• last year
(Adnkronos) - Quasi 9 italiani su 10 ritengono che la sostenibilità non riguardi più solo l'ambiente, ma anche l'economia e i diritti. Per il 79% degli italiani, invece, c’è una vera e propria connessione diretta tra tutela dell’ecosistema e la qualità della vita delle persone. E’ in questo scenario che si è sviluppato il primo “Osservatorio Partecipativo su Economia Circolare, Impatto sulle Comunità locali e territori. Le opinioni italiane, i bisogni e le prospettive future” realizzato da Nespresso Italiana in collaborazione con l’Istituto di ricerca Swg. Ispirato dal programma “Nespresso per l’Italia” e dall’esperienza consolidata nelle pratiche di riciclo e circolarità, il progetto, nasce per raccogliere e analizzare i bisogni delle comunità italiane, dando voce alle opinioni e alle aspettative delle persone con l’obiettivo di rendere tutti e tutte partecipi delle scelte concrete di sostenibilità dei prossimi anni.


00:00Sustainability has an increasingly central value for Italians, but the demand for concrete and transparent actions by institutions and companies is growing at an equal pace with a disillusionment towards initiatives perceived as purely symbolic.
00:21This has been discussed in the course of the first participatory observatory on circular economy, impact on local and territorial communities, Italian opinions, needs and future prospects, carried out by Nespresso Italiana in collaboration with the SVG Research Institute.
00:38Inspired by the Nespresso program for Italy and the experience consolidated in recycling and circularity practices, the project was born to collect and analyze the needs of Italian communities, giving voice to the opinions and expectations of people, with the aim of making all participants of the concrete choices of sustainability of the coming years.
00:57With the observatory, what is key for us is to listen to Italians, for their needs and expectations. We always know that taking action, making it much more tangible for the Italian, will always be a very important thing for us.
01:14Listening and making everyone participate together is a participatory thing. We are not talking about something that we do ourselves, but a co-creation, and this is very important for us, for this co-creation with Italians in the communities, which will then bring shared value to the Italian community.
01:41Among the main results from the analysis of the data collected through the participatory observatory, it emerges that sustainability is no longer just an environmental issue, but embraces several aspects, from the economy to the rights, to the impact on the quality of people's lives.
01:5670% of Italian citizens have at least heard of sustainability, but few have really understood the meaning. Circular economy is also a concept that is still unclear and assumes little concreteness compared to the perceptions of consumers.
02:11Therefore, we expect a lot from companies, so that the culture of sustainability and circular economy becomes a widespread practice, not only by the citizen, but also by the companies themselves.
02:23But what emerges in an even more relevant way from this research is that, precisely because sustainability is a 360-degree concept, it is no longer just a matter of reuse, consumption, recycling and therefore overall saving resources.
02:38Sustainability also offers a broader concept than that of support and intervention on the communities, so that all the practices that we as consumers put in place and that companies can put in place can bring shared and participatory value to all territories.
