Art et designTranscription
02:00C'est bon pour toi, tu as plein de choses à faire, mais je suis fatigué!
02:04Oh, je suis fatigué! Je suis fatigué!
02:13Qu'est-ce que je vais faire? Je n'aime pas être fatigué!
02:16Quand je suis fatigué, le temps passe si lentement!
02:19Il y a un jour plein de choses à faire!
02:23Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum...
02:26Bien, bien, bien, regarde ce que j'ai trouvé, des cartes de clous!
02:30Salut! Je suis en train de nettoyer un endroit, et j'ai trouvé un des mes cartes de clous!
02:35Veux-tu que je les dis?
02:37D'abord, choisis une carte comme celle-là.
02:42Ihnen, wie, mein, moe!
02:46Celle-ci montre un groupe de fleurs.
02:49Un bon rub!
02:50A good rub, and say the magic words, sunshine and showers, let's see some flowers.
02:56See? What's that? It's sounding like Bert.
03:03It is Bert.
03:08Hello Bert. What's up?
03:12Hello Charlie Chalk. I'm bored. Just bored.
03:21Bored? But how can you be bored? There's so much to do.
03:26No there's not. There's nothing to do. If there was something to do then I wouldn't be bored.
03:35I know. Why don't you try doing some magic tricks? Tricks are never boring.
03:41What? You're sure? Watch. I'll show you. Look, here, choose a card.
03:48Oh, don't ask me. This one.
03:53Oh, what's this? No, don't tell me. I can see what it is.
03:58It's a... no, not a camel.
04:02Oh, there's no duck on back. Gosh, I'm sure I've seen it before.
04:09I know. It's a...
04:14What happened? Where am I?
04:17Sorry Arnold. Just teaching Bert to do tricks.
04:21I was in the middle of a game of coconut bounce.
04:26And you fell on me. I don't understand.
04:31I told you magic tricks weren't boring.
04:36It's no use Charlie. It looks as though I can't do tricks and I'm still bored.
04:42What's wrong with him?
04:45I'm bored. That's what's wrong with me.
04:48He's bored? Why?
04:51There's a whole day ahead with nothing to do and it's boring.
04:57I see. Yes, that is very sad.
05:02Arnold, why don't you teach Bert how to play coconut bounce? That's not boring.
05:06It certainly is not.
05:09Hey Bert, want to play coconut bounce?
05:13It's really, really fun.
05:16Really, really fun?
05:19All right, all right. What do I have to do?
05:22First, you need a coconut.
05:26Then you see how many trees you can bounce it off before you catch it again. Like this.
05:331, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
05:38That was fantastic Arnold.
05:41Here, now you try.
05:46No thank you. It's too boring.
05:51But how do you know if you don't try?
05:54I suppose so. All right.
06:05Splice the anchor. I'm being attacked.
06:09Captain Mildred? Captain Mildred? Are you all right?
06:14A, what was that? And B, where did it come from?
06:19Sorry Captain Mildred, it was a coconut and it came from the sky.
06:24From the sky? But how did it get there?
06:28I put it there.
06:31Sorry, I was trying to play coconut bounce and it didn't work out.
06:36There was just a whole day ahead with nothing to do. Just nothing to do.
06:41Why is he making that horrible noise?
06:46He's bored.
06:48Well there's no reason to be bored on a merry-twit.
06:52Oh, gracious me. Life here is far too exciting.
06:56That's what we've been telling him.
06:58Never fear. I've got a little job that ought to keep him occupied.
07:02Ahoy Bert!
07:06Ahoy Captain Mildred!
07:09There's only one way to stop being bored and that's A, to do some good honest hard work.
07:16But that's so boring. I know it is. I tried.
07:21Oh no it's not.
07:23Now the good honest work which I am proposing is to move this extremely heavy boat, the Buttercup, a few paces further on.
07:32A, we seem to get too many flying coconuts here.
07:36And B, I shall enjoy the change of scenery.
07:39Oh, if you say so Captain Mildred.
07:44That ought to keep him busy for a while.
07:51I've finished Captain Mildred.
07:54What? What did he say?
07:58I don't believe it.
08:00And now I'm bored again.
08:04Ah, these ticks.
08:06Arnold's game, Captain Mildred's work and nothing helped.
08:11I'm still bored and being bored is so boring.
08:17Look. Look, I'm doing it. Isn't it fantastic?
08:25I'm standing on my head.
08:29Well I was. How many ducks do you know that can stand on their heads?
08:36Not many I suppose.
08:41Well, don't worry, you know one now.
08:45I, Louis T. Duck, can stand on my head.
08:49Watch, I'll do it again. Watch this.
08:52You see, I'm doing it again.
08:55I'm bored.
08:58Bored? How can you be bored?
09:01You've got a head, haven't you?
09:04Then stand on it.
09:07Well, why not?
09:10Here goes.
09:16That's it Bert. That's it. You've got it.
09:18Go on, put your feet up in the air.
09:21You've got it.
09:25It didn't work, did it?
09:27No, I think you're right Bert.
09:30Standing on the head is far more interesting for ducks than for monsters.
09:36It probably has something to do with the relative distance of the head from the ground
09:41and the way the feet cover more surface than usual.
09:44This, divided by the frequency of trees in a particular locality...
09:48There he is. Hey Louis.
09:51I'm still bored.
09:53Hello, this tree's in the way. Excuse me.
09:58What's going on here? I was having a nice nap in that tree.
10:03Worry Edward, I'll put it back.
10:06See you later.
10:08Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
10:12What's wrong with you?
10:14How can you? What's wrong?
10:18Bored. I'm bored.
10:22I'm bored. It's all right for you. You've got plenty to do, but I'm bored.
10:27I'm bored. Bored.
10:33I see. Do you know what I do when I'm bored?
10:37No. What?
10:39I sleep. That's what I do.
10:42Sleep is one of the most overwhelming things there is.
10:47Really? Why?
10:50Because there's so much to do when you're asleep.
10:53You can dream or snore.
11:01Yes, well, I guess it's worth a try.
11:05Here goes.
11:13What happened? Oh, I give up. This is just as boring.
11:19Sorry, Edward, but it didn't work. I'm still bored.
11:23Thanks anyway.
11:30Sweet dreams.
11:32Oh, now what? I can't stop being bored.
11:36Time is just crawling by.
11:39What will I do all day?
11:41I can't just go on being bored and bored and bored and...
11:45What was that?
11:49An earthquake? Oh, hello, Bert.
11:52Hello, Charlie. What are you doing?
11:54Getting ready for bed.
11:56Why? Don't you feel well?
11:58Yes, I feel great. It's bedtime, that's all.
12:01Bedtime? All day?
12:03You mean a whole day has gone by since this morning?
12:08That's right. A whole day has gone by.
12:11Have you done anything interesting?
12:14Let's see. I did some tricks.
12:17I played coconut bounce.
12:20I moved buttercups.
12:23I stood on my head.
12:25I tried to sleep.
12:27But mostly, I was bored.
12:30You know what, Charlie?
12:32What, Bert?
12:34I had a lot of fun today.
12:36If I have nothing else to do tomorrow,
12:39I think I'll be bored again.
13:09Subtitling TITRAFILM