• l’année dernière
49th Parallel is a remarkable British drama directed by the renowned Michael Powell and co-written by Emeric Pressburger. Released in 1941, this film tells the captivating story of a group of German U-boat crew members who find themselves stranded in Canada after their submarine is sunk. Led by the determined Lieutenant Hirth, portrayed by Eric Portman, the crew embarks on a challenging journey across the stunning Canadian landscape to reach the neutral United States.
As they traverse the wilderness, they encounter a variety of Canadians, each representing different walks of life and perspectives. The film beautifully contrasts the crew's rigid ideology with the warmth and kindness exhibited by the people they meet along the way. Notable performances from actors such as Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard, and Anton Walbrook add depth to this engaging narrative.
49th Parallel is visually striking, featuring breathtaking black-and-white cinematography that showcases Canada's natural beauty. The film not only provides thrilling moments but also invites viewers to reflect on themes of humanity and connection during challenging times. It won the Academy Award for Best Original Story in 1942 and remains an important piece in cinematic history.
Join us in experiencing 49th Parallel, a classic that combines adventure with a heartfelt message about understanding and compassion.
