• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Loncastuximab tesirine, recentemente introdotto nella pratica clinica in Italia per il trattamento del linfoma diffuso a grandi cellule, è un anti-CD19, che veicola una sostanza citotossica direttamente sulla superficie della cellula neoplastica. Una volta legato, il farmaco crea un “foro” nella parete cellulare attraverso il quale rilascia la sostanza citotossica. L'azione è altamente mirata, riducendo così la tossicità sui tessuti sani e concentrandosi in maniera intelligente sulle cellule neoplastiche e su quelle adiacenti," ha spiegato Pier Luigi Zinzani, Direttore dell’Istituto di Ematologia "Lorenzo Ariosto Seràgnoli" dell’Università di Bologna.


00:00This is a drug that has been introduced in the therapeutic approach of patients who need to be treated with large-cell diffused lymphoma and it is an anti-CD19 draconiogate,
00:15that is, it carries a cytotoxic substance that goes directly to rest the antibody on the cell surface of the neoplastic cell, the lymphoma,
00:28because it presents the anti-CD19 and at that point there is a linker, like a trap, that goes, that enters, penetrates, creates a hole in the cell wall of the neoplastic cell,
00:41where the cytotoxic substance is discharged, so it is a truly direct action on the neoplastic cell,
00:48so it reduces the one that has the toxicity of normal tissues and goes to hit precisely, intelligently, let's say, the neoplastic cell,
00:57all those that are close to each other, because there is a destruction action,
01:02it enters a certain space, a space that can be a few millimeters, but there are masses of different lymphatic cells,
01:13so it hits them in a complete way and at the same time.
01:17This is an action that gives us the possibility to go and destroy all the spaces in which these cells,
01:24both nodal and extranodal, in our body, in the body of the neoplastic patient, are present.
01:30It is an advantage that, unlike other drugs, has a completely different action and gives us the possibility,
01:36one, to have a very rapid action, often with two substitutions of the drug,
01:41you can have in some patients the complete remission, the complete dissection of the disease,
01:45so the possibility of going to consolidate with an allogenic drug.
01:49The other aspect is that it is a substitution in the hospital, so the patient does not have to be hospitalized every three weeks,
01:57so there is not even a big problem for the caregiver, for the patient himself,
02:01so this rapid response gives us the possibility to quickly obtain the response itself,
02:07but also to connect, to have a patient with a good performance status,
02:13to go to the allogenic treatment, to be able to continue the therapy.
02:17Also an old patient, in the registrative study there was a patient of over 75-80 years,
02:23so it can be used in all patients.
02:26It is a particular treatment that, in the world of the therapeutic algorithm of patients with refractory reclusion,
02:32is assisting, so it is something that gives us a different therapeutic option,
02:39from the pharmacological point of view, that intelligence that we had before,
02:44and gives us rapid responses, which is what is very important,
02:47to obtain it with other drugs in the same setting of patients.
02:51Patients that are managed in the hospital, tolerance is good,
02:54especially in the first 5-6 administrations, there is the rapidity of the response.
02:58This is a fundamental fact in a patient with an aggressive uniform,
03:01such as the diffuse granulocytes uniform.
