• last year
गोस्वामी समाज छात्रावास में आयोजित प्रेस कांफ्रेंस में दशनाम गोस्वामी सभा समिति राजस्थान के अध्यक्ष बाबूलाल भारती ने बताया कि 1999 में तत्कालीन अशोक गहलोत सरकार ने रणवीर सहाय आयोग का गठन किया था। उसमे ओबीसी आरक्षण को चार विभागों में बांटा गया था। गोस्वामी समाज को अत्यंत पिछड़ा वर्ग माना था। आज राजस्थान में हमारी जनसंख्या 2 प्रतिशत के आसपास है, ऐसे में गोस्वामी को समाज को अति पिछड़ा मानते हुए अलग से आरक्षण दिया जाए
उन्होंने कहा कि तत्कालीन भैरोसिंह सरकार ने जो हमारे पुजारी थे वे खातेदार थे उनके नाम हटाकर देवता और ठाकुरजी के नाम दर्ज कर दिए। इसके बाद गांवों में लोग उनकी जमीनों पर कब्जा कर रहे हैं। उन्हें डरा-धमका रहे हैं तो कहीं कहीं उन्हे जिंदा जलाया जा रहा हैं। हम पिछले 20 साल से पुजारी महासभा के माध्यम से संघर्ष कर रहे हैं। आज पुजारी परिवारों के समक्ष रोजी रोटी का संकट उत्पन्न हो गया हैं। आखिर वे परिवार कहां जाए। सेवा पूजा करके यह लोग सनातन संस्कृति का ही काम कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि गोस्वामी समाज को संस्कारित करने के लिए बाड़मेर युवाओं ने जो पहल की है यह संदेश पूरे राजस्थान में पहुंचाएंगे।


00:00On 13-12-1991, the government of Bharat Singh Shekhaoji removed the names of our Khatidas and registered them in the name of Kaur Devta or Thakurji.
00:14Since then, our families have been subjected to torture in every village.
00:21The leaders of those villages are occupying the fields and killing them.
00:29In some places, the priests have been burnt and in some places, they have been killed.
00:32We have been communicating for the past 20 years through the priesthood and through the society.
00:38We have fought with the Congress government and the BJP.
00:42But in 2018, on 13-09-2018, the government issued a petition.
00:48If that petition is fulfilled,
00:51secondly, on 13-12-1991, we want the government to cancel its circular decision.
01:00Then all the problems will end.
01:02In total, 50 lakh families in Rajasthan have been affected.
01:07One more thing, on 13-09-1991, the government appointed Ranbir Sahay Aayog.
01:16He also participated in the petition.
01:20He was considered a very backward person.
01:23We want to be around 2% in Rajasthan.
01:28We want the government to give 2% to our society, considering it to be very backward.
01:36There was a circular in Rajasthan.
01:38In that, the names of the priests were banned.
01:41Before that, in the 1970s, these priests were farmers.
01:47Because they were farmers, their land was occupied by the governments of the states.
01:53They were left there.
01:54Now, through the circular on 13-12-1991, you are banning the names.
01:58In the villages, there are 2-3 families.
02:01Today, there are 15 families.
02:03Each family has 2-3 acres of land.
02:05Only the house and the paddy fields are left.
02:08There is nothing else.
02:09There are other influential people.
02:12They have been harassing them by using different methods.
02:16To solve that problem,
02:19the government should take back the circular on 13-12-1991.
02:24Rajasthan Prime Minister Ganga Rao ji was a part of it.
02:27And Bhairav Singh ji was the Chief Minister.
02:29That was the circular of that time.
02:30The names of the priests were banned.
02:33They are completely banning the circular.
02:35Because it is not possible for the priests to live in Karachi.
02:39They belong to Hindustan.
02:40They belong to Sanatan culture.
02:41They belong to Jhoj Vaha.
02:42They belong to living here.
02:44They are occupied in rural areas.
02:46They have been banned by the government.
02:48So, did the Goswamis do anything against the nation?
02:52Whatever they did for Sanatan,
02:54they will continue to do it.
02:55Our request to the government is
02:57to take back the circular
02:59and give the priests the right to farm.
03:02So that the priests can do farming,
03:04can do development,
03:06can raise their children,
03:07and can do farming.
03:09And the temple is being worshipped.
03:11And the temple is being worshipped.
03:13And the temple is being worshipped.
