• last year
(Adnkronos) - Nel primo trimestre 2024 l’Istat rileva, rispetto all’anno precedente, un incremento dell’83,5% delle chiamate valide al 1522, il numero nazionale antiviolenza e stalking promosso dalla presidenza del consiglio dei Ministri-dipartimento Pari opportunità. Alla luce di questo allarmante dato, prosegue anche quest’anno, per la seconda edizione, la campagna di Coop ‘Il silenzio parla’, a sostegno del contrasto alla violenza sulle donne, nata grazie alla collaborazione con Differenza Donna, l’associazione che gestisce il 1522.


00:00The Istat found that in the first quarter of 2024, compared to the previous year,
00:09it saw an increase of 83.5% of calls valid on 15-22,
00:14the national number of anti-violence and stalking
00:17promoted by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of the Department of Equal Opportunity
00:21and managed by the Association Differenza Donna.
00:24To support the contrast to violence against women,
00:27COOP's campaign, Il Silenzio Parla, continues this year for the second edition,
00:32born thanks to the collaboration with Differenza Donna.
00:35For COOP to make available our products, our shops,
00:40to convey information about the existence of 15-22,
00:45is a way to be really on the side of women
00:49and push them to open up, to talk,
00:52to find people like Differenza Donna and 15-22 who can help them.
00:58We have inserted it under the nutritional labels,
01:02behind more than 500 COOP-branded products,
01:06so that the information about 15-22 enters the homes of families
01:11and those who are having breakfast or eat a plate of pasta,
01:14read that there is a number that can be helpful.
01:18The campaign in the COOP sales network also includes new Total White packs
01:23for four types of COOP-branded semolina pasta,
01:26for a total of 800,000 packs distributed,
01:29with two distinctive elements, in addition to the color, totally white.
01:32The word PASTA is transformed into BASTA
01:35and a QR code refers to a podcast,
01:37composed of six different real stories of violence,
01:41told by the voice of men.
01:43It is a new campaign because it gives voice to men,
01:46who have encountered violence in different areas of their lives,
01:51in the work environment, in the family environment,
01:54in which they have seen a woman next to them suffer male violence
02:00and therefore had to choose their radical position
02:05and no longer a situation in which they had not taken part.
02:12To complete the campaign, a limited edition fabric shopper,
02:16whose receipt will be partly returned to Differenza Donna.
02:20Those who buy this bag, illustrated by me, will contribute to saving a life.
02:25Hence the slogan Una Borsa Una Vita,
02:27which gives hope to women who need it
02:31and helps COOP to support those who seek to find a more peaceful existence.
