• 2 days ago
00:00Iran, 12 restrictive laws against women in the Middle Eastern country.
00:10Strict laws for women in Iran.
00:12A woman protesting against Iran's strict hijab law is making headlines.
00:17Iran has some of the strictest laws for women.
00:21Improper hijab can lead to jail.
00:24In Iran, a husband can behead his wife for adultery.
00:28Women can be beaten, fined and jailed for not wearing or improperly wearing a hijab.
00:36Girls can be married at 13.
00:38The legal marriage age for girls in Iran is 13.
00:42With permission, even younger girls can be married.
00:45Child marriage is widespread.
00:49Paternal consent for marriage.
00:52Women need their father's permission to marry.
00:54Courts can overrule a father's refusal.
00:58Husbands can prevent wives from working or traveling abroad.
01:04Men can have multiple wives.
01:06Men in Iran can have multiple wives.
01:09They can also have temporary marriages with as many women as they wish for a specific
01:17Unilateral divorce rights for men.
01:19Husbands can divorce their wives at will.
01:22Women have limited divorce rights.
01:26Boys held criminally responsible at 9.
01:29Girls can be held criminally responsible for serious crimes from age 9 lunar years.
01:35Boys are not held responsible until 15.
01:40Unequal value of life.
01:42The value of a woman's life is less than a man's.
01:45Blood money, compensation for a woman's murder is half that for a man.
01:52Rape victims must prove the crime.
01:54Sexual harassment is not a separate crime.
01:57Victims must prove rape or face punishment.
02:01Leniency for husbands who murder wives.
02:04Men who murder their wives after finding them with another man receive reduced sentences.
02:12Divorce difficult for women.
02:13To divorce due to domestic violence, women must prove unbearable abuse.
02:20Women barred from judgeships.
02:21Women cannot be judges.
02:22Old senior political roles or may be prevented from running for office, working as secretaries
02:27or in restaurants slash cafes.