• last year
(Adnkronos) - 9a edizione di Cresco Award - Città Sostenibili, il contest promosso da Fondazione Sodalitas e patrocinato da ANCI. La cerimonia di premiazione al Centro Congressi Lingotto di Torino. “I Comuni italiani sono a pieno titolo tra gli attori protagonisti della sfida per assicurare uno sviluppo del territorio pienamente sostenibile dal punto di vista economico, ambientale e sociale  – ha dichiarato Alberto Pirelli, Presidente Fondazione Sodalitas – Cresco Award in questi anni ha raccolto oltre mille progetti presentati da 802 Comuni ed Enti Locali, un patrimonio che ci ha permesso di far conoscere le esperienze eccellenti realizzate in tutta Italia per ispirare un’emulazione virtuosa".


00:00This is a project that is now nine years old, it has collected more than 800 municipalities
00:13around 6,060 projects, the aim is to mobilize as much as possible municipalities and local entities
00:26accompanied by companies, in order to design and realize environmental and social sustainability projects.
00:36I would say that these years of work have delivered a very rich and interesting archive of initiatives.
00:46The future will clearly see us even more committed, because our future is a future
00:54rich in technological discontinuity, which poses a whole series of great opportunities,
01:01but also great operational and social problems, and therefore the need to face them
01:10with a strong public-private synergy and an orientation towards sustainability is increasingly felt.
01:18Companies today are one of the fundamental engines for the change of both environmental and social sustainability,
01:27but companies know very well that if they do not involve communities, then municipalities and local entities,
01:35and if local entities and municipalities do not make sustainability a culture,
01:41it is not possible to bring home the full result.
01:44Therefore, collaboration is fundamental, because there is knowledge on the one hand,
01:49the possibility of creating cultures and therefore involving a large number of people,
01:55which is very important in order to realize the projectuality.
