(Adnkronos) - “Investire nei giovani è fondamentale perché la nostra è un'azienda proiettata verso il futuro che fa leva sulla fiducia, la storia e la credibilità che abbiamo con tutti i nostri clienti”. Queste le parole di Matteo Del Fante, amministratore delegato di Poste Italiane, intervenuto durante la prima edizione del Premio giornalistico Tg Poste, il telegiornale quotidiano di Poste Italiane. Il premio è stato istituito con l’obiettivo di valorizzare giovani under 30 capaci di sperimentare linguaggi nuovi per raccontare l’attualità.
00:00How do you see the future of the company?
00:05Fundamental, because our company is projected towards the future,
00:11which is a lever on trust, on history and on a lot of credibility
00:17that we have, fortunately, with the whole of the Italian system
00:22and therefore with all our clients.
00:25It is a world in evident change and we started 7 years ago
00:31identifying the trends that are quite evident under everyone's eyes
00:37of change and we started working to accompany those trends
00:46but above all to accompany the Italians to surf these new waves
00:57that are e-commerce, that are the payments that compared to 7 years ago
01:02obviously are less and less paper and more digital and telematic,
01:09the savings that is becoming more digital and less of a personal relationship
01:17and therefore it is the task of our company with the young people
01:22who are the ones that push more than others the change
01:27that are at the top of the list of those who carry on the change
01:32to be present and accompany them.
01:35So it was natural, as the Director General said,
01:40talking about communication, giving a signal of great attention,
01:44very serious to communication,
01:48to privilege communication and journalism for young people.