• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Gruppo Bracco ha con la Svizzera un legame di lunga data, fu mio padre ad istituire qui una società di ricerca chimica. Successivamente ci siamo dedicati allo sviluppo di un mezzo di contrasto per l’ecografia, assieme ai ricercatori dell’Istituto Battelle. Abbiamo quindi sviluppato questa innovativa tecnica di ecocontrasto basata sulle microbolle, utili non solo per la diagnostica ma anche per il rilascio della terapia farmacologica”. Così Diana Bracco, presidente e Ceo di Gruppo Bracco, a margine della giornata inaugurale di Hexagon, il secondo stabilimento di Gruppo Bracco di Plan les Ouates, a Ginevra, realizzato con un investimento di oltre 80 milioni di euro, grazie al quale l’azienda leader nell’imaging diagnostico sarà in grado di triplicare la produzione del suo innovativo mezzo di contrasto per ecografia. L’agente di contrasto ad ultrasuoni basato sulle microbolle permette diagnosi in tempo reale e offre maggiore sostenibilità e versatilità.


00:00We have a long history with Switzerland because my father had already established a company
00:15for chemical research with Professor Felder, who was his research director, a chemical research
00:25that was called E-Prova, and this is a path. So with E-Prova it was an important relationship,
00:34very productive, very difficult, because they were really advanced scientists,
00:44and therefore we are also suitable from Milan, and this was a very good result.
00:52And then always Felder, years later, when I was the head of the company,
01:03he told me, look, there is an idea of ​​a new modality for contrasting means,
01:10and it was the icography, and you had to design, study, develop a contrasting medium for icography.
01:21And then we did it by getting in touch with the Battelle Institute, still in Geneva,
01:29where there was a group of researchers, very open, who made themselves available
01:42to develop this concept, and we did.
01:46Even there, further needs to adapt, because naturally the researcher has a slightly different vision
01:56from that of the entrepreneur, that is, the entrepreneur must always achieve the result,
02:01the researcher may disperse in attempts to improve, etc.,
02:08which, however, throw everything back at you, and then the times get longer.
02:13But instead it went well, we have developed this category of ecocontrasts,
02:23which are these bubbles, also for different uses, so much so that they are not only
02:32the first generation for diagnostic vision, but they are also for the release of pharmacological therapy,
02:43therefore important, because oncology can be read on this.
