• last year
00:00Okay, welcome to the bracket episode 152 today missing a couple people because of the was at the quarterback throwing competition, which
00:07It'll by the time this is out. That'll be over. I'm just assuming Stephen Chey one
00:11Does that feel like a safe bet? Can we say I'm taking a guess?
00:15It's currently happening as we speak and it's in the first match. Oh
00:19Stephen Chey Tori's ACL Teddy Bridgewater. No, actually
00:24You got carded off. Yeah, and he did the when he was getting card off. He gave the
00:30No, wait, that really just happened. Oh
00:32No, actually, I believe I believe
00:37He's gonna wish
00:39After his performance, I was expecting the more of like a Kevin Ware type deal since at least you guys were on the court
00:44Which would be also similarly booed
00:46But yeah, we have Eddie in from New York a little bit of a change of pace
00:49Glenny balls clamor and Rudy on with us and today we are debating a topic very excited about
00:54Stoolie submitted it or bracket fan. Anyway, but I submitted it pretty recently the most seven out of ten things
01:01So the idea of this is the most seven town of things. It's like things that are good, but not great
01:06It's got to be like whatever the item whatever the thing is
01:09Can there's a big variety of different submissions here?
01:12It has to be a seven out of ten and I will note if you guys disagree with me on any of these
01:17It's fine
01:17We have a lot of chain once we go through it because I had to basically base this off of my
01:21Taste and what I think you guys would be in the same like ballpark as me, but I don't know for sure
01:27So if you guys have feel very strongly that I was in the wrong and some of these seedings or something
01:30Just let me know maybe
01:33Before I get to that let's talk about game time
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01:49They told me to pick a basketball team and I didn't want to pick like I initially thought maybe like a d3 basketball school
01:54Just wouldn't be as fun
01:55So yeah
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02:39Terms apply again create account and redeem code bracket for 20 bucks off download the game time app today. What time is it game time?
02:46All right. First few options that we have. We have the number 12 seed versus the number 5 seed. The 12 seed is
02:53One submitted by KB, which I read it initially
02:56I gave me some thought and I was like, this is I think you're right Jennifer Garner
03:00Jennifer Garner as I don't think and don't think of this in a horny way. I'm assuming you don't mean in a horny way
03:07Well, how can I okay?
03:10You asked me to do the impossible. I don't even this was based on nothing. I've got I don't know anything about
03:15Jennifer Garner is a 10. Yeah, but this is just Jennifer Garner in general. You're just saying on a whole
03:20There's no specific category rating and Jennifer Garner on a whole as a 7 out of 10. And I was like, I think he's right. I
03:27Can see draft day. Jennifer Garner is a 7 like acting ability
03:32Everything else I was based on yeah on everything. She's pretty good in the capital one commercials. She is very good
03:37Yeah, she's excels 13 going on 30s classic. Yep
03:41When I have a but let's not act like 7 is like it's good I would say it's
03:46Better than before we begin. Are we picking?
03:50Who should advance more the thing that's closer to a 7 or the better overall thing that is more of a 7 out of 10
03:56Okay. Yeah, I see if I see Jennifer Garner's name in the credits of a movie. Oh my god. All right
04:01I'm not like yes, I'm like good, but that's a 70
04:04I said I think KB was dead on with this one. I agree and this in this matchup
04:08She's going up against something. She's gone against probably her entire life people always compare these to a wired headphones
04:13So Jennifer Garner versus wired headphones, which one of these things is more of a 7 out of 10
04:18And I agree with the person who submitted this too. I think the wired headphone experience is a 7 out of 10
04:21It's not fantastic. Yeah, you get tangled they get in your pocket
04:24They get turned into a mess that you have to like move your head around so you don't get them stuck stuck on stuff
04:29I think it is a 7 out of 10 experience because it just is and I would start with you Clemmer
04:34So I prefer wired headphones, I'm always frantic I'm gonna lose them I'm terrified of lose like one's gonna fall out
04:40I have fears of falling out losing them. So for me wired headphones is much higher than a 7. It's my preferred
04:46So I think Jennifer Garner is the answer here. Jennifer Garner is a 7 out of 10. I agree with Clemmer on that
04:51I am a massive wired headphones fans. I buy them from Skullcandy on Amazon all the time. Not Skullcandy
04:58I love Skullcandy. I love them
05:00I bought one recently actually because they're just so much better than the ones Delta gives you on flights
05:04Well, you can plug them in plug them into planes. It's awesome. I
05:09Recently, but you know what happened recently? I've been doing these air pods. I know that was a joke, huh?
05:13I but people don't think to bring them on planes
05:15I've been doing air pods recently because I don't know everyone has air pods and there I've been on two flights in the last probably
05:21Six months where I was taking you know, like the look the end of the air pod. I got bigger fingers
05:26I took him out of here and they just fell on the seat in front of me or the seats of my ride me
05:29I had to wait till we landed to find
05:32Yes, I I still I'm currently using my air pods, but I prefer wired headphones and to piggyback off that I'm gonna say Jennifer
05:39Garner as well not to counter too much. I hated skull candies. They always broke within like maybe they'd show off life of two weeks
05:45Yeah, but they're super cheap. Yeah, they're super
05:48Once every few months I do things to have them. So we are one for Jennifer Garner one for wired headphones. No, no
05:55Hope sorry
05:56Two for Jennifer Garner Eddie. So I actually think the wired headphone experience is a little bit below a seven out of ten. Mm-hmm
06:03Like you for reasons you said especially you turn your head the wrong way. They pop out and you got a
06:08Shuffle around plug it back in not saying that the wireless headphone experience is great because like Glenn said you lose them
06:16They die that no headphone experience is 10 out of 10
06:19But with that said there's something about Jennifer Garner with being like, yeah seven out of ten so she's full-on seven out of ten
06:27Three for Jennifer Garner Rudy
06:32It'll be a cold day in hell before if I pick Jennifer Garner is lesser than wired headphones
06:38It's a matchup people have been debating this for years
06:42for real I
06:44Mean Electra Juno, that was a long time ago. I was so I'm just saying time
06:49Yeah, you you I can't I can't say that for that reason. Are you saying based on?
06:54acting I
06:56Won't lie. Like a lot of it is I just really have always had a huge brush on Jennifer Garner
07:00But that is part of being an actor is like, you know, I like looking at you and I do think she's a good actress
07:07In Juno, I thought she was really good. But wired headphones. I think are properly rated there. They're my backup
07:13I prefer
07:14Wireless headphones, but I use wired headphones a lot
07:17They're my backup
07:18But the big issue for me is just like if you're working out with wired headphones, you feel like you're in a straightjacket
07:23It's just an awful experience
07:27So no, it's I think that those are much more properly rated they do the job, but they're just not
07:33There there's just always something a little bit inconvenient. So two for wired headphones
07:40Well, yeah, I think headphones as a technology is 9 or 10 out of 10
07:45I think listening to music is 9 or 10 out of 10, but what are we comparing the wired part to just wireless?
07:52Oh, yeah, I think that's the idea or listening directly through whatever the device is
07:56There's not a lot there's not enough variance with different types of headphones to give like different scores 1 through 10, but I think I
08:04Think wired is worse than wireless
08:06So you I'm gonna go Jennifer, I mean Jennifer Gardner, it's gonna move on I just want to test you
08:13Okay, so I make sure I don't know if that's just my headphone
08:16So that means the next matchup you have is the number four seed versus the number 13 see the four seed another KB ones
08:21I really like is the band train
08:24But you think the band train is worth more less less
08:27Okay, so they might be yeah, they might not care for the band train. Okay, what are the train songs?
08:32But I do like the so they're like their jobs a lot drops a Jupiter
08:36Leave, Virginia. Yep. Hey soul sister. Mm-hmm. Yeah, don't drive by 50 ways to say goodbye vacation
08:43I mean they have I would agree with you though KB and that they are six heads or seven out of ten because like you
08:48Would never hear them come on and be like, oh, I fucking hate train you would feel at the worst
08:53Like you can I think you're summer. I think generally people are somewhere between like apathy and like it's like oh nice
08:59I like this. Oh, there are four. No seven. There are three on a step. Oh, I don't know
09:02I don't know what that you are you like pissed when yeah, I change the station if I go. Yeah
09:07Yeah, I do not care for train. I'm not anti. I'm not anti train, but in the realm of one to ten
09:13I mean, what do you got ten like Led Zeppelin easy boys?
09:22Think that's the thing with train is like they'll never be in the eight nine or ten discussion
09:26even if like you do like them, but I think if you like their music like
09:31And that style that that's a solid sound like if you would found like a bargain deal on like train tickets
09:36You'd be kind of excited about that like a decent band who has really really enjoyable hits
09:42Yeah, it's a by the way something I looked up in the in between of that
09:45How much older or younger you think Jennifer Garner is in Clemmer? Oh, she's she's
09:51She's gotta be in her
09:54Seven years old
09:56Yes, right in the dark, how about that? Yeah, pretty good older than Clemmer by a decent show
10:00Yeah, see I'm not that old motherfuckers that your first crusher. Does that hurt?
10:04We've never once mentioned that
10:08We've never once never happened
10:11It's always so train is going up against number 13 seed
10:13Which is the city of Phoenix, Arizona submitted by Clemmer, which I agree with I think that is a fantastic 7 out of 10 city
10:19I've been there at the twice it twice both times out. I think it was a 7 out of 10 experience
10:24There's some inconveniences and there's some things about it where I was like, wow, I didn't know this was Phoenix had some cool stuff
10:29Like this. Yeah, so I'm gonna
10:31This may be a dumb question, but does that include?
10:36The Phoenix metro area. Yeah, we're basically the valley
10:39Yeah, so the Phoenix Metro area versus the band train, which one of these things is more of a 7 out of 10 KB
10:48Phoenix Metro is good Phoenix proper would not be a 7 to be lower
10:56What's good about it, I guess Scottsdale is fun
11:01It's nice and cold weather my sunny almost every day good food good what he called
11:07What's that fucking thing up foods? Oh foods every chain restaurant known to man. Yeah, that's what I think of what I think of Phoenix
11:14They have all four majors golf. Oh, no, the only three major sports are the Hockey's gone. Yeah
11:19They have like an amazing golf
11:22So at least it's dry heat yeah, it's dry heat good outdoor bars in the like a hundred and twenty degrees is
11:29Prefer that than like 90 in Florida and then the nights are cool
11:33Like it gets cool at night. All right
11:35Did you I know I should know there's a bar still bar. It is. That's right. There's a bar still bar
11:40There's no no ocean drops it like a tear for me. That's why I said a seven
11:43I'll give you guys the option actually because one that I didn't include which is
11:46Only other city submitted by was by KB Tampa Bay or just Tampa. Sorry, Tampa, Florida
11:51I've said Tampa's a good seven. I think it's a solid seven. I think
11:56You're a big Tampa guy
12:02So if you guys want we could switch the tip I think Phoenix is good no, I'll say let's stick with Phoenix I
12:08Think both of these could go a little bit less than seven
12:12Phoenix compared to other US cities and train compared to other bands. I would say Phoenix is more of a summer
12:19What's like a 10 out of 10 city?
12:22San Diego
12:23San Diego, you can put like, New York, San Diego
12:27If you like Miami, like that would be higher than those would all be higher than I think
12:32Yes, absolutely pompous asshole Oslo if you do international again, so let's say Charleston, South Carolina
12:38It's pretty close to a 10 city. Thanks. Charleston is really moderate climate. Great food. Yeah, great food right by the water. Yes fantastic
12:46So right now we're gonna go one for Phoenix Rudy
12:54Train the band drops a Jupiter. Okay
12:57Yeah, I I have a bad opinion about these type of bands. I understand that a lot of people love them
13:02I'm willing to die on that hill. I get it that I'm in the minority. I think it's target music. Absolutely
13:06Yes, without question. I think a lot of people do agree with that
13:09Okay, and I say this about the frame you in particular a lot of other people who really dislike that I get it
13:14It's fine. That's my opinion. I just hate that like whiny
13:17That like whiny corduroy white guy music where it's just like right I just don't like it doesn't do anything for me
13:26And in the range of music seven out of ten is pretty fucking high
13:30So I would I would rate that
13:33very low now Phoenix I
13:37Think is very much a seven out of ten city if you're only doing the u.s
13:40And that's good
13:42like in terms of like if you're great it like it's different like on a different scale like seven out of ten for a city is
13:46Very good in my opinion because there's so many bad ones
13:51Am I picking the more?
13:54Seven out of ten
13:56Okay, then it's definitely definitely definitely Phoenix. How do you feel about doctor II?
14:02Chris Daughtry there look Chris Daughtry. Yeah. Yeah
14:06I would agree, but I feel like much in my brain. That's also kind of target music. Yeah, I can't think of any Chris Daughtry music
14:14Just imagine train, but slightly worse like like 20% worse
14:21It's not good
14:22So we're now we're two for Phoenix Eddie feels like train could have missed a boat could they have been in another bizarre universe like
14:28a maroon 5
14:29Yeah, I don't think they have the car. He'd say the maroon fives lead singer. Yeah, Levine is very good. They don't have that
14:36But there's music is in that same sort of lane. So it's not as fun maroon fives more fun
14:40That's what I'm saying like in a different world where they didn't do the targeting
14:44They've been with a little more upbeat. They don't want to meet, Virginia. They wanted to
14:49You know be an animal. Mm-hmm. I
14:52Was gonna say them, but I think you're right
14:56Scottsdale or you know, and I'll be the horny guy like the girls are very good relax
15:04It was it was like jarring like it's a top five female female city for sure
15:09We were walking on their Super Bowl KB and like the girls like they don't like wear anything. It's crazy
15:15Dumps. Oh, yeah, then you you can include Tempe and yeah
15:20Yeah, so I
15:21Guess I'm gonna go. I guess I'm gonna go Phoenix. What are the top five female cities?
15:27Is it like that Miami and what else?
15:30San Diego Miami
15:40Because he's been the most well-traveled I think in this regard, yeah, I mean I I love Nashville
15:44No, I personally like blondes. So Nashville will be up there for me
15:48I think the most underrated city in the country for women would be Tampa, Tampa
15:53I'm not a Miami person. I'm not gonna put that they're very underrated one, Austin, Texas
15:58Yeah, extremely underrated and then I would say Scottsdale and then one of San Diego relay or San Diego relay
16:05So right now we are two or sorry three for Phoenix so three Phoenix money, um, yeah, I mean once again
16:12we were just saying I've done my fair share of travels and I'm not I wouldn't put Phoenix as like a
16:16Top tier nine city for me like when I'm going I'm super excited. Hmm, but it's seven eight for me. I get excited to go
16:22I'm not super excited, but I'm going in a few months actually and I'm like, oh, I'm
16:27Country, but I'm like, holy shit. This is me. Awesome
16:29And I think train is just like once again, like Rudy said in the in the realm of music
16:34Mm-hmm off the top of my head
16:35I'm thinking like just in history not even my personal favorites like I think nine ten bands Beatles Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones
16:42Then now then that would basically say seven eight train is it this race of the year below?
16:47Which is I would like even like me I would say like I love
16:51Hootie the blowfish like I think they're more of a seven then train is I would agree with that
16:55So I'm gonna stick with Phoenix Phoenix. Yeah. Yeah, Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix is gonna move on
17:00Next matchup is this one's kind of maybe left. I think it's true. Number nine seat is an empty public bathroom
17:06So you go to a put you need to go to a public bathroom. That's 20. That's yeah, it's empty. Yeah
17:18No, but when you got a clear LZ
17:23Have to go so now it's like, you know, I mean you gotta factor that in
17:26Yeah, but like the ten out of ten is your own bathroom
17:30In the bathroom experience. I understand. I I don't know. I'm I don't I get more happy when I walk into that
17:37Nobody in there. That's that's that's the lottery, but that's a relief. Yeah, I think that's a relief though. That's not the experience
17:43Oh, you're saying the area but the experience Oh
17:47Experience is dirtier in the public bathroom. Yeah, obviously, but that's what that takes away points from it
17:51It does but I get to enjoy that sense of relief which makes experience better
17:56I also have the fear of dread in the public bathroom that someone else is gonna come in though like my yeah
18:00Well, my you know, like I guess it may be some ads and the way I think about it isn't the worst
18:04Yeah, someone comes in takes the stall next to you. Oh fuck. You know what?
18:07I've been seeing a lot of restaurants do recently having really nice
18:11Singular bathrooms, but it'll be in like a hallway of four and it's just them but they're unisex. Yeah
18:17Yeah, so you have so you have the feet you have the plus of getting the solo bathroom experience. That's usually nice and clean
18:23But when you walk out of the door
18:26Right there, yeah, that's that's it's it's a real
18:31Yeah, there it is. I always think it's real for a split second. It's every single time, dude
18:36Yeah, I think our re-agreement 7 out 10 on this. I think that I think the relief is great with you
18:39I'm with because even the the bathroom upstairs of the Chicago office, which I guess isn't public but it's public enough because yeah
18:46Shared with co-workers. It's fine, but it's not like you've got to go to the handicap stall. It's not great, right?
18:54Yeah, no, it's fine. It's like okay
18:56I think the 10 out of 10 is your own bathroom. Anything else has to be lowered no matter what regardless of relief level
19:02So empty public bathroom versus number 18 another KB one the best possible hike. I like this one a lot
19:09I do think that there is there is no such thing as a 10 out of 10 hike
19:14That's the peak for no such thing. I was a 10 out of 10
19:17Rudy's gonna people are gonna hate this Rudy's gonna hate it. Oh, really? I'm really not. I'm really not I
19:23I'm kind of with you on the best possible
19:26Versus an empty public bathroom, which one of these is more of a 7 out of 10 Clemmer. I
19:31Think the empty bathroom might be closer to an 8 than a 7
19:36You know what? I mean? Cuz that feeling relief is almost unmatched it like in just everyday life, you know, like
19:42Cuz like you know, if I got a shit really bad, I got that stress and I walk in it's empty
19:46It's like oh that is part of the experience that relief
19:51The best tiger gun on yeah, probably 7 out of 10 guy my dog way feel with me it was good
19:56I'm glad I was done. Yeah, yeah
19:58I like do you ever hear about that?
20:00I think I brought this up kind of recently that hike that one of the KFC radio listeners told them about
20:05We're like the they went on a hike for a first date with the couple's dog. Oh, you did tell me that. Yes
20:10Yeah, and the dog like fell off a cliff and died while they're on the middle of this date
20:14And they had to like carry it back like that's a that's a probably one out of ten out of one
20:18Yeah, so one for the best hike Glenny. Um, I don't really hike so I guess by default I gotta go with
20:26The public rest. So no one shock. I got to go to the public restroom, but I personally think that those is a 10
20:29I love that. That's a great feeling when you walk down, but but the actual experience in the bathroom isn't the 10
20:33No, they're right take points off the possibility of the knock from somebody else or someone else walking in. That's fair
20:40Yeah, listen, I'm going with bathroom because I don't fucking hike obviously
20:44But I I think we're missing one big thing about a public bathroom
20:49Hand-dryers are fucking horrible. I agree. They do stink. You could talk about relief. That's great
20:55But having to go through the hand dryer process at the end sucks
20:59Yeah, but once you once your wipe is done you're out of the woods. I don't give a fuck how my hands dry
21:04The do you ever see the they see me like a diagram of like how what the bacteria on your hands does when you run?
21:09Over a hand dryer. Yeah, and it just is like you goes all over you like the second you turn a hand dryer
21:14And it just explodes
21:16Everywhere this shoots directly. He goes over your body all over your hands over like it just sprays it all straight off. It's crazy
21:23So right now we are two for empty public bathroom one for best hike Rudy
21:28This is tricky because
21:30Hiking in general every hike is correct
21:32This is seven out of ten, but the whole the best part about a hike is is the feeling afterwards
21:37You feel like you've accomplished something you got a workout in you got some fresh air
21:41the act itself is is so remarkably seven it is the most seven that anything has ever been and
21:49conversely the bathroom
21:51The relief it's not really about the experience. It's just so much the relief of that
21:55There's no one else in there and that you're safe. So both the experiences are not ideal
22:00It's more so the circumstances surrounding them or the aftermath. So it's tricky. I would say that in terms of the seven out of ten
22:09Criteria hike is so solid seven out of ten. So I got to go now. We are two to two KB
22:16In public restrooms in America that that is the most third-world thing about our country
22:23That some of the most disgusting experience is they haven't evolved in decades
22:27Like truly think about some of the public restrooms. You've been to this year just so so bad and gross
22:33There's so much worse in cities so many false cities are so much worse for obvious reasons then like like when I'm back home in
22:39New Hampshire, they're spotless in this in New York City, especially it is like you said third world credit is
22:44It is just disturbing you think I don't know if I've ever taken a shit in a public restroom on the island of Manhattan
22:49It's not great. Oh, it's so bad. I
22:54The gap between the door and the thing you can see
22:58They some they close about 30%
23:02Like if there's an actual like plastic seat there. It's like oh my god. Yeah, I know it's a relief
23:06I've made it
23:06I used to just never do public restroom poops ever back in my day and then I did Barstow verse America season one we had
23:11to like we had to shit and
23:13Backwoods gas sections in Alabama. So that kind of changed my outlook on it broke the seal
23:18Yeah, I'm if I'm if I got a poop I go I just I just brave it too. Yeah, I just gotta go
23:24We're not evolving in that sense, dude. I had such a bad one at the airport
23:29For whatever reason when I get to an airport, I have to poop in general
23:31I had this weird thing where airports are in yes system. I if I'm in public, I just somehow have to poop
23:36It's like this weird anxiety. No, it's not weird Rudy. There's a reason for that
23:39Because your body knows you're gonna go on a plane it happens to me too your body knows gonna go so, you know
23:44Like for my three hours, you're like fuck and your body's telling your your mind
23:49We got a clear sign of state get it
23:51but I was in the bathroom and for whatever reason the doors opened outward usually they open inward and I had my
23:58Suitcase, I usually like to build a build of course
24:00I know like a visual one as well
24:02So people know they can see the suitcase and everything and also there's a barrier between if anyone tries to breach
24:08Anyways, I didn't the latch wasn't really working. So I leaned my
24:12against the door and mid poops
24:15And then I was
24:24It was
24:26Just some like business guy out there just like scrolling Twitter just looks up and we kind of give that like
24:31Dear in the headlights look like he's like, hey, I didn't want to see that and I'm like, I didn't know it's like everyone
24:36Which I kind of respect
24:39Can I ask you as a public bathroom question?
24:41Do you think that it is kosher to fart in a public bathroom when other people are in there? No
24:47Yes fart when I'm peeing or fart in the stall
24:50I'd say peeing. Oh, yeah
24:53No, I kind of say no people do people do it here
24:59Wait people just fart while they're
25:04Yeah, it is I'm lucky I've never done that I've always been kind of me too
25:08I can't I could never do it who bings that if I'm pooping in the stall and someone walks in I have to wait to
25:12Leave the entire room for you. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I do the flush mask
25:15I try that if I'm in a really bad spot and I just coming out I do that. Yeah, but oh man
25:21Yeah, I just waiting for the movie so I can just put every now and then a public bathroom
25:25I'll be like you'll be in the urinal some dudes like two stars over for you. I'm just going to farm
25:29Just rip a fart and like I'm two feet away from you and like the weird thing is there's no better place to fart
25:34Like that is the place you're gonna fart. Anyway, it would be in the bathroom at the same time. It's just something wrong about it
25:41I don't know
25:42So you're gonna go with the best hike clear KB
25:46yeah, so like the
25:48Using a public bathroom is a one or two out of ten experience
25:51The relief of a empty clean one is a ten out of ten, which averages it out to a five out of ten experience
25:59So I'll go with the the best possible hike you used to rate bathrooms
26:06Yeah, you used to run that beat
26:10So the best hike is gonna move on now we have the one versus the 16 C the 16 C chain game first option
26:15Any non Swiss shot in basketball, so you shoot a basketball and it goes in but it's not a swish and it's off the glass
26:22Big bouncer, whatever any shot that doesn't automate just swish in because obviously if nothing but net that's a ten out of ten. No question
26:31And next is classic rock from Clemmer. You think all classic rock is a ten?
26:36It's a general genre. Yes, if I put on a classic rock station, I'm usually never disappointed
26:40But I never like because I've heard the song 10 million times. It's fair. So I'm never like blown away by something
26:44It's like alright. I like that reasoning. I like that reasoning cold pizza, which
26:49Hmm I think it depends but I would generally agree
26:53That's a good side any movie that came on FX in the 2000s. That's dead on
26:57I think that's pretty much dead on it'd be like Van Helsing and shit like that. That's it, bro
27:03Okay. Yeah, no, but that's a seven that that's a seven. That's a seven out of ten
27:08That kind of
27:10Every series that's on Showtime
27:12Which also is pretty true like they're mostly like solid shows never anything like you're really gonna blow your shit off or anything
27:18But it's it's pretty good. And then another show from Glennie Entourage. Oh, I was kidding
27:23I said that but you were kidding. Well, it's a ten for me
27:25But I guess in the realm of the world, I would say I think in the regular world
27:28Most people consider Entourage a seven out of ten. Is that fair? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I
27:34Consider it a little maybe a little higher people always like it's so bad, but it's so enjoyable to watch
27:39Well, that's yeah good thing. That's what you should judge a show
27:43So any non swish shot in basketball classic rock cold pizza movies on FX in the 2000s every Showtime series or
27:51Entourage start with you KB
27:57It's not the basketball if I'm making it that's that's a I think way
28:02It's like I went in that's a fucking that's a nice it went in that said like a nine out of ten
28:08Boring but I think a cold pizza is a perfect seven out of ten one for cold pizza Rudy
28:17So I'm kind of musically like genre literally like what this is like Led Zeppelin
28:21Cool, like yeah, but like the lights up when you hear in the classic rock station, not like a deep cut
28:25It's like the basics, you know what I mean?
28:27Okay, give me another give me another classic rock
28:31But it's satisfaction. It's not like a deep cut. You know what I mean? It's like it's not it's not beast of burden
28:36It's probably would be beast of her. I wish truck. You're under struck. I know so yeah, AC DC
28:42California Eagles is a big one Oh Eagles, but the Eagles hits the who the who is a lot of classic rock
28:48There's there's so many of those like classic rock songs. I hate but they're like all those guys
28:52Let's say these are all just great songs. Did you just heard them so much?
28:55So you never like I'm never like yes, it's this song because I've heard it seven billion times, but I never like this song's bad
29:01It's an awesome song. I get what you're saying. Yeah, Leonard Skinner. Yeah, I see her Ben's
29:06But yeah, that's the general idea with the classic rock
29:10I'm gonna go with Showtime shows. I think that that is a really solid seven out of ten
29:16Like what was the show with?
29:18Ray Donovan, Ray Donovan. Yeah, Ray Donovan. So like California cases billions Dexter shameless
29:25Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's like oh I bet people who watch that like it not weeds yellow jackets
29:32Okay, those are really good. But seven a seven isn't bad
29:37Seven is good. We are and it's also like there's certain like there's such there's can be a really like pleasurable seven versus like a dish
29:44Yeah, seven works. Like if you put entourage in the seven category, it's like okay that and like hold on
29:49It's like that is like a very consistent nice thing. Yeah, so it's it's tricky. Damn
29:54I don't want to dunk on weeds and decks are good shit. They're good shows. They also have bad seasons great
29:59You know like Dexter yellow jacket season one is very yellow to suck. Yeah Dexter's last like three seasons were awful
30:07What were the other one the Showtime series are the other options?
30:11The non Swiss shot classic rock cold pizza FX movies and entourage. Oh
30:18I'm gonna I'm gonna go with KB on this one. I like it's it's a very honorable
30:22It's a respect seven out of ten like I'm not like it's like that's just a good seven out of ten
30:27By the way, dude, all right. I got a dip out for five minutes to film. Oh, yeah. Yeah
30:32KB actually he told us a
30:35Couple days ago how he basically cools off all this food before he eats it
30:39he puts all of his hot meals into the fridge for at least 15 minutes before eating it and
30:42I posted that clip and a food scientist replied to us on
30:46Tick-tock and said that's actually extremely dangerous like it
30:49Something about like the bacteria or something like that like it's apparently very dangerous as far as like you're for food safety reasons or something
30:55Like that. I don't know how but so they said Eddie. Yeah, honestly
31:00I was on the Showtime train there for a second, but I think Dexter kind of won me over
31:04I've never even seen Dexter, but I know
31:07The way it's heralded. I think it's a little higher than a seven
31:11With that said if you're eating cold pizza, you're just happy. It's there. You're not necessarily happy about the product
31:18Yes, so it's a perfect seven
31:20So I think cold pizza actually wins perfectly said cold pizza is gonna look probably gonna win this but funny, dude
31:25I was just thinking the same thing as Eddie out
31:27I was sitting here thinking the Showtime thing might be the most seven thing possible
31:32Because it's almost too equated to pizza hot pizzas a nine we love hot pizza. Yeah, but I love cold pizza, too
31:38I love Californication. It's a fantastic show, but it's seven
31:41Mm-hmm, if we're saying entourages are not if I'm saying entourages a ten
31:44Californication is my seven. Yeah, so I'm actually gonna enjoy cold pizza. I love cold pizza
31:48I'll take it as a happy seven another for cold pizza
31:50I I'd pick classic rock here, but the cold pizza is right there with it
31:54I have no problem cold pizza is a perfect seven. It's a great great suggestion
31:58So cold pizza is gonna go up against our onesie. This is actually one of Clemmers, which I love
32:02I love this one winning $35 on a scratch ticket
32:05I think that it's such a perfect seven out of ten. You probably spent $35 on the
32:11Aggregate on the lotto ticket. I was either was I get a Christmas like this exactly
32:15I think this is such a perfect one that gets the perfect amount. Yeah, like like $20 like like 35. Oh, yeah
32:21Okay, so winning $35 on a lot of ticket versus cold pizza climber you go first. I'll start the argument
32:26I'll say I'll say $35 on a scratch ticket cuz that is it is a fun feeling
32:29I feel good, but it's like not, you know, it's not gonna change my life. Yeah, nothing crazy Glenny
32:35I'm gonna stick with cold pizza. I didn't go pizza is a great suggestion. I love I think cold pizza is an awesome seven
32:41Do you want to wonder right now? Yeah, I'm sitting with cold pizza, too. I think
32:45I'm a little disappointed with 35 with 35
32:49I listen, I think 50 could have been it. Yeah, I think 50 I feel good. That's an 18. That's too
32:54It's a little bit too high. Yeah, it's a me problem. Yeah
32:59I'm not saying I'm balling but I used to go with my friend and we would buy a whole pack of
33:03Scratchers like you buy the 30 pack. Yeah, just scan them, you know, and 35 was not like a joyous thing
33:10Well, you would probably spent like $100 on that stack. The stack was like 500
33:21And they're not even like the high like
33:24$1 cards
33:30Yeah, that's that's not saying it is but I'm just saying
33:34I'm gonna go cold pizza. So two for cold pizza one for a lot of ticket Rudy
33:39So I I don't have it. I'm not really a scratch-off guy
33:42I've done it with my friends before obviously, but like how rare is a $35 feel like one in
33:48There's an actual number it depends on the I think it depends on how much you spent on the ticket
33:52Yeah, like a $20 ticket you're gonna see, you know, then 35 I'm assuming based on the variance of $1
33:58Yeah, it's been a dollar on the ticket. You win 35. It's like 20 the ticket then you get I guess whatever
34:02I feel like it's probably like one in 30. Yeah that you're gonna get a 35
34:06Yeah, something like that roughly. It's one in four. You have a winning ticket, right? Yeah
34:11Okay, I
34:13Mean, I don't think I've ever I haven't done it much but I don't think I've ever won money on a scratch-off
34:18So if I got 35 I'd be like fuck yeah also like we're like, how does that equate where you get the 35 you bring it
34:24Back. Yes. Yeah, and they scan
34:28Nice okay, fuck that's you do if you win a lot if you win like you have to claim it
34:35Like if you win like a lot a lot and now like millions
34:38But like what happens if you win like 10 grand 10 grand it has to be you have to go to the story to fill
34:42Out a form and it has and then it goes to process the lottery
34:44It's like something I could be wrong but it's like two thousand or one thousand is the ceiling where then the cash the gas station
34:50You just give you $1,000. Gotcha. It's something like that. There's a like a $2,000
34:54Ceiling that once you clear that then the state gets involved do they are they like that?
34:58I might probably vary from state to state
34:59Are these like gas stations like they have to be almost like an FDIC thing where they have to carry a certain amount of money
35:03In case someone comes in with $1,000 winning ticket that sounds accurate
35:07And I know they get a percentage if it reaches a certain threshold to where they get a percentage of the winning
35:12Not out of your cut
35:14Commission gives them some money for a million winners like that's big for the store. Yeah
35:18Yeah store gets like tens and tens of thousands of dollars, which is like so they're very they want people to okay
35:24It makes sense. So you're gonna go to a lot of ticket or cold pizza Rudy. I
35:29Mean I'd be stoked to win at 35 bucks like just the feeling of money that you didn't earn
35:34You know anything like that's the best feeling even if it's $35 like that's so we so I'm gonna go
35:41Pizza, okay. Sorry. I think it's more of a 7 out of 10. I think it I think a $35 lotto ticket is like, dude
35:49So that means cold pizza is gonna move on our 16 16 seat always managed to find a way to be a 1c
35:54That's how it is. A great it is a great one before a 2nd half
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36:57Now we have number 11 seed versus the number 16, I love this the 60 but the 11 seed I believe is a kb1 pudding
37:04Pudding I think is generally speaking it is a 7 out of 10 experience
37:09There's I don't think I've ever had pudding that blew my socks off my entire life
37:12I've never had a pudding where I was like, holy shit
37:13That was a 9 out of 10 experience this this cup of pudding just never happened
37:18Maybe like a swap in elementary school and like you get like the snacks like the snack pack
37:22Like that was exciting because it was better than the other available treats
37:26But the actual pudding experience, I don't think I think is a 7 out of 10
37:29I don't know if you guys disagree. Well, Jack, let me tell you about a flavor that has slept on tremendous pudding
37:35Okay. Yes, I don't think it's slept on in the South
37:37I said, no, it's not slept on the South and I know Glenny will agree with me here a good banana pudding
37:42It's higher than a 7. Oh my god
37:44I mean, see here's the thing when I'm thinking of what Ken Jack saying I'm thinking of like a pack
37:50Yeah, like a good southern banana pudding at a southern restaurant is it's a 15. Yeah. Oh my god
37:56I think that's a different I'm thinking and I'm assuming KB was thinking like this is like snack snack version
38:01I thought that's fair. Yes, that's a 7 a thousand percent, but if we're talking like
38:05Hope we made or restaurant quality for that. Oh, yeah. No away for you
38:10Good. That's what am I? I hit him. I never want
38:14What about I don't like the way it looks I don't like the way it smells. I like the texture how it moves
38:19Even the pudding they're talking about that. Yes. I hate all I am out on pudding pudding is awesome
38:24It's bad putting is a one for me. It is such a weird. I don't have to look at it
38:27It is a weird name for food. Why is it called pudding? I don't like good. It's a bad name
38:31But it putting them out on but pudding is going up against number six seat. I love this one a 15 minute drive
38:37It's just a 15 minute drive. I love this one. Just you don't have to you're not stuck in the car forever
38:42You're still got to get somewhere a little bit out of your way, but like it's only 15 minutes
38:45I love a good 15 minute drive. I really like this one. So 15 minute drive versus pudding Rudy
38:54Pudding I do agree with Eddie the banana with the with the wafers is fucking insane
39:00But the pudding we're talking about it's weird. Like I always like it when you look back on
39:06When we were kids, I feel like there was just like there's the pudding kids and there isn't yeah
39:12There's the art of raising kids
39:14Like I was never I was never putting kid and then there was like the putties the pretty stance
39:20Just fucking love pudding
39:21I never like putting because it's like it falls in the category of food to me that like it just tastes like the container
39:26It's almost like one thing. I guess you know what I mean?
39:30It's like almost I'm eating like a liquefied version of this plastic container. It's like all it's like different versions of the same thing
39:37so 15 minute drive I
39:40Think you nailed it Ken Jack like that is just a straight-up seven out of ten
39:44Nothing excellent because it could be nothing pudding is like a four
39:49Chocolate chocolate cafeteria pudding
39:51I think yes
39:52Specifically chocolate pudding is way worse than vanilla pudding in my at least in my mind that this in this
39:56Sphere of pudding and they also made I remember oh, I think vanilla is even worse. I think it's like vanilla
40:03Chocolate and then banana is just like in the in the stratosphere
40:06There was um
40:07They also made I think like snack pack swirls where it was like half chocolate half vanilla and that also I think was bad
40:12That was did not like that one. Yeah
40:14So one for the 15-minute drive over pudding Eddie
40:18The drives tough for me because I don't think all 15-minute drives are all drives in general are created equal
40:23Like there's a difference between oh, this is gonna take me 15 minutes, even though you know, it's not very far
40:28Mm-hmm. I prefer those drives versus an actual
40:3115-minute highway door-to-door drive. Mm-hmm
40:35There's something mentally with me where it's like that's only a couple miles
40:38I know I when I hit a couple red lights
40:40That's an easier drive to me rather than I'm not gonna have any time to
40:46You know check my phone or do something like that
40:49Really? No is out of bound that I say that all the time like you're just in general if I'm in a I
40:53Would rather drive an hour no traffic. Yeah 45 minutes in traffic. Absolutely if that makes going. Yeah
41:02What point does that ratio what is the exact ratio is it like that like three to four like would you rather I
41:08Know I might even say three to five. I would consider going up to three to five
41:12Yeah, like 30 minutes in 30 minutes and traffic is worse than 50 minutes, correct?
41:17No traffic. I think I would agree with that. I don't see I might even go one or two
41:21Depends if I'm drinking
41:26That's fair, I think it's also the difference between being someone who like hey, let's take the streets or let's take the highway
41:32Yeah, you know like I'm fine taking the streets
41:35Like stopping I get it. I get it. Which one are you going with? And then when it comes to putting?
41:41Which is why I'm taking it if I open up a brown bag lunch and there was pudding and I'd be like man
41:47It's not Guster's. It's not cool ranch
41:48That'd be a disappointment, but then I'd eat it and be like, you know what?
41:51It was pretty pretty solid so I'm gonna go pudding actually one-to-one right now Glennie. I'm very pro pudding
41:58I still eat pudding to this day
41:59I mean as I'm trying to maybe shed a few pounds like I've been doing like low-fat pudding or like even like sugar-free pudding
42:05Sugar-free vanilla pudding. I still enjoy it. I like the texture. I like a cold
42:09I'm a pudding stand. I was absolutely I think I'm gonna go with and I agree with that
42:14He said all drives are not created equal if it's a 50 if I'm going 10 city blocks and takes 15 minutes
42:19That annoys the fuck out of me and I'm happy with the long drive short drive
42:22I like being in the car. So I'm gonna go put in two for putting one for the drive Clemmer
42:26Yeah, I had an ex who used to measure time by like music. She'd be like, oh, it's that drive is three songs
42:31That drive is four songs
42:32I was kind of like that and like we both kind of agreed like the three to four
42:36Song drive is like a good drive, but the best drive is kind of the best hike like you're still driving
42:40It's only so good
42:41it can be so I'm gonna go with the drive because I think I got a
42:4415 minute drive when you know for me like for gunny
42:47It sounds like like if I know it's 15 minutes when I get my car and I know that's like that
42:50You know, I'm driving on New Hampshire Road. Mm-hmm. Let's go with that. That's a win for me. So we're two to two. I
42:58Pudding is tough for me because I don't love pudding and I think out of all the desserts you could get in the snack world
43:04Especially from like the those like chocolate and vanilla types of desserts like not like the Gushers and like fruit your fruit desserts
43:10Among those like chocolate eat desserts. It's the worst one. You would rather a cookie. You would rather a brownie
43:16You would rather like fucking like ice cream from the place
43:18You'd rather like any other dessert over that which is why I think it goes below that
43:23Below the seven threshold, but that 15-minute drive if you know, you're getting there door-to-door in 15 minutes
43:28It's nice
43:29You still have to you still get to drive in and like I don't know something about it
43:33I also agree with the not all drives are created equal because that drive could still suck
43:36Yeah, you can't get cut off in traffic like something bad could happen during that 15-minute drive floor for a drive
43:40It's pretty pretty low. Yeah, it is is really I'm really I'm kind of agonizing over this
43:45I think I would you change it to a good 15-minute drive, then that's a seven
43:50But then you could say a good pudding, you know what I mean?
43:53Well, like sometimes you have to have like hike we added a hike was like the best possible hike
43:56Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with I'd go with the drive. I think the drive is
44:01It's it's significantly better than like a really short drive you're almost pissed you have to do it like
44:06I have to do extra five minutes to get somewhere and like anything longer than 15 minutes you're mad about so I like 15 minutes drive
44:13So now we have there are three seed versus number 14. See the three seed is
44:17Free sunglasses. I think this is also
44:19Is a dead-on seven out of ten anytime you get free sunglasses from some sort of promotion, whatever you get free sunglasses
44:26They're always a seven out of ten. You know, maybe they look cool. You like them. They are gonna break
44:30Without a doubt they're gonna suck in some way eventually down the road
44:34But for now when you get the free sunglasses, it's a nice experience and that's going up in summer 14
44:38See just the day Thursday Thursday as a seven out of ten day. It is not Friday. It is not a weekend
44:44It is but it's also your past most of the week. So most of that is nice
44:48So Thursday versus free sunglasses, let's start with you KB
44:53Which one of these things that gives more of a seven out of ten off off the bat?
44:56Thursday no doubt
44:59free sunglasses like
45:02I'm guessing they're like the cheapest possible things. You can imagine. They will break. That's a that's a below five
45:08Yes, that's but a worse than you have to hold them or find a guard free and sometimes they look cool
45:16Think if you got the um in my brain like imagine if we were
45:20Our freshman year of college if you someone gave you a free pair of the Kanye sunglasses how fucking I empty would be
45:25Yeah, but it's not you get like you go to a Mets game you get these shitty free sunglasses like I'm gonna do it this
45:30Yeah, it's not free sunglasses. Thursday is a great Thursday. So one for Thursday Rudy
45:36Yeah, I totally agree. I think free sunglasses are such a burden. It's it's literally like that Kanye tweet
45:42It's like oh, I got this water bottle on this point now. I'm fucking responsible for this water bottle. I didn't know that either
45:47Yeah, that is a gripe that I've had before and it's it's the same thing like and I there there are guys out there
45:53That you can tell our free sunglass guys
45:56Like if you had like some sort of like farmers market or like music festival, it's like oh
46:00Those are free sunglasses and he's like having a good time. He's like rocking out them
46:03I look like a fucking dipshit and free sunglasses every single time and I just the quality of them is so dogshit
46:09It's like someone they like shipped it over from China. It's just so it's like an insulting
46:15Yeah of plastic and it looks like shit. They're more of like a yeah. Yeah. Yeah
46:21They're almost like annoying their presence annoys me
46:24Yeah, I guess actually and like if you actually like try to block the Sun it almost just like it's like a prism and the
46:30Sun is just
46:34It's just so shitty and Thursday Thursday rules man
46:39Thursday rules if you're in college, it's like a nine or yeah for sure as adults
46:44Definitely loses some points. All right, but like Thursday night. That's a
46:49Fine night, that's a seven out of ten. I can really picture now really wearing like a green pair of st
46:55Patrick's sunglasses that are like branded with like Landshark beer or something like that
47:00Like you wouldn't rock them. You wouldn't rock them. Yeah
47:03No, Eddie. I'm actually the outlier here. I think I think Thursday's a little better than a seminar
47:09It's in like a Friday. I can't is our tens. I think no Saturday and Sunday. I think Saturday's at 10
47:16I think Friday's a nine. Okay, fine. If Saturday's at 10 Fridays at 9, I think Thursday and Sundays are eight. Oh
47:22No, Sunday Sunday is better than there's still off if every day is a Sunday, then you never have to work
47:28Yeah, I guess I
47:30Don't that's crazy. But I don't know
47:34I think it's a perfect as a seven because you still have another day of work hold the day of Thursday to work the all
47:40Friday to work plus Sunday football and everything on Thursday. You got football good argument. It's a good argument true
47:45Regardless, I'm a bad sunglass guy at any time. I've ever tried to spend money on them. I lose them
47:50Yeah, so I actually appreciate the cheap ones like a cheap one. It's like, all right, that's going in the golf bag
47:54This one's going in the car and you can kind of use them in
47:58Situations where if you had one pair and you just lose everything it's there for you
48:03So in a weird way, I kind of like free sunglasses, which I know how bad the bad version of them can be
48:10But they can be useful in certain situations and I just named two so so one
48:14Yeah, I kind of like the the thought process there of it being disposable plenty
48:17I think Thursday may be the leader in the clubhouse for me right now
48:20Thursday's fantastic. I'm a
48:23Massive massive massive Thursday fan. Well that makes it over a seven out of ten then but it's just cuz I but
48:29Like I said, who do you blow push or seven four or seven, but they're my favorite band
48:33Yeah, fair entourage
48:34We may have said as a sevens favorite show
48:36But in the realm like we said in the realm of day is we got Friday Saturday Sunday make it Thursday a seven boom
48:41Thursday's Thursday's the perfect seven there's this gonna win but Clemur
48:44So I thought about this a lot when I worked in the cubes, like I would think about in three days. I
48:49Suggested Friday at 11 a.m. You did. Yeah is the perfect seven because you haven't hit lunch yet
48:55But you just know if you get through this day, then you're in the weekend Thursday
48:58You still have the have to deal with Friday and like when you're in the cubes like it's one more day
49:03Just fucking socks and you just want to get through it. I
49:08Still will pick Thursday in this option, but there's a it's not only in their cup free
49:13Me it's a bit huger between Thursday and Friday at 11. It's a huge difference in my mind. Got you
49:17I mean, that's fair. I still I would cuz I wake up Thursday morning. I still have 40% of work week off. It's like fuck
49:22So Thursday's gonna move on now
49:24We have the ten seat versus the seven see the ten seat is a cold-cut sandwich and we I talked a little bit about plenty
49:29We're not talking you go to a deli and you get some fucking really nice ripped up Italian sub or something like that
49:34We're talking a cold-cut sandwich you make at home
49:37Yeah, I'm not saying I'm not saying like go to a beautiful Italian deli and get like the bigot the Godfather here
49:44Yeah, I'm saying like a ham and cheese you make at your Turkey and Swiss. Yeah, that's the good exactly
49:50Turkey and Swiss and mayo on like multi-grain bread
49:53You don't really want to eat on but it's the bread you have like what you had for lunch growing like what you brought to school
49:57Exactly and that's going up against the number seven seed your favorite soda, but it's in a plastic bottle
50:03Not out of a can not have a fountain
50:07plastic bottle great great option
50:10so the cold-cut sandwich versus the
50:12soda in a plastic bottle climber you are you drink more soda out of plastic bottles than anyone I think only because of the
50:19It's convenience. I at home I drink out of a can but I'm afraid of spilling it here at the workplace
50:24I got to bring it, you know, if I'm in different places, I got to bring it. That's what it's the only reason why
50:28You're scared of yeah, I hate spilling. It makes me very upset. I don't like making it. I don't like making a mess
50:33It makes me very especially unlike things that are not mine
50:35I don't like spilling anything
50:37We're gonna spill and say if I would ever all know because I'm very I try to be really careful
50:41But vice-president remember we worked right across to there if I spilled and it went into your stuff and somehow got your stuff like ruined
50:47I would feel horrible. I could be really bad. Like I don't like even actually everybody would yes, of course
50:53But like so I try to avoid I like love spilling up. That's like courteous to another level. Yeah, I don't know
50:59I also it's not me be a nice guy just because it creates anxiety like it's selfish to it's like it helps stand for my
51:04Anxiety, I kind of want to like so you you you you
51:08Go around the world with a with a looming fear of spilling go around the world with looming
51:12I don't see fear cuz I hate that word fear. I think
51:15We're worried concerned concerned. I'm always concerned about something. Mm-hmm. That's just true. Um, I
51:23Option is I'm sorry a cold-cut sandwich that so I the cold-cut sandwich is a perfect
51:27So I'm a sandwich make at home now, maybe the bread's not, you know, not the best but I had the mustard
51:32I like right so like there's enough goods and bads. Yeah, and I enjoy a salami sandwich. I made it myself
51:36I cut it the way I like it. That's a seven. Mm-hmm. So one for the cold cuts
51:41They're excited about it, but I'm happy after I actually think more
51:44I'm looking at this is like such a this should be could be a fucking finals match of this
51:46I think it's like that tight. Um, I don't really I don't make I may be crazy cuz it's on the bracket
51:52But I don't really hate just favorite soda out of them a plastic bottle. I kind of enjoy it
51:56I I guess we're talking opposed to found soda, which obviously is the best form of soda
51:59But then you have can soda. I think is better
52:02But then you believe the way then you have a can you get in 12 ounces bottle again 16 again
52:06Now they make the tall boy cans of soda too much
52:08So I know it's not weird even if it was even the same ounce. I didn't make any sense
52:14I know it's my brain how my brain works plus even picking you up. It's like a different weight
52:16It's just weird to me. Do you feel like a not great holding up?
52:19I will say I do think my peak soda is fountain. So I do think a
52:24Can sip the first of a cold can is more close to a fountain, but I'm gonna go with the cold cut sandwiches
52:30I think it's I think it's a perfect seven. I mean, it's not not a high-class deli. It's not a high-end
52:34I don't know some sort of
52:36Sandwich you're gonna get anywhere like one of those artisan delis like a place in Chicago that tempesta right down your guys your street
52:41Fantastic deli, I'm talking not talking like that
52:43We're saying ham and cheese a little mustard nice seven not gonna be mad about I'm not gonna be thrilled over it
52:48It's seven. So whenever two for cold cut sandwich Eddie
52:52Yeah, this is a hard one
52:54I agree and I think ultimately Lenny made the point I was gonna make a you just get a little bit more with a
52:59Bottled soda. So I think I would not pick that out pick the cold cut because it's it's always standard is your third starter
53:06It's going out there. It's throwing 90 pitches and then that's that's what it's gonna be
53:10So what was what was your guys like go to cold cut sandwich growing up?
53:13Mine was boys bologna and cheese, but I feel like not a lot of people I was just a ham and cheese ham and cheese
53:17I like ham cheese and mustard and cheese and mayo. I honestly loved roast beef, but
53:22Roast beef when you get cold when you get cold roast beef
53:24So one of my favorite sandwiches I get now go to the deli just get like a pound of roast beef and then just make
53:28It at home quick, but if you leave it in your fridge like by Wednesday Thursday, yeah, it was great
53:34But I would like to weigh in can as a superior style of soda for sure. Yes
53:42Rudy good seven
53:45I'm a I'm a big fan of my homemade sandwiches. I know how I like it. I make them good
53:51I really fucking enjoy those so I would I would put that over I would even go I love sandwiches
53:56I would even go as crazy to say airport sandwiches. It's an airport sandwich
53:59What does that mean? Like you go to you go to the little market?
54:04I get it
54:08Sandwiches I understand that I'm gonna be in the I'm an outlier again
54:11I love sandwiches and the ones I make at home. I what's the Rudy?
54:17Turkey pepper jack mayo
54:20ground mustard and
54:22Lettuce tomato and a little bit too much. I think I think a lot
54:27Rudy also is an elite bread place near him too. Oh, yeah, so you get like artisan bread for this stuff. Oh
54:35Yeah, sometimes though for like a certain sandwich. The artisan bread is almost too great hearing you need a very basic
54:42like Rudy's toasted it
54:45Doesn't get in the way, you know a lot of artisan bread. It's like you're doing too much
54:49So you're gonna go with the plastic soda? You know what? You know, what makes me feel good about sandwiches
54:52I feel like I saved money when I make them like oh, I didn't get uber eats. I didn't spend all this money
54:56I made it myself. I probably cost like $2. I feel good about their dollar
54:59I feel good about that. Like it's a sense of pride. Turkey is fucking like I know
55:04I know you it's crazy like on paper
55:08I'm not really saving that much money
55:09But for whatever reason when I make sandwiches at home my bank account inflates to a remarkable level
55:13I think I think you do save a lot of money
55:15Think about how much you spend it like go through it man
55:17It's like ten bucks just for the sandwich and like now I really want a ham and cheese cut
55:23Yeah, it's I'm putting the triangle bite of the edge of the crust now I want that come on
