• last year
👉 Las recientes modificaciones en la legislación permitirán a otros sectores, además de las farmacias, vender medicamentos. Los cambios también afectarán el formato de venta dentro de las propias farmacias. Se debate si estos cambios son beneficiosos y se mencionan los problemas recientes con el PAMI.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24


00:00as a fact and as a place that retirees look at permanently and that we all look at because
00:05modifications are beginning to be seen. Lu, how are you doing? Good afternoon.
00:10Hello Facu, a very good afternoon and not only in terms of prices, of course,
00:14the modifications, but also in terms of the sales format. Why? Because we are talking
00:19about a new legislation that will enable not only pharmacies, which are of course
00:26the iconic place where the pharmaceuticals are prepared, received, with the possibility
00:32precisely of selling and adequate medication, but also in some other sectors and some
00:39modifications even within the pharmacies themselves, within the local pharmacies themselves.
00:44Why? Because if today you come, for example, to this pharmacy in the La Boca neighborhood to buy
00:50an analgesic, well, I almost say the brand, a paracetamol, an antifebrile, well, you have to
00:59ask Maria Laura, who is here with us. From these modifications, what is going to
01:05happen is that whoever wants to put a self-service gondola in their pharmacy, as if they were in a
01:12supermarket, will be able to do it. How are you Maria Laura? What other modifications will
01:17the sale of this type of medication have? How are you? Well, yes, it is a bit of a decree that in
01:24those places such as Capital Federal, where it is governed by the national law, they have to
01:31comply with it. They will not have the obligation, but the possibility of exhibiting at hand.
01:37There will also be a possibility that some supermarkets or kiosks or other
01:46areas of commercialization may have the sale of these products. Something that we lived in its
01:53moment, after that it was done backwards, it was done backwards with that decision. It was achieved with a lot of
01:58effort from the profession, from the pharmaceutical institutions, to get that out, because the normal channel
02:05is a laboratory, a drugstore, a pharmacy. That guarantees the quality of the medication, it guarantees
02:13the preservation. You also told me that this is important, the temperature, the way in which
02:18the drugs are stored, the legitimacy of the drug too, that is, the only one. Track it,
02:25track it. Of course, the only drug that we know where it comes from, how far it goes, until it is
02:30delivered to the patient, is in the natural channel, which is that of the laboratory, drugstore, pharmacy or
02:35drugstore, which is also valid. So, to the supermarkets, who would do the
02:42delivery of the medicines? Who would be their suppliers? Those would be all requirements that
02:49the supermarkets, supermarket chains in some cases or smaller supermarkets, will have to
02:56justify to the ministry that it will also have to control them, because the pharmacies and
03:01the drugstores are controlled by the Ministry of Health in terms of the compliance of this
03:06regulation and that there is a registered person present to verify that this is fulfilled. Facundo,
03:11María Laura is listening to you and we ask the zonist if he can help us with the turn that was taken
03:15precisely to be able to understand the questions well. There we improve the return for María Laura.
03:20María Laura, how are you doing, Facundo Pastor? Do you have any hypothesis of why this change was made,
03:25this modification? The hypotheses that are handled or that are heard is that the client can
03:35choose how this deregulation, this free choice of where to buy. What we are not
03:42taking into account is that the pharmacy is not a price builder, that is, it will not be a
03:47price competition between supermarkets and pharmacies, because the price already comes
03:54from the laboratory, it comes from there and the pharmacy replicates it, perhaps sometimes it comes with some
04:00special discount that the laboratory itself puts on it, so it is not for that, I do not know if the idea is
04:08that it is for that, there is how to inform the directors and the population that there will not be
04:15such a price competition, it will not imply a price drop, that is, of course, I think that what
04:21would have to worry about is that laboratories lower prices if it is possible. It is what is initially
04:26explained, the same thing happens with the law, with the attempt to renew the law of the book, that the idea is
04:32that if there is more competition, the prices will go down and that is not necessarily the case, and
04:37apart I also worry a little about the control regarding what people take, self-medication and
04:42all that happens, right? Of course, of course, we believe that the hypothesis is not valid and on the other hand
04:49we believe that it is a serious public health problem that is going to grow over time, which
04:57we already had almost solved, people could come and ask for advice, not just be guided by
05:05advertisements, which is what normally happens, well, the things that the activities that are
05:12developed in pharmacies are important and not minor for the care of health.
05:18Well, well, and I also warn María Laura, to see if you agree with me, that there is little clarity, it has happened to me to be in a pharmacy,
05:26that there is little, there was already little clarity, and people, even adult people, the pharmacist explains to him, no, you have to
05:35load it, it has to be the recipe of such, I say, I started to see how, I say, I don't know well, of course, that
05:41each one handles a particular issue, if this is beneficial or not, it does not seem to be, or yes, or the government thinks it
05:48in such a way, but in the transition to change, people get lost, there is little dissemination of this.
05:57Yes, there are many things that were, let's say, out of, that are not well explained, you are right about that,
06:05well, there was a particular problem with the PAMI from November 1st until two or three days ago,
06:12which was just finished solving, and well, all that leads to a general discomfort in the population
06:19when the demonstrator approaches and does not know well if it is a system error, if it is an error of the
06:24doctor, if it is the pharmacy that does not want to validate the recipe, so well, you have to have a
06:30little more patience for what you see, and well, wait for it to be solved as soon as possible.
06:35We, from our place, the only thing we can do is be as we have always been in the face of these
06:42situations and in the face of some controversies that are generated, be, explain to the patient and try to
06:48bring him tranquility and solutions. Well, Lu, the closing is yours, thanking you, of course,
06:54Maria Laura. Maria Laura, we are not talking about something important, the issue of retired prices, do you see that they are shooting,
07:01how, well, how do you guys try to also have an empathetic look at what is happening, right?
07:09Yes, well, prices in general, according to the statistics that are handled here within the Capital School,
07:16which brought us the data, the drug increased by 75% in what is going on this year.
07:23For what is the drug, which is a health good, a social good, it is a
07:29significant increase and we see that people's behavior is sometimes a choice between
07:35doing or not doing the treatment. Faced with this situation, our attitude is to look for the alternative,
07:42look for the laboratory with a higher discount, the fractioning of the treatment so that it
07:49starts and then see how you can get the money to continue it, those things,
07:55is what we are doing daily, already throughout the year. Well, Maria Laura, thank you. Lu, do you want to make a closing, you?
08:05Yes, to add a detail regarding the first issue that we mentioned about the decree that
08:11Maria Laura was telling me about, that there are provinces, for example, the province of Cordoba or the province of
08:17Buenos Aires, where, as it has its own legislation, this decree would not apply, so surely there,
08:23well, there will be a dispute in relation to the application of the decree.
