom.
07:32What the hell?
07:34Look at this wallpaper.
07:36He definitely had this intention
07:37of bringing the outside indoors.
07:40The best part is the TV over the bed.
07:43Shut up.
07:45This is the weirdest thing that I've seen.
07:46I know.
07:47I'm not even kidding.
07:48Once I can confirm this addition is structurally sound,
07:51we're going to get rid of that bizarre platform,
07:53give this room a proper sitting area,
07:55and, of course, remove the death trap
07:57that's currently hanging above your head every night.
08:00Let me ask you a question.
08:01Do you intend on using that guest room?
08:03It is kind of like a closet.
08:05It's so small.
08:07It's so funky.
08:10If you think this is weird,
08:11just wait till you see the bathroom.
08:12Let me see it.
08:16What the hell is that?
08:19You know, the 70s were a different time.
08:20When I moved in here, that tub was full of dead mice.
08:24They would get stuck, and they couldn't come out.
08:26God, that's a horror story.
08:28It still scares me.
08:30I want to totally transform this floor
08:32into a gorgeous main suite.
08:34That useless guest bedroom
08:36is going to become a brand-new walk-in closet,
08:38and your new en suite bathroom
08:40is going to include a gorgeous wet room
08:42complete with a freestanding tub
08:44and a separate shower with pony walls
08:46for you to store all of your toiletries.
08:48Ooh, I like that idea.
08:50And is that really an elevator?
08:52Really an elevator.
08:53Okay, so that works.
08:56You want to go upstairs?
08:59We're going to get very cozy.
09:02I'm ready.
09:09This is so...
09:11Welcome to the third floor.
09:13God, he's weird.
09:15I guess I see this as, like, that bonus space, right?
09:17That, like, extra cozy little nook.
09:20We have to make that more safe.
09:22That is a death trap.
09:24As for the rest of the room,
09:26I want to make it worth that scary elevator ride up.
09:29This is going to become the ultimate chill zone,
09:32a beautiful, cozy oasis,
09:34perfect when you want to unwind and relax.
09:36Yeah, I would love that.
09:37I trust you.
09:38Okay, good.
09:39Down we go.
09:45We're tackling this house from top to bottom.
09:48Got it.
09:49So it's time for Jeremy and his things to get out.
10:00This is a big one, okay?
10:01Not just big because we have a lot to take out,
10:04but big because I need to know how big I can make the kitchen,
10:08which means how far down can I go?
10:10Today is demo day,
10:12Retta's favorite day.
10:13My favorite day.
10:16You almost never see me in jeans except on demo day.
10:20We got to get this out of here just to open up a hole here.
10:23All right, well, I'm going to let you do the honors.
10:27Retta and I are just going to look pretty.
10:29Listen, why break it now?
10:30All right, let's get it out of here.
10:33There we go.
10:39Why don't you demo?
10:42It's about to fall off.
10:44There we go.
10:46Wow, that's a lot more space already.
10:48All right, Ian, so what are you going to do?
10:50Before I put a big hole right here,
10:52I need to see what kind of bracing and everything we have.
10:54That's fine.
10:55Rip it out.
10:57What the...
10:59Oh, God!
11:08What the...
11:09Oh, God!
11:11Oh, my gosh!
11:15That looks very real.
11:18Oh, my God, listen.
11:20I loved it.
11:22Scare number one.
11:24What the...
11:26Oh, God!
11:27Put it on the little scare chart.
11:30I'm not getting scared, Amy.
11:31Oh, yeah?
11:32Watch, they're going to get us again.
11:33Now I'm actually going to start watching that hole.
11:35Okay, now for the serious stuff.
11:37Oh, shizzle!
11:39The most important part of this demo
11:41is to see how low can we go.
11:44How low can we go?
11:46Can I even say this?
11:52We have an inch and a half of concrete
11:54on top of a lot of wood underneath this tile.
11:59This house is way overbuilt.
12:01We'd have to go through the concrete to...
12:03Get to the wood.
12:05If we can't go lower,
12:06this kitchen is going to be ridiculously small.
12:09You're going to do a little more research,
12:10you'll let me know on this,
12:11that way I can understand what I've got room to work with.
12:16While Ian tries to get to the bottom of this kitchen floor,
12:19upstairs in the bathroom,
12:20it's finally time to get rid of some of that deadly decor.
12:23Hi, guys.
12:25You ever seen one of these?
12:28Yeah, I was going to say, no.
12:29Yeah, can't say that I have.
12:30This rat massacre tub has to go...
12:37It's horrific.
12:38How are you getting this out?
12:39Are you going to...
12:40Oh, we're going to go over the railing.
12:42It's light.
12:44Like, if I can use this to barter when I go antiquing...
12:47I would love that.
12:48But you know who really loves it?
12:51Someone wants that tub.
12:52Don't nobody want that rat tub.
12:55Don't tell them it's a rat tub.
12:57They'll find out later when they watch this.
12:59Okay, good luck.
13:02With only six weeks to completely renovate this spooky house,
13:07the to-do list is almost as frightening as the home itself.
13:10You got to get your hands on it right away.
13:12Although the previous owner's design choices are frightening,
13:15a structural engineer has assured us that the home's bones are solid.
13:19So we have the green light to tear every last bit of scary away.
13:26But the more we demo, the more we see all of the home's bizarre features.
13:31This place is a bit of a renovator's nightmare.
13:36I don't know how to do this, so you have to come up with this with me,
13:39but I want this platform gone.
13:42I want it ripped out completely.
13:44I might get stumped on that one.
13:45I'll see what structure they underneath that.
13:48How do you eat an elephant?
13:50One bite at a time.
13:51That's right.
13:53And it's not just the inside that needs to be stripped of its frightening past.
13:57I've got the team power washing and prepping
13:59to replace some of the hideous siding around the home's exterior.
14:07While they continue to purge the scary,
14:10Greta and I need to look at new flooring options
14:13for basically the entire house.
14:23You ready?
14:26Yeah, sure. I'm ready.
14:31Let's find our floor.
14:33You love doing this?
14:34I love doing this.
14:36We want this to feel beautiful, whimsical.
14:39We clearly don't want it to be scary.
14:41This is kind of like the look of the beams.
14:45And then this could be, like, where we bring in more of the browns.
14:50We have this chocolate brown luxury vinyl.
14:52The only other wood you're going to have is up at the ceiling,
14:55so I think just the colorways work really well together.
14:58I want to do, like, a slate-type look in the bathroom.
15:02Of course you know what color I want.
15:06Look at this whole flippin' place!
15:09It's a lot of green.
15:11I love these cabinets.
15:13This is, like, the perfect color.
15:15Oh, I love it, and I love the green!
15:17I love this.
15:19What about lining up the bottom of the shower like this?
15:23I want to pull something into the niches.
15:26Where are the niches?
15:27Inside of the pony walls,
15:29so we could put, like, all of his soaps and stuff.
15:31Something, think like that.
15:33Did you ladies want to borrow some samples,
15:35take them home, look at them with your client?
15:37He has no say.
15:38He doesn't get to say anything.
15:40What are these, by the way?
15:41It's stone with a printed surface.
15:43They can actually make anything you want.
15:45They can put your face on stone.
15:47Hold on.
15:48What if each niche just had one tile of me
15:51and one tile of Bretta's face?
15:54Come on!
15:55That I can't.
15:56You pick the pictures.
15:57And he has to look at us every time he showers?
16:01It'd be funny as hell.
16:02Just like...
16:04I feel like we should be a permanent staple to his house.
16:08That's not where we're in this.
16:11Ups the value.
16:13We're going to sidebar this over a cocktail.
16:17Or five.
16:18But in the interim, this is what we're doing.
16:22Sounds good.
16:24Taking you to a bar.
16:25Come on.
16:26I'm going to convince you into this.
16:33This will, like, chisel it out.
16:38How are you?
16:39I'm meeting with the carpenters,
16:40because I want to go over this kitchen island
16:43that I'm going to have them do.
16:44Admiring this beauty.
16:45Yeah, we found this beauty in here.
16:47You wanted to know what your plans are for it.
16:49I mean, well, it is in the ground.
16:51It's permanently there.
16:52Permanently built.
16:53It's like a piece of art.
16:55So yeah, we have a bunch of ideas.
16:57Hey, if you want to tackle this also, have at it.
17:00Yeah, we'll bring life back to it.
17:03Let's go in the kitchen, because I want to show you
17:05what I'm thinking.
17:07All right.
17:08Welcome to the kitchen.
17:11We're going to do the range over here.
17:13The refrigerator is going to be where you're standing.
17:15We're going to dig down.
17:18So we're going to actually have ceiling height now.
17:21And now I'm going to have this big, huge island.
17:24I want it to feel like an old farmhouse table.
17:28You got it.
17:29Something brand new that looks old.
17:31So this really gets to be a standout moment.
17:33I mean, think about what they had before.
17:35Jeremy literally had a box.
17:39And this could be a massive transformation,
17:42probably our biggest.
17:43We'll make a beautiful piece for them.
17:45OK, good.
17:46And the good news doesn't stop there.
17:50In the main bedroom, we were able to cut
17:52into that platform, revealing the perfect wood
17:54floors underneath.
17:56So the plan to lower the bedroom is a go.
17:59Now for the kitchen.
18:01We've been making some great headway lowering the floors.
18:05Giving us an extra 12 inches of ceiling height.
18:08But with so much concrete, it's moving really slow.
18:14Oh, s***.
18:19In the way.
18:21This is a post-hitching cable that they use
18:24to reinforce the foundation.
18:27If we break this, we lose the structural integrity
18:30of the home.
18:32We may not be able to tear this out like we thought.
18:37Hey, Allison.
18:39We have a major problem here.
18:46Hey, Allison.
18:48We have a major problem here.
18:53We see a post-hitching cable right where we want the ridge.
18:58OK, we're going to have to change that whole kitchen
19:01range wall.
19:02Can you tell me how much room I have to actually work with?
19:05So from the brick wall out, it is a four-inch lip.
19:10I mean, we could easily hide with cabinetry.
19:14I feel like this is workable.
19:15So if we just shift where the range sits,
19:17the cabinets can completely cover that cable.
19:20God, Ian, this house is scary enough.
19:23I don't need you scaring the crap out of me, too.
19:27Relics from this home's past are trying to win.
19:30But let's be honest, they don't stand a chance.
19:34The ground floor's rough walls are being smoothed,
19:36and the frightening bathroom is transforming slowly but surely.
19:41Now I want to shift my focus to eliminating
19:43that dark, oppressive feeling I got when I walked
19:46in the front door a few weeks ago.
19:50God, this door.
19:51It's a heavy door.
19:54OK, so I've been thinking a lot about what to do.
19:59We didn't nix the catwalk.
20:01I think the solution is going to be to, like,
20:04paint everything white.
20:06White is going to, like, bring the eye up.
20:09Is it just these white?
20:11I think we're doing the trusses everything in white,
20:14and just the tongue and groove wood.
20:17I mean, that's a gamble.
20:21Let's go to the kitchen.
20:24This is way higher than I was thinking.
20:26You're tall.
20:27It still feels good in here, right?
20:29I can finally.
20:30So this is way more comfortable.
20:33We now have room to play in the kitchen,
20:35but no house is complete without a one-of-a-kind piece
20:39that you can only find by going antiquing.
20:43I'm already overwhelmed, in a good way.
20:46I try to figure out my slim walk,
20:51because it's tight.
20:55OK, we are going to break something.
20:57I know. It's really crowded.
20:59It's tight.
21:01This space gives me anxiety.
21:03Yeah, we're going to break a ton of s***.
21:05Look, this looks like his house key.
21:08Coming to a place like this
21:09is what starts the inspiration process.
21:13Solid brass.
21:15You find one thing, and it just snowballs into another.
21:20Look at this old bar.
21:21It's almost like it was made for his house.
21:24Guess how much it is.
21:30Can I help you with anything?
21:31Hi, yes.
21:33Would you be willing to negotiate on this one?
21:35You would?
21:36Yes, I would.
21:37And then you want to bury your head in the sand
21:39when I negotiate.
21:40And then...
21:42Can I interest you in a heart-shaped tub?
21:45You have one?
21:47Look at it.
21:48Oh, my gosh.
21:49That's pretty sweet.
21:51What could you do on the price for this?
21:55$2,000 on that.
21:59I know what you're thinking.
22:02It's pristine.
22:04All right, um...
22:05Brett is pretending to look at something.
22:07I can do...
22:12$1,800 on that.
22:13I told ya!
22:15Sold, sold, sold.
22:17The heart-shaped tub ended up being a huge win.
22:21I forgot about the rats eating each other in that tub.
22:28So we got a deal.
22:29This find is gonna be such a great fit in the new kitchen.
22:32And the bathroom and top floor transformations
22:35are on their way with all-new drywall
22:37to brighten up the scary spaces.
22:39But one of the biggest improvements
22:41is gonna be making that tiny second bedroom
22:43into a walk-in closet fit for a king.
22:47So this bedroom...
22:53That was a massive fail.
22:55Like, if it was dark and Matthew wasn't in here,
22:59you'd maybe scare us.
23:01I mean, come on with the skeleton.
23:03Who in the crew thought that was, like, funny?
23:07It was Rob.
23:09You're better than that.
23:10I know.
23:11You're better than that.
23:12That current room,
23:13he has two of the smallest closets that are in an angle.
23:16So this is our opportunity.
23:18Let me see what you put together for us.
23:20My thoughts were to get some drawer storage
23:22and then take advantage of this over here
23:24for the hanging storage and all that stuff.
23:26Is there gonna be a mirror somewhere?
23:28We can do a pull-out mirror,
23:29which is what we'll raid around.
23:31Great, love that.
23:32Before I can feel totally confident
23:34about the direction of the en suite,
23:36there's one horrifying bathroom detail haunting me at night.
23:40For some reason,
23:41there's a fake window
23:42that looks right out into the second-floor landing,
23:46and it doesn't make sense.
23:50Allison, I'm Peggy.
23:51Hi, Peggy.
23:52Nice to meet you.
23:53Nice to meet you.
23:54This is Retta.
23:55I called him, and I said,
23:56what colors do you like?
23:57He's like, black and gray.
23:58I go, give me real colors now.
24:00You know the two windows
24:01on the left and the right of the main?
24:04This one goes into the main bath,
24:05which I think is gonna be so pretty.
24:07This, I think, would be a nice green for him,
24:10an introductory green.
24:12How pretty is that?
24:14I wanna see.
24:17I like the combo of all these.
24:19I think Peggy's got it.
24:23We give her the colors,
24:24and then she flies.
24:26Now we need to come up with the pattern.
24:28I'm just gonna see what you come up with.
24:31I don't even need you to prove it with me.
24:33How's that feel?
24:35It's scary.
24:36I'm trying, it is scary.
24:41Back at the house,
24:42we are making headway on the interior.
24:45Restoring the floors has uncovered
24:47some real beauty in the original wood.
24:49But big decisions have to be made about the exterior,
24:53because it's still so scary to look at.
24:56I'm gonna have a lot of landscape
24:57that's gonna bring in the green.
24:59I get a little scared that my decision's
25:00gonna make it a little more spooky.
25:03But I'm blacking the whole thing out.
25:04So you're thinking about painting
25:05the whole body of the house.
25:07Oh, yeah.
25:08Great idea,
25:09but we have some bees
25:11that are eating through the wood.
25:13Oh, s***.
25:14Like, they're almost like bee termites?
25:17Yes, they're carpenter bees.
25:19Oh, I saw them!
25:26We have some bees
25:28that are eating through the wood.
25:30What kind of bees are those?
25:31Carpenter bees.
25:32Carpenter bees.
25:33The only way to get rid of that
25:35is to infill that and paint the whole house.
25:38I'm okay for painting everything black,
25:40but in this case,
25:41I'm actually helping to save the house.
25:44So now is decision time.
25:47They look exactly the same.
25:50We're gonna go with the top one.
25:52The trim is gonna be black.
25:54This will be black.
25:55I think it's gonna look sick.
25:57Hope I'm not making it spookier.
26:02The black exterior's a bit of a gamble,
26:04but it's giving Jeremy
26:05the sophisticated kind of curb appeal he wanted
26:08while also creating a contrast
26:10to the white, airy interior.
26:12Interior fright factor,
26:14definitely down a notch.
26:16Well, until you look up.
26:18I still have to deal with these insane railings
26:21on the catwalk and balcony.
26:23So scary.
26:24You can fall right through here.
26:26And I know exactly who can help.
26:31I'm so excited.
26:33I'm Allison.
26:35Nice to meet you.
26:36I hit it like a girl.
26:38I love that.
26:39Welcome to Iron Mountain Forge.
26:41You guys are all female.
26:43This is badass.
26:44Okay, so this house is very weird.
26:46It feels like you're in a ship.
26:48I might have almost bought it last year
26:50when it was on the market.
26:51What? Stop.
26:52My husband talked me out of it,
26:54but, like, legitimately, I almost, yeah.
26:56Okay, so this house is super unsafe.
26:59All right, let me hear your ideas.
27:01This guy's a sailor or a boater.
27:03Or a captain.
27:06Because Helene wanted to go full throttle
27:08with the boat theme for the catwalk.
27:10I played around with the bend in it
27:12so it kind of looks like it's getting narrower,
27:14kind of like the brow of a ship.
27:16This is kind of the sample
27:17so you can get the feel of how it would.
27:20I like it.
27:21And it's still simple,
27:22but it's beautifully engineered.
27:25Okay, I love it.
27:26I'm all in.
27:28Being able to make these railings safe
27:30is the number one goal,
27:32if we can actually personalize the design
27:34with a little bit of a theme for Jeremy,
27:36even better.
27:38We are taming down the terrifying,
27:40so from the outside,
27:42the murder cabin vibe is no more.
27:46Hello. How are you?
27:47How's it going?
27:48Pretty good. How about you?
27:49I'm good.
27:50I'm gonna come down here
27:51because I want to show you guys, like,
27:52what I'm thinking and feeling.
27:53The exterior's black on black.
27:55All right.
27:56And so I want the landscape
27:57to really be like the shining star.
28:00For sure.
28:01We have this really great walkway,
28:03which, by the way, is a death trap.
28:06Is this something you think you can help me with?
28:09A lot of the railroad ties
28:11might be a little too rotted to salvage here.
28:14But if anything can't be salvaged,
28:16it can be replaced.
28:17So I want to really hedge things out
28:19and keeping some kind of swooping whimsy to it.
28:24There's something really spooky currently about it,
28:28but there's something really whimsical
28:30and romantic about this property.
28:32It's just been forgotten.
28:34Is that lavender?
28:35That is.
28:36Oh, yes.
28:37Smells good.
28:38Those are really my notes,
28:39is just focusing on the greens and the purples.
28:41That, to me, is gonna help break up this house
28:43just being almost like a ghost.
28:46Like a sexy ghost.
28:47Okay, not spooky.
28:49Sexy ghost.
28:54Inside, we've got tons of projects
28:56rolling at full steam.
28:57This room's getting into ship shape
28:59with a new tub and all the new tile work.
29:03But downstairs, we really can't be sure
29:05how it's gonna turn out
29:06until we check in with the carpenters,
29:08who we also have a surprise project for.
29:11Hi, guys!
29:12Hey, how you doing?
29:13You guys have not met Retta.
29:16We haven't.
29:17Oh, this is the table!
29:18Remember this?
29:20So it's all new now.
29:21Shut up!
29:22We took off that thick layer of resin that was on top,
29:25so now you can really see the green.
29:27I absolutely did not expect this.
29:29I was like, oh yeah, it's a little side project.
29:31The big one is the...
29:33Yeah, is this right here?
29:34Shut up!
29:35This is our kitchen island.
29:36You already made it?
29:37Yeah, we're almost done with it.
29:39I thought this was part of, like, the shop
29:41because you had this on it.
29:42I know, so did I.
29:43A custom piece like this,
29:44it's really gonna, like...
29:47I hate using this word.
29:49No, I'm not gonna use it.
29:51This is hip-hop.
29:52Ha ha ha ha!
29:53Quick question.
29:56Do you copy keys?
29:58Um, wooden keys, maybe.
30:01Maybe a giant one.
30:03Yes, yes, that's what I was talking about, yeah.
30:05He needs another.
30:07All right.
30:08Challenge accepted, though.
30:09All right, so then the next time we'll see you
30:11is when you guys are bringing this up.
30:13All right!
30:17Alison, come stage with us.
30:21This is the moment.
30:22This is the big moment.
30:23The biggest moment.
30:25Three, two, one.
30:32This is the last day of work
30:34before Jeremy gets to see his new house.
30:37Looks like a fairy tale now versus a nightmare.
30:40All of the teams are working to finish
30:42the multitude of projects we've got going on.
30:45And I need to stay on top of the details
30:47if this is gonna be a success.
30:49After all, the devil's in the details.
30:52Hey, Ian, what's up with the light?
30:55Is that too low?
30:56I can go up three inches.
30:59That way I see the doors.
31:02Inside, we're gonna add some really great touches
31:05to make this place all come together.
31:07Black paint on the staircase,
31:09greenery for the third floor relaxation oasis,
31:12and some very unique kitchen appliances
31:15that keep this place looking one of a kind.
31:18Ooh, cute!
31:20It definitely looks so much brighter coming in.
31:22Because everything was so dark that it felt heavy,
31:25so you never looked up.
31:26And now it's like you can't help but look up.
31:28White definitely makes it look a little bit bigger.
31:31And then you have layers.
31:32Like, I love that from the first floor,
31:34you look up and you can see the green wall.
31:38Sight lines.
31:39Sight lines.
31:41It's good.
31:42But the work isn't done yet.
31:45Like I said, details, details, details.
31:48Go up one more.
31:50I think that's it.
31:52So every single one of them is like this.
31:55Dead center on every single one.
31:58Okay, unveil them for me.
32:00Wait till you see these.
32:04Look at it.
32:08Look how sweet it is!
32:11It's perfection.
32:14We're the stagers.
32:16We're the stagers.
32:17I need to get this place finished ASAP.
32:25Allison, come stage with us.
32:29Allison, come stage with us.
32:38I'm Allison.
32:39Hi, Kristen.
32:40Hi, nice to meet you.
32:42I know it's tight in there.
32:43We have some little nightstands that can go next to the bed.
32:46With every room undergoing a major transformation,
32:49it's hard to believe that this is even the same house
32:52that was once so, so scary.
32:56Look at this stove.
32:58Where do you get a fridge like this?
33:02How cute.
33:06This is my favorite season.
33:11You love?
33:12I've never seen a fridge like that.
33:14We've never done one.
33:15I've never seen appliances like that.
33:16I know.
33:17Look at our piece.
33:19Oh, yeah!
33:20Isn't that cool?
33:22This can always be down.
33:23You can have cocktail glasses.
33:25It's a big change.
33:27It was definitely a creepy, scary house.
33:29It is now almost like fairytale-like.
33:33It looks real pretty.
33:45This is Brady up in here.
33:47Isn't it pretty?
33:48It's really cute.
33:49And he has way more than he ever had.
33:51But what he doesn't have are tiles of you and me.
33:54This is yours.
33:56Well, I mean, I look good.
33:58You look glamorous.
33:59Look at mine.
34:03So here.
34:04There's one niche here.
34:05Oh, down here.
34:06And here.
34:07I'm putting you here.
34:10We're permanently in your home forever.
34:13I painted on a marble tile.
34:18Hansel and Gretel's frightening fixer-upper,
34:21you've officially been de-scaried.
34:25So they're still trying to make the fog machine happen.
34:30Fog machine?
34:32Really, guys?
34:36So, Jeremy.
34:37Is it time?
34:38This is the moment.
34:39This is the big moment.
34:40The biggest moment.
34:41We're going to go from the scariest house in America
34:44to what I think is the most magical house in America.
34:48When do I get to see it?
34:49I'm dying for you to see it.
34:51Always, she talks so long.
34:52I know.
34:53Can I see the house?
34:54Okay, are you ready?
34:57I am so ready.
34:593, 2, 1.
35:06Oh, my God!
35:113, 2, 1.
35:15Oh, my God!
35:26It's not even the same house.
35:28It's pretty good.
35:31It was just like cleaning it up
35:33and giving it that beautiful black coat of paint.
35:37I mean, doesn't it feel like a fairy tale?
35:40The fog helps.
35:43What do you think about your grass that you actually have now?
35:46It's beautiful.
35:47It's better than the mud pit that was here before.
35:52I'm getting eaten alive right now.
35:53Yeah, so hurry up.
35:54I know.
35:56Let's go.
35:57You want to go see it?
35:58Yes, I want to see it.
35:59Come on.
36:00Look at this.
36:01Wow, the doors look beautiful.
36:02The doors are, like, clean.
36:04Oh, did you need...
36:06Did you need a spare?
36:07We did.
36:08We just...
36:09Does it work?
36:10It works.
36:11It should.
36:12It better.
36:15Oh, my God.
36:19This is incredible.
36:23It's not the same house.
36:24It is.
36:25It's amazing.
36:30It's a chalet.
36:31You live in a chalet.
36:32It's amazing.
36:33The white with the contrast from the black outside, it's, like, so bright and so...
36:38Oh, the balcony.
36:39Look at that.
36:40Look at the ironwork.
36:41Is that, like, made?
36:43Custom for you.
36:45It's incredible.
36:46It's amazing.
36:48Come back here.
36:50I haven't even looked over here yet.
36:53Well, there's so much.
36:55Oh, the chandelier is so cool.
37:01And the walls are smooth?
37:04You don't cut yourself when you walk by?
37:06They were dangerous.
37:07They were all, like, little knives.
37:11Look at your table.
37:12Oh, my.
37:13Did you redo this?
37:15Had it all redone for you.
37:20Before, it was just overwhelming.
37:23You saw everything at once because it was just, like, screaming at you.
37:27And now, you see the stone fireplace, and you see the wood mantle, and you see the table.
37:34Alison, you have outdone yourself.
37:38You're a genius.
37:40All right, let's go up.
37:42I don't want you to see too much.
37:43Come on.
37:45The stained glass is beautiful.
37:49This is one of my favorite views right here.
37:54Because you get this custom spindles, every one hand-bent.
37:58The house, it feels like it's alive, especially with the arms reaching out around you.
38:03You want to see your new bedroom quarters?
38:17Where's the platform?
38:18I got rid of it.
38:19But we had this original floor under there.
38:22We re-stained it, re-finished it.
38:27All of this was there?
38:28All of this was there.
38:30Got rid of your TV.
38:32Oh, no.
38:34The room looks huge.
38:38You want to see your bathroom?
38:39I would love to.
38:40Close your eyes.
38:42Yeah, you close your eyes.
38:43I'll guide you in.
38:46And open them up.
38:50This is so cool.
38:53This is not the same room.
38:55It's, like, twice the size.
38:56Well, because the heart-shaped tub was the size of a king bed.
39:02Are there two showers?
39:04And a tub.
39:05Be careful.
39:06You could drown in it.
39:07You could have, like, three or four people in there.
39:10If you go there, in that corner, now look forward.
39:15Just look.
39:16You got your niches.
39:21I hope that's a permanent installation.
39:23It is.
39:24I did say the shower's built for three, so now three plus...
39:28This is so cool.
39:29You want to see a little surprise?
39:32Come on.
39:35I hope you love this, because I thought it was cool.
39:43This is not a bedroom anymore.
39:46It was the smallest bedroom, and now it's the biggest closet.
39:50I think I'm going to have to go clothing shopping.
39:54I can say officially this is the nicest closet I've ever been in.
39:57And there's more.
39:59Oh, that's pretty cool.
40:01Okay, then you think it's cool.
40:03I like that.
40:04Can we go upstairs?
40:05Come on.
40:06The anticipation's killing me.
40:11Are you ready?
40:13Open up.
40:23I'm in a jungle.
40:26This thing is so cool.
40:28And then...
40:29And your balcony.
40:31Custom iron work.
40:34Now, best for last, your kitchen.
40:49Are these real appliances?
40:56This is incredible.
40:58The walls, remember the walls bowed out?
41:01So I furred out all the walls so you could just straighten everything out,
41:05and then we could actually have a beautiful, beautiful backdrop for your new range.
41:09This was your island right here.
41:11It was a cube that housed the dishwasher.
41:14So to get rid of that, to have this entire wall functioning for storage, open shelving, counter space,
41:20but then have this custom made.
41:23This is amazing.
41:25And then, fun fact, your heart-shaped tub, so we were able to trade to get that cool new bar.
41:31Look how cool this is.
41:34You read my mind.
41:35I have always wanted something like this.
41:38But isn't it funky?
41:39This is so cool.
41:40But, I mean, you truly did have the scariest house in America.
41:44I'm not terrified to sleep here, that's for sure.
41:47I can't wait for your mom to see it.
41:49Well, thank you both.
41:50She's going to flip.
41:53We did it.
41:55On to the next one.
41:57Allison really just saw my vision and ran with it.
42:01It feels more like home today than I could have ever imagined.
42:05I hope you're super happy with it, because this was so fun for me,
42:09and it turned out so beautifully.
42:11Like, I'm really, really proud of it.
42:14This is it.
42:16And I keep saying that every episode.
42:19This is my favorite.
42:20No, this one's my favorite.
42:21Hey, doesn't that mean we're just outdoing ourselves?
42:24That's what that means.
42:31We did another one and killed it.
42:33It was, like, the most perfect design.
42:35Unknown caller.
42:45Hello, Renner.
42:46Do you like scary houses?
42:51Who gave you my number?
42:54Stop calling me.
