• last year
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan telah menunda pengumuman penetapan Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) tahun 2025, yang sediakan dilakukan pada minggu lalu. Hal ini terkait adanya putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang mengabulkan sebagian permohonan pengujian materiil Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2023 Tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2022 Tentang Cipta Kerja menjadi undang-undang.

Meski demikian, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan seperti dikutip menyatakan, penetapan upah minimum provinsi tahun 2025 akan dilakukan maksimal pada Desember 2024 mendatang. Saat ini, Kemenaker masih menggodok rumus perhitungan upah bersama Lembaga Kerja Sama (LKS) Tripartit Nasional, dan ditargetkan akan selesai pada minggu ini. Hasil perumusan tersebut selanjutnya akan disampaikan kepada Presiden Prabowo Subianto.

Sementara itu, Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam putusan 31 Oktober 2024 meminta, pasal terkait pengupahan harus mampu memenuhi kebutuhan hidup pekerja/buruh dan keluarganya secara wajar, yang meliputi makanan dan minuman, sandang, perumahan, pendidikan, kesehatan, rekreasi dan jaminan hari tua. MK juga meminta agar struktur dan skala upah harus proporsional. Selain itu, MK menghidupkan kembali peran aktif dewan pengupahan dalam penentuan upah minimun, serta mengembalikan adanya upah minimum sektoral.


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15:24In my opinion, if the mother said she wants to ask for 20 percent,
15:30how do you calculate that? How do you pay attention to that?
15:33So don't just focus on saying we want to increase it by 20 percent.
15:39But we also think about the importance of business,
15:42which is now the performance manoeuvring index is down below normal.
15:47Okay, okay.
15:48As a result, the market fell, the market fell, the domestic market fell,
15:55but there are also limitations in the domestic market due to the war and so on.
16:00Well, these are the precautions that need to be considered
16:05in order to reach a point of balance that can be called a win-win solution.
16:15Okay, a win-win solution, yes, Professor.
16:18Mrs. Mira, then how do you see it from your point of view?
16:21Is this win-win because of different interests and different needs,
16:27or do you see it as a win-win solution?
16:30We have been paying attention to the data from 2019 to 2024.
16:35It's getting worse, both industry and middle class.
16:39One of the main factors that is more important than that is because politicians are cheap.
16:46From the data we have from 2020 to 2024,
16:49you can imagine that the national average is only 3% increase in revenue,
16:55while the food price is only up to 20%, 5.5%.
16:59In fact, in 2021, the increase in revenue was 1.7% below inflation, you can imagine.
17:07Whereas the food price is 20%, but the revenue is 3%.
17:11What logic is that?
17:13How do we calculate the economic people if we face data like this?
17:18That's why the 20% increase is not a sudden increase from the sky,
17:25but we also have a strong enough calculation and can be responsible for it.
17:31Using economic growth, yes, using inflation, yes,
17:36but how can we calculate the number for next year,
17:39but the formula for next year is not allowed, it's not fair.
17:43Therefore, we calculate it using the projection of inflation that will come,
17:48or the current inflation, and the projection of growth that will come,
17:51or the current one, and the component of the GDP,
17:54according to the decision of the Constitutional Court.
17:57The component of the GDP is 60 items of GDP,
18:00although the businessmen have 64 components of the GDP,
18:04but we use 60 items of GDP.
18:07To make up for the absence from the period of 2000-2004,
18:12we are already minus, so whether or not the government wants to increase it,
18:16why did the purchasing power decrease?
18:18Why did the purchasing power decrease? Because it's cheap,
18:21and on the one hand, the people, because of their low income,
18:26they buy products online that are cheap,
18:29through TikTok and others,
18:32which are mainly imported goods,
18:34while domestic goods produced in the country,
18:37are not bought, are not sold well,
18:40because of the low income of our people.
18:43For the high effort to increase,
18:45it's also to support businessmen.
18:50Okay, on the other hand,
18:51do we have to consider the condition of our industry
18:54when it is also experiencing pressure?
18:57Will later, for example, the government,
18:59we know from reading in some media,
19:02states or mentions that there is an increase,
19:04but if the increase is not up to expectations,
19:07hold on to the answer, we will pause for a while.
19:09And viewers, we will be right back after the break.
19:29Thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
19:31Okay, we will continue back to Mrs. Myra.
19:33And then, what if the government has mentioned
19:36that there is indeed an increase in GDP for 2025,
19:39but for example, it is not up to expectations or demands
19:42of the workers themselves, what will happen in the future?
19:46Yes, I will make sure,
19:49I will make sure that our economic conditions are getting worse.
19:54And maybe an extraordinary crisis will hit
19:57if it is not appropriate.
19:59Moreover, for example, low inflation or the same as inflation,
20:03the problem is, Mr. Ras, the philosophy of the UNP
20:06that we feel, because we are people in this field,
20:09that employees who should be above one year
20:14do not get the UNP, but use it as a scapegoat or a scapegoat.
20:18That the philosophy of the UNP is only for new employees
20:22below one year and unemployed.
20:23Well, the problem is,
20:25employees who are above one year, 20 years are still UNP.
20:28That's amazing.
20:29So this is what is wrong.
20:31But if the company is asked to adjust its revenue
20:35or within the revenue structure, the company does not provide.
20:37That's why it's not strange when there are employees
20:40whose working period is 20 years, 10 years, they are still UNP.
20:44That's not strange, because the philosophy has been violated
20:48by businessmen.
20:50Then the second, if this is still stubborn,
20:52I also make sure that there will be a very heavy economic crisis.
20:56Because this was already very heavy,
20:59because it was cheap.
21:00Now, if you are still determined to do cheap business,
21:04I make sure that there will be economic crisis.
21:06The third,
21:07employees no longer have a representative in the parliament.
21:12So we start using the road parliament.
21:15There are members of the employees' alliance group
21:17who are now coordinating with us
21:20whether there is a scheme to carry out a large-scale demonstration
21:24or a large-scale national rally.
21:26This is being consolidated by our colleagues in Indonesia
21:31and is being continuously coordinated with other elements.
21:35Because it's not just the ones who are at a loss.
21:39It's not just the ones who are at a loss that we are still working.
21:42But the colleagues who may be getting a job after graduation
21:47will also feel the impact.
21:49And again, we are fully hopeful of the Prabowo government.
21:53If Mr. Prabowo has an 8% target for economic growth,
21:57then it must be raised to a high level
22:00to increase purchasing power.
22:02Because with a high level of effort,
22:04the production of goods and services
22:06produced by small, medium, and large companies
22:08will be absorbed well.
22:10If we talk about balance,
22:12I am sure that the government must also provide
22:15incentive to the business model.
22:19And also the trade minister's regulations
22:23that have made imported goods enter Indonesia freely
22:27so as to kill our businessmen,
22:30our SMEs, and also our large businesses.
22:33Because the waste of the extraordinary imported products
22:37and the price is very cheap with the same quality.
22:40Okay, okay, Mrs. Merah.
22:41Well, Prof, how do you see it, Prof Tajudin and Mr. Kek,
22:44with the conditions just now?
22:46If we talk about economic conditions,
22:49industrial conditions,
22:50then on the one hand, there is a demand
22:52for the UMP to be raised in 2025.
22:55Do you see the projection for the future?
22:57Even though there is an increase,
22:58is it still reliable with the current conditions, Prof?
23:02So actually, what we are talking about is minimum wage.
23:06Minimum wage actually,
23:08in the labor law,
23:10only applies to those who work one year below.
23:16But in practice, just like Mrs. Merah said,
23:20all of them are hit with minimum wage.
23:24The government should prepare
23:27a national wage system.
23:32So it's a grip for those who are not below one year.
23:36One year is for workers who have just entered for one year.
23:40If we count the number,
23:42it's relatively small
23:44compared to other workers.
23:46But the company's inability
23:49to make all the contributions
23:51according to,
23:52first, which I think is important,
23:55first is
23:57skills, education, and experience
23:59are not included in the contribution.
24:02Minimum wage only applies to those who actually work for one year.
24:05The next contribution must be included in
24:13and maybe
24:15other things that must be included.
24:17So, what we are discussing from year to year
24:20is actually only for those who work below one year.
24:25But for those who work above one year,
24:30we never touch it.
24:32That's very important.
24:34That's why in some of my interviews, I do
24:38the government must create a national wage system for workers.
24:43Why do I say that?
24:45If there is no national wage system,
24:47there will be injustice.
24:49Now it happens.
24:50In the Ministry of Home Affairs, the salary is different from that of ordinary state officials.
24:54In this company, the salary is different.
24:57So, because there is no national wage system,
24:59this is what causes us to struggle with minimum wage every year.
25:03Meanwhile, the minimum wage is only possible in proportion
25:08to how many percent of our workforce.
25:10Let's say 10%.
25:1290% of our workforce need this national wage.
25:16This is what we don't have.
25:18This is what we don't have.
25:20If we have a national wage system,
25:27what we are talking about is not a minimum wage.
25:29What we are talking about is an increase in the average wage for all workers.
25:34As the judge said yesterday,
25:35the judge demanded it.
25:37He didn't increase it for 12 years.
25:38Then he increased the wage by 40%.
25:42Things like this.
25:43We don't have this yet.
25:45Actually, we already have it.
25:46We have data on the classification of office workers in Indonesia.
25:52The classification of this office is actually the basis to arrange national wages.
25:58But until now, that effort has not been done.
26:00So, what we always struggle with is the minimum wage.
26:03Meanwhile, the minimum wage for workers under one year,
26:07we have never thought about it.
26:10Lastly, what do you see in the future
26:12related to the classification of wages in Indonesia
26:16with the conditions that occurred in the past few years?
26:19I don't support that scale because I've never seen it before.
26:22Speaking of minimum wage, it will be increased immediately
26:25in accordance with inflation, economic growth,
26:28and of course, thinking about the importance of the industry.
26:31If the industry continues to be pressured,
26:34I'm worried that they will leave Indonesia.
26:36Hmm, yes.
26:37Because there are many industries that have gone to Vietnam.
26:39Hmm, okay.
26:41While now we are inviting investment to enter,
26:44they haven't entered yet.
26:46Because there were quite serious problems
26:49in our investment in Indonesia.
26:52Our investment system in Indonesia.
26:54So, if this continues,
26:56I'm worried that we won't be able to make any changes.
27:01Especially in the welfare of the workers.
27:05Okay, that's it.
27:06An interesting conversation, Prof.
27:07If we look at it, Indonesia has to sit together again
27:09and hopefully, a win-win solution will be implemented by the government.
27:14So, it will also make everybody happy
27:17when it comes to minimum wage.
27:19And the most important thing was the placement,
27:20in addition to the minimum wage,
27:21as well as the salary of the workers themselves
27:23who may be outside the classification of minimum wage recipients
27:27in 2025.
27:30Prof. Tajudin, thank you very much for your presence,
27:32for the analysis that you have provided,
27:34and the information that you have provided,
27:35Mrs. Mira, to the viewers of IDX Channel.
27:38Congratulations on continuing your activities.
27:40Stay healthy.
27:41Prof. Tajudin, Mrs. Mira, thank you.
