• last year
चेन्नई. मुख्यमंत्री एमके स्टालिन ने मंगलवार को विदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर से भारतीय मछुआरों की गिरफ्तारी रोकने और जब्त नौकाओं की रिहाई सुनिश्चित करने के लिए श्रीलंका के साथ तत्काल कूटनीतिक प्रयास शुरू करने का आग्रह किया। भारतीय मछुआरों की गिरफ्तारी की बढ़ती घटनाओं की ओर मंत्री का ध्यान आकर्षित करते हुए स्टालिन ने कहा ये घटनाएं न केवल आजीविका को बाधित करती हैं, बल्कि प्रभावित लोगों के परिजनों की भी भारी परेशानी का कारण बनती हैं। मुख्यमंत्री ने इस बात पर प्रकाश डाला कि 2024 में श्रीलंकाई नौसेना द्वारा पकड़े गए तमिलनाडु के मछुआरों की संख्या पिछले सात वर्षों में सबसे अधिक रही है।


00:00This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:06This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:13This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:22This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:27This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:32This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:37This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:42This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:47This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:52This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
00:57This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:02This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:07This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:12This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:17This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:22This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:27This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:32This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:37This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:42This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:47This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:52This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
01:57This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
02:02This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
02:07This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
02:12This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
02:17This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
02:22This is a video of a man in a red car driving on the side of the road.
