• last year
(Adnkronos) - Domenico, Adam e Miguel, del ‘garage Parioli’ in via Schiaparelli, ‘lavorano’ al ‘progetto Ranieri’ già da un anno. “Il mister viene a parcheggiare la macchina qui – raccontano all’Adnkronos – Un anno fa già gli avevamo chiesto di fare un pensiero sulla panchina della Roma, lui ci aveva risposto che non era stato chiamato, ma ci sperava. Auguri mister!”.


00:00You have the garage under the house of Mr. Ranieri. Is this where he brings the car?
00:12So you've known him for a long time?
00:14Yes, for a year now.
00:16When did you hear this news?
00:19I had already told the coach if there was a chance to train in Rome.
00:26He told us that he hadn't been called yet.
00:29But he was hoping.
00:32Are you confident about this miracle?
00:36I think he's the right person.
00:40So let's wish him a happy birthday.
00:42Happy birthday coach!
