(Adnkronos) - L’Ad di Eicma e Vicepresidente di Ancma Paolo Magri parla del piano in sinergia con Atm, Comune di Milano e Trenord per permettere un accesso migliore al Salone. 10Mila parcheggi a disposizione, un biglietto “Trenord for Eicma” a prezzo concordato di 13 euro per tutta la Lombardia e la possibilità di acquistare biglietti pomeridiani
00:00Access and use of the event is certainly a hot topic.
00:10Last year we had the opportunity to experience the fact that it became problematic for the public.
00:16So this year we have made a plan in synergy with the public,
00:21a plan that provides for a substantial increase in parking for Saturday and Sunday,
00:29in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and with ATM.
00:33We have purchased 10,000 parking spaces between Saturday and Sunday
00:38in the peripheral parking lots of ATM,
00:42so Famagosta, Molino Dorino,
00:47all the parking lots that lead to an important line,
00:50so that people can use these parking lots for free,
00:56take the subway and come to the fair without using the car.
01:02It is an activity exclusively available to those who buy the ticket,
01:07so they can book these parking lots in the two key public days, which are Saturday and Sunday.
01:15We have also made an agreement with Trenord,
01:19which will issue a 13-euro Trenord for EICMA ticket
01:23to reach the Milan-Ros fair station from all over Lombardy.
01:29This ticket will be valid for a return trip and for an adult and a child up to 14 years old.
01:38Finally, we have made the afternoon tickets to try to dilute the flow,
01:43so I believe that this testimony, an attention to the public and to the flow, is important.
01:50In conclusion, it is the price of success that we want to pay responsibly.