• last year
Bir Yemin Ettim - Episode 6 (English Subtitles) I Made An Oath
01:52Kareem the geldiğinde bu akşam dışarıya çıkıp hep birlikte yemek mi yesek
01:57Haydi cek çok kötü günler geçirdik
02:00Hepimize iyi gelir diye düşünüyorum ha ne dersiniz
02:03Kerem sen iyice fazla oldun bu kızın burada ne işi var
02:32Kerem ne oluyor
02:36Derhal bir açıklama bekliyorum senden
02:42Sen bizi her geçen gün şaşırtıyorsun Kerim
02:48Bu ne ya
02:53Ece artık bu evde bizimle yaşayacak
02:59Çok komik geliyor
03:27Hayır abla şaka yapmıyorum gayet ciddi
03:50Ne saçmalıyorsun sen ya
04:03Ne demek artık bizimle kalacak sen kafana falan darbe mi aldın
04:10Aklını mı yitirdin ne kafayı yedim ne de aklımı yitirdim abla
04:15Ben ne yaptığımı gayet iyi biliyorum
04:18Bu mu iyi bildiğin şey babamızın katilinin kızını bu eve getirmek mi benim babam katil değil sana konuştuğun oldu mu ama
04:26Kerim kusura bakma ama beste bu defa haklı
04:32Sınırını fazlasıyla aştın
04:36Yani bunu bir başkası yapsa sen karşı çıkar kesinlikle olmaz derdin
04:43Haklısın Tekin beni bu kadar iyi tanıdığına göre böyle bir şey yapıyorsam sebebi olduğunu da anlamanı beklerdim
04:50Ne anlayacağız ya ne anlayacağız babamızın katilinin kızı bu evin salonda yüzsüz yüzsüz dururken ne anlamamı bekliyorsun
04:58Ne yüze giriyorsun kızım sen bu eve he
05:07Hiç utan mı yok sende
05:10Ardamanın mı çatlaksın
05:12Nasıl bakabiliyorsun ilginize suratına tükürsek şükredecek bir alçak mısın sen
05:16Abla yeter
05:18Abla bir yeter
05:19Yeter bak bu şekilde hiçbir yere varamayın ben sana söyleyeyim
05:22Hepiniz beni dinlemek zorundasınız
05:24Hayatım tamam gelir misin şöyle
05:26Hayatım gelir misin şöyle
05:30Bırakalım ne diyorsa desin ya hadi
05:34Evet konuşsun
05:37Ne diyecek merak ediyorum
05:40Bahçeye çıkar mısın
05:43Bahçeye çık
06:02Bende seni özledim diyorum Yiğit ama hayatta çıkamam niye ısrar ediyorsun
06:08Eli kulağındadır zaten annem gelir birazdan
06:11Geldi bile benim kapatmam lazım
06:18Tamam ben akşam arayacağım seni
06:26Hoş geldin anne
06:28Babam nasıldı
06:34Babama bir şey mi oldu yoksa
06:36De babası ya ne babası ha
06:38Babam falan de babana
06:40Baba değil koca desem koca değil
06:42Adamın paraların yerini soruyor ne parası diyor
06:44Beni delirtmek için alt içmiş
06:46Adam yok diyorsa yoktur anne
06:48Babam yalan söylemez kızma
06:50Cevap verme bana
06:52Zaten adamı orada boğacaktım
06:54Sinirim tepemde vallahi seni boğarım
07:07Böyle davranacakları belli değil miydi sanki
07:09Ya bu insanlar benim babama iftira attılar ne işim var benim burada
07:15Niye uydum ben bu Kerim'in aklına
07:20Lütfen konuş artık
07:22Neymiş polise gitmekten daha iyi fikrin
07:24Söyle de bileyim
07:28Böyle hiçbir şey bilmeden peşinden mi sürükleneceğim ben
07:31Bundan sonra bizimle yaşayacaksın
07:36Bundan böyle bizimle yaşayacaksın dedim
07:39Neyini anlamadın
07:41Sizinle mi yaşayacağım
07:43Şaka mı yapıyorsun sen
07:45Yok ayet ciddi
07:47Ya sen babanın katil olmadığını ispatlayacağım deyip durmuyor muyuz
07:49Al fırsat işte sana ispat et
07:51Gel yaşa bizimle
07:53Birlikte çözelim şu olayı
07:55Delirdin mi ya sen
07:57Benim babama katil damgası vuran insanlarla aynı evde mi yaşayacağım ben
07:59Sağır çekineceğim ben
08:03Bak sağır çek dedim yoksa bağırırım
08:05Bende hayır çekmeyeceğim dedim
08:07Ne yapıyorsun sen
08:09Polisi arıyorum
08:11Ver şu telefonu
08:15Ya delirdin mi
08:17Polise gideceksin de ne olacak
08:19Bak bu adamlar yakalansa bile arkalarında kim var
08:21Hayatta söylemezler
08:23Ya sizde kalınca mı söyleyecekler
08:27O yüzden iş birliği yapmak zorundayız
08:29Hiç de sorun filan değiliz tamam mı
08:31Ben ispatlayacağım babamın suçsuz olduğunu
08:33Hiç sana da gerek yok
08:36Nereye gidiyorsun
08:38Ya Ecrin
08:40Bir de benimle dalga geçiyor ya
08:42Konağa yarışıp onlarla yaşayacakmışım
08:44İyi fikir dediğine bak
08:46Konakta babama katil diyen insanlarla bir arada yaşayacakmışım
08:48Ya bir saniye bekle
08:50Dur iki dakika
08:52Dinlemek zorundasın beni
08:54Neyini dinleyeceğim ya
08:56Şu ana kadar duyduğum en saçma fikirdi bu neyini dinleyeceğim
08:58Bak bana bak
09:00Eğer babanın suçsuz olduğuna inanıyorsan
09:02Benimle gel
09:04Bu işi tek başına yapamam
09:06Benim konakta gözüm kulağım olacaksın
09:14Sana söz veriyorum
09:16Hiç kimseye belli etmeden bu işi çözeceğiz
09:18Ama bunun için
09:20İstemesek de bazı şeyleri yapmak zorundayız
09:22Peki tamam öyle diyelim
09:24Bana bir yalan söylemediğini nereden bileceğim
09:26Belki de beni kandırıyorsun
09:28Nasıl güveneceğim ben sana
09:30Bana nasıl güveneceksin öyle mi
09:32Ya hatırlatırım az önce hayatını kurtardım ben seni
09:34Arkamı dönüp gidebilirdim değil mi
09:36Ama gitmedim ben ne yaptım
09:38O adamların elinden seni kurtardım
09:40Şimdi bir daha sor bakalım kendine nasıl güveneceksin bana
09:52Of Kerim of
09:54Ya umarım haklı çıkarsın
09:56Yoksa işler içinden daha da çıkılmaz bir hale gelir
10:02Bir şey söyleyeyim mi Kerim
10:04Babam şu halini görse
10:06Kimlerle ne iş yaptığını bilse suratına tükürürdü
10:08Beste lütfen
10:12Baban Kerime her zaman güvenirdi
10:14İstemediği bir şey yapsa bile
10:16Bir bildiği vardır oğlumun derdi
10:18Babam da yanılabiliyormuş demek ki anne
10:22Her ne olursa olsun
10:24Birbirinizle konuşurken
10:26Sözlerinize dikkat edeceksiniz
10:28Anladınız mı beni
10:30Olur musunuz
10:32Beste lütfen
10:34Ben Kerim ne diyecek çok merak ediyorum
10:36Evet Kerim
10:38Bir açıklama bekliyoruz senden
10:40Çünkü şu an yaptıklarını akıl sıra erdiremiyorum
10:42Erdiremezsin anneciğim
10:46Çünkü benim kardeşim yurt dışından gelmiş
10:48Ama aklını orada bırakmış
10:50Abla yeter dur artık
10:52Yetmez Kerim yetmez
10:54O kız bu eve gelmeyecek
10:56Eğer ki gelirse dünyayı ona dar ederim
10:58O kız
11:00Bu evde bizimle kalacak
11:02Ya ben de zaten el üzerinde tutun falan demiyorum
11:06Bir dinlerseniz
11:08Anlayacaksınız ne yapmaya çalıştığımı
11:10Bir planın var
11:16Bakın siz ne hissediyorsanız ben de aynı şeyi hissediyorum
11:18Ben o kızı buraya
11:20Dünyasını dar etmek için getirdim
11:24Nasıl yani
11:26O kız babamın katilinin kızı
11:30Babamın en yakınındaki adam
11:32Nasıl soğuk kanlılıkla babamın canını aldıysa
11:34Ben de onun en yakınının canını her gün yakacağım
11:40Nasıl bir acı yaşadığımızı bilmeleri lazım
11:44Babası içeride
11:46Kızı bu konakta nefes alamayacak
11:52Veysel'in kıymetli kızı
11:54Bu evin hizmetçisi olacak
11:56Hizmetçisi değil anne
12:08Çok iyi düşünmüşsün
12:10Hem bu sayede gözümün olur
12:14Bu yüzden mi getirdin yani bu kızı evimize
12:16Evet abla bu yüzden getirdim
12:20O sadece bir can almadı çünkü
12:22Hepimizin hayatının en kıymetli parçasını çaldı
12:26Veysel'in öyle hapislerde çürümesi falan yetmez bana
12:30Onun hayatında değer verdiği kim varsa
12:32Hepsinin canına okuyacağım
12:50Babası gider gitmez kızı evin yolunu unuttu
12:52Ne yiyeceğiz ne içeceğiz ne yapacağız
12:54Hiç umrunda bile değil
12:56Bir tutmuş okumak öyle gidiyor
12:58Öyle gidiyor
13:02Kalk kız kalk kalk
13:04Nereye oturuyorsun ya
13:06Daha televizyon tozu duruyor ev silinecek
13:08Bulaşıklar seni bekliyor hadi
13:10Ay yeter ya yeter
13:12Geldiğinden beri bir dakika bile oturtmadın
13:14Kendini deli ettin şimdi sırada ben mi varım
13:16Sus kız zaten sinirlerim tepemde
13:18Seni sinirlerine baş başa bırakıyorum o zaman
13:20Gidiyorum ben
13:22Uğraşamayacağım seninle
13:24Git git senin dünyadan haberin var mı
13:26Burayı sakladılar diyorum sakladılar
13:28Bulamazsak ne yapacaksın sen
13:30Nefesin kokacak göreceğim ben seni
13:36Aç bırak öyleyse
13:38Susuz bırak
13:40Ne bileyim evinden atılmasını falan sağla
13:42Kolundan tutup evimize getirmek nedir
13:44Eğer bu senin söylediğin şeyleri yaparsam
13:46Bu hayatta en sevmediğim şeylerden birini yapmış olacağım
13:50Basite kaçmak
13:52Böyle mi zor seçmiş oluyorsun
13:54Saçmalayarak mı
13:56Ben saçmalamıyorum abla
13:58Sadece sen anlamakla güçlük çekiyorsun
14:00Çünkü ortada anlaşılacak bir şey yok
14:02Ya da senin anlayamayacağın şeyler var
14:06Sen bana kıt akıllı mı demeye çalışıyorsun
14:08Bırakın artık birbirinize cevap vermeyi
14:10Bıktım artık sizin didişmelerinizden
14:14Şu Ecrin denen kız bahçemizde dururken
14:16Ben sizin kavga ettiğinizi görmek istemiyorum
14:18Çünkü kavgalarımızın sebebi Kerim
14:20Tamam sus Veste
14:22Bu evde daha fazla kavga edilmeyecek
14:26Birbirinize destek olmanız gerekirken
14:28Siz birbirinizi yiyorsunuz
14:40Bayıcığım Ecrin ablan mı geldi
14:44Özge kızım
14:50Özge düşün
14:56Bir şey soracağım
14:58Hatırlıyor musunuz en son
15:00Özge size ne zaman böyle sevgiyle koştu
15:08Bir düşünün bence bunu siz
15:16Ecrin abla
15:26Prensesim benim
15:28Dur yavaş
15:32Ne yapıyorsun bakalım
15:34Ecrin abla sen düşeceksin ben çok korktum
15:36İyi misin
15:38Ah canım benim
15:40İyiyim ben sen hiç merak etme
15:42Ayağım kaydı sadece
15:44Sen nasılsın peki benim küçük meleğim
15:46Sen burada olduğun için çok iyiyim
15:48Seni çok özledim
15:52Birlikte oyun oynayabilir miyiz
15:54Bende seni çok özledim
15:56Oynayabiliriz tabiki
15:58Gitmeyeceksin dimi
16:18Neredesin ya sen
16:20Ağaç oldun burada beklemekten
16:22Bilseydim gelmezdim
16:24Kusura bakmayın Seher hanım
16:26Sizi de beklettik
16:28Hani malum ekmek parası ya
16:30Ne oluyor kızım
16:32Rüzgarından nefes alınmıyor
16:34Öyle mi
16:36Rahatsız ettiysem gidebilirim
16:38Dur be kızım kızma hemen ya
16:40Sen de benimle böyle konuşma o zaman
16:42Tamam tamam bir şey demedin
16:44Bir sakin ol
16:46Ne oldu sana
16:50Kim kız dedi seni
16:52Boşver ya yürüyelim mi biraz
16:54Güzelim zamanım yok
16:56Akşama dönmem gerekiyor
16:58Bir çay içelim en azından
17:02Yeter ki sen iste
17:04İçelim de burada
17:06Boşver ya tamam tamam
17:08İstemiyorum ben sadece biraz sakinleşmek istedim o yüzden
17:12Senin çok işin var
17:14Ben gideyim sen bence işlerini hallet
17:18Gel bakayım sen yanıma
17:24Ne oldu
17:26Kim kız dedi seni
17:28Kim olabilir
17:30Annem işte
17:34Ne yaptı yine
17:38Zaten deliydi
17:40Kafayı yedi
17:42Tamam bir sakin ol
17:44Ne sakinliği ya ne sakinliği
17:46Kadın evde bir dakika bile nefes aldırmıyor
17:48Ben ne zaman neyi yükselecek anlamıyorum
17:50Kafayı yiyeceğim artık
17:52Boğuluyorum ben Yiğit boğuluyorum
17:54Kalma o zaman evde
17:56Gel kendi evimizi kuralım
18:02Evlenelim mi
18:06Evlenmeyecek miyiz zaten
18:08İyi de Yiğit
18:10Hangi parayla
18:12Bilmiyorsun sanki
18:14Var benim biraz birikmiş param
18:16Arkama dağ gibi anamda var
18:18Oda bize destek çıkar
18:20Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:22Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:24Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:26Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:28Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:30Bizde boş değiliz yani
18:32Biz o parayla anca çadır kurarız
18:52Bak bende üzülüyorum ama gerçekler bunlar
18:54Bizim aşkımız da gerçek kızım
18:58Okay, you give it to me, I'll take care of everything.
19:04Okay, but he has a wedding, he has a fiancée, he has a house.
19:09Do you think our mother will let him go without these?
19:11So, what are we going to do then?
19:13What are we going to do?
19:14You're not going to be late for work, and I'm going home.
19:23Look, one day our dreams will come true. Believe me.
19:28I love you.
19:43Did you see my gift?
19:46I saw it, thank you very much.
19:48Did you like it?
19:50I loved it, what a beautiful picture it was.
19:53Will you be a painter when you grow up?
19:55I don't know, maybe I will.
19:57Are you jealous of me? You're making beautiful pictures.
20:02Come here!
20:04Ece, I'm going to stand next to you.
20:12What are you doing?
20:13Are you trying to be my daughter's mother without shame?
20:16Let me go!
20:19Don't be afraid, Özge.
20:21Why would she be afraid?
20:22Why would she be afraid?
20:24Her mother is mine.
20:25Do you understand?
20:26If there's anyone she's afraid of, it's you!
20:31Shut up!
20:35Pull yourself together.
20:38You brought her here, and now you're protecting her?
20:44Sister, I'm not protecting her.
20:46I'm protecting you.
20:48Because you're not who you are.
20:50No matter how pitiful your interlocutors are,
20:54you're not one of them.
20:56I'm not.
20:57But I have a limit to my patience.
21:02Stay away from my daughter.
21:14How is this going to happen here?
21:16From the first day...
21:18You need to work harder.
21:20If you're so sure that your father isn't the murderer,
21:23there's no other way to prove it.
21:37Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to show your intentions so soon, Kerim.
21:42Aren't you going?
21:46No, why would I go?
21:48Would I leave you here?
21:53I will never leave you, Kerim.
22:02What do you think of the press, Veysel Efendi?
22:05You're going to say there's no money.
22:07You're going to say there's no money.
22:09You're going to say there's no money.
22:11And I'm going to swallow it, huh?
22:16Hey, baby.
22:18Why don't you bury that money in the ground?
22:21Look what I'm going to do.
22:35Oh my God.
22:46I'm going out. Is there anything I can do for you?
22:48No, son. I don't want anything.
22:53Be careful. Don't speed up.
22:55Are you okay? Did something happen?
22:59I haven't been able to reach Veysel for a few days.
23:02He must be busy.
23:04No, son, no.
23:06He's always busy, but he never does that.
23:09What do you think happened?
23:12God forbid.
23:14I'm afraid something happened to him.
23:19Mom, it's going to be hard for you, but...
23:21Okay, okay.
23:23I'll go and see.
23:25I'll let you know if he's okay or not.
23:27Tell me his address.
23:29He told me the neighborhood he lives in.
23:31Ask around there.
23:33He'll definitely introduce you to someone.
23:35Okay, don't worry.
23:37What was the name of the neighborhood?
23:39Beykozda, a place called Kocataş.
23:41Okay, mom.
23:43Don't worry, I'm going out.
23:45I'll let you know.
23:47Thank you, son.
23:49See you, mom.
24:14My daughter.
24:17I know you're mad at me.
24:20But I'm doing everything to protect you, actually.
24:42I love you so much.
24:44I'm so afraid something's going to happen to you.
24:49Do you understand me, honey?
24:55Look at me, my daughter.
25:11Look, should we go to the arcade with you?
25:16If you want, we can go for ice cream.
25:27Why am I doing it wrong?
25:29Why can't I do it?
25:30Why can't I do it?
25:38Come on, man.
25:40Just pick up the phone.
25:42Just pick up the phone.
25:44Are you crazy?
25:46Tell me, Tekin.
25:48Mr. Faruk.
25:50I'm sorry to bother you, but...
25:52Look, we need to talk urgently.
25:54Just pick up the phone, Tekin.
25:56Don't worry.
25:58Calm down, okay?
26:00I'll call you later.
26:02We'll talk.
26:04Mr. Faruk, look, I'm not in a hurry.
26:06It's a mess in the mansion.
26:08It's urgent.
26:10Tell me, Tekin, then.
26:12What happened?
26:16Yes, Mr. Lawyer.
26:18I'll sign the company when I get there.
26:20Thank you. Have a good day.
26:26They don't give me permission.
26:27What are they doing?
26:29Don't do it, for God's sake.
26:31I'm aware of everything.
26:37What are you aware of?
26:40How are you aware of it, Beste?
26:42Don't pretend to be a complainer.
26:44I'm aware that you don't think of anything other than the company.
26:49Is that possible?
26:51I was thinking of a middle way.
26:53At that time, the lawyer called.
26:57The daughter of my father's murderer settled in our house.
27:00He's interested in our daughter.
27:03My daughter doesn't talk to me, do you realize that?
27:06Is the company more important right now?
27:08No, of course not, honey.
27:10But I mean, I don't know what to do.
27:12I'm in shock, Beste.
27:16What is Kerim trying to do? What's his problem?
27:19If I didn't know him, I'd say he's trying to destroy this family.
27:28Look, the most important thing for us is our daughter.
27:31Don't try to fight anyone right now.
27:34Don't let Özge see you angry all the time.
27:37Otherwise, she'll stay away from you more.
27:42What about us, Beste?
27:47Don't stay away from our daughter because of what Kerim did, Hafiz.
27:51If we obey Kerim,
27:53our family will be shattered.
27:58And we'll lose our daughter.
28:02I don't want to lose my family.
28:04Then we'll stay calm.
28:07We'll stay calm.
28:12We won't let Kerim keep us away from each other.
28:16After we get used to each other,
28:19the rest is easy.
28:21Okay, honey?
28:28I love you.
28:30I love you so much.
28:38If you're Veysel, I'm Mehpare.
28:41Let's see.
28:45I'll dig up the foundation of this house
28:48and still find that money, Veysel.
28:58You're going to kidnap money from Mehpare, aren't you?
29:02Let's see.
29:04You're the kidnapper,
29:06and I'm the kidnapper.
29:14Mom, what are you doing? What's going on here?
29:17Don't talk, girl. Pack up.
29:19Okay, but why did you give it away?
29:24Dad is looking for the money he's hiding from us.
29:27What money?
29:29Dad's millions.
29:32Mom, you're out of your mind.
29:35Girl, I'll break your bones.
29:38I'm already mad at you.
29:40Okay, I didn't say anything.
29:42Girl, am I crying for myself?
29:44I'm saying your dad is a millionaire.
29:46Can't you see? We're breaking his bones, too.
29:49Mom, why would my dad be looking for money?
29:52He's in jail. We haven't found a lawyer yet.
29:55Don't worry.
29:57He'll find a lawyer.
29:59He'll find a way out of that hole.
30:01God help us.
30:03Use your head and think about where the money is.
30:14I'm scared.
30:16What happened?
30:18Mom, what happened?
30:22What happened to my dad?
30:24Is he going to eat the money with a woman?
30:27Mom, for God's sake, don't think about it.
30:30I swear, I knew it.
30:32He's going to eat the money with another woman.
30:35Can't you see?
30:37I paid for it.
30:39And he's going to enjoy it.
30:43I won't let him.
30:45I swear, I won't let him eat the money.
30:47I won't.
30:52Look at him.
30:53Look at him.
30:55He's always like this.
30:57It's like he's been together for three months.
31:20This is where you'll stay.
31:21I know, it's not very cozy.
31:23No problem.
31:25I just have to go home and get my stuff.
31:27Okay, you can go.
31:29By the way, my sister will keep coming after you.
31:33You'll have to be patient.
31:35Don't worry.
31:37I'll keep acting with others.
31:39I might even exaggerate it a little.
31:41Like I did just now.
31:43I'm sorry.
31:45I had to.
31:47You're not worth it for me.
31:48It doesn't matter how much I mean to you.
31:50I'm saying this because of the fortune I got from humanity.
31:56we'll discuss how much you got from it.
32:01I'm here to prove my father's innocence.
32:03I'll keep my mouth shut until I prove it.
32:08Then we'll continue our secret mission.
32:11But you'll be careful with the words you use against me.
32:15I'll keep my mouth shut.
32:16You'll be careful with the words you use against me.
32:18I'll keep my mouth shut until I prove it.
32:22I'm even starting now.
32:24What are you going to do?
32:26I'll examine the fingerprints on the gun.
32:29I'm sure that's what will lead us to the right path.
32:49Yes, brother?
32:50I'm looking for a brother.
32:51I lost his address.
32:53Maybe you can help me.
32:58No, I couldn't find him.
33:01He's the driver of Zeki Söz 1.
33:03Maybe you remember him.
33:05No, brother. I don't know him.
33:11I'm looking for a brother.
33:13Zeki Söz 1.
33:14I'm looking for a brother.
33:16He's the driver of Zeki Söz 1.
33:17He lives around here.
33:19Veysel, Veysel.
33:20I swear I don't remember him.
33:45I'm looking for a brother.
33:47I'm looking for a brother.
33:49I'm looking for a brother.
33:51I'm looking for a brother.
33:53I'm looking for a brother.
33:55I'm looking for a brother.
33:57I'm looking for a brother.
33:59I'm looking for a brother.
34:01I'm looking for a brother.
34:03I'm looking for a brother.
34:05I'm looking for a brother.
34:07I'm looking for a brother.
34:09I'm looking for a brother.
34:11I'm looking for a brother.
34:12I'm looking for a brother.
34:43Dostum Selamlar.
34:45İyiyim iyiyim. Çok sağ ol.
34:47Dostlar sağ olsun.
34:50Senden bir şey rica edeceğim.
34:53Tabi mümkünse.
34:56Sana bir şey getireceğim.
34:58Bir emanet.
35:00Üzerindeki parmak izi kimin, onu öğrenmek istiyorum.
35:03Mümkün mü?
35:09Önce bir kağıt yapabilir miyim?
35:10Thank you, brother. Thank you very much.
35:15Let's go together.
35:29Are you following me?
35:31Actually, why are you looking for my father?
35:34Wait a minute. Is he your father?
35:43Yes, but who are you?
36:04I grew up without a father. He was the only person with me except my mother.
36:14He was used to beating me up. Every time he came, he brought a new football bat.
36:19Sometimes he was angry because I was being naughty.
36:23But he never raised his voice to me.
36:26Now I'm sure you know my father. Because he doesn't raise his voice to anyone easily.
36:33Now that you know I'm not a stranger, will you tell me where he is?
36:47My father...
36:55My father is in prison.
36:57In prison? How is that possible? Uncle Veysel is an angel. Why would he go to prison?
37:04Did he have an accident? Is there a misunderstanding?
37:07Zeki is accused of causing the death of a spokesman.
37:10Uncle Zeki? Is Uncle Zeki dead?
37:14And Uncle Veysel is accused of killing him, right?
37:21No way. Not in real life.
37:25As far as I know, they were two people tied to each other.
37:30Uncle Veysel couldn't have done such a thing.
37:33I understand you very well.
37:35When I first heard that my father could have done such a thing, I didn't believe it.
37:41I don't believe it now.
37:44Because there's no way.
37:46When I was a kid, I couldn't have killed a person who said,
37:49don't pluck the flowers, they have a soul.
37:53As far as I know, Uncle Zeki would never do such a thing.
37:57No way. My father is not guilty.
38:01And I will do whatever I can to prove it.
38:05If you don't get me wrong, let me get your phone number.
38:09If there's anything I can do, call me.
38:12I would be very happy if you could write your meeting dates.
38:15I will, I will.
38:33Mr. Faruk, we have a guest.
38:37Okay, you can go.
38:40What happened, Tekin?
38:42What's the rush?
38:44Or did Zeki do it?
38:47I wish it were.
38:49Kerim is after us.
38:52What do you mean?
38:54What's going on?
38:57Kerim saved the girl.
38:59He brought her to the mansion.
39:01He said Veysel's daughter would live here.
39:03Oh my God.
39:05Why did Kerim do such a thing?
39:07Who is he?
39:16You know...
39:19You are incompetent.
39:22I gave you a job and you couldn't even do it.
39:25What do you do for a living?
39:27Mr. Faruk, I thought everything through...
39:29Shut up!
39:31If you had thought everything through,
39:34we wouldn't be in this situation right now.
39:37Pray that they didn't leave anything behind.
39:49Did they leave anything behind?
39:53Someone dropped his gun.
40:00God damn it.
40:04God damn it.
40:12Look, Tekin.
40:16...you solve this Kerim issue.
40:21...you prevent it from reaching you.
40:28To us, Mr. Faruk.
40:31To us.
40:33To us?
40:35There is nothing to us, Tekin.
40:37Put that in your head.
40:44If you want something to happen to us...
40:47...then you solve this issue.
40:49Do you understand?
40:53I said, do you understand?
40:55I understand.
41:00I understand.
41:03I understand.
41:33I understand.
41:53What is this house like?
41:57Is there a war? Or is it just cleaning?
42:08Of course.
42:09Let her sister walk around.
42:11Enjoy her day.
42:12That's what's going to stay in Seher.
42:15Someone has to clean this house, right Ms. Ecrin?
42:18This is not a hotel.
42:19I didn't walk around all day, don't worry.
42:21I found a job.
42:22A job?
42:27Girl, how much will they give?
42:29Are you going to get an advance?
42:33I'm going to take care of a family's child.
42:35I haven't gotten an advance yet...
42:36...but they're going to invest it in a few days.
42:39I'll give it to you when I invest it.
42:42The job is on the house.
42:43That's why I have to pack my things.
42:45Is it on the house?
42:47Sister, are you going to go?
42:49I basically don't go, sister.
42:52I'll come whenever you want.
42:54Girl, this is the house.
42:55She'll come, right?
42:56Look, beautiful girl.
42:58That money is your right.
42:59You'll look for your right.
43:01If you're working, you'll get your reward.
43:06Anyway, I'll go pack my things.
43:15Come on, girl.
43:16Don't stop, get up.
43:17Get up, get up.
43:18Get up, girl, why are you standing?
43:19Get up, get up.
43:20Get up.
43:25I still don't understand how something like this happens.
43:27How can someone who's been working with me for years...
43:30...do this to a man like Uncle Zeki?
43:35If I wasn't abroad, I'd be with you.
43:37I wouldn't leave you alone.
43:39I know, brother. Thank you.
43:41Everything happened so suddenly...
43:43...that we were rushed from place to place.
43:45What are you going to do now?
43:46Are you going back abroad?
43:49No, I'm not going back, I'm going to stay here.
43:51I have to figure out what's behind this.
43:54What do you mean?
43:56Things are a little complicated.
43:59Brother Veysel's daughter...
44:01...says her father is innocent.
44:03What do you think?
44:04Honestly, I think it's a trap too.
44:07That there's someone else behind this.
44:12...I have to figure this out.
44:14That's why I need Ecrin.
44:17That's one reason I brought him home.
44:20The other reason is...
44:21...to ensure his safety.
44:24They kidnapped Ecrin.
44:26And I saved him.
44:28Did you save him?
44:31What have you gotten yourself into?
44:33Uncle Zeki, what have you gotten yourself into?
44:36The more I say I'm getting out of this...
44:38...the more I get you involved.
44:42There's no trap that Kerim can't get out of.
44:46Who knows?
44:47Maybe it's not such a big trap.
44:53Let's go.
45:13Why did you leave me?
45:18Look, you left...
45:19...the kids started to fight.
45:23If you were here, you would have picked them up and told them to shut up.
45:32I wish you were here.
45:47What are you doing, mom?
45:50I'm looking at old photos.
45:54I missed your father so much.
45:57I didn't know he was dead.
46:02Me neither, mom.
46:05It's so hard without my father.
46:16But the more I know that she is here, the more I go crazy when I know that Kerim brought her here.
46:21Calm down, dear.
46:24I don't approve it either.
46:26But I trust Kerim.
46:28How do you trust him, mom?
46:30He took the daughter of our father's murderer and placed her in the cemetery.
46:34He said he would live here looking into our eyes.
46:37Kerim doesn't say these things for nothing.
46:40He must have a plan.
46:42You always protect your son, mom.
46:44I wish he never came back.
46:46He came and ruined our peace.
46:48Be careful with the words you use, Beste.
46:51I feel like I'm more of an enemy, mom.
46:56You're being ridiculous.
46:58Don't let it get to you.
47:00That's the way it is, Afis.
47:02I'm sick of Kerim making decisions for all of us.
47:05I wish you were sick of it too, mom.
47:22Come here.
47:26Good luck.
47:30Do you need help?
47:32I guess you do.
47:34No need. I can take care of it myself.
47:36No way. Give it to me.
47:38What are you doing?
47:40Someone will see.
47:42It will be a mess again.
47:45Do it then.
47:47I will.
47:49You're doing a great job.
47:52Move aside.
47:54Let me take this.
47:56You don't have to worry about being seen.
48:00They won't come to you because they see you as a pain in the ass.
48:04You're right.
48:06I feel sick.
48:08I didn't mean it that way.
48:10But give them some right.
48:12After all, my father's murderer...
48:16Okay, calm down. I didn't say anything.
48:18We don't need to discuss this right now.
48:21Anyway, what were we doing?
48:23Let me take this.
48:25What happened to the gun you bought from the guys?
48:28Fingerprints were found.
48:30If there is a record of the past, it will be revealed soon. Don't worry.
48:33I hope all the facts will be revealed.
48:35And this game will end as soon as possible.
48:38I promise you.
48:40I will reveal the secret behind my father's death.
48:43If you don't break our deal...
48:44...you will learn the truth about your father.
49:15I will never give up, Kerim.
49:24So this was your intention, Kerim.
49:30Now, I'm going to kill you.
49:33I'm going to kill you.
49:35I'm going to kill you.
49:37I'm going to kill you.
49:39I'm going to kill you.
49:41I'm going to kill you.
49:43Now it's revealed.
50:04Mom, where is Beste?
50:08I don't know, Tekin.
50:13Oh, mom.
50:18It's been a week, but...
50:21...it feels like years have passed.
50:24Look over there.
50:26Everything is empty without our father.
50:38Where have you been? I was so worried when I couldn't see you.
50:40I was so worried when I couldn't see you.
50:43Beste, are you okay?
50:45Honey, are you okay?
50:49Nihal, get some water, Nihal!
50:51Honey, are you okay?
50:55Honey, something happened to Özge.
50:57Beste, say something, honey.
50:58Nihal, come on!
51:04Come on.
51:11What are you doing, honey?
51:15You lost yourself.
51:17Did I lose myself?
51:19Did I lose myself?
51:22If there's someone who lost himself, it's your son.
51:25If you're going to be mad at me...
51:27...go and be mad at your son.
51:30See what he's up to.
51:36He's the one who lost himself.
51:40What does that mean?
51:42Why did he bring that girl here?
51:45Come and see for yourself.
51:48Let's see if you can protect your son then.
51:50Come on!
51:57Honey, what's going on?
51:59For God's sake, please calm down.
52:03Hold it from the end.
52:04Let's see.
52:11There's someone there, too.
52:13That's what happened.
52:15How many years has he been here?
52:18I don't know.
52:20My father wanted to make this place a resting place.
52:25But my mother didn't let him.
52:29He can't rest without him.
52:31He should always be in front of him.
52:41If it was now...
52:43...he would have let him.
52:46We both miss our fathers.
52:50I hope this will be resolved as soon as possible.
52:56...my father must come to his senses as soon as possible.
52:59Believe me...
53:01...what I want the most...
53:04...is to solve this.
53:07...I finally learned why you brought her here.
53:10What's going on, mom?
53:12Sister, what are you talking about?
53:15I know what your plan is.
53:17Don't hide it anymore.
