• l’année dernière
A Boy and His Dog is a unique blend of black comedy and science fiction, directed by L.Q. Jones and released in 1975. Based on the novella by Harlan Ellison, the film stars Don Johnson as Vic, a teenage boy navigating a post-apocalyptic wasteland accompanied by his telepathic dog, Blood, voiced by Tim McIntire. Set in a dystopian future following a nuclear war, the film explores themes of survival, morality, and the complexities of human-animal relationships.
The story follows Vic and Blood as they scavenge for food and companionship in a harsh world filled with danger. Their bond is central to the narrative, with Blood providing both guidance and comic relief through their telepathic communication. The duo's journey leads them to an underground society where they encounter a community struggling with its own issues, including infertility due to prolonged isolation.
The film is notable for its satirical edge, addressing serious themes with a mix of humor and dark commentary. Johnson's performance as Vic captures the character's reckless youthfulness, while the interactions between him and Blood highlight their dependency on each other for survival. The film culminates in a shocking twist that challenges the notions of loyalty and sacrifice.
Despite its initial mixed reviews and modest box office performance, A Boy and His Dog has since gained a cult following for its distinctive style and thought-provoking narrative. It remains a significant entry in the realm of science fiction cinema, reflecting the experimental spirit of the 1970s.
Join us for A Boy and His Dog, a film that combines humor with a poignant exploration of companionship in a world gone awry.
