• last year
Prepare for breakfast Unusual Healthy 2-Layers "Marble" Casserole🍀

Feel delicious mix of creamy base and pumpkin-orange stuff🍊

Don't forget about semolina - the key ingredient for soft texture😌

Watch step by step recipe in this video👇

📍Pin ingredients below this description as usual

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See U next time❤️

*cheese layer*
500 g cream cheese
2 eggs
200 g sour cream
40 g semolina
1 p vanilla sugar
100 g sugar
a pinch of salt

*pumpkin-orange layer*
500 g pumpkin puree
50 g semolina
2 egg
75 g sugar
90 g orange juice
zest of half an orange

500 g Frischkäse
2 Eier
200 g saure Sahne
40 g Grieß
1 P. Vanillezucker
100 g Zucker
eine Prise Salz

500 g Kürbispüree
50 g Grieß
2 Eier
75 g Zucker
90 g Orangensaft
Schale von einer halben Orange

500 g クリームチーズ
2 卵
200 g サワークリーム
40 g セモリナ
1 p バニラシュガー
100 g 砂糖
塩 ひとつまみ

500 g カボチャピューレ
50 g セモリナ
2 卵
75 g 砂糖
90 g オレンジジュース
オレンジの皮 半分

#casserole #creamcheesecasserole #healthybreakfast #violetandkoikitchen #pumpkincasserole #semolinarecipe
