00:18This is an exciting night, folks.
00:20Tonight, the world's greatest private eyes
00:22select their own winner for the annual Private Eye Award,
00:25the coveted gold pussyfoot statuette
00:28awarded to the Private Eye,
00:30solving the most difficult case of the year.
00:33And in closing, I'd like to thank
00:35the Private Eye Annual Awards Committee
00:38for allowing me to tell how I solved
00:41the Greasepot murder mystery,
00:43my most slippery case.
00:46I thank you, I thank you, I thank you.
00:49Sir Loin-of-Beef is a cinch for the award.
00:52Stout fellow, he has my vote.
00:54When they hear my case, they'll feel an about-face.
00:57Right, Snoop, your case is real scary.
01:00And now, for the last case of the evening,
01:03we are forced to listen to super...
01:05I should pardon the expression...
01:09Must we listen to this bounder?
01:12May dear fellow Private Eyelets,
01:14when I recall the fantastical events of my case,
01:17there won't be a participle of doubt
01:19as to who should get the award.
01:21It all started one normal morning
01:23when I answered a normal phone call.
01:27Hello? What?
01:29The bank was robbed last night?
01:31That's a normal enough robbery.
01:33What? The whole bank building itself disappeared?
01:36That ain't normal. Sounds like a 903.
01:39A 903? Gosh, Snooper, 903?
01:42That's awful. Not a 903.
01:44It can't be a 903. Are you sure?
01:46I always get excited when it's a 903.
01:49They're the worst kind.
01:51Gosh, Snooper, 903, that's awful.
01:53Not a 903. It can't be a 903. Are you sure?
01:58Stealing a bank building? I don't get it.
02:01That's a crime of the first latitude.
02:04You're right, Snoop. Whatever you said.
02:08Here we are, Blob.
02:09Let's go have a private eyeful.
02:13It's gone, all right.
02:15It sure is missing.
02:18Quick as a flash, the solution come to me.
02:21Find the bank building.
02:23With this in mind,
02:24I started questioning folks in the vicinity.
02:26Excuse me, sir, but...
02:28It was right over there.
02:29Thanks. That helps.
02:30This is merely routine, sir.
02:32It was right over there.
02:34Every little bit helps, sir.
02:36I was at my wits' end,
02:38and me nitwit assistant was at his half-wits' end.
02:41When I hit it!
02:42In the form of a small boy with a sack of gold.
02:47What's your name, son?
02:49Jack what?
02:50Jack in a beanstalk. The M is for Nebo.
02:52Something clicked in me brilliant brain.
02:54I started firing questions.
02:56Where'd you get the gold?
02:57I ain't tellin'.
02:58Do you know any giants?
02:59I ain't tellin'.
03:00Do you know any cows?
03:01I ain't tellin'.
03:02Do you know from beans?
03:03I ain't tellin'.
03:04Loaded with this important information,
03:06we were soon burning rubber for the kid's house.
03:10There it is, Blab.
03:11Just as I elementary'd.
03:13What is it, Snoop?
03:15It's a giant-sized beanstalk.
03:17A giant-sized beanstalk?
03:20With a giant at the other end.
03:22Give him a giant hello from me, Snoop.
03:25Hey, Blab.
03:26You want your badge, don't you?
03:28I'm back, Snoop.
03:30Look, I'm back.
03:31After all, what's a little giant?
03:34We must take a run up the beanstalk
03:36and interrogate the suspect.
03:38Why, Snoop.
03:39How do you talk to a giant?
03:41Easy, Blab.
03:42Just talk big.
03:44Let's go.
03:45Giant land, next stop.
03:56Look, Snoop.
03:57A rubber mountain.
03:58It says so right on it.
04:00Let's climb up and take a look-see around.
04:02And keep your private eyes peeled for the giant.
04:05All right, Snoop.
04:07Leave us by this highway, Blab.
04:09It's sure to lead someplace.
04:11Hey, Snoop.
04:12Look up ahead.
04:14That Blab.
04:15He's just like a kid.
04:16Hey, Snoop.
04:18I'm king of the mountain.
04:20Never mind the kid games, Blab.
04:22Do you see the giant?
04:24No, Snoop.
04:25Not a sign of him.
04:26Better not stick his nose around here
04:28if he knows what's good for him.
04:30Look over there, Snoop.
04:32Oh, boy.
04:33It's an echo cave, Snoop.
04:35Go ahead and try it, Blab, if it'll make you happy.
04:37Thanks, Snoop.
04:39Hello in there.
04:47What happened, Snoop?
04:48Besides me, I'll light a match and see.
04:55Me hair's on fire.
04:58I'll smother it.
05:01Jump, Blab.
05:02I'm jumping, Snoop.
05:06Blab, do you see what I see?
05:08Not only that, but I'm seeing what's seeing us see it.
05:12The good run is firm.
05:14I'm squirming.
05:17I'll crush you, you fire bugs.
05:23I'm gonna squish you.
05:27It's only fair to warn you, Squisher.
05:29You're dealing with Super Snooper.
05:31The greatest private eye in the world.
05:33Oh, mon Dieu.
05:34Super Snooper.
05:36En personne.
05:37Oh, mon Dieu.
05:39Tu es mon héros.
05:42Alors, le géant s'est engagé à retourner dans le bâtiment,
05:45après avoir gardé l'or,
05:46qui a été volé par le garçon, Jack,
05:48tout d'abord.
05:49Je demande que ce menton
05:51ait sa licence privée revue
05:54et que son magnifique verre
05:56soit brisé en petits morceaux.
05:59Je t'ai dit qu'ils ne croiraient pas que c'est Snoop.
06:03Tout ce qu'il me reste à faire pour le prouver, c'est briser.
06:08Je t'ai brisé,
06:10et comme je t'ai promis,
06:12je suis là.
06:14Donne-nous une main, pote.
06:16La main arrive.
06:20Attends, j'ai oublié quelque chose.
06:24C'est bon, Jack.
06:25C'est bon, héros.