• 3 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - “Pirtobrutinib può essere definito un inibitore di Btk di nuova generazione e rappresenta un'importante innovazione, efficace e molto tollerabile, all'interno di questa classe di farmaci per pazienti adulti con linfoma mantellare, tumore raro del sangue, ma anche uno dei linfomi più aggressivi” queste le parole di Giorgio Minotti, professore ordinario di Farmacologia all'Università e Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico di Roma durante la conferenza sui progressi nella cura della patologia oncoematologica.


00:00Today this drug arrives in Italy with a very specific indication in patients with lymphoma
00:13mantle that have already received two therapeutic lines, one with a covalent type Btk inhibitor
00:24and from a point of view of therapeutic needs, it is a drug aimed at a very challenging disease
00:33in which, however, it has given some really, really egregious answers.
00:40And then it is a drug that stands out for an innovative mechanism, therefore, compared to the other inhibitors
00:48always of the Btk, which are, let's say, irreversible inhibitors, therefore, with a mechanism of action
00:57very, in quotation marks, vigorous, Pirtobrutinib is a reversible inhibitor, therefore, with a mechanism of action
01:05much more dynamic, much more flexible and which, however, continues to associate with a persistent inhibition
01:15of the molecular target and this is important because the therapeutic response descends from the inhibition.
01:22Let's imagine we have in front of us the patient, he is a patient who is usually quite ahead of his age,
01:29therefore, very often he presents himself to treatments with some cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity,
01:36he is a patient with a challenging proliferative lymphoma disease, he is a patient who has already had other therapeutic lines,
01:45therefore, Pirtobrutinib, as it is framed in this scenario, it is framed as a drug that is effective,
01:52because we reflect on the fact that it intervenes when the patient has detached himself from the previous lines,
02:02an effective drug, a tolerable drug, also because many times passing from one drug to another
02:08depends on the tolerability, as well as on the presence or less of the therapeutic action.
02:14Therefore, it is a drug that, if we can use this terminology, has all the characteristics to agree with the patient
02:23and a good drug-patient relationship, even if it is not a scientific dimension, becomes a therapeutic dimension.
