We ask the People of Glasgow how they used to celebrate Christmas in the city when they were younger.
00:00Taken to the cafe for something special to eat?
00:02You'd be good at this, you'd be quite good at interviewing people.
00:05When I was a wee boy I remember it was a special thing to come into Glasgow at Christmas
00:09because they had lights on all the streets like Circuit Hall Street,
00:13Buchanan Street, Argyle Street and it was all joined up.
00:17Getting a selection box and I used to get one from my auntie as well
00:24and as I got older she used to put a fiver in it.
00:27Cold and wet, that's been predominantly it.
00:31Nowadays it's a wee bit sparse so that was one lasting memory I have of Glasgow at Christmas.
00:37She stopped giving me my selection box when I got married.
00:40Used to snow a lot younger when I was younger but not now, now it's just cold and wet.
00:44Originally from Coatbridge so we used to come into town on the train
00:49as a special treat at Christmas, go to the pictures or something like that.
00:53What age were you there?
00:5428, so I was still getting a, maybe she stopped at about 25.
01:01So I liked my selection boxes.
01:03Have you taken to any particular shops like Littlewoods or any of these things?
01:06Littlewoods is a good one yes, I remember Littlewoods,
01:09that was just up the road there, you know for Marks and Spencers.
01:13I actually come in to specifically see the lights at Christmas time.
01:17Remember I used to get a bottle of soup from when I was younger, you know that was a treat.
01:21That was a treat.
01:22It's very much more commercial now and it starts earlier, which is I think ridiculous.
01:28Christmas is a December thing, not from Halloween, that kind of thing.
01:34And Santa's Grotto, there used to be, where the shopping centre for the inner centre,
01:40there used to be a shop down there that had a big Santa's Grotto, you know, I remember that.
01:45And were you ever scared of Santa?
01:46No, no he gave you presents and a cuddle.
01:52It's definitely evolved into a bit more commercial thing than a religious thing.