• last year
राजस्थान – बीकानेर में केंद्रीय मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल ने कांग्रेस पर जोरदार हमला बोला। उन्होंने राहुल गांधी पर हमला बोलते हुए कहा कि राहुल लगातार संविधान का अपमान कर रहे हैं। संविधान कोई लहराने की चीज नहीं है। राहुल गांधी के पीएम मोदी के संविधान ना पढ़ने वाले बयान पर उन्होंने कहा कि वे खुद नहीं जानते संविधान में कितने चैप्टर और कितने आर्टिकल हैं। उन्होंने राहुल गांधी से कहा कि वो देश का और संविधान का अपमान बंद करें। उन्होंने सरकार गिरने के मल्लिकार्जुन खड़गे के बयान पर उन्होंने कहा कि खड़गे जी ने पहले भी कहा था कि सरकार नहीं चलेगी इसलिए उनकी बातों को गंभीरता से लेने की जरूरत नहीं है।



00:00When Rahul Gandhi was taking the constitution in Lok Sabha, we asked him how many chapters are there in the constitution.
00:10He could not tell us the number of chapters.
00:12We asked him to tell us the total number of articles in the constitution.
00:17He could not tell us the total number of articles in the constitution.
00:18So, he did not read the constitution.
00:20When Modi ji was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he celebrated Gaurav Day on an elephant.
00:31He also paid homage to the constitution.
00:35Just like Rahul Gandhi waves the constitution, he does not wave it.
00:40He insults the constitution and Narendra Modi respects the constitution.
00:45Rahul Gandhi keeps insulting the country from time to time.
00:50Look at Bikaner's Maharaja Ganga Singh.
00:55Do we all take his name with respect or not?
00:59There have been many kings in the country who made the revenue system.
01:03Ahilyabai was also a king.
01:04She made such a good system of revenue.
01:07So, stop insulting the country.
01:10If you want to criticize us, do it.
01:13If you want to criticize our government, do it.
01:16Do not insult the country.
01:18When Modi ji became the Prime Minister for the third time,
01:22he said that the government will collapse in a few days.
01:26Did it collapse?
01:27The government will collapse in a few days.
01:30Did it happen?
01:31The government is very strong.
01:32It is taking strong decisions.
01:33So, when Mr. Khadke said it first, he did not say anything.
01:36So, why are you taking it seriously?
