• last year
El empresario dueño del Hotel Dubrovnik, de nacionalidad española, fue denunciado en múltiples ocasiones por explotación laboral. El hombre que divide su tiempo entre Argentina y España, y recientemente adquirió el hotel para emprender reparaciones. Se le acusa de condiciones laborales inadecuadas en la terminal Liniers, donde los trabajadores alegan falta de un lugar adecuado para resguardarse del frío.

Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD


00:00of the tragedy in a little while we are going to go with Diego de Nicolás who is located in a key point
00:06because that person now you are going to see is not only the owner of the Dubrovnik hotel I do not know
00:13the complaint he has regarding the journalists who are reporting the truth is that this
00:19businessman has been denounced on repeated occasions since at least the year 2018 for
00:28labor exploitation I am going to show you who he is there is no photo of this man of Spanish nationality
00:34who spends six months in Argentina and six months in Spain because he does not support or does not like
00:43the cold in the month of April he buys the hotel Dubrovnik to Rosa and embarks on the repairs of the
00:55hotel because well now you are going to see we continue with the graphics please we are talking about
01:01Antonio Juan Manuel Arcos Cortez is an important businessman who has different
01:09entrepreneurships among them among them bus stops let's call terminals it is not very
01:19clear for example that of Liniers also another in Neuquén but what is he dedicated not only to the
01:29purchase of hotels or stops he also has other hotels for example Mar del Plata the hotel
01:33Ostende let's go please guys purchase of hotels and parts to repair this is what
01:45Cortez is dedicated to, precisely Dubrovnik ended up being something of this a hotel
01:51that came a little less than it was bought, it was made up and it was exploited, this is what they
02:01tell us, Cortez has the concession of the Omnibus Terminal of Liniers, which is actually
02:07established only as a stop, not as a terminal and there are complaints about it, he also has the
02:12concession of the Omnibus Terminal of Neuquén, Neuquén Capital, let's move forward with respect to the
02:21owner to the new owner from April, he has the Mar del Plata hotel Ostende
02:27that in 2022 suffered a fire in the kitchen that ended up forcing the evacuation of all
02:34guests but the most striking thing is that this man has been denounced since 2018 for
02:43labor exploitation and when we began to join information regarding not complying with the
02:50norms or the workers for so many years, for example the suitcases that have been denouncing him
02:57because they have all the employees precarious in black apparently according to the complaints
03:03the complaint also of the Alameda the foundation led by Gustavo Vera with whom we are going to talk in a
03:09little while on another topic but since 2017 they have been denouncing him sooner or later the things that
03:17are done wrong end up with consequences and then what Fito tells you appears, they are a series of
03:25facts that at a certain moment are concatenated in a certain way that end up causing
03:30this real disaster, the businessman Antonio Juan Manuel Arcos Cortés assures that he is at the
03:37disposal of justice but is free while the Albanians are in prison and while
03:43yesterday the offices of the Iniers terminal were filled to obtain documentation
03:49related to the hotel, we are going with Diego de Nicolás right now live to Iniers, a place that was also
03:56unthinkable, we did not imagine that we had to go until yesterday that this information came to us
04:03to a terminal that some say is not quite in order, Diego, how are you?
04:11How are you, Pablo? Good afternoon, yes, this is the Iniers Omnibus Terminal, it has a
04:17fantasy name called Iniers Anonymous Society, that is, it is a private company
04:26that observes and provides this service here in Iniers and perhaps that person who travels and
04:34usually takes buses to different cities in Argentina or countries Limítrofes
04:39know her, for many it may have gone unnoticed because it is not in a visible place
04:47where the Iniers Omnibus Terminal is located, well, it is located on the
04:53General Paz collector, on the side of the capital, very few blocks from what is Rivadavia,
05:00if you look there with this image that we are giving you, you see General Paz, but there is a
05:05very lush tree, so the one who comes through General Paz, unless he looks especially
05:12for the side of the collector, it will be difficult for him to identify it, of course, only those who come
05:19from the collector's side pass in front of him. Now, all those passengers who usually make
05:27trips from here take it very into account, yes, because here the collectives come, make a stop
05:34and sometimes then they continue, for example, towards the Lepiane terminal or towards the Retiro terminal,
05:40which are places that we all have much more on the radar, much more known, but the reality is
05:47that this stop Iniers is a bit hidden, but for years it has been providing service for
05:52passenger transport. Let's see, Diego, listen carefully to what Fito is going to tell us, because we have
05:56information regarding situations that occurred in this same terminal. Yes, the first thing I want to
06:02ask you, Diego, is that you illustrate and look for us if it is a collective terminal so that
06:09collectives can enter or it is only a ticket sale and it would not be enabled for collectives to enter
06:16as a terminal. No, here is a stop where the collectives enter and there are passengers waiting to
06:28get on and off. Yes, but the habilitation does not work as a terminal. It is not only a place to sell tickets, of course, but that is the important thing that Diego brings us, the place that should be, according to the papers,
06:38the place of sale is a terminal with all the dangers that can arise when you do something on the left
06:43and here what is clear when there is someone who does things in a certain way, usually or
06:52always, these things happen, as you say, that is, it is not that it is a coincidence, I say no, it is necessary to investigate everything, it is necessary to investigate everything.
07:00Let's see if this information that it would not be enabled as a collective terminal for
07:07entry, but only for ticket sales, so a call to the city government. Now, I also understand
07:15that there was also noise with the suitcases in this place because they denounced and with a blockade of the
07:22terminal, they denounced in 2017 that they had us black, labor exploitation and Florencia Arieto also appears
07:29linked to the government of Javier Milei at the moment as defending the businessman, the owner of the
07:36hotel Dubrovnik at that time. Yes, the information we have, Pablo, that well, Arieto, who was from Bullrich,
07:43later said that Bullrich, I don't know what, and now he is with Milei and then I don't know who he will be with, my friend
07:49Florencia, but that in the face of a blockade of the suitcases, let's see, the suitcases, that people who are going to earn
07:58a lot for the tip, because they have them black, do not pay them, then it is people who help you to unload the
08:06bags, one day in a claim they were denounced in federal justice, in federal justice, Pablo.
08:14Let's ask him, look, we are in contact with Guido, who is a delegate of the suitcases, how are you, good afternoon, Guido,
08:20thank you for this contact, we call him because we know that they come from a long-term conflict where
08:28you have been denounced and it turns out now that the person who evidently had been doing things
08:33wrong ends up with an immeasurable tragedy, right? In Villa Gesell. Pablo, how are you doing? First of all, my condolences to the relatives of the victims of the Villa Gesell building.
08:45Yes. We put all the necessary documentation in favor of Dr. Borlando for what he needs from all the
08:53documentation that we have been having since 2016 against this businessman Antonio Juan Manuel Arcos.
08:59I am the National Secretary General of the Union, I am not a delegate. We have been denouncing this man before the
09:07formation of the union in 2016 for irregularities and work in black. The 14 suitcases that are
09:16inside this terminal together with the suitcases are all in black. All those who work there? They are all in black.
09:25Call for the Ministry of Labor. Totally, we are tired of inviting them to the Ministry of Labor, they never show up,
09:34they don't even answer the letters. And I want to make an observation, Pablo. Yes. Dr. Blaké knows very well what I am going to tell you.
09:45The ceilings, if you see the ceilings of this terminal, are made of sheet metal. Yes. And a micro, God forbid,
09:52if it comes to fire, we have another Chromagnon inside the federal capital.
09:57But it is very serious what you are telling, especially, let's see, you are not saying it like a witness who is watching television,
10:03there he is showing us on our cell phone, thanks Diego and the team, the ceilings of the terminal, the conditions in which it is.
10:10I say, when we warn, we warn, you see, because then things happen, as it happened in EGC.
10:19We did not have, we did not have, unfortunately, we could not reach the media, because the media are labor agents, as they handle themselves.
10:26But we have been reporting to this terminal since 2016. Who is speaking to you? I am sued by Dr. Florencia Arieto.
10:36Yes. When he says goodbye to me to a trunkman, he says goodbye to our delegate who works at that terminal, Oscar Cóceres.
10:42When in winter, our colleague Oscar Cóceres went to tell Mr. Antonio Arcos,
10:47please, Antonio, give us a room to be safe, because we die of cold.
10:52Do you know what Antonio Arcos, this criminal businessman, answered him?
10:57Stop breaking the ball. You take 1,500 pesos a day and on top of that you fuck me.
11:02This is the treatment that this man has, this is the treatment that Antonio Juan or Juan Manuel Arcos Cortés has,
11:09which is, we reiterate, the businessman behind the fall, in reality, or the hotel,
11:16because he had just bought it, but he had enabled, at least by his own motus, reforms that, in principle, the municipality had not granted, right?
11:25It differs a lot from the statement of the board that says that the workers were very close, in the statement that no.
11:31But the question, Guido, is the following. Can collectives enter there, as a terminal, or is it only authorized for the sale of...
11:39That terminal, that terminal, is enabled for the sale of tickets, and I want to tell you that it is the terminal that charges the most in the country.
11:49No, that doesn't matter, that doesn't matter, because I'm going to this, which does matter, but in this tragedy,
11:55how is he used to, with a permit, expand it and violate the law and regulation?
12:03Well, we were talking about that with the different Cabas transport ministers, and they were all Poncio Pirato, none of them did anything.
12:12Yes, yes, yes, but he went to jail.
12:13But, excuse me, Guido, but he has so much power, this man, I mean, you don't know a photo, you don't know...
12:19He's a swindler, look, he's a swindler.
12:20And he also has a mechanic, obviously, to do things. I mean, I insist, Rosa didn't fall, the building, the poor people who are there, who have not yet been able to rescue either.
12:32And the workers who were there, Pablo.
12:34The workers who were there, they were in black too.
12:36They were construction workers, the colleagues who were also putting their backs on them and without being registered.
12:42You know that he registered them at the time of the accident, shamelessly.
12:49He registered them to the workers, he gave them insurance coverage at the time of the accident, because they were without insurance coverage.
12:57You know what's coming to an end, Pablo?
12:59I'm going to make a complaint to you now, looking from here.
13:02All that advertising that is there, those canvases, those canvases are set on fire immediately.
13:08That advertising can't be there, Pablo, I'm telling you.
13:11That's the door to a tragedy.
13:14That's a door to a tragedy.
13:18Like the one in Villagesen.
13:21It is the violation of the rules.
13:23Let's see, imagine, I reiterate, you are a businessman, you want to do your business, it is perfect.
13:31Now, inside the hotel, in a month, there were going to be 400 people, at least.
13:38At least.
13:39At least.
13:40We are talking about there could be 400 dead.
13:44We are talking about a methodology that is repeated, and look at what they are denouncing us now.
13:49There are complaints, I was talking to Gustavo Vera this morning, he says, we denounced this man in 2017.
13:55Yes, together with Gustavo Vera.
13:57And you too.
13:58Let's see, Sigal is also with us, Dr. Sigal, tell me.
14:01The Deliverance Council of Mar del Plata awarded him for his career.
14:04I don't know where they are going to get now.
14:06When did they award him?
14:07In 2017, they award him when he buys the hotels.
14:11In 2022, they end up having to evacuate all passengers due to a fire in the kitchen.
14:18Let's see how far this journey takes us.
14:22Guido, thank you for the information.
14:25Let's hope they can be modified.
14:28Pablo, I want to tell you that 20 blocks from this terminal, which is not enabled,
14:36there is the Omnibus Terminal, which is enabled, which is the Delepiani Terminal.
14:41Please, we have to talk to the businessmen and direct the Omnibus traffic from a long distance
14:47to the Delepiani Terminal, which is enabled and complies with all rules ISO 9001.
14:53We have it in the Delepiani street, in Bajo Flores.
14:58I want to insist, thank you Guido.
15:00These people are denouncing and pointing out, nobody listens to them.
15:05Finally, a methodology of this businessman is revealed.
15:10Obviously, it has to be investigated.
