• last year
(Adnkronos) - A Torino l’incontro ‘OLTRE LAB. Dalla consapevolezza all’empowerment’, organizzato da Sobi con il patrocinio di Acep - Associazione Coagulopatici Emofilici Piemontesi “Massimo Chesta” ODV. “Iniziative come quella di oggi aiutano la collaborazione tra le associazioni dei pazienti e i clinici del centro – commenta Tobia Ghio, Medical Science Liaisons di Sobi Italia – Questo concetto è molto importante soprattutto nell’ottica di alzare l'asticella nel trattamento di patologie rare come l'emofilia”


00:00We at Sabi are excited to support initiatives such as these, in addition to the lab developed
00:11in collaboration with ACCEP, precisely to support as much as possible the collaboration
00:18between patients, therefore people with hemophilia, patient associations and clinical doctors
00:23who collaborate and work in this particular field, but also as interesting as hemophilia.
00:30Initiatives like these are very important precisely because they support what is empowerment,
00:35therefore the possibility for people with hemophilia to reach and above all to move the bar
00:41up, precisely because it is their ambition in the approach to pathology.
00:46So in our opinion it is essential to be present and favor the dynamics of collaboration in this sense.
