(Adnkronos) - "È di grande importanza contribuire allo sviluppo di una manifattura come quella di Gruppo Bracco, perché nell’innovazione sono dei leader e noi a Ginevra adoriamo l’innovazione. È una conferma che qui abbiamo tutte le competenze per rispondere al bisogno di una grande impresa come Bracco, sia nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo che nella produzione”. Lo afferma il sindaco di Plan-les-Ouates Xavier Magnin intervenendo a valle della conferenza stampa organizzata in occasione della giornata inaugurale di Hexagon, il secondo stabilimento di Gruppo Bracco di Plan les Ouates, a Ginevra, realizzato con un investimento di oltre 80 milioni di euro, grazie al quale l’azienda leader nell’imaging diagnostico sarà in grado di triplicare la produzione del suo innovativo mezzo di contrasto per ecografia basato sulle microbolle.
00:00It is of great importance to contribute to the development of a manufacture such as the Bracco Group, because in innovation there are leaders, and we in Geneva love innovation, and it is a confirmation that we in Geneva have all the skills to meet the needs of a large company such as Bracco, both in the field of research and development and in production, but it is also the confirmation that in Plan Louisette and in Geneva there are conditions of context suitable for receiving customers.
00:30It is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is also the confirmation that in Geneva there are conditions suitable for receiving customers, and it is