• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - A Torino l’incontro ‘OLTRE LAB. Dalla consapevolezza all’empowerment’, organizzato da Sobi con il patrocinio di Acep - Associazione Coagulopatici Emofilici Piemontesi “Massimo Chesta” ODV.


00:05Giving support to the caregivers of children and young people with haemophilia,
00:09offering tools and strategies to face the daily challenges related to the control of the pathology.
00:15This is the theme of the meeting, in addition to LAB, from awareness to empowerment,
00:20organized by SOBI with the sponsorship of ACEP,
00:23Coagulopathic Haemophilic Piedmontese Association, Massimo Chesta, ODV, based in Turin.
00:29The management of haemophilia for us doctors, but also and above all for the patients and their families,
00:34has completely changed.
00:36Now we no longer have to worry because we have the possibility to solve the problem
00:42on the main problems of haemophilia, such as bleeding and bruises.
00:48Now we have to focus more on the management of the haemophilia problem in an absolutely normal life.
00:56It is possible today to effectively protect even situations of daily life,
01:03I think in particular of sport, long walks.
01:07As far as children are concerned, there is an attitude to mitigate fears
01:15in getting closer to physical activity, especially in the school environment.
01:21The key is adequate information,
01:25an ability to take advantage of multidisciplinarity
01:31and to give patients awareness of their limits and the protection possibilities we have today.
01:40Experiences such as LAB are essential to give more and more awareness to the patient and to the family
01:48about how the association and the patient themselves can collaborate in obtaining what we all want,
01:56that is, a life free of disease.
01:59Initiatives like these are very important because they support what is empowerment,
02:04so the possibility for people with haemophilia to reach and above all to raise the bar
02:11precisely for what is their ambition in the approach to pathology.
02:15For us it is essential to be present and to promote the dynamics of collaboration in this sense.
