• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il turismo rappresenta una grande opportunità per il nostro paese, sia dal punto di vista culturale che economico. Quando parliamo di turismo delle origini non pensiamo solo a chi ritorna qui, pensiamo anche a chi ritorna per investire sul nostro territorio. Chi ritorna si innamora dei nostri luoghi, e non parliamo solo delle città già note da un punto di vista turistico, come Matera, ma soprattutto dei piccoli borghi". Così si è espresso il Presidente della Regione Basilicata Vito Bardi a Matera nel corso del Roots-in, la borsa internazionale dedicata al Turismo delle origini.


00:00There are 80 million people who populate this world of tourism of the origins, so we have
00:11intercepted an important sector, it is the only region that for the third time has done
00:18this on the territory, the collaboration with Enit is a continuous collaboration and we are
00:24confident that it is not the beginning but it continues a particular attention to this
00:33type of tourism that brings not only the people who have heard of the places of their
00:44fathers, their grandmothers, but above all it also moves an economy, because tourism
00:49means economy, it means food, it means getting to know the Made in Italy, this link between
00:56tourism of the origins and Made in Italy is fundamental because it brings to know
01:05what are the most important products of our territory and does not just highlight
01:11the places already known to tourism as it can be a city of Matera, but it makes known those
01:18places such as the most hidden villages, the less known villages so that it can be for these
01:29places a fundamental point of attractiveness for tourism. The attractiveness of a place can
01:37be decisive to give significant answers to those who then want to return, to those who
01:43want to invest in the territory of return as an entrepreneur and therefore I believe that this is
01:51certainly an important thing that must be valued but must be followed with constancy because you have to
02:00make all things attractive and the attractiveness is given precisely by what you can
02:07put on the field to make sure that the people who come are attracted by the town, by the places,
02:13by the services they find on the place, by the possibility of being able to believe in an investment in the place where they come from.
