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(Adnkronos) - La mamma di Cecilia Sala, la giornalista arrestata e detenuta in Iran da quasi 2 settimane, risponde alle domande dei giornalisti dopo l'incontro con la presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni a Palazzo Chigi. "Questo incontro mi ha fatto bene, mi ha aiutato, avevo bisogno di guardarsi negli occhi, anche tra mamme, su cose di questo genere...", dice Elisabetta Vernoni, che ieri ha avuto la possibilità di parlare al telefono con la madre.  Nella telefonata di ieri "avrei preferito notizie più rassicuranti da parte sua e invece le domande che ho fatto... glielo ho chiesto io, non me lo stava dicendo, le ho chiesto se ha un cuscino pulito su cui appoggiare la testa e mi ha detto 'mamma, non ho un cuscino, né un materasso'", spiega Elisabetta Vernoni.


00:00Between mothers and things of this kind, there is a lot of trust.
00:04They are definitely working and I am a bit like Cecilia, I am a bit of a soldier.
00:11I respect the work they are doing.
00:15What I can do for my part, I will do.
00:17They are definitely doing their part.
00:19Can I ask you if you have heard from Cecilia yet?
00:22No, not after yesterday.
00:24They are not frequent on the phone.
00:27It was the second time.
00:29The first time they told me they had arrested her.
00:31Then there was the meeting with the ambassadress.
00:33Yesterday was a real gift.
00:35They arrive like this, unexpected, when they want.
00:39So, I am there just waiting for the phone call.
00:44Unfortunately, I would have wanted more reassuring news from her.
00:48Instead, in the questions I asked, we got to...
00:53But why did I ask her? She wasn't telling me.
00:56I said, do you have a clean pillow to rest your head on?
01:01She said, mom, I don't have a pillow.
01:03I said, do you have a mattress?
01:05Did she understand if she will be able to receive new visits from the embassy?
01:08That's what we asked.
01:10Look, understanding is a useless word.
01:12I don't understand anything and whoever understands us is good.
01:15So, we ask, we do and we fight to get respect.
01:20Understanding, no, I am sorry.
01:23Maybe I would like to understand something.
01:25What did the prime minister say?
01:27The prime minister made a leap of quality from the reassurances I always receive.
01:35She was more precise and more punctual.
01:37And that's what I wanted and that's what I got.
01:39Are you satisfied with this meeting?
01:41Obviously, yes.
01:42I mean, at this moment.
01:44It's obvious that my mood is...
01:46Yesterday was a moment of strong mood change.
01:50But, absolutely, yes.
01:51What is the thing that worries you the most?
01:55There are two.
01:57The first one, absolutely, is my daughter's prison life conditions.
02:01We talked about a single cell.
02:03There are no single cells.
02:05There are common detention cells.
02:08And then there are the punishment cells, let's say.
02:11She is one of these, obviously.
02:13And what are the punishments?
02:15Well, I don't know how they are.
02:17But if one sleeps on the floor, it makes me think that in 2024 it will be like that.
02:23So, the first thing are the most dignified conditions of prison life.
02:27And then important and strong decisions of our country to think about my return to Italy.
02:34I don't cry, I don't whine and I don't ask for time.
02:38Because it's like understanding.
02:41These are very particular realities.
02:44But, as I was saying, I try to be a Sicilian soldier, I try to be myself.
02:48But the prison life conditions for a 29-year-old girl who didn't accomplish anything
02:53must be those that can't mark her for the rest of her life.
02:57Then, if we think about days, I respect the times that will tell me.
03:02But the conditions must be those that don't mark.
03:05A girl who is only an Italian excellence.
03:07Not only wine and cotechino.
03:11Did they give you time, sir?
03:13Some things, but very generic things.
03:16I'm waiting for more precise news.
03:22If you let me go.
03:24Of course, thank you.
