• last year
Caleb Pressley | Sundae Conversation
00:00The baby.
00:02You just dropped some new shit, huh?
00:03Yes, I did.
00:04How the fuck is this a mixtape?
00:05Clint Balls dropped some new shit this morning.
00:06What'd you drop?
00:08You're awesome.
00:09You're a father now.
00:10I've been a father.
00:11You're a dad.
00:12Maybe give some advice.
00:13You're so good at becoming a dad.
00:15At becoming one?
00:16You've done it so many times.
00:19That's actually clever as hell.
00:20You're absolutely...
00:21I'm actually great.
00:22Do you think if the roles were reversed and you had to carry the child and deliver the
00:26child, do you think you could do it faster?
00:29No, no, no, no, no.
00:31It would take you nine months.
00:33It seems like a lot.
00:35I don't even know where to fucking begin when it comes to that.
00:37You know what I mean?
00:38Women are superheroes.
00:39Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to.
00:42And you're running for politics now.
00:43Is that true?
00:44Hell no.
00:45Seems like it.
00:46Would you breastfeed?
00:47Seems like it.
00:48Would I breastfeed?
00:50Hell no.
00:51You'd put your baby on the bottle.
00:53Are you a boob guy, you think?
00:54Who, me?
00:58Like ass.
00:59See, I like tits.
01:00You react...
01:01Yin and yang.
01:02There we go.
01:03I like that.
01:04If you do have to punish your kids, do you make them listen to trash music?
01:06Who would you make them listen to?
01:08Oh, shit.
01:11I won't do anybody in particular like that, but there's plenty of options.
01:18But it rhymes with what?
01:25I'll pass on that one.
01:27You don't discipline your kids.
01:28We get it.
01:29Yes, I do.
01:30You don't discipline your kids.
01:31I do, but, you know, I...
01:33We've all heard it.
01:34We know who they are.
01:36You've went through a lot.
01:37A whole lot.
01:38There was a time where it felt like you went away for just a while, but now it feels like
01:43you're coming back.
01:44There we go.
01:45It's the return of the baby.
01:46Yes, sir.
01:47Is that true?
01:48Yes, sir.
01:49One could say that.
01:50A lot of people, a lot of artists, when they do return, they use it as an opportunity to
01:56In different ways.
01:58You have people who rebrand their name.
01:59Yeah, I've seen it before.
02:00Titty Boy comes back as...
02:01Who changed?
02:02Dunkin' Donuts comes back as...
02:05They were still Dunkin' Donuts.
02:08Drop the donuts.
02:09They dropped the donuts.
02:10It's just Dunkin' now?
02:11Just Dunkin'.
02:13You get my point.
02:14You serious?
02:17Have you ever thought about that?
02:19For the return of the baby.
02:20What do you think would be a good alternative?
02:22Have you ever thought about dropping the donuts?
02:24Have you ever thought about dropping the baby?
02:27Dropping the baby?
02:28And just being...
02:32Just duh.
02:34That's pretty awesome.
02:35You thought about that?
02:36Fuck no.
02:37Not even for a second.
02:40Don't jump out your seat.
02:41Just an idea.
02:42Yeah, I'm just saying.
02:43I'm just saying.
02:46Fuck no.
02:47You started a charity foundation.
02:49Is that true?
02:50Oh, yeah.
02:51I did that.
02:52Have you ever considered donating money to it?
02:53Why haven't you donated money to it?
02:54I already had to do that.
02:55I had to do that shit before you heard about it.
02:58Why'd you assume that I didn't?
02:59I would just...
03:00You haven't even...
03:01You pointed at me.
03:02You pointed at me and everything.
03:03Just guessing.
03:04Yeah, no.
03:05Do you mind if we do a new segment presented by 4Loko?
03:07Yeah, go ahead.
03:08This segment is called...
03:10Donate this, donate that.
03:13I'm gonna give you a thing.
03:15And you tell me, would you donate it?
03:18You're kidding me.
03:20Under what circumstances?
03:21Just to be a good guy.
03:22Fuck no.
03:24Maybe I'll have to find out I'm a good guy in a different way.
03:28If I gotta donate to somebody, I would assume that I need the shit too.
03:32So I don't wanna have to, you know, end up needing the donation.
03:34You don't seem very charitable.
03:35You don't seem very charitable.
03:38The thing I like about you is that throughout your career, we all know it.
03:42You don't have to go down that path, but we know it.
03:44Well, we know.
03:45But, you seem like you've softened a little bit.
03:47Like you can turn the other cheek now.
03:49I'd agree.
03:50Do you mind if we do a new segment presented by 4LOCO?
03:53Which are available at all Walmarts.
03:55I'd love to do one.
03:56This new segment is called...
03:59What's that?
04:00In this segment, I have Glennie Balls read something to you that's not gonna be nice.
04:03So I gotta turn the other cheek.
04:05And I just want you to look him in the eyes, listen to him, and try to turn the other cheek.
04:15You're a pussy.
04:20Did I make you mad?
04:22No, no, not at all.
04:27You don't know it's so funny.