• 10 hours ago
जम्मू ( जम्मू-कश्मीर ) – गुलमर्ग में एक निजी होटल में आयोजित हुए फैशन शो को लेकर चल रहे विवाद पर उमर अब्दुल्ला द्वारा पल्ला झाड़े जाने के बाद विपक्ष के नेता सुनील शर्मा ने उमर अबदुल्ला पर हमला करते हुए कहा कि वो होटल ही उमर अब्दुल्ला के रिश्तेदारों का है। उन्होंने कहा कि वहां जो शराब परोसी गई है उसका लाइसेंस भी उमर अब्दुल्ला के आबकारी विभाग ने दिया है। एनसी के डीएनए में ही झूठ है। नेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस केवल राजनीति करती है। नेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस नौजवानों की हत्या पर राजनीति कर रही है। नेशनल कॉन्फ्रेंस जम्मू-कश्मीर में अशांति पैदा करना चाहती है।



00:00I am saying that it is not possible that Umar Abdullah Sahib does not know about it.
00:05Umar Abdullah Sahib's close relatives have a hotel in Needooz.
00:09If we believe this, it is Umar Abdullah Sahib's hotel.
00:12They are very close relatives.
00:14His kitchen cabinet is his.
00:17It belongs to his relatives.
00:19And in the Gulmarg, Umar Abdullah Sahib...
00:23I think he goes on a tour once a week.
00:26To travel, to fulfill his hobbies.
00:28Sometimes skiing, sometimes wearing goggles to enjoy.
00:31How is this possible?
00:33And I also heard that Umar Abdullah Sahib's visit is tomorrow or day after tomorrow.
00:37So this program was a pre-visit preparation for Umar Abdullah Sahib.
00:41Now when the matter was raised with him, he rejected it.
00:45He should have said that these are not my relatives.
00:48First, the inquiry should be on the relatives.
00:50Secondly, the consumption of alcohol there...
00:53This is a short-term license for Umar Abdullah Sahib's exercise department to give alcohol.
00:58How is this possible?
01:00I am advising him that if you see that your sign is not there,
01:05then you cannot remove the label.
01:07But in the blood of the National Conference, in the DNA,
01:10lies, lies, lies, lies.
01:12There is nothing but lies.
01:14In the history of Jammu and Kashmir, you will not see this anywhere.
01:17Wherever a nationalist society has been killed,
01:20has been martyred,
01:22the National Conference has not cried anywhere.
01:24They only and only do politics.
01:26And in 1997, when Farooq Abdullah Sahib was the Chief Minister,
01:29on the basis of his statement, I say,
01:32he said,
01:33This is the Muslim majority state,
01:35and I have to care only about the Muslim community.
01:38By saying this word, where did he suffer today?
01:41That Darshan Singh, Yogesh Kumar and Varun will suffer.
01:44Where did he suffer today?
01:46That the two young men who left us,
01:48they suffer.
01:49They want to do politics.
01:51They have ended up in Kashmir.
01:53Now they want to create unrest in Jammu.
01:55They want to do politics.
01:56That is why they sent the Deputy CM there.
01:58For this, the police will answer,
02:00why did they stop? Why didn't they stop?
02:02But if you look at the history of the Deputy CM,
02:04what pain is he in today for these martyrs?
02:06For the murder of these young men.
02:08I don't think this is just a cover-up.
02:12Our local MP, Satish Sharma,
02:14has been sitting there for the past three days.
02:16It was Amit Shah's message.
02:19We gave it to their families.
02:21We gave it to the protesters.
02:23That they will not be spared at any cost.
02:26Whatever outcome comes after the investigation,
02:28there will be complete action.
02:30We gave them this assurance.
02:31Then the dead bodies went.
02:33And their last ritual is taking place.
02:35This National Conference is only
02:37to create unrest in Jammu and Kashmir.
02:40That's all.
